AC_AttitudeControl: enhanced quaternion attitude controller

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Leonard Hall 2016-06-24 16:20:21 +09:00 committed by Randy Mackay
parent 117ae89505
commit 8737f6b62d
5 changed files with 544 additions and 484 deletions

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@ -97,309 +97,431 @@ const AP_Param::GroupInfo AC_AttitudeControl::var_info[] = {
void AC_AttitudeControl::relax_bf_rate_controller()
// Set output throttle and disable stabilization
void AC_AttitudeControl::set_throttle_out_unstabilized(float throttle_in, bool reset_attitude_control, float filter_cutoff)
_throttle_in = throttle_in;
if (reset_attitude_control) {
_angle_boost = 0.0f;
// Ensure attitude controller have zero errors to relax rate controller output
void AC_AttitudeControl::relax_attitude_controllers()
// TODO add _ahrs.get_quaternion()
_attitude_target_ang_vel = _ahrs.get_gyro();
_attitude_target_euler_angle = Vector3f(_ahrs.roll, _ahrs.pitch, _ahrs.yaw);
// Set reference angular velocity used in angular velocity controller equal
// to the input angular velocity and reset the angular velocity integrators.
// This zeros the output of the angular velocity controller.
_ang_vel_target_rads = _ahrs.get_gyro();
_rate_target_ang_vel = _ahrs.get_gyro();
// Write euler derivatives derived from vehicle angular velocity to
// _att_target_euler_rate_rads. This resets the state of the input shapers.
ang_vel_to_euler_rate(Vector3f(_ahrs.roll,_ahrs.pitch,_ahrs.yaw), _ang_vel_target_rads, _att_target_euler_rate_rads);
void AC_AttitudeControl::shift_ef_yaw_target(float yaw_shift_cd)
// The attitude controller works around the concept of the desired attitude, target attitude
// and measured attitude. The desired attitude is the attitude input into the attitude controller
// that expresses where the higher level code would like the aircraft to move to. The target attitude is moved
// to the desired attitude with jerk, acceleration, and velocity limits. The target angular velocities are fed
// directly into the rate controllers. The angular error between the measured attitude and the target attitude is
// fed into the angle controller and the output of the angle controller summed at the input of the rate controllers.
// By feeding the target angular velocity directly into the rate controllers the measured and target attitudes
// remain very close together.
// All input functions below follow the same procedure
// 1. define the desired attitude the aircraft should attempt to achieve using the input variables
// 2. using the desired attitude and input variables, define the target angular velocity so that it should
// move the target attitude towards the desired attitude
// 3. if _rate_bf_ff_enabled & _use_ff_and_input_shaping are not being used then make the target attitude
// and target angular velocities equal to the desired attitude and desired angular velocities.
// 4. ensure _attitude_target_quat, _attitude_target_euler_angle, _attitude_target_euler_rate and
// _attitude_target_ang_vel have been defined. This ensures input modes can be changed without discontinuity.
// 5. attitude_controller_run_quat is then run to pass the target angular velocities to the rate controllers and
// integrate them into the target attitude. Any errors between the target attitude and the measured attitude are
// corrected by first correcting the thrust vector until the angle between the target thrust vector measured
// trust vector drops below 2*AC_ATTITUDE_THRUST_ERROR_ANGLE. At this point the heading is also corrected.
// Command a Quaternion attitude with feedforward and smoothing
void AC_AttitudeControl::input_quaternion(Quaternion attitude_desired_quat, float smoothing_gain)
_att_target_euler_rad.z = wrap_2PI(_att_target_euler_rad.z + radians(yaw_shift_cd*0.01f));
// calculate the attitude target euler angles
_attitude_target_quat.to_euler(_attitude_target_euler_angle.x, _attitude_target_euler_angle.y, _attitude_target_euler_angle.z);
// ensure smoothing gain can not cause overshoot
smoothing_gain = constrain_float(smoothing_gain,1.0f,1/_dt);
Quaternion attitude_error_quat = _attitude_target_quat.inverse() * attitude_desired_quat;
Vector3f attitude_error_angle;
if (_rate_bf_ff_enabled & _use_ff_and_input_shaping) {
// When acceleration limiting and feedforward are enabled, the sqrt controller is used to compute an euler
// angular velocity that will cause the euler angle to smoothly stop at the input angle with limited deceleration
// and an exponential decay specified by smoothing_gain at the end.
_attitude_target_ang_vel.x = input_shaping_angle(attitude_error_angle.x, smoothing_gain, get_accel_roll_max_radss(), _attitude_target_ang_vel.x);
_attitude_target_ang_vel.y = input_shaping_angle(attitude_error_angle.y, smoothing_gain, get_accel_pitch_max_radss(), _attitude_target_ang_vel.y);
_attitude_target_ang_vel.z = input_shaping_angle(attitude_error_angle.z, smoothing_gain, get_accel_yaw_max_radss(), _attitude_target_ang_vel.z);
// Convert body-frame angular velocity into euler angle derivative of desired attitude
ang_vel_to_euler_rate(_attitude_target_euler_angle, _attitude_target_ang_vel, _attitude_target_euler_rate);
} else {
_attitude_target_quat = attitude_desired_quat;
// Set rate feedforward requests to zero
_attitude_target_euler_rate = Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
_attitude_target_ang_vel = Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
void AC_AttitudeControl::input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_euler_rate_yaw_smooth(float euler_roll_angle_cd, float euler_pitch_angle_cd, float euler_yaw_rate_cds, float smoothing_gain)
// Call quaternion attitude controller
// Command an euler roll and pitch angle and an euler yaw rate with angular velocity feedforward and smoothing
void AC_AttitudeControl::input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_euler_rate_yaw(float euler_roll_angle_cd, float euler_pitch_angle_cd, float euler_yaw_rate_cds, float smoothing_gain)
// Convert from centidegrees on public interface to radians
float euler_roll_angle_rad = radians(euler_roll_angle_cd*0.01f);
float euler_pitch_angle_rad = radians(euler_pitch_angle_cd*0.01f);
float euler_yaw_rate_rads = radians(euler_yaw_rate_cds*0.01f);
float euler_roll_angle = radians(euler_roll_angle_cd*0.01f);
float euler_pitch_angle = radians(euler_pitch_angle_cd*0.01f);
float euler_yaw_rate = radians(euler_yaw_rate_cds*0.01f);
// Sanity check smoothing gain
smoothing_gain = constrain_float(smoothing_gain,1.0f,50.0f);
// calculate the attitude target euler angles
_attitude_target_quat.to_euler(_attitude_target_euler_angle.x, _attitude_target_euler_angle.y, _attitude_target_euler_angle.z);
// ensure smoothing gain can not cause overshoot
smoothing_gain = constrain_float(smoothing_gain,1.0f,1/_dt);
// Add roll trim to compensate tail rotor thrust in heli (will return zero on multirotors)
euler_roll_angle_rad += get_roll_trim_rad();
euler_roll_angle += get_roll_trim_rad();
if ((get_accel_roll_max_radss() > 0.0f) && _rate_bf_ff_enabled) {
// When roll acceleration limiting and feedforward are enabled, the sqrt controller is used to compute an euler roll-axis
// angular velocity that will cause the euler roll angle to smoothly stop at the input angle with limited deceleration
if (_rate_bf_ff_enabled & _use_ff_and_input_shaping) {
// translate the roll pitch and yaw acceleration limits to the euler axis
Vector3f euler_accel = euler_accel_limit(_attitude_target_euler_angle, Vector3f(get_accel_roll_max_radss(), get_accel_pitch_max_radss(), get_accel_yaw_max_radss()));
// When acceleration limiting and feedforward are enabled, the sqrt controller is used to compute an euler
// angular velocity that will cause the euler angle to smoothly stop at the input angle with limited deceleration
// and an exponential decay specified by smoothing_gain at the end.
float euler_rate_desired_rads = sqrt_controller(euler_roll_angle_rad-_att_target_euler_rad.x, smoothing_gain, get_accel_roll_max_radss());
_attitude_target_euler_rate.x = input_shaping_angle(euler_roll_angle-_attitude_target_euler_angle.x, smoothing_gain, euler_accel.x, _attitude_target_euler_rate.x);
_attitude_target_euler_rate.y = input_shaping_angle(euler_pitch_angle-_attitude_target_euler_angle.y, smoothing_gain, euler_accel.y, _attitude_target_euler_rate.y);
// Acceleration is limited directly to smooth the beginning of the curve.
float rate_change_limit_rads = get_accel_roll_max_radss() * _dt;
_att_target_euler_rate_rads.x = constrain_float(euler_rate_desired_rads, _att_target_euler_rate_rads.x-rate_change_limit_rads, _att_target_euler_rate_rads.x+rate_change_limit_rads);
// The output rate is used to update the attitude target euler angles and is fed forward into the rate controller.
update_att_target_roll(_att_target_euler_rate_rads.x, AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_STAB_ROLL_OVERSHOOT_ANGLE_MAX_RAD);
} else {
// When acceleration limiting and feedforward are not enabled, the target roll euler angle is simply set to the
// input value and the feedforward rate is zeroed.
_att_target_euler_rad.x = euler_roll_angle_rad;
_att_target_euler_rate_rads.x = 0;
_att_target_euler_rad.x = constrain_float(_att_target_euler_rad.x, -get_tilt_limit_rad(), get_tilt_limit_rad());
if ((get_accel_pitch_max_radss() > 0.0f) && _rate_bf_ff_enabled) {
// When pitch acceleration limiting and feedforward are enabled, the sqrt controller is used to compute an euler pitch-axis
// angular velocity that will cause the euler pitch angle to smoothly stop at the input angle with limited deceleration
// and an exponential decay specified by smoothing_gain at the end.
float euler_rate_desired_rads = sqrt_controller(euler_pitch_angle_rad-_att_target_euler_rad.y, smoothing_gain, get_accel_pitch_max_radss());
// Acceleration is limited directly to smooth the beginning of the curve.
float rate_change_limit_rads = get_accel_pitch_max_radss() * _dt;
_att_target_euler_rate_rads.y = constrain_float(euler_rate_desired_rads, _att_target_euler_rate_rads.y-rate_change_limit_rads, _att_target_euler_rate_rads.y+rate_change_limit_rads);
// The output rate is used to update the attitude target euler angles and is fed forward into the rate controller.
update_att_target_pitch(_att_target_euler_rate_rads.y, AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_STAB_ROLL_OVERSHOOT_ANGLE_MAX_RAD);
} else {
_att_target_euler_rad.y = euler_pitch_angle_rad;
_att_target_euler_rate_rads.y = 0;
_att_target_euler_rad.y = constrain_float(_att_target_euler_rad.y, -get_tilt_limit_rad(), get_tilt_limit_rad());
if (get_accel_yaw_max_radss() > 0.0f) {
// When yaw acceleration limiting is enabled, the yaw input shaper constrains angular acceleration about the yaw axis, slewing
// the output rate towards the input rate.
float rate_change_limit_rads = get_accel_yaw_max_radss() * _dt;
_att_target_euler_rate_rads.z += constrain_float(euler_yaw_rate_rads - _att_target_euler_rate_rads.z, -rate_change_limit_rads, rate_change_limit_rads);
_attitude_target_euler_rate.z = input_shaping_ang_vel(_attitude_target_euler_rate.z, euler_yaw_rate, euler_accel.z);
// The output rate is used to update the attitude target euler angles and is fed forward into the rate controller.
update_att_target_yaw(_att_target_euler_rate_rads.z, AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_STAB_YAW_OVERSHOOT_ANGLE_MAX_RAD);
// Convert euler angle derivative of desired attitude into a body-frame angular velocity vector for feedforward
euler_rate_to_ang_vel(_attitude_target_euler_angle, _attitude_target_euler_rate, _attitude_target_ang_vel);
} else {
// When yaw acceleration limiting is disabled, the attitude target is simply rotated using the input rate and the input rate
// is fed forward into the rate controller.
_att_target_euler_rate_rads.z = euler_yaw_rate_rads;
update_att_target_yaw(_att_target_euler_rate_rads.z, AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_STAB_YAW_OVERSHOOT_ANGLE_MAX_RAD);
// When feedforward is not enabled, the target euler angle is input into the target and the feedforward rate is zeroed.
_attitude_target_euler_angle.x = euler_roll_angle;
_attitude_target_euler_angle.y = euler_pitch_angle;
_attitude_target_euler_angle.z += euler_yaw_rate*_dt;
// Compute quaternion target attitude
_attitude_target_quat.from_euler(_attitude_target_euler_angle.x, _attitude_target_euler_angle.y, _attitude_target_euler_angle.z);
// Set rate feedforward requests to zero
_attitude_target_euler_rate = Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
_attitude_target_ang_vel = Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
// Call quaternion attitude controller
// Command an euler roll, pitch and yaw angle with angular velocity feedforward and smoothing
void AC_AttitudeControl::input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_yaw(float euler_roll_angle_cd, float euler_pitch_angle_cd, float euler_yaw_angle_cd, bool slew_yaw, float smoothing_gain)
// Convert from centidegrees on public interface to radians
float euler_roll_angle = radians(euler_roll_angle_cd*0.01f);
float euler_pitch_angle = radians(euler_pitch_angle_cd*0.01f);
float euler_yaw_angle = radians(euler_yaw_angle_cd*0.01f);
// calculate the attitude target euler angles
_attitude_target_quat.to_euler(_attitude_target_euler_angle.x, _attitude_target_euler_angle.y, _attitude_target_euler_angle.z);
// ensure smoothing gain can not cause overshoot
smoothing_gain = constrain_float(smoothing_gain,1.0f,1/_dt);
// Add roll trim to compensate tail rotor thrust in heli (will return zero on multirotors)
euler_roll_angle += get_roll_trim_rad();
if (_rate_bf_ff_enabled & _use_ff_and_input_shaping) {
// translate the roll pitch and yaw acceleration limits to the euler axis
Vector3f euler_accel = euler_accel_limit(_attitude_target_euler_angle, Vector3f(get_accel_roll_max_radss(), get_accel_pitch_max_radss(), get_accel_yaw_max_radss()));
// When acceleration limiting and feedforward are enabled, the sqrt controller is used to compute an euler
// angular velocity that will cause the euler angle to smoothly stop at the input angle with limited deceleration
// and an exponential decay specified by smoothing_gain at the end.
_attitude_target_euler_rate.x = input_shaping_angle(euler_roll_angle-_attitude_target_euler_angle.x, smoothing_gain, euler_accel.x, _attitude_target_euler_rate.x);
_attitude_target_euler_rate.y = input_shaping_angle(euler_pitch_angle-_attitude_target_euler_angle.y, smoothing_gain, euler_accel.y, _attitude_target_euler_rate.y);
_attitude_target_euler_rate.z = input_shaping_angle(euler_yaw_angle-_attitude_target_euler_angle.z, smoothing_gain, euler_accel.z, _attitude_target_euler_rate.z);
if (slew_yaw) {
_attitude_target_euler_rate.z = constrain_float(_attitude_target_euler_rate.z, -get_slew_yaw_rads(), get_slew_yaw_rads());
// Convert euler angle derivative of desired attitude into a body-frame angular velocity vector for feedforward
if (_rate_bf_ff_enabled) {
euler_rate_to_ang_vel(_att_target_euler_rad, _att_target_euler_rate_rads, _att_target_ang_vel_rads);
euler_rate_to_ang_vel(_attitude_target_euler_angle, _attitude_target_euler_rate, _attitude_target_ang_vel);
} else {
euler_rate_to_ang_vel(_att_target_euler_rad, Vector3f(0,0,_att_target_euler_rate_rads.z), _att_target_ang_vel_rads);
// Call attitude controller
attitude_controller_run_euler(_att_target_euler_rad, _att_target_ang_vel_rads);
void AC_AttitudeControl::input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_euler_rate_yaw(float euler_roll_angle_cd, float euler_pitch_angle_cd, float euler_yaw_rate_cds)
// Convert from centidegrees on public interface to radians
float euler_roll_angle_rad = radians(euler_roll_angle_cd*0.01f);
float euler_pitch_angle_rad = radians(euler_pitch_angle_cd*0.01f);
float euler_yaw_rate_rads = radians(euler_yaw_rate_cds*0.01f);
// Add roll trim to compensate tail rotor thrust in heli (will return zero on multirotors)
euler_roll_angle_rad += get_roll_trim_rad();
// Set roll/pitch attitude targets from input.
_att_target_euler_rad.x = constrain_float(euler_roll_angle_rad, -get_tilt_limit_rad(), get_tilt_limit_rad());
_att_target_euler_rad.y = constrain_float(euler_pitch_angle_rad, -get_tilt_limit_rad(), get_tilt_limit_rad());
// Zero the roll and pitch feed-forward rate.
_att_target_euler_rate_rads.x = 0;
_att_target_euler_rate_rads.y = 0;
if (get_accel_yaw_max_radss() > 0.0f) {
// When yaw acceleration limiting is enabled, the yaw input shaper constrains angular acceleration about the yaw axis, slewing
// the output rate towards the input rate.
float rate_change_limit_rads = get_accel_yaw_max_radss() * _dt;
_att_target_euler_rate_rads.z += constrain_float(euler_yaw_rate_rads - _att_target_euler_rate_rads.z, -rate_change_limit_rads, rate_change_limit_rads);
// The output rate is used to update the attitude target euler angles and is fed forward into the rate controller.
update_att_target_yaw(_att_target_euler_rate_rads.z, AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_STAB_YAW_OVERSHOOT_ANGLE_MAX_RAD);
} else {
// When yaw acceleration limiting is disabled, the attitude target is simply rotated using the input rate and the input rate
// is fed forward into the rate controller.
_att_target_euler_rate_rads.z = euler_yaw_rate_rads;
update_att_target_yaw(_att_target_euler_rate_rads.z, AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_STAB_YAW_OVERSHOOT_ANGLE_MAX_RAD);
// Convert euler angle derivatives of desired attitude into a body-frame angular velocity vector for feedforward
euler_rate_to_ang_vel(_att_target_euler_rad, _att_target_euler_rate_rads, _att_target_ang_vel_rads);
// Call attitude controller
attitude_controller_run_euler(_att_target_euler_rad, _att_target_ang_vel_rads);
void AC_AttitudeControl::input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_yaw(float euler_roll_angle_cd, float euler_pitch_angle_cd, float euler_yaw_angle_cd, bool slew_yaw)
// Convert from centidegrees on public interface to radians
float euler_roll_angle_rad = radians(euler_roll_angle_cd*0.01f);
float euler_pitch_angle_rad = radians(euler_pitch_angle_cd*0.01f);
float euler_yaw_angle_rad = radians(euler_yaw_angle_cd*0.01f);
// Add roll trim to compensate tail rotor thrust in heli (will return zero on multirotors)
euler_roll_angle_rad += get_roll_trim_rad();
// Set attitude targets from input.
_att_target_euler_rad.x = constrain_float(euler_roll_angle_rad, -get_tilt_limit_rad(), get_tilt_limit_rad());
_att_target_euler_rad.y = constrain_float(euler_pitch_angle_rad, -get_tilt_limit_rad(), get_tilt_limit_rad());
_att_target_euler_rad.z = euler_yaw_angle_rad;
// If slew_yaw is enabled, constrain yaw target within get_slew_yaw_rads() of _ahrs.yaw
// When feedforward is not enabled, the target euler angle is input into the target and the feedforward rate is zeroed.
_attitude_target_euler_angle.x = euler_roll_angle;
_attitude_target_euler_angle.y = euler_pitch_angle;
if (slew_yaw) {
// Compute constrained angle error
float angle_error = constrain_float(wrap_PI(_att_target_euler_rad.z - _ahrs.yaw), -get_slew_yaw_rads(), get_slew_yaw_rads());
float angle_error = constrain_float(wrap_PI(euler_yaw_angle-_attitude_target_euler_angle.z), -get_slew_yaw_rads()*_dt, get_slew_yaw_rads()*_dt);
// Update attitude target from constrained angle error
_att_target_euler_rad.z = angle_error + _ahrs.yaw;
_attitude_target_euler_angle.z = wrap_PI(angle_error + _attitude_target_euler_angle.z);
} else {
_attitude_target_euler_angle.z = euler_yaw_angle;
// Compute quaternion target attitude
_attitude_target_quat.from_euler(_attitude_target_euler_angle.x, _attitude_target_euler_angle.y, _attitude_target_euler_angle.z);
// Set rate feedforward requests to zero
_attitude_target_euler_rate = Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
_attitude_target_ang_vel = Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
// Call attitude controller
attitude_controller_run_euler(_att_target_euler_rad, Vector3f(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f));
// Keep euler derivative updated
ang_vel_to_euler_rate(Vector3f(_ahrs.roll,_ahrs.pitch,_ahrs.yaw), _ang_vel_target_rads, _att_target_euler_rate_rads);
// Call quaternion attitude controller
// Command an euler roll, pitch, and yaw rate with angular velocity feedforward and smoothing
void AC_AttitudeControl::input_euler_rate_roll_pitch_yaw(float euler_roll_rate_cds, float euler_pitch_rate_cds, float euler_yaw_rate_cds)
// Convert from centidegrees on public interface to radians
float euler_roll_rate_rads = radians(euler_roll_rate_cds*0.01f);
float euler_pitch_rate_rads = radians(euler_pitch_rate_cds*0.01f);
float euler_yaw_rate_rads = radians(euler_yaw_rate_cds*0.01f);
float euler_roll_rate = radians(euler_roll_rate_cds*0.01f);
float euler_pitch_rate = radians(euler_pitch_rate_cds*0.01f);
float euler_yaw_rate = radians(euler_yaw_rate_cds*0.01f);
// Compute acceleration-limited euler roll rate
if (get_accel_roll_max_radss() > 0.0f) {
float rate_change_limit_rads = get_accel_roll_max_radss() * _dt;
_att_target_euler_rate_rads.x += constrain_float(euler_roll_rate_rads - _att_target_euler_rate_rads.x, -rate_change_limit_rads, rate_change_limit_rads);
// calculate the attitude target euler angles
_attitude_target_quat.to_euler(_attitude_target_euler_angle.x, _attitude_target_euler_angle.y, _attitude_target_euler_angle.z);
if (_rate_bf_ff_enabled & _use_ff_and_input_shaping) {
// translate the roll pitch and yaw acceleration limits to the euler axis
Vector3f euler_accel = euler_accel_limit(_attitude_target_euler_angle, Vector3f(get_accel_roll_max_radss(), get_accel_pitch_max_radss(), get_accel_yaw_max_radss()));
// When acceleration limiting is enabled, the input shaper constrains angular acceleration, slewing
// the output rate towards the input rate.
_attitude_target_euler_rate.x = input_shaping_ang_vel(_attitude_target_euler_rate.x, euler_roll_rate, euler_accel.x);
_attitude_target_euler_rate.y = input_shaping_ang_vel(_attitude_target_euler_rate.y, euler_pitch_rate, euler_accel.y);
_attitude_target_euler_rate.z = input_shaping_ang_vel(_attitude_target_euler_rate.z, euler_yaw_rate, euler_accel.z);
// Convert euler angle derivative of desired attitude into a body-frame angular velocity vector for feedforward
euler_rate_to_ang_vel(_attitude_target_euler_angle, _attitude_target_euler_rate, _attitude_target_ang_vel);
} else {
_att_target_euler_rate_rads.x = euler_roll_rate_rads;
// When feedforward is not enabled, the target euler angle is input into the target and the feedforward rate is zeroed.
// Pitch angle is restricted to +- 85.0 degrees to avoid gimbal lock discontinuities.
_attitude_target_euler_angle.x = wrap_PI(_attitude_target_euler_angle.x + euler_roll_rate*_dt);
_attitude_target_euler_angle.y = constrain_float(_attitude_target_euler_angle.y + euler_pitch_rate*_dt, radians(-85.0f), radians(85.0f));
_attitude_target_euler_angle.z = wrap_2PI(_attitude_target_euler_angle.z + euler_yaw_rate*_dt);
// Set rate feedforward requests to zero
_attitude_target_euler_rate = Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
_attitude_target_ang_vel = Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
// Compute quaternion target attitude
_attitude_target_quat.from_euler(_attitude_target_euler_angle.x, _attitude_target_euler_angle.y, _attitude_target_euler_angle.z);
// Compute acceleration-limited euler pitch rate
if (get_accel_pitch_max_radss() > 0.0f) {
float rate_change_limit_rads = get_accel_pitch_max_radss() * _dt;
_att_target_euler_rate_rads.y += constrain_float(euler_pitch_rate_rads - _att_target_euler_rate_rads.y, -rate_change_limit_rads, rate_change_limit_rads);
} else {
_att_target_euler_rate_rads.y = euler_pitch_rate_rads;
// Compute acceleration-limited euler yaw rate
if (get_accel_yaw_max_radss() > 0.0f) {
float rate_change_limit_rads = get_accel_yaw_max_radss() * _dt;
_att_target_euler_rate_rads.z += constrain_float(euler_yaw_rate_rads - _att_target_euler_rate_rads.z, -rate_change_limit_rads, rate_change_limit_rads);
} else {
_att_target_euler_rate_rads.z = euler_yaw_rate_rads;
// Update the attitude target from the computed euler rates
update_att_target_roll(_att_target_euler_rate_rads.x, AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_STAB_ROLL_OVERSHOOT_ANGLE_MAX_RAD);
update_att_target_pitch(_att_target_euler_rate_rads.y, AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_STAB_PITCH_OVERSHOOT_ANGLE_MAX_RAD);
update_att_target_yaw(_att_target_euler_rate_rads.z, AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_STAB_YAW_OVERSHOOT_ANGLE_MAX_RAD);
// Apply tilt limit
_att_target_euler_rad.x = constrain_float(_att_target_euler_rad.x, -get_tilt_limit_rad(), get_tilt_limit_rad());
_att_target_euler_rad.y = constrain_float(_att_target_euler_rad.y, -get_tilt_limit_rad(), get_tilt_limit_rad());
// Convert euler angle derivatives of desired attitude into a body-frame angular velocity vector for feedforward
euler_rate_to_ang_vel(_att_target_euler_rad, _att_target_euler_rate_rads, _att_target_ang_vel_rads);
// Call attitude controller
attitude_controller_run_euler(_att_target_euler_rad, _att_target_ang_vel_rads);
// Call quaternion attitude controller
// Command an angular velocity with angular velocity feedforward and smoothing
void AC_AttitudeControl::input_rate_bf_roll_pitch_yaw(float roll_rate_bf_cds, float pitch_rate_bf_cds, float yaw_rate_bf_cds)
// Convert from centidegrees on public interface to radians
float roll_rate_bf_rads = radians(roll_rate_bf_cds*0.01f);
float pitch_rate_bf_rads = radians(pitch_rate_bf_cds*0.01f);
float yaw_rate_bf_rads = radians(yaw_rate_bf_cds*0.01f);
float roll_rate_rads = radians(roll_rate_bf_cds*0.01f);
float pitch_rate_rads = radians(pitch_rate_bf_cds*0.01f);
float yaw_rate_rads = radians(yaw_rate_bf_cds*0.01f);
// Compute acceleration-limited body-frame roll rate
if (get_accel_roll_max_radss() > 0.0f) {
float rate_change_limit_rads = get_accel_roll_max_radss() * _dt;
_att_target_ang_vel_rads.x += constrain_float(roll_rate_bf_rads - _att_target_ang_vel_rads.x, -rate_change_limit_rads, rate_change_limit_rads);
// calculate the attitude target euler angles
_attitude_target_quat.to_euler(_attitude_target_euler_angle.x, _attitude_target_euler_angle.y, _attitude_target_euler_angle.z);
if (_rate_bf_ff_enabled & _use_ff_and_input_shaping) {
// Compute acceleration-limited euler rates
// When acceleration limiting is enabled, the input shaper constrains angular acceleration about the axis, slewing
// the output rate towards the input rate.
_attitude_target_ang_vel.x = input_shaping_ang_vel(_attitude_target_ang_vel.x, roll_rate_rads, get_accel_roll_max_radss());
_attitude_target_ang_vel.y = input_shaping_ang_vel(_attitude_target_ang_vel.y, pitch_rate_rads, get_accel_pitch_max_radss());
_attitude_target_ang_vel.z = input_shaping_ang_vel(_attitude_target_ang_vel.z, yaw_rate_rads, get_accel_yaw_max_radss());
// Convert body-frame angular velocity into euler angle derivative of desired attitude
ang_vel_to_euler_rate(_attitude_target_euler_angle, _attitude_target_ang_vel, _attitude_target_euler_rate);
} else {
_att_target_ang_vel_rads.x = roll_rate_bf_rads;
// When feedforward is not enabled, the quaternion is calculated and is input into the target and the feedforward rate is zeroed.
Quaternion attitude_target_update_quat;
attitude_target_update_quat.from_axis_angle(Vector3f(roll_rate_rads * _dt, pitch_rate_rads * _dt, yaw_rate_rads * _dt));
_attitude_target_quat = _attitude_target_quat * attitude_target_update_quat;
// Set rate feedforward requests to zero
_attitude_target_euler_rate = Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
_attitude_target_ang_vel = Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
// Compute acceleration-limited body-frame pitch rate
if (get_accel_pitch_max_radss() > 0.0f) {
float rate_change_limit_rads = get_accel_pitch_max_radss() * _dt;
_att_target_ang_vel_rads.y += constrain_float(pitch_rate_bf_rads - _att_target_ang_vel_rads.y, -rate_change_limit_rads, rate_change_limit_rads);
} else {
_att_target_ang_vel_rads.y = pitch_rate_bf_rads;
// Compute acceleration-limited body-frame yaw rate
if (get_accel_yaw_max_radss() > 0.0f) {
float rate_change_limit_rads = get_accel_yaw_max_radss() * _dt;
_att_target_ang_vel_rads.z += constrain_float(yaw_rate_bf_rads - _att_target_ang_vel_rads.z, -rate_change_limit_rads, rate_change_limit_rads);
} else {
_att_target_ang_vel_rads.z = yaw_rate_bf_rads;
// Compute quaternion target attitude
Quaternion att_target_quat;
// Rotate quaternion target attitude using computed rate
// Call attitude controller
attitude_controller_run_quat(att_target_quat, _att_target_ang_vel_rads);
// Keep euler derivative updated
ang_vel_to_euler_rate(Vector3f(_ahrs.roll,_ahrs.pitch,_ahrs.yaw), _ang_vel_target_rads, _att_target_euler_rate_rads);
void AC_AttitudeControl::input_att_quat_bf_ang_vel(const Quaternion& att_target_quat, const Vector3f& att_target_ang_vel_rads)
// Call attitude controller
attitude_controller_run_quat(att_target_quat, att_target_ang_vel_rads);
// Keep euler derivative updated
ang_vel_to_euler_rate(Vector3f(_ahrs.roll,_ahrs.pitch,_ahrs.yaw), _ang_vel_target_rads, _att_target_euler_rate_rads);
void AC_AttitudeControl::attitude_controller_run_euler(const Vector3f& att_target_euler_rad, const Vector3f& att_target_ang_vel_rads)
// Compute quaternion target attitude
Quaternion att_target_quat;
att_target_quat.from_euler(att_target_euler_rad.x, att_target_euler_rad.y, att_target_euler_rad.z);
// Call quaternion attitude controller
attitude_controller_run_quat(att_target_quat, att_target_ang_vel_rads);
void AC_AttitudeControl::attitude_controller_run_quat(const Quaternion& att_target_quat, const Vector3f& att_target_ang_vel_rads)
// Calculates the body frame angular velocities to follow the target attitude
void AC_AttitudeControl::attitude_controller_run_quat()
// Update euler attitude target and angular velocity target
_att_target_ang_vel_rads = att_target_ang_vel_rads;
// Retrieve quaternion vehicle attitude
// TODO add _ahrs.get_quaternion()
Quaternion att_vehicle_quat;
Quaternion attitude_vehicle_quat;
// Compute attitude error
Vector3f attitude_error_vector;
thrust_heading_rotation_angles(_attitude_target_quat, attitude_vehicle_quat, attitude_error_vector, _thrust_error_angle);
// Compute the angular velocity target from the attitude error
_rate_target_ang_vel = update_ang_vel_target_from_att_error(attitude_error_vector);
// Add feedforward term that attempts to ensure that roll and pitch errors rotate with the body frame rather than the reference frame.
_rate_target_ang_vel.x += attitude_error_vector.y * _ahrs.get_gyro().z;
_rate_target_ang_vel.y += -attitude_error_vector.x * _ahrs.get_gyro().z;
// Add the angular velocity feedforward, rotated into vehicle frame
Matrix3f Trv;
_ang_vel_target_rads += Trv * _att_target_ang_vel_rads;
Quaternion attitude_target_ang_vel_quat = Quaternion(0.0f, _attitude_target_ang_vel.x, _attitude_target_ang_vel.y, _attitude_target_ang_vel.z);
Quaternion attitude_error_quat = attitude_vehicle_quat.inverse() * _attitude_target_quat;
Quaternion target_ang_vel_quat = attitude_error_quat.inverse()*attitude_target_ang_vel_quat*attitude_error_quat;
// Correct the thrust vector and smoothly add feedforward and yaw input
if(_thrust_error_angle > AC_ATTITUDE_THRUST_ERROR_ANGLE*2.0f){
_rate_target_ang_vel.z = _ahrs.get_gyro().z;
}else if(_thrust_error_angle > AC_ATTITUDE_THRUST_ERROR_ANGLE){
float flip_scalar = (1.0f - (_thrust_error_angle-AC_ATTITUDE_THRUST_ERROR_ANGLE)/AC_ATTITUDE_THRUST_ERROR_ANGLE);
_rate_target_ang_vel.x += target_ang_vel_quat.q2*flip_scalar;
_rate_target_ang_vel.y += target_ang_vel_quat.q3*flip_scalar;
_rate_target_ang_vel.z += target_ang_vel_quat.q4;
_rate_target_ang_vel.z = _ahrs.get_gyro().z*(1.0-flip_scalar) + _rate_target_ang_vel.z*flip_scalar;
} else {
_rate_target_ang_vel.x += target_ang_vel_quat.q2;
_rate_target_ang_vel.y += target_ang_vel_quat.q3;
_rate_target_ang_vel.z += target_ang_vel_quat.q4;
if (_rate_bf_ff_enabled & _use_ff_and_input_shaping) {
// rotate target and normalize
Quaternion attitude_target_update_quat;
attitude_target_update_quat.from_axis_angle(Vector3f(_attitude_target_ang_vel.x * _dt, _attitude_target_ang_vel.y * _dt, _attitude_target_ang_vel.z * _dt));
_attitude_target_quat = _attitude_target_quat * attitude_target_update_quat;
// thrust_heading_rotation_angles - calculates two ordered rotations to move the att_from_quat quaternion to the att_to_quat quaternion.
// The first rotation corrects the thrust vector and the second rotation corrects the heading vector.
void AC_AttitudeControl::thrust_heading_rotation_angles(Quaternion& att_to_quat, const Quaternion& att_from_quat, Vector3f& att_diff_angle, float& thrust_vec_dot)
Matrix3f att_to_rot_matrix; // earth frame to target frame
Vector3f att_to_thrust_vec = att_to_rot_matrix*Vector3f(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f);
Matrix3f att_from_rot_matrix; // earth frame to target frame
Vector3f att_from_thrust_vec = att_from_rot_matrix*Vector3f(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f);
// the cross product of the desired and target thrust vector defines the rotation vector
Vector3f thrust_vec_cross = att_from_thrust_vec % att_to_thrust_vec;
// the dot product is used to calculate the angle between the target and desired thrust vectors
thrust_vec_dot = acosf(constrain_float(att_from_thrust_vec * att_to_thrust_vec,-1.0f,1.0f));
// Normalize the thrust rotation vector
float thrust_vector_length = thrust_vec_cross.length();
if(is_zero(thrust_vector_length) || is_zero(thrust_vec_dot)){
thrust_vec_cross = Vector3f(0,0,1);
thrust_vec_dot = 0.0f;
thrust_vec_cross /= thrust_vector_length;
Quaternion thrust_vec_correction_quat;
thrust_vec_correction_quat.from_axis_angle(thrust_vec_cross, thrust_vec_dot);
thrust_vec_correction_quat = att_from_quat.inverse()*thrust_vec_correction_quat*att_from_quat;
// calculate the remaining rotation required after thrust vector is rotated
Quaternion heading_quat = thrust_vec_correction_quat.inverse()*att_from_quat.inverse()*att_to_quat;
Vector3f rotation;
att_diff_angle.x = rotation.x;
att_diff_angle.y = rotation.y;
att_diff_angle.z = rotation.z;
if(!is_zero(_p_angle_yaw.kP()) && fabsf(att_diff_angle.z) > AC_ATTITUDE_ACCEL_Y_CONTROLLER_MAX_RADSS/_p_angle_yaw.kP()){
att_diff_angle.z = constrain_float(wrap_PI(att_diff_angle.z), -AC_ATTITUDE_ACCEL_Y_CONTROLLER_MAX_RADSS/_p_angle_yaw.kP(), AC_ATTITUDE_ACCEL_Y_CONTROLLER_MAX_RADSS/_p_angle_yaw.kP());
att_to_quat = att_from_quat*thrust_vec_correction_quat*heading_quat;
// calculates the velocity correction from an angle error. The angular velocity has acceleration and
// deceleration limits including basic jerk limiting using smoothing_gain
float AC_AttitudeControl::input_shaping_angle(float error_angle, float smoothing_gain, float accel_max, float target_ang_vel)
error_angle = wrap_PI(error_angle);
// Calculate the velocity as error approaches zero with acceleration limited by accel_max_radss
float ang_vel = sqrt_controller(error_angle, smoothing_gain, accel_max);
// Acceleration is limited directly to smooth the beginning of the curve.
float delta_ang_vel = accel_max * _dt;
return constrain_float(ang_vel, target_ang_vel-delta_ang_vel, target_ang_vel+delta_ang_vel);
// limits the acceleration and deceleration of a velocity request
float AC_AttitudeControl::input_shaping_ang_vel(float target_ang_vel, float desired_ang_vel, float accel_max)
if (accel_max > 0.0f) {
float delta_ang_vel = accel_max * _dt;
target_ang_vel += constrain_float(desired_ang_vel - target_ang_vel, -delta_ang_vel, delta_ang_vel);
} else {
target_ang_vel = desired_ang_vel;
return target_ang_vel;
// translates body frame acceleration limits to the euler axis
Vector3f AC_AttitudeControl::euler_accel_limit(Vector3f euler_rad, Vector3f euler_accel)
float sin_phi = constrain_float(fabsf(sinf(euler_rad.x)), 0.1f, 1.0f);
float cos_phi = constrain_float(fabsf(cosf(euler_rad.x)), 0.1f, 1.0f);
float sin_theta = constrain_float(fabsf(sinf(euler_rad.y)), 0.1f, 1.0f);
Vector3f rot_accel;
if(is_zero(euler_accel.x) || is_zero(euler_accel.y) || is_zero(euler_accel.z) || (euler_accel.x < 0.0f) || (euler_accel.y < 0.0f) || (euler_accel.z < 0.0f)) {
rot_accel.x = euler_accel.x;
rot_accel.y = euler_accel.y;
rot_accel.z = euler_accel.z;
} else {
rot_accel.x = euler_accel.x;
rot_accel.y = MIN(euler_accel.y/cos_phi, euler_accel.z/sin_phi);
rot_accel.z = MIN(MIN(euler_accel.x/sin_theta, euler_accel.y/sin_phi), euler_accel.z/cos_phi);
return rot_accel;
// Shifts earth frame yaw target by yaw_shift_cd. yaw_shift_cd should be in centidegrees and is added to the current target heading
void AC_AttitudeControl::shift_ef_yaw_target(float yaw_shift_cd)
float yaw_shift = radians(yaw_shift_cd*0.01f);
_attitude_target_euler_angle.z = wrap_2PI(_attitude_target_euler_angle.z + yaw_shift);
Quaternion _attitude_target_update_quat;
_attitude_target_update_quat.from_axis_angle(Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, _attitude_target_euler_angle.z));
_attitude_target_quat = _attitude_target_update_quat*_attitude_target_quat;
// Convert a 321-intrinsic euler angle derivative to an angular velocity vector
void AC_AttitudeControl::euler_rate_to_ang_vel(const Vector3f& euler_rad, const Vector3f& euler_rate_rads, Vector3f& ang_vel_rads)
float sin_theta = sinf(euler_rad.y);
@ -412,6 +534,8 @@ void AC_AttitudeControl::euler_rate_to_ang_vel(const Vector3f& euler_rad, const
ang_vel_rads.z = -sin_phi * euler_rate_rads.y + cos_theta * cos_phi * euler_rate_rads.z;
// Convert an angular velocity vector to a 321-intrinsic euler angle derivative
// Returns false if the vehicle is pitched 90 degrees up or down
bool AC_AttitudeControl::ang_vel_to_euler_rate(const Vector3f& euler_rad, const Vector3f& ang_vel_rads, Vector3f& euler_rate_rads)
float sin_theta = sinf(euler_rad.y);
@ -430,87 +554,35 @@ bool AC_AttitudeControl::ang_vel_to_euler_rate(const Vector3f& euler_rad, const
return true;
void AC_AttitudeControl::update_att_target_roll(float euler_roll_rate_rads, float overshoot_max_rad)
// Compute constrained angle error
float angle_error = constrain_float(wrap_PI(_att_target_euler_rad.x - _ahrs.roll), -overshoot_max_rad, overshoot_max_rad);
// Update attitude target from constrained angle error
_att_target_euler_rad.x = angle_error + _ahrs.roll;
// Increment the attitude target
_att_target_euler_rad.x += euler_roll_rate_rads * _dt;
_att_target_euler_rad.x = wrap_PI(_att_target_euler_rad.x);
void AC_AttitudeControl::update_att_target_pitch(float euler_pitch_rate_rads, float overshoot_max_rad)
// Compute constrained angle error
float angle_error = constrain_float(wrap_PI(_att_target_euler_rad.y - _ahrs.pitch), -overshoot_max_rad, overshoot_max_rad);
// Update attitude target from constrained angle error
_att_target_euler_rad.y = angle_error + _ahrs.pitch;
// Increment the attitude target
_att_target_euler_rad.y += euler_pitch_rate_rads * _dt;
_att_target_euler_rad.y = wrap_PI(_att_target_euler_rad.y);
void AC_AttitudeControl::update_att_target_yaw(float euler_yaw_rate_rads, float overshoot_max_rad)
// Compute constrained angle error
float angle_error = constrain_float(wrap_PI(_att_target_euler_rad.z - _ahrs.yaw), -overshoot_max_rad, overshoot_max_rad);
// Update attitude target from constrained angle error
_att_target_euler_rad.z = angle_error + _ahrs.yaw;
// Increment the attitude target
_att_target_euler_rad.z += euler_yaw_rate_rads * _dt;
_att_target_euler_rad.z = wrap_2PI(_att_target_euler_rad.z);
void AC_AttitudeControl::integrate_bf_rate_error_to_angle_errors()
// Integrate the angular velocity error into the attitude error
_att_error_rot_vec_rad += (_att_target_ang_vel_rads - _ahrs.get_gyro()) * _dt;
// Constrain attitude error
_att_error_rot_vec_rad.x = constrain_float(_att_error_rot_vec_rad.x, -AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_STAB_ACRO_OVERSHOOT_ANGLE_MAX_RAD, AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_STAB_ACRO_OVERSHOOT_ANGLE_MAX_RAD);
_att_error_rot_vec_rad.y = constrain_float(_att_error_rot_vec_rad.y, -AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_STAB_ACRO_OVERSHOOT_ANGLE_MAX_RAD, AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_STAB_ACRO_OVERSHOOT_ANGLE_MAX_RAD);
_att_error_rot_vec_rad.z = constrain_float(_att_error_rot_vec_rad.z, -AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_STAB_ACRO_OVERSHOOT_ANGLE_MAX_RAD, AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_STAB_ACRO_OVERSHOOT_ANGLE_MAX_RAD);
void AC_AttitudeControl::update_ang_vel_target_from_att_error()
// Update rate_target_ang_vel using attitude_error_rot_vec_rad
Vector3f AC_AttitudeControl::update_ang_vel_target_from_att_error(Vector3f attitude_error_rot_vec_rad)
Vector3f rate_target_ang_vel;
// Compute the roll angular velocity demand from the roll angle error
if (_att_ctrl_use_accel_limit && _accel_roll_max > 0.0f) {
_ang_vel_target_rads.x = sqrt_controller(_att_error_rot_vec_rad.x, _p_angle_roll.kP(), constrain_float(get_accel_roll_max_radss()/2.0f, AC_ATTITUDE_ACCEL_RP_CONTROLLER_MIN_RADSS, AC_ATTITUDE_ACCEL_RP_CONTROLLER_MAX_RADSS));
if (_use_ff_and_input_shaping) {
rate_target_ang_vel.x = sqrt_controller(attitude_error_rot_vec_rad.x, _p_angle_roll.kP(), constrain_float(get_accel_roll_max_radss()/2.0f, AC_ATTITUDE_ACCEL_RP_CONTROLLER_MIN_RADSS, AC_ATTITUDE_ACCEL_RP_CONTROLLER_MAX_RADSS));
_ang_vel_target_rads.x = _p_angle_roll.kP() * _att_error_rot_vec_rad.x;
rate_target_ang_vel.x = _p_angle_roll.kP() * attitude_error_rot_vec_rad.x;
// Compute the pitch angular velocity demand from the roll angle error
if (_att_ctrl_use_accel_limit && _accel_pitch_max > 0.0f) {
_ang_vel_target_rads.y = sqrt_controller(_att_error_rot_vec_rad.y, _p_angle_pitch.kP(), constrain_float(get_accel_pitch_max_radss()/2.0f, AC_ATTITUDE_ACCEL_RP_CONTROLLER_MIN_RADSS, AC_ATTITUDE_ACCEL_RP_CONTROLLER_MAX_RADSS));
if (_use_ff_and_input_shaping) {
rate_target_ang_vel.y = sqrt_controller(attitude_error_rot_vec_rad.y, _p_angle_pitch.kP(), constrain_float(get_accel_pitch_max_radss()/2.0f, AC_ATTITUDE_ACCEL_RP_CONTROLLER_MIN_RADSS, AC_ATTITUDE_ACCEL_RP_CONTROLLER_MAX_RADSS));
_ang_vel_target_rads.y = _p_angle_pitch.kP() * _att_error_rot_vec_rad.y;
rate_target_ang_vel.y = _p_angle_pitch.kP() * attitude_error_rot_vec_rad.y;
// Compute the yaw angular velocity demand from the roll angle error
if (_att_ctrl_use_accel_limit && _accel_yaw_max > 0.0f) {
_ang_vel_target_rads.z = sqrt_controller(_att_error_rot_vec_rad.z, _p_angle_yaw.kP(), constrain_float(get_accel_yaw_max_radss()/2.0f, AC_ATTITUDE_ACCEL_Y_CONTROLLER_MIN_RADSS, AC_ATTITUDE_ACCEL_Y_CONTROLLER_MAX_RADSS));
if (_use_ff_and_input_shaping) {
rate_target_ang_vel.z = sqrt_controller(attitude_error_rot_vec_rad.z, _p_angle_yaw.kP(), constrain_float(get_accel_yaw_max_radss()/2.0f, AC_ATTITUDE_ACCEL_Y_CONTROLLER_MIN_RADSS, AC_ATTITUDE_ACCEL_Y_CONTROLLER_MAX_RADSS));
_ang_vel_target_rads.z = _p_angle_yaw.kP() * _att_error_rot_vec_rad.z;
rate_target_ang_vel.z = _p_angle_yaw.kP() * attitude_error_rot_vec_rad.z;
return rate_target_ang_vel;
// Add feedforward term that attempts to ensure that the copter yaws about the reference
// Z axis, rather than the vehicle body Z axis.
// NOTE: This is a small-angle approximation.
_ang_vel_target_rads.x += _att_error_rot_vec_rad.y * _ahrs.get_gyro().z;
_ang_vel_target_rads.y += -_att_error_rot_vec_rad.x * _ahrs.get_gyro().z;
float AC_AttitudeControl::rate_bf_to_motor_roll(float rate_target_rads)
// Run the roll angular velocity PID controller and return the output
float AC_AttitudeControl::rate_target_to_motor_roll(float rate_target_rads)
float current_rate_rads = _ahrs.get_gyro().x;
float rate_error_rads = rate_target_rads - current_rate_rads;
@ -533,7 +605,8 @@ float AC_AttitudeControl::rate_bf_to_motor_roll(float rate_target_rads)
return constrain_float(output, -1.0f, 1.0f);
float AC_AttitudeControl::rate_bf_to_motor_pitch(float rate_target_rads)
// Run the pitch angular velocity PID controller and return the output
float AC_AttitudeControl::rate_target_to_motor_pitch(float rate_target_rads)
float current_rate_rads = _ahrs.get_gyro().y;
float rate_error_rads = rate_target_rads - current_rate_rads;
@ -556,7 +629,8 @@ float AC_AttitudeControl::rate_bf_to_motor_pitch(float rate_target_rads)
return constrain_float(output, -1.0f, 1.0f);
float AC_AttitudeControl::rate_bf_to_motor_yaw(float rate_target_rads)
// Run the yaw angular velocity PID controller and return the output
float AC_AttitudeControl::rate_target_to_motor_yaw(float rate_target_rads)
float current_rate_rads = _ahrs.get_gyro().z;
float rate_error_rads = rate_target_rads - current_rate_rads;
@ -579,6 +653,7 @@ float AC_AttitudeControl::rate_bf_to_motor_yaw(float rate_target_rads)
return constrain_float(output, -1.0f, 1.0f);
// Enable or disable body-frame feed forward
void AC_AttitudeControl::accel_limiting(bool enable_limits)
if (enable_limits) {
@ -599,18 +674,6 @@ void AC_AttitudeControl::accel_limiting(bool enable_limits)
void AC_AttitudeControl::set_throttle_out_unstabilized(float throttle_in, bool reset_attitude_control, float filter_cutoff)
_throttle_in = throttle_in;
if (reset_attitude_control) {
_angle_boost = 0.0f;
// Return tilt angle limit for pilot input that prioritises altitude hold over lean angle
float AC_AttitudeControl::get_althold_lean_angle_max() const
@ -618,6 +681,7 @@ float AC_AttitudeControl::get_althold_lean_angle_max() const
return ToDeg(_althold_lean_angle_max) * 100.0f;
// Proportional controller with piecewise sqrt sections to constrain second derivative
float AC_AttitudeControl::sqrt_controller(float error, float p, float second_ord_lim)
if (second_ord_lim < 0.0f || is_zero(second_ord_lim) || is_zero(p)) {
@ -635,43 +699,35 @@ float AC_AttitudeControl::sqrt_controller(float error, float p, float second_ord
void AC_AttitudeControl::get_rotation_vehicle_to_ned(Matrix3f& m)
// Inverse proportional controller with piecewise sqrt sections to constrain second derivative
float AC_AttitudeControl::stopping_point(float first_ord_mag, float p, float second_ord_lim)
m = _ahrs.get_rotation_body_to_ned();
if (second_ord_lim > 0.0f && !is_zero(second_ord_lim) && is_zero(p)) {
return (first_ord_mag*first_ord_mag)/(2.0f*second_ord_lim);
} else if ((second_ord_lim < 0.0f || is_zero(second_ord_lim)) && !is_zero(p)) {
return first_ord_mag/p;
} else if ((second_ord_lim < 0.0f || is_zero(second_ord_lim)) && is_zero(p)) {
return 0.0f;
void AC_AttitudeControl::get_rotation_ned_to_vehicle(Matrix3f& m)
m = m.transposed();
void AC_AttitudeControl::get_rotation_reference_to_ned(Matrix3f& m)
void AC_AttitudeControl::get_rotation_ned_to_reference(Matrix3f& m)
m = m.transposed();
void AC_AttitudeControl::get_rotation_vehicle_to_reference(Matrix3f& m)
Matrix3f Tvn;
Matrix3f Tnr;
m = Tnr * Tvn;
void AC_AttitudeControl::get_rotation_reference_to_vehicle(Matrix3f& m)
m = m.transposed();
// calculate the velocity at which we switch from calculating the stopping point using a linear function to a sqrt function
float linear_velocity = second_ord_lim/p;
if (fabsf(first_ord_mag) < linear_velocity) {
// if our current velocity is below the cross-over point we use a linear function
return first_ord_mag/p;
} else {
float linear_dist = second_ord_lim/sq(p);
float overshoot = (linear_dist/2.0f) + sq(first_ord_mag)/(2.0f*second_ord_lim);
if (first_ord_mag > 0){
return overshoot;
} else {
return -overshoot;
// Return roll rate step size in centidegrees/s that results in maximum output after 4 time steps
float AC_AttitudeControl::max_rate_step_bf_roll()
float alpha = get_rate_roll_pid().get_filt_alpha();
@ -679,6 +735,7 @@ float AC_AttitudeControl::max_rate_step_bf_roll()
return AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_RP_CONTROLLER_OUT_MAX/((alpha_remaining*alpha_remaining*alpha_remaining*alpha*get_rate_roll_pid().kD())/_dt + get_rate_roll_pid().kP());
// Return pitch rate step size in centidegrees/s that results in maximum output after 4 time steps
float AC_AttitudeControl::max_rate_step_bf_pitch()
float alpha = get_rate_pitch_pid().get_filt_alpha();
@ -686,6 +743,7 @@ float AC_AttitudeControl::max_rate_step_bf_pitch()
return AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_RP_CONTROLLER_OUT_MAX/((alpha_remaining*alpha_remaining*alpha_remaining*alpha*get_rate_pitch_pid().kD())/_dt + get_rate_pitch_pid().kP());
// Return yaw rate step size in centidegrees/s that results in maximum output after 4 time steps
float AC_AttitudeControl::max_rate_step_bf_yaw()
float alpha = get_rate_yaw_pid().get_filt_alpha();

View File

@ -13,27 +13,21 @@
#include <AC_PID/AC_PID.h>
#include <AC_PID/AC_P.h>
// TODO: change the name or move to AP_Math? eliminate in favor of degrees(100)?
#define AC_ATTITUDE_CONTROL_DEGX100 5729.57795f // constant to convert from radians to centidegrees
#define AC_ATTITUDE_CONTROL_ANGLE_P 4.5f // default angle P gain for roll, pitch and yaw
#define AC_ATTITUDE_ACCEL_RP_CONTROLLER_MIN_RADSS radians(40.0f) // minimum body-frame acceleration limit for the stability controller (for roll and pitch axis)
#define AC_ATTITUDE_ACCEL_RP_CONTROLLER_MAX_RADSS radians(720.0f) // maximum body-frame acceleration limit for the stability controller (for roll and pitch axis)
#define AC_ATTITUDE_ACCEL_Y_CONTROLLER_MIN_RADSS radians(10.0f) // minimum body-frame acceleration limit for the stability controller (for yaw axis)
#define AC_ATTITUDE_ACCEL_Y_CONTROLLER_MAX_RADSS radians(360.0f) // maximum body-frame acceleration limit for the stability controller (for yaw axis)
#define AC_ATTITUDE_ACCEL_Y_CONTROLLER_MAX_RADSS radians(120.0f) // maximum body-frame acceleration limit for the stability controller (for yaw axis)
#define AC_ATTITUDE_CONTROL_SLEW_YAW_DEFAULT_CDS 6000 // constraint on yaw angle error in degrees. This should lead to maximum turn rate of 10deg/sed * Stab Rate P so by default will be 45deg/sec.
#define AC_ATTITUDE_CONTROL_ACCEL_RP_MAX_DEFAULT_CDSS 110000.0f // default maximum acceleration for roll/pitch axis in centidegrees/sec/sec
#define AC_ATTITUDE_CONTROL_ACCEL_Y_MAX_DEFAULT_CDSS 27000.0f // default maximum acceleration for yaw axis in centidegrees/sec/sec
#define AC_ATTITUDE_CONTROL_SLEW_YAW_DEFAULT_CDS 6000 // constraint on yaw angle error in degrees. This should lead to maximum turn rate of 10deg/sed * Stab Rate P so by default will be 45deg/sec.
#define AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_CONTROLLER_TIMEOUT 1.0f // body-frame rate controller timeout in seconds
#define AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_RP_CONTROLLER_OUT_MAX 1.0f // body-frame rate controller maximum output (for roll-pitch axis)
#define AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_YAW_CONTROLLER_OUT_MAX 1.0f // body-frame rate controller maximum output (for yaw axis)
#define AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_STAB_ROLL_OVERSHOOT_ANGLE_MAX_RAD radians(300.0f) // earth-frame rate stabilize controller's maximum overshoot angle (never limited)
#define AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_STAB_PITCH_OVERSHOOT_ANGLE_MAX_RAD radians(300.0f) // earth-frame rate stabilize controller's maximum overshoot angle (never limited)
#define AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_STAB_YAW_OVERSHOOT_ANGLE_MAX_RAD radians(10.0f) // earth-frame rate stabilize controller's maximum overshoot angle
#define AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_STAB_ACRO_OVERSHOOT_ANGLE_MAX_RAD radians(30.0f) // earth-frame rate stabilize controller's maximum overshoot angle
#define AC_ATTITUDE_THRUST_ERROR_ANGLE radians(30.0f) // Thrust angle error above which yaw corrections are limited
#define AC_ATTITUDE_100HZ_DT 0.0100f // delta time in seconds for 100hz update rate
#define AC_ATTITUDE_400HZ_DT 0.0025f // delta time in seconds for 400hz update rate
@ -60,7 +54,7 @@ public:
@ -108,33 +102,30 @@ public:
// Sets and saves the yaw acceleration limit in centidegrees/s/s
void save_accel_yaw_max(float accel_yaw_max) { _accel_yaw_max = accel_yaw_max;; }
// Ensure body-frame rate controller has zero errors to relax rate controller output
void relax_bf_rate_controller();
// Ensure attitude controller have zero errors to relax rate controller output
void relax_attitude_controllers();
// Sets yaw target to vehicle heading
void set_yaw_target_to_current_heading() { _att_target_euler_rad.z = _ahrs.yaw; }
void set_yaw_target_to_current_heading() { _attitude_target_euler_angle.z = _ahrs.yaw; }
// Shifts earth frame yaw target by yaw_shift_cd. yaw_shift_cd should be in centidegrees and is added to the current target heading
void shift_ef_yaw_target(float yaw_shift_cd);
// Command a Quaternion attitude with feedforward and smoothing
void input_quaternion(Quaternion attitude_desired_quat, float smoothing_gain);
// Command an euler roll and pitch angle and an euler yaw rate with angular velocity feedforward and smoothing
void input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_euler_rate_yaw_smooth(float euler_roll_angle_cd, float euler_pitch_angle_cd, float euler_yaw_rate_cds, float smoothing_gain);
void input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_euler_rate_yaw(float euler_roll_angle_cd, float euler_pitch_angle_cd, float euler_yaw_rate_cds, float smoothing_gain);
// Command an euler roll and pitch angle and an euler yaw rate
void input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_euler_rate_yaw(float euler_roll_angle_cd, float euler_pitch_angle_cd, float euler_yaw_rate_cds);
// Command an euler roll, pitch and yaw angle with angular velocity feedforward and smoothing
void input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_yaw(float euler_roll_angle_cd, float euler_pitch_angle_cd, float euler_yaw_angle_cd, bool slew_yaw, float smoothing_gain);
// Command an euler roll, pitch and yaw angle
void input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_yaw(float euler_roll_angle_cd, float euler_pitch_angle_cd, float euler_yaw_angle_cd, bool slew_yaw);
// Command an euler roll, pitch, and yaw rate
// Command an euler roll, pitch, and yaw rate with angular velocity feedforward and smoothing
void input_euler_rate_roll_pitch_yaw(float euler_roll_rate_cds, float euler_pitch_rate_cds, float euler_yaw_rate_cds);
// Command an angular velocity
// Command an angular velocity with angular velocity feedforward and smoothing
virtual void input_rate_bf_roll_pitch_yaw(float roll_rate_bf_cds, float pitch_rate_bf_cds, float yaw_rate_bf_cds);
// Command a quaternion attitude and a body-frame angular velocity
void input_att_quat_bf_ang_vel(const Quaternion& att_target_quat, const Vector3f& att_target_ang_vel_rads);
// Run angular velocity controller and send outputs to the motors
virtual void rate_controller_run() = 0;
@ -146,24 +137,23 @@ public:
bool ang_vel_to_euler_rate(const Vector3f& euler_rad, const Vector3f& ang_vel_rads, Vector3f& euler_rate_rads);
// Configures whether the attitude controller should limit the rate demand to constrain angular acceleration
void limit_angle_to_rate_request(bool limit_request) { _att_ctrl_use_accel_limit = limit_request; }
void use_ff_and_input_shaping(bool use_shaping) { _use_ff_and_input_shaping = use_shaping; }
// Return 321-intrinsic euler angles in centidegrees representing the rotation from NED earth frame to the
// attitude controller's reference attitude.
Vector3f get_att_target_euler_cd() const { return _att_target_euler_rad*degrees(100.0f); }
// attitude controller's target attitude.
Vector3f get_att_target_euler_cd() const { return _attitude_target_euler_angle*degrees(100.0f); }
// Return a rotation vector in centidegrees representing the rotation from vehicle body frame to the
// attitude controller's reference attitude.
Vector3f get_att_error_rot_vec_cd() const { return _att_error_rot_vec_rad*degrees(100.0f); }
// Return the angle between the target thrust vector and the current thrust vector.
float get_att_error_angle_deg() const { return degrees(_thrust_error_angle); }
// Set x-axis angular velocity reference in centidegrees/s
void rate_bf_roll_target(float rate_cds) { _ang_vel_target_rads.x = radians(rate_cds*0.01f); }
// Set x-axis angular velocity in centidegrees/s
void rate_bf_roll_target(float rate_cds) { _rate_target_ang_vel.x = radians(rate_cds*0.01f); }
// Set y-axis angular velocity reference in centidegrees/s
void rate_bf_pitch_target(float rate_cds) { _ang_vel_target_rads.y = radians(rate_cds*0.01f); }
// Set y-axis angular velocity in centidegrees/s
void rate_bf_pitch_target(float rate_cds) { _rate_target_ang_vel.y = radians(rate_cds*0.01f); }
// Set z-axis angular velocity reference in centidegrees/s
void rate_bf_yaw_target(float rate_cds) { _ang_vel_target_rads.z = radians(rate_cds*0.01f); }
// Set z-axis angular velocity in centidegrees/s
void rate_bf_yaw_target(float rate_cds) { _rate_target_ang_vel.z = radians(rate_cds*0.01f); }
// Return roll rate step size in centidegrees/s that results in maximum output after 4 time steps
float max_rate_step_bf_roll();
@ -183,8 +173,8 @@ public:
// Return yaw step size in centidegrees that results in maximum output after 4 time steps
float max_angle_step_bf_yaw() { return max_rate_step_bf_yaw()/_p_angle_yaw.kP(); }
// Return reference angular velocity used in the angular velocity controller
Vector3f rate_bf_targets() const { return _ang_vel_target_rads*degrees(100.0f); }
// Return angular velocity in radians used in the angular velocity controller
Vector3f rate_bf_targets() const { return _rate_target_ang_vel; }
// Enable or disable body-frame feed forward
void bf_feedforward(bool enable_or_disable) { _rate_bf_ff_enabled = enable_or_disable; }
@ -222,57 +212,43 @@ public:
// Proportional controller with piecewise sqrt sections to constrain second derivative
static float sqrt_controller(float error, float p, float second_ord_lim);
// Inverse proportional controller with piecewise sqrt sections to constrain second derivative
static float stopping_point(float first_ord_mag, float p, float second_ord_lim);
// User settable parameters
static const struct AP_Param::GroupInfo var_info[];
// calculates the velocity correction from an angle error. The angular velocity has acceleration and
// deceleration limits including basic jerk limiting using smoothing_gain
float input_shaping_angle(float error_angle, float smoothing_gain, float accel_max, float target_ang_vel);
// limits the acceleration and deceleration of a velocity request
float input_shaping_ang_vel(float target_ang_vel, float desired_ang_vel, float accel_max);
// translates body frame acceleration limits to the euler axis
Vector3f euler_accel_limit(Vector3f euler_rad, Vector3f euler_accel);
// thrust_heading_rotation_angles - calculates two ordered rotations to move the att_from_quat quaternion to the att_to_quat quaternion.
// The first rotation corrects the thrust vector and the second rotation corrects the heading vector.
void thrust_heading_rotation_angles(Quaternion& att_to_quat, const Quaternion& att_from_quat, Vector3f& att_diff_angle, float& thrust_vec_dot);
// Calculates the body frame angular velocities to follow the target attitude
void attitude_controller_run_quat();
// Retrieve a rotation matrix from the vehicle body frame to NED earth frame
void get_rotation_vehicle_to_ned(Matrix3f& m);
// Retrieve a rotation matrix from NED earth frame to the vehicle body frame
void get_rotation_ned_to_vehicle(Matrix3f& m);
// Retrieve a rotation matrix from reference (setpoint) body frame to NED earth frame
void get_rotation_reference_to_ned(Matrix3f& m);
// Retrieve a rotation matrix from NED earth frame to reference (setpoint) body frame
void get_rotation_ned_to_reference(Matrix3f& m);
// Retrieve a rotation matrix from vehicle body frame to reference (setpoint) body frame
void get_rotation_vehicle_to_reference(Matrix3f& m);
// Retrieve a rotation matrix from reference (setpoint) body frame to vehicle body frame
void get_rotation_reference_to_vehicle(Matrix3f& m);
// Command an euler attitude and a body-frame angular velocity
void attitude_controller_run_euler(const Vector3f& att_target_euler_rad, const Vector3f& att_target_ang_vel_rads);
// Command a quaternion attitude and a body-frame angular velocity
void attitude_controller_run_quat(const Quaternion& att_target_quat, const Vector3f& att_target_ang_vel_rads);
// Update _att_target_euler_rad.x by integrating a 321-intrinsic euler roll angle derivative
void update_att_target_roll(float euler_roll_rate_rads, float overshoot_max_rad);
// Update _att_target_euler_rad.y by integrating a 321-intrinsic euler pitch angle derivative
void update_att_target_pitch(float euler_pitch_rate_rads, float overshoot_max_rad);
// Update _att_target_euler_rad.z by integrating a 321-intrinsic euler yaw angle derivative
void update_att_target_yaw(float euler_yaw_rate_rads, float overshoot_max_rad);
// Integrate vehicle rate into _att_error_rot_vec_rad
void integrate_bf_rate_error_to_angle_errors();
// Update _ang_vel_target_rads using _att_error_rot_vec_rad
void update_ang_vel_target_from_att_error();
// Update rate_target_ang_vel using attitude_error_rot_vec_rad
Vector3f update_ang_vel_target_from_att_error(Vector3f attitude_error_rot_vec_rad);
// Run the roll angular velocity PID controller and return the output
float rate_bf_to_motor_roll(float rate_target_rads);
float rate_target_to_motor_roll(float rate_target_rads);
// Run the pitch angular velocity PID controller and return the output
float rate_bf_to_motor_pitch(float rate_target_rads);
float rate_target_to_motor_pitch(float rate_target_rads);
// Run the yaw angular velocity PID controller and return the output
virtual float rate_bf_to_motor_yaw(float rate_target_rads);
virtual float rate_target_to_motor_yaw(float rate_target_rads);
// Return angle in radians to be added to roll angle. Used by heli to counteract
// tail rotor thrust in hover. Overloaded by AC_Attitude_Heli to return angle.
@ -322,29 +298,30 @@ protected:
// Intersampling period in seconds
float _dt;
// This represents a 321-intrinsic rotation from NED frame to the reference (setpoint)
// attitude used in the attitude controller, in radians. Formerly _angle_ef_target.
Vector3f _att_target_euler_rad;
// This represents a 321-intrinsic rotation from NED frame to the target (setpoint)
// attitude used in the attitude controller, in radians.
Vector3f _attitude_target_euler_angle;
// This represents an euler axis-angle rotation vector from the vehicles
// estimated attitude to the reference (setpoint) attitude used in the attitude
// controller, in radians in the vehicle body frame of reference. Formerly
// _angle_bf_error.
Vector3f _att_error_rot_vec_rad;
// This represents the angular velocity of the reference (setpoint) attitude used in
// This represents the angular velocity of the target (setpoint) attitude used in
// the attitude controller as 321-intrinsic euler angle derivatives, in radians per
// second. Formerly _rate_ef_desired.
Vector3f _att_target_euler_rate_rads;
// second.
Vector3f _attitude_target_euler_rate;
// This represents the angular velocity of the reference (setpoint) attitude used in
// This represents a quaternion rotation from NED frame to the target (setpoint)
// attitude used in the attitude controller.
Quaternion _attitude_target_quat;
// This represents the angular velocity of the target (setpoint) attitude used in
// the attitude controller as an angular velocity vector, in radians per second in
// the reference attitude frame. Formerly _rate_bf_desired.
Vector3f _att_target_ang_vel_rads;
// the target attitude frame.
Vector3f _attitude_target_ang_vel;
// This represents the reference (setpoint) angular velocity used in the angular
// velocity controller, in radians per second. Formerly _rate_bf_target.
Vector3f _ang_vel_target_rads;
// This represents the angular velocity in radians per second, used in the angular
// velocity controller.
Vector3f _rate_target_ang_vel;
// The angle between the target thrust vector and the current thrust vector.
float _thrust_error_angle;
// throttle provided as input to attitude controller. This does not include angle boost.
float _throttle_in = 0.0f;
@ -353,14 +330,17 @@ protected:
// Used only for logging.
float _angle_boost;
// Specifies whether the attitude controller should use the acceleration limit
bool _att_ctrl_use_accel_limit;
// Specifies whether the attitude controller should use the input shaping and feedforward
bool _use_ff_and_input_shaping;
// Filtered Alt_Hold lean angle max - used to limit lean angle when throttle is saturated using Alt_Hold
float _althold_lean_angle_max = 0.0f;
float _throttle_rpy_mix_desired; // desired throttle_low_comp value, actual throttle_low_comp is slewed towards this value over 1~2 seconds
float _throttle_rpy_mix; // mix between throttle and hover throttle for 0 to 1 and ratio above hover throttle for >1
// desired throttle_low_comp value, actual throttle_low_comp is slewed towards this value over 1~2 seconds
float _throttle_rpy_mix_desired;
// mix between throttle and hover throttle for 0 to 1 and ratio above hover throttle for >1
float _throttle_rpy_mix;
// References to external libraries
const AP_AHRS& _ahrs;

View File

@ -150,17 +150,17 @@ void AC_AttitudeControl_Heli::passthrough_bf_roll_pitch_rate_yaw(float roll_pass
_flags_heli.flybar_passthrough = true;
// set bf rate targets to current body frame rates (i.e. relax and be ready for vehicle to switch out of acro)
_att_target_ang_vel_rads.x = _ahrs.get_gyro().x;
_att_target_ang_vel_rads.y = _ahrs.get_gyro().y;
_attitude_target_ang_vel.x = _ahrs.get_gyro().x;
_attitude_target_ang_vel.y = _ahrs.get_gyro().y;
// accel limit desired yaw rate
if (get_accel_yaw_max_radss() > 0.0f) {
float rate_change_limit_rads = get_accel_yaw_max_radss() * _dt;
float rate_change_rads = yaw_rate_bf_rads - _att_target_ang_vel_rads.z;
float rate_change_rads = yaw_rate_bf_rads - _attitude_target_ang_vel.z;
rate_change_rads = constrain_float(rate_change_rads, -rate_change_limit_rads, rate_change_limit_rads);
_att_target_ang_vel_rads.z += rate_change_rads;
_attitude_target_ang_vel.z += rate_change_rads;
} else {
_att_target_ang_vel_rads.z = yaw_rate_bf_rads;
_attitude_target_ang_vel.z = yaw_rate_bf_rads;
@ -173,32 +173,44 @@ void AC_AttitudeControl_Heli::passthrough_bf_roll_pitch_rate_yaw(float roll_pass
// convert angle error rotation vector into 321-intrinsic euler angle difference
// NOTE: this results an an approximation linearized about the vehicle's attitude
if (ang_vel_to_euler_rate(Vector3f(_ahrs.roll,_ahrs.pitch,_ahrs.yaw), _att_error_rot_vec_rad, att_error_euler_rad)) {
_att_target_euler_rad.x = wrap_PI(att_error_euler_rad.x + _ahrs.roll);
_att_target_euler_rad.y = wrap_PI(att_error_euler_rad.y + _ahrs.pitch);
_att_target_euler_rad.z = wrap_2PI(att_error_euler_rad.z + _ahrs.yaw);
_attitude_target_euler_angle.x = wrap_PI(att_error_euler_rad.x + _ahrs.roll);
_attitude_target_euler_angle.y = wrap_PI(att_error_euler_rad.y + _ahrs.pitch);
_attitude_target_euler_angle.z = wrap_2PI(att_error_euler_rad.z + _ahrs.yaw);
// handle flipping over pitch axis
if (_att_target_euler_rad.y > M_PI/2.0f) {
_att_target_euler_rad.x = wrap_PI(_att_target_euler_rad.x + M_PI);
_att_target_euler_rad.y = wrap_PI(M_PI - _att_target_euler_rad.x);
_att_target_euler_rad.z = wrap_2PI(_att_target_euler_rad.z + M_PI);
if (_attitude_target_euler_angle.y > M_PI/2.0f) {
_attitude_target_euler_angle.x = wrap_PI(_attitude_target_euler_angle.x + M_PI);
_attitude_target_euler_angle.y = wrap_PI(M_PI - _attitude_target_euler_angle.x);
_attitude_target_euler_angle.z = wrap_2PI(_attitude_target_euler_angle.z + M_PI);
if (_att_target_euler_rad.y < -M_PI/2.0f) {
_att_target_euler_rad.x = wrap_PI(_att_target_euler_rad.x + M_PI);
_att_target_euler_rad.y = wrap_PI(-M_PI - _att_target_euler_rad.x);
_att_target_euler_rad.z = wrap_2PI(_att_target_euler_rad.z + M_PI);
if (_attitude_target_euler_angle.y < -M_PI/2.0f) {
_attitude_target_euler_angle.x = wrap_PI(_attitude_target_euler_angle.x + M_PI);
_attitude_target_euler_angle.y = wrap_PI(-M_PI - _attitude_target_euler_angle.x);
_attitude_target_euler_angle.z = wrap_2PI(_attitude_target_euler_angle.z + M_PI);
// convert body-frame angle errors to body-frame rate targets
_rate_target_ang_vel = update_ang_vel_target_from_att_error(_att_error_rot_vec_rad);
// set body-frame roll/pitch rate target to current desired rates which are the vehicle's actual rates
_ang_vel_target_rads.x = _att_target_ang_vel_rads.x;
_ang_vel_target_rads.y = _att_target_ang_vel_rads.y;
_rate_target_ang_vel.x = _attitude_target_ang_vel.x;
_rate_target_ang_vel.y = _attitude_target_ang_vel.y;
// add desired target to yaw
_ang_vel_target_rads.z += _att_target_ang_vel_rads.z;
_rate_target_ang_vel.z += _attitude_target_ang_vel.z;
_thrust_error_angle = norm(_att_error_rot_vec_rad.x, _att_error_rot_vec_rad.y);
void AC_AttitudeControl_Heli::integrate_bf_rate_error_to_angle_errors()
// Integrate the angular velocity error into the attitude error
_att_error_rot_vec_rad += (_attitude_target_ang_vel - _ahrs.get_gyro()) * _dt;
// Constrain attitude error
_att_error_rot_vec_rad.x = constrain_float(_att_error_rot_vec_rad.x, -AC_ATTITUDE_HELI_ACRO_OVERSHOOT_ANGLE_RAD, AC_ATTITUDE_HELI_ACRO_OVERSHOOT_ANGLE_RAD);
_att_error_rot_vec_rad.y = constrain_float(_att_error_rot_vec_rad.y, -AC_ATTITUDE_HELI_ACRO_OVERSHOOT_ANGLE_RAD, AC_ATTITUDE_HELI_ACRO_OVERSHOOT_ANGLE_RAD);
_att_error_rot_vec_rad.z = constrain_float(_att_error_rot_vec_rad.z, -AC_ATTITUDE_HELI_ACRO_OVERSHOOT_ANGLE_RAD, AC_ATTITUDE_HELI_ACRO_OVERSHOOT_ANGLE_RAD);
// subclass non-passthrough too, for external gyro, no flybar
@ -223,12 +235,12 @@ void AC_AttitudeControl_Heli::rate_controller_run()
} else {
rate_bf_to_motor_roll_pitch(_ang_vel_target_rads.x, _ang_vel_target_rads.y);
rate_bf_to_motor_roll_pitch(_rate_target_ang_vel.x, _rate_target_ang_vel.y);
if (_flags_heli.tail_passthrough) {
} else {
@ -346,7 +358,7 @@ void AC_AttitudeControl_Heli::rate_bf_to_motor_roll_pitch(float rate_roll_target
// rate_bf_to_motor_yaw - ask the rate controller to calculate the motor outputs to achieve the target rate in radians/second
float AC_AttitudeControl_Heli::rate_bf_to_motor_yaw(float rate_target_rads)
float AC_AttitudeControl_Heli::rate_target_to_motor_yaw(float rate_target_rads)
float pd,i,vff; // used to capture pid values for logging
float current_rate_rads; // this iteration's rate

View File

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
class AC_AttitudeControl_Heli : public AC_AttitudeControl {
@ -68,6 +69,9 @@ public:
// passthrough_bf_roll_pitch_rate_yaw - roll and pitch are passed through directly, body-frame rate target for yaw
void passthrough_bf_roll_pitch_rate_yaw(float roll_passthrough, float pitch_passthrough, float yaw_rate_bf_cds);
// Integrate vehicle rate into _att_error_rot_vec_rad
void integrate_bf_rate_error_to_angle_errors();
// subclass non-passthrough too, for external gyro, no flybar
void input_rate_bf_roll_pitch_yaw(float roll_rate_bf_cds, float pitch_rate_bf_cds, float yaw_rate_bf_cds) override;
@ -119,7 +123,7 @@ private:
// rate_bf_to_motor_roll_pitch - ask the rate controller to calculate the motor outputs to achieve the target body-frame rate (in radians/sec) for roll, pitch and yaw
// outputs are sent directly to motor class
void rate_bf_to_motor_roll_pitch(float rate_roll_target_rads, float rate_pitch_target_rads);
float rate_bf_to_motor_yaw(float rate_yaw_rads);
float rate_target_to_motor_yaw(float rate_yaw_rads);
// throttle methods
@ -138,6 +142,12 @@ private:
// internal variables
float _hover_roll_trim_scalar = 0; // scalar used to suppress Hover Roll Trim
// This represents an euler axis-angle rotation vector from the vehicles
// estimated attitude to the reference (setpoint) attitude used in the attitude
// controller, in radians in the vehicle body frame of reference.
Vector3f _att_error_rot_vec_rad;
// parameters
AP_Int8 _piro_comp_enabled; // Flybar present or not. Affects attitude controller used during ACRO flight mode
AP_Int16 _hover_roll_trim; // Angle in centi-degrees used to counter tail rotor thrust in hover

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@ -225,9 +225,9 @@ void AC_AttitudeControl_Multi::rate_controller_run()
// move throttle vs attitude mixing towards desired (called from here because this is conveniently called on every iteration)