mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 19:53:57 -04:00
SITL: new XPlane backend
this makes use of DRefs to greatly improve XPlane support. It only supports XPlane 11 and later The key change is the use of a JSON file to map ArduPilot output channels to DataRefs, and map raw joystick inputs to RC inputs this gets rid of the awful throttle hack handling, and allows for control of a much wider range of aircraft
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# assumes: Aileron, Elevator, Throttle, Rudder, flaps
"settings" : { "debug" : 1 },
"settings" : { "debug" : 0 },
"sim/operation/override/override_joystick" : { "type" : "fixed", "value" : 1 },
"sim/operation/override/override_flightcontrol" : { "type" : "fixed", "value" : 0 },
@ -37,6 +37,10 @@
#include <AP_Terrain/AP_Terrain.h>
#include <AP_Scheduler/AP_Scheduler.h>
#include <AP_BoardConfig/AP_BoardConfig.h>
#include "picojson.h"
#include <AP_Filesystem/AP_Filesystem.h>
using namespace SITL;
@ -1135,4 +1139,3 @@ Vector3d Aircraft::get_position_relhome() const
pos.xy() += home.get_distance_NE_double(origin);
return pos;
@ -37,6 +37,10 @@
#include <Filter/Filter.h>
#include "SIM_JSON_Master.h"
namespace SITL {
@ -20,11 +20,11 @@
#include <AP_Motors/AP_Motors.h>
#include <AP_Baro/AP_Baro.h>
#include <AP_Filesystem/AP_Filesystem.h>
#include "SIM_Aircraft.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
using namespace SITL;
static Motor quad_plus_motors[] =
@ -341,40 +341,10 @@ void Frame::load_frame_params(const char *model_json)
if (fname == nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("%s failed to load\n", model_json);
::printf("Loading model %s\n", fname);
int fd = AP::FS().open(model_json, O_RDONLY);
if (fd == -1) {
picojson::value *obj = (picojson::value *)load_json(model_json);
if (obj == nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("%s failed to load\n", model_json);
char buf[st.st_size+1];
memset(buf, '\0', sizeof(buf));
if (AP::FS().read(fd, buf, st.st_size) != st.st_size) {
AP_HAL::panic("%s failed to load\n", model_json);
char *start = strchr(buf, '{');
if (!start) {
AP_HAL::panic("Invalid json %s", model_json);
remove comments, as not allowed by the parser
for (char *p = strchr(start,'#'); p; p=strchr(p+1, '#')) {
// clear to end of line
do {
*p++ = ' ';
} while (*p != '\n' && *p != '\r' && *p);
picojson::value obj;
std::string err = picojson::parse(obj, start);
if (!err.empty()) {
AP_HAL::panic("Failed to load %s: %s", model_json, err.c_str());
enum class VarType {
@ -415,7 +385,7 @@ void Frame::load_frame_params(const char *model_json)
for (uint8_t i=0; i<ARRAY_SIZE(vars); i++) {
auto v = obj.get(vars[i].label);
auto v = obj->get(vars[i].label);
if (v.is<picojson::null>()) {
// use default value
@ -438,7 +408,7 @@ void Frame::load_frame_params(const char *model_json)
for (uint8_t i=0; i<ARRAY_SIZE(per_motor_vars); i++) {
for (uint8_t j=0; j<12; j++) {
sprintf(label_name, "motor%i_%s", j+1, per_motor_vars[i].label);
auto v = obj.get(label_name);
auto v = obj->get(label_name);
if (v.is<picojson::null>()) {
// use default value
@ -452,6 +422,8 @@ void Frame::load_frame_params(const char *model_json)
delete obj;
::printf("Loaded model params from %s\n", model_json);
@ -473,10 +445,11 @@ void Frame::parse_vector3(picojson::value val, const char* label, Vector3f ¶
initialise the frame
void Frame::init(const char *frame_str, Battery *_battery)
model = default_model;
@ -21,10 +21,6 @@
#include "SIM_Aircraft.h"
#include "SIM_Motor.h"
#include "picojson.h"
@ -59,6 +59,9 @@ GPS::GPS(uint8_t _instance) :
uint32_t GPS::device_baud() const
if (_sitl == nullptr) {
return 0;
switch ((Type)_sitl->gps_type[instance].get()) {
case Type::NOVA:
return 19200;
@ -28,14 +28,68 @@
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h>
#include <AP_Filesystem/AP_Filesystem.h>
#include <SRV_Channel/SRV_Channel.h>
#include "picojson.h"
#include <AP_Vehicle/AP_Vehicle_Type.h>
// ignore cast errors in this case to keep complexity down
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wcast-align"
extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal;
namespace SITL {
#define XPLANE_JSON "xplane_heli.json"
#define XPLANE_JSON "xplane_plane.json"
// DATA@ frame types. Thanks to TauLabs xplanesimulator.h
// (which strangely enough acknowledges APM as a source!)
enum {
FramRate = 0,
Times = 1,
SimStats = 2,
Speed = 3,
Gload = 4,
AtmosphereWeather = 5,
AtmosphereAircraft = 6,
SystemPressures = 7,
Joystick1 = 8,
Joystick2 = 9,
ArtStab = 10,
FlightCon = 11,
WingSweep = 12,
Trim = 13,
Brakes = 14,
AngularMoments = 15,
AngularVelocities = 16,
PitchRollHeading = 17,
AoA = 18,
MagCompass = 19,
LatLonAlt = 20,
LocVelDistTraveled = 21,
ThrottleCommand = 25,
CarbHeat = 30,
EngineRPM = 37,
PropRPM = 38,
PropPitch = 39,
Generator = 58,
JoystickRaw = 136,
enum RREF {
static const uint8_t required_data[] {
Times, LatLonAlt, Speed, PitchRollHeading,
LocVelDistTraveled, AngularVelocities, Gload,
PropPitch, EngineRPM, PropRPM,
JoystickRaw };
using namespace SITL;
XPlane::XPlane(const char *frame_str) :
@ -46,79 +100,248 @@ XPlane::XPlane(const char *frame_str) :
xplane_ip = colon+1;
heli_frame = (strstr(frame_str, "-heli") != nullptr);
socket_in.bind("", bind_port);
printf("Waiting for XPlane data on UDP port %u and sending to port %u\n",
(unsigned)bind_port, (unsigned)xplane_port);
// XPlane sensor data is not good enough for EKF. Use fake EKF by default
AP_Param::set_default_by_name("AHRS_EKF_TYPE", 10);
AP_Param::set_default_by_name("GPS_TYPE", 100);
AP_Param::set_default_by_name("INS_GYR_CAL", 0);
// default flaps to channel 5
AP_Param::set_default_by_name("SERVO5_FUNCTION", 3);
AP_Param::set_default_by_name("SERVO5_MIN", 1000);
AP_Param::set_default_by_name("SERVO5_MAX", 2000);
if (!load_dref_map(XPLANE_JSON)) {
AP_HAL::panic("%s failed to load\n", XPLANE_JSON);
add one DRef to list
void XPlane::add_dref(const char *name, DRefType type, const picojson::value &dref)
struct DRef *d = new struct DRef;
if (d == nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("out of memory for DRef %s", name);
d->name = strdup(name);
d->type = type;
if (d->name == nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("out of memory for DRef %s", name);
if (d->type == DRefType::FIXED) {
d->fixed_value = dref.get("value").get<double>();
} else {
d->range = dref.get("range").get<double>();
d->channel = dref.get("channel").get<double>();
// add to linked list
d->next = drefs;
drefs = d;
add one joystick axis to list
void XPlane::add_joyinput(const char *label, JoyType type, const picojson::value &d)
if (strncmp(label, "axis", 4) == 0) {
struct JoyInput *j = new struct JoyInput;
if (j == nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("out of memory for JoyInput %s", label);
j->axis = atoi(label+4);
j->type = JoyType::AXIS;
j->channel = d.get("channel").get<double>();
j->input_min = d.get("input_min").get<double>();
j->input_max = d.get("input_max").get<double>();
j->next = joyinputs;
joyinputs = j;
if (strncmp(label, "button", 6) == 0) {
struct JoyInput *j = new struct JoyInput;
if (j == nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("out of memory for JoyInput %s", label);
j->type = JoyType::BUTTON;
j->channel = d.get("channel").get<double>();
j->mask = d.get("mask").get<double>();
j->next = joyinputs;
joyinputs = j;
handle a setting
void XPlane::handle_setting(const picojson::value &d)
if (d.contains("debug")) {
dref_debug = d.get("debug").get<double>();
load mapping of channels to datarefs from a json file
bool XPlane::load_dref_map(const char *map_json)
char *fname = nullptr;
if (AP::FS().stat(map_json, &map_st) == 0) {
fname = strdup(map_json);
} else {
IGNORE_RETURN(asprintf(&fname, "@ROMFS/models/%s", map_json));
if (AP::FS().stat(fname, &map_st) != 0) {
return false;
if (fname == nullptr) {
return false;
picojson::value *obj = (picojson::value *)load_json(fname);
if (obj == nullptr) {
return false;
map_filename = fname;
// free old drefs
while (drefs) {
auto *d = drefs->next;
delete drefs;
drefs = d;
// free old joystick
while (joyinputs) {
auto *j = joyinputs->next;
delete joyinputs;
joyinputs = j;
uint32_t count = 0;
// obtain a const reference to the map, and print the contents
const picojson::value::object& o = obj->get<picojson::object>();
for (picojson::value::object::const_iterator i = o.begin();
i != o.end();
++i) {
const char *label = i->first.c_str();
const auto &d = i->second;
if (strchr(label, '/') != nullptr) {
const char *type_s = d.get("type").to_str().c_str();
if (strcmp(type_s, "angle") == 0) {
add_dref(label, DRefType::ANGLE, d);
} else if (strcmp(type_s, "range") == 0) {
add_dref(label, DRefType::RANGE, d);
} else if (strcmp(type_s, "fixed") == 0) {
add_dref(label, DRefType::FIXED, d);
} else {
::printf("Invalid dref type %s for %s in %s", type_s, label, map_filename);
} else if (strcmp(label, "settings") == 0) {
} else if (strncmp(label, "axis", 4) == 0) {
add_joyinput(label, JoyType::AXIS, d);
} else if (strncmp(label, "button", 6) == 0) {
add_joyinput(label, JoyType::BUTTON, d);
} else {
::printf("Invalid json type %s in %s", label, map_json);
delete obj;
::printf("Loaded %u DRefs from %s\n", unsigned(count), map_filename);
return true;
load mapping of channels to datarefs from a json file
void XPlane::check_reload_dref(void)
if (!hal.util->get_soft_armed()) {
struct stat st;
if (AP::FS().stat(map_filename, &st) == 0 && st.st_mtime != map_st.st_mtime) {
int8_t XPlane::find_data_index(uint8_t code)
for (uint8_t i = 0; i<ARRAY_SIZE(required_data); i++) {
if (required_data[i] == code) {
return i;
return -1;
change what data is requested from XPlane. This saves the user from
having to setup the data screen correctly
void XPlane::select_data(uint64_t usel_mask, uint64_t sel_mask)
void XPlane::select_data(void)
const uint64_t all_mask = (1U<<ARRAY_SIZE(required_data))-1;
if ((seen_mask & all_mask) == all_mask) {
// got it all
struct PACKED {
uint8_t marker[5] { 'D', 'S', 'E', 'L', '0' };
uint32_t data[8] {};
} dsel;
uint8_t count = 0;
for (uint8_t i=0; i<64 && count<8; i++) {
if ((((uint64_t)1)<<i) & sel_mask) {
dsel.data[count++] = i;
printf("i=%u\n", (unsigned)i);
for (uint8_t i=0; i<ARRAY_SIZE(required_data); i++) {
if (seen_mask & (1U<<i)) {
// got this one
dsel.data[count++] = required_data[i];
if (count != 0) {
socket_out.send(&dsel, sizeof(dsel));
printf("Selecting %u data types 0x%llx\n", (unsigned)count, (unsigned long long)sel_mask);
printf("Selecting %u data types\n", (unsigned)count);
void XPlane::deselect_code(uint8_t code)
struct PACKED {
uint8_t marker[5] { 'U', 'S', 'E', 'L', '0' };
uint32_t data[8] {};
} usel;
count = 0;
// only de-select an output once, so we don't fight the user
usel_mask &= ~unselected_mask;
unselected_mask |= usel_mask;
for (uint8_t i=0; i<64 && count<8; i++) {
if ((((uint64_t)1)<<i) & usel_mask) {
usel.data[count++] = i;
if (count != 0) {
socket_out.send(&usel, sizeof(usel));
printf("De-selecting %u data types 0x%llx\n", (unsigned)count, (unsigned long long)usel_mask);
usel.data[0] = code;
socket_out.send(&usel, sizeof(usel));
printf("De-selecting code %u\n", code);
receive data from X-Plane via UDP
return true if we get a gyro frame
bool XPlane::receive_data(void)
uint8_t pkt[10000];
uint8_t *p = &pkt[5];
const uint8_t pkt_len = 36;
uint64_t data_mask = 0;
const uint64_t one = 1U;
const uint64_t required_mask = (one<<Times | one<<LatLonAlt | one<<Speed | one<<PitchRollHeading |
one<<LocVelDistTraveled | one<<AngularVelocities | one<<Gload |
one << Joystick1 | one << ThrottleCommand | one << Trim |
one << PropPitch | one << EngineRPM | one << PropRPM | one << Generator |
one << Mixture);
Location loc {};
Vector3d pos;
uint32_t wait_time_ms = 1;
uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis();
bool ret = false;
// if we are about to get another frame from X-Plane then wait longer
if (xplane_frame_time > wait_time_ms &&
@ -127,12 +350,29 @@ bool XPlane::receive_data(void)
ssize_t len = socket_in.recv(pkt, sizeof(pkt), wait_time_ms);
if (len < pkt_len+5 || memcmp(pkt, "DATA", 4) != 0) {
if (len < 5) {
// bad packet
goto failed;
if (memcmp(pkt, "RREF", 4) == 0) {
handle_rref(pkt, len);
return false;
if (memcmp(pkt, "DATA", 4) != 0) {
// not a data packet we understand
::printf("PACKET: %4.4s\n", (const char *)pkt);
goto failed;
len -= 5;
if (len < pkt_len) {
// bad packet
goto failed;
if (!connected) {
// we now know the IP X-Plane is using
uint16_t port;
@ -145,10 +385,15 @@ bool XPlane::receive_data(void)
while (len >= pkt_len) {
const float *data = (const float *)p;
uint8_t code = p[0];
// keep a mask of what codes we have received
if (code < 64) {
data_mask |= (((uint64_t)1) << code);
int8_t idx = find_data_index(code);
if (idx == -1) {
len -= pkt_len;
p += pkt_len;
seen_mask |= (1U<<idx);
switch (code) {
case Times: {
uint64_t tus = data[3] * 1.0e6f;
@ -184,13 +429,6 @@ bool XPlane::receive_data(void)
// ignored
case Trim:
if (heli_frame) {
// use flaps for collective as no direct collective data input
rcin[2] = data[4];
case PitchRollHeading: {
float roll, pitch, yaw;
pitch = radians(data[1]);
@ -214,9 +452,17 @@ bool XPlane::receive_data(void)
case AngularVelocities:
gyro.y = data[1];
gyro.x = data[2];
gyro.z = data[3];
if (is_xplane12()) {
gyro.x = radians(data[1]);
gyro.y = radians(data[2]);
gyro.z = radians(data[3]);
} else {
gyro.x = data[1];
gyro.y = data[2];
gyro.z = data[3];
// we only count gyro data towards data counts
ret = true;
case Gload:
@ -225,84 +471,56 @@ bool XPlane::receive_data(void)
accel_body.y = data[7] * GRAVITY_MSS;
case Joystick1:
rcin_chan_count = 4;
rcin[0] = (data[2] + 1)*0.5f;
rcin[1] = (data[1] + 1)*0.5f;
rcin[3] = (data[3] + 1)*0.5f;
case ThrottleCommand: {
if (!heli_frame) {
/* getting joystick throttle input is very weird. The
* problem is that XPlane sends the ThrottleCommand packet
* both for joystick throttle input and for throttle that
* we have provided over the link. So we need some way to
* detect when we get our own values back. The trick used
* is to add throttle_magic to the values we send, then
* detect this offset in the data coming back. Very ugly,
* but I can't find a better way of allowing joystick
* input from XPlane10
bool has_magic = ((uint32_t)(data[1] * throttle_magic_scale) % 1000U) == (uint32_t)(throttle_magic * throttle_magic_scale);
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wfloat-equal"
if (data[1] < 0 ||
data[1] == throttle_sent ||
has_magic) {
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
rcin[2] = data[1];
case PropPitch: {
case EngineRPM:
rpm[0] = data[1];
motor_mask |= 1;
case PropRPM:
rpm[1] = data[1];
motor_mask |= 2;
case Joystick2:
case Generator:
in order to get interlock switch on helis we map the
"generator1 on/off" function of XPlane 10 to channel 8.
rcin_chan_count = 8;
rcin[7] = data[1];
case Mixture:
// map channel 6 and 7 from Mixture3 and Mixture4 for extra channels
rcin_chan_count = MAX(7, rcin_chan_count);
rcin[5] = data[3];
rcin[6] = data[4];
case JoystickRaw: {
for (auto *j = joyinputs; j; j=j->next) {
switch (j->type) {
case JoyType::AXIS: {
if (j->axis >= 1 && j->axis <= 6) {
float v = (data[j->axis] - j->input_min) / (j->input_max - j->input_min);
rcin[j->channel-1] = v;
rcin_chan_count = MAX(rcin_chan_count, j->channel);
case JoyType::BUTTON: {
uint32_t m = uint32_t(data[7]) & j->mask;
float v = 0;
if (m == 0) {
v = 0;
} else if (1U<<(__builtin_ffs(j->mask)-1) != m) {
v = 0.5;
} else {
v = 1;
rcin[j->channel-1] = v;
rcin_chan_count = MAX(rcin_chan_count, j->channel);
len -= pkt_len;
p += pkt_len;
if (data_mask != required_mask) {
// ask XPlane to change what data it sends
uint64_t usel = data_mask & ~required_mask;
uint64_t sel = required_mask & ~data_mask;
usel &= ~unselected_mask;
if (usel || sel) {
select_data(usel, sel);
goto failed;
// update data selection
position = pos + position_zero;
position.xy() += origin.get_distance_NE_double(home);
@ -335,9 +553,12 @@ bool XPlane::receive_data(void)
last_data_time_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
return true;
if (ret) {
return ret;
if (AP_HAL::millis() - last_data_time_ms > 200) {
@ -359,94 +580,57 @@ failed:
return false;
send data to X-Plane via UDP
receive RREF replies
void XPlane::send_data(const struct sitl_input &input)
void XPlane::handle_rref(const uint8_t *pkt, uint32_t len)
float aileron = (input.servos[0]-1500)/500.0f;
float elevator = (input.servos[1]-1500)/500.0f;
float throttle = (input.servos[2]-1000)/1000.0;
float rudder = (input.servos[3]-1500)/500.0f;
struct PACKED {
uint8_t marker[5] { 'D', 'A', 'T', 'A', '0' };
const uint8_t *p = &pkt[5];
const struct PACKED RRefPacket {
uint32_t code;
float data[8];
} d {};
union PACKED {
float value_f;
double value_d;
} *ref = (const struct RRefPacket *)p;
switch (ref->code) {
if (xplane_version == 0) {
::printf("XPlane version %.0f\n", ref->value_f);
xplane_version = uint32_t(ref->value_f);
if (input.servos[0] == 0) {
aileron = 0;
if (input.servos[1] == 0) {
elevator = 0;
if (input.servos[2] == 0) {
throttle = 0;
if (input.servos[3] == 0) {
rudder = 0;
// we add the throttle_magic to the throttle value we send so we
// can detect when we get it back
throttle = ((uint32_t)(throttle * 1000)) * 1.0e-3f + throttle_magic;
uint8_t flap_chan;
if (SRV_Channels::find_channel(SRV_Channel::k_flap, flap_chan) ||
SRV_Channels::find_channel(SRV_Channel::k_flap_auto, flap_chan)) {
float flap = (input.servos[flap_chan]-1000)/1000.0;
if (!is_equal(flap, last_flap)) {
send_dref("sim/flightmodel/controls/flaprqst", flap);
send_dref("sim/aircraft/overflow/acf_flap_arm", flap>0?1:0);
send DRef data to X-Plane via UDP
void XPlane::send_drefs(const struct sitl_input &input)
for (const auto *d = drefs; d; d=d->next) {
switch (d->type) {
case DRefType::ANGLE: {
float v = d->range * (input.servos[d->channel-1]-1500)/500.0;
send_dref(d->name, v);
case DRefType::RANGE: {
float v = d->range * (input.servos[d->channel-1]-1000)/1000.0;
send_dref(d->name, v);
case DRefType::FIXED: {
send_dref(d->name, d->fixed_value);
d.code = FlightCon;
d.data[0] = elevator;
d.data[1] = aileron;
d.data[2] = rudder;
d.data[4] = rudder;
socket_out.send(&d, sizeof(d));
if (!heli_frame) {
d.code = ThrottleCommand;
d.data[0] = throttle;
d.data[1] = throttle;
d.data[2] = throttle;
d.data[3] = throttle;
d.data[4] = 0;
socket_out.send(&d, sizeof(d));
} else {
// send chan3 as collective pitch, on scale from -10 to +10
float collective = 10*(input.servos[2]-1500)/500.0;
// and send throttle from channel 8
throttle = (input.servos[7]-1000)/1000.0;
// allow for extra throttle outputs for special aircraft
float throttle2 = (input.servos[5]-1000)/1000.0;
float throttle3 = (input.servos[6]-1000)/1000.0;
d.code = PropPitch;
d.data[0] = collective;
d.data[1] = -rudder*15; // reverse sense of rudder, 15 degrees pitch range
d.data[2] = 0;
d.data[3] = 0;
d.data[4] = 0;
socket_out.send(&d, sizeof(d));
d.code = ThrottleCommand;
d.data[0] = throttle;
d.data[1] = throttle;
d.data[2] = throttle2;
d.data[3] = throttle3;
d.data[4] = 0;
socket_out.send(&d, sizeof(d));
throttle_sent = throttle;
@ -462,21 +646,47 @@ void XPlane::send_dref(const char *name, float value)
} d {};
d.value = value;
strcpy(d.name, name);
socket_out.send(&d, sizeof(d));
socket_out.send(&d, sizeof(d));
if (dref_debug > 0) {
::printf("-> %s : %.3f\n", name, value);
request a dref
void XPlane::request_dref(const char *name, uint8_t code, uint32_t rate)
struct PACKED {
uint8_t marker[5] { 'R', 'R', 'E', 'F', '0' };
uint32_t rate_hz;
uint32_t code;
char name[400];
} d {};
d.rate_hz = rate;
d.code = code; // given back in responses
strcpy(d.name, name);
socket_in.sendto(&d, sizeof(d), xplane_ip, xplane_port);
void XPlane::request_drefs(void)
request_dref("sim/version/xplane_internal_version", RREF_VERSION, 1);
update the XPlane simulation by one time step
void XPlane::update(const struct sitl_input &input)
if (receive_data()) {
uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis();
if (report.last_report_ms == 0) {
report.last_report_ms = now;
if (now - report.last_report_ms > 5000) {
float dt = (now - report.last_report_ms) * 1.0e-3f;
@ -485,9 +695,9 @@ void XPlane::update(const struct sitl_input &input)
report.last_report_ms = now;
report.data_count = 0;
report.frame_count = 0;
} // namespace SITL
@ -27,8 +27,10 @@
#include <AP_HAL/utility/Socket.h>
#include <AP_Filesystem/AP_Filesystem.h>
#include "SIM_Aircraft.h"
#include "picojson.h"
namespace SITL {
@ -48,11 +50,22 @@ public:
bool receive_data(void);
void send_dref(const char *name, float value);
void send_data(const struct sitl_input &input);
void select_data(uint64_t usel_mask, uint64_t sel_mask);
void request_drefs(void);
void request_dref(const char *name, uint8_t code, uint32_t rate_hz);
void send_drefs(const struct sitl_input &input);
void handle_rref(const uint8_t *p, uint32_t len);
void select_data(void);
void deselect_code(uint8_t code);
int8_t find_data_index(uint8_t id);
// return true if at least X
bool is_xplane12(void) const {
return xplane_version / 10000 >= 12;
const char *xplane_ip = "";
uint16_t xplane_port = 49000;
uint16_t bind_port = 49001;
@ -64,58 +77,63 @@ private:
uint32_t last_data_time_ms;
Vector3d position_zero;
Vector3f accel_earth;
float throttle_sent = -1;
bool connected = false;
uint32_t xplane_frame_time;
uint64_t seen_mask;
struct {
uint32_t last_report_ms;
uint32_t data_count;
uint32_t frame_count;
} report;
float last_flap;
// are we controlling a heli?
bool heli_frame;
enum class DRefType {
ANGLE = 0,
RANGE = 1,
FIXED = 2,
uint64_t unselected_mask;
// throttle joystick input is very weird. See comments in the main code
const float throttle_magic = 0.000123f;
const float throttle_magic_scale = 1.0e6;
// DATA@ frame types. Thanks to TauLabs xplanesimulator.h
// (which strangely enough acknowledges APM as a source!)
enum {
FramRate = 0,
Times = 1,
SimStats = 2,
Speed = 3,
Gload = 4,
AtmosphereWeather = 5,
AtmosphereAircraft = 6,
SystemPressures = 7,
Joystick1 = 8,
Joystick2 = 9,
ArtStab = 10,
FlightCon = 11,
WingSweep = 12,
Trim = 13,
Brakes = 14,
AngularMoments = 15,
AngularVelocities = 16,
PitchRollHeading = 17,
AoA = 18,
MagCompass = 19,
LatLonAlt = 20,
LocVelDistTraveled = 21,
ThrottleCommand = 25,
Mixture = 29,
CarbHeat = 30,
EngineRPM = 37,
PropRPM = 38,
PropPitch = 39,
Generator = 58,
struct DRef {
struct DRef *next;
char *name;
DRefType type;
uint8_t channel;
float range;
float fixed_value;
// list of DRefs;
struct DRef *drefs;
uint32_t dref_debug;
enum class JoyType {
AXIS = 0,
// list of joystick inputs
struct JoyInput {
struct JoyInput *next;
uint8_t axis;
uint8_t channel;
JoyType type;
float input_min, input_max;
uint32_t mask;
struct JoyInput *joyinputs;
char *map_filename;
struct stat map_st;
bool load_dref_map(const char *map_json);
void add_dref(const char *name, DRefType type, const picojson::value &dref);
void add_joyinput(const char *name, JoyType type, const picojson::value &d);
void handle_setting(const picojson::value &d);
void check_reload_dref(void);
uint32_t xplane_version;
bool have_ref_lat;
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ def build(bld):
source = bld.path.ant_glob('*.cpp')
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ def build(bld):
source = bld.path.ant_glob('*.cpp')
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
# XPlane DREF map file for Alii quadplane
"settings" : { "debug" : 0 },
"sim/operation/override/override_engines" : { "type" : "fixed", "value" : 1 },
"sim/operation/override/override_control_surfaces" : { "type" : "fixed", "value" : 1 },
# forward throttle
"sim/flightmodel/engine/ENGN_TRQ[4]" : { "type" : "range", "range" : 3000, "channel" : 3 },
# VTOL motors
"sim/flightmodel/engine/ENGN_TRQ[0]" : { "type" : "range", "range" : 4000, "channel" : 5 },
"sim/flightmodel/engine/ENGN_TRQ[1]" : { "type" : "range", "range" : 4000, "channel" : 7 },
"sim/flightmodel/engine/ENGN_TRQ[2]" : { "type" : "range", "range" : 4000, "channel" : 6 },
"sim/flightmodel/engine/ENGN_TRQ[3]" : { "type" : "range", "range" : 4000, "channel" : 8 },
# ailerons
"sim/flightmodel2/wing/aileron1_deg[2]" : { "type" : "angle", "range" : 30, "channel" : 1 }, # left inner
"sim/flightmodel2/wing/aileron1_deg[3]" : { "type" : "angle", "range" : -30, "channel" : 9 }, # right inner
"sim/flightmodel2/wing/aileron2_deg[4]" : { "type" : "angle", "range" : 30, "channel" : 1 }, # left outer
"sim/flightmodel2/wing/aileron2_deg[5]" : { "type" : "angle", "range" : -30, "channel" : 9 }, # right outer
# elevators
"sim/flightmodel2/wing/elevator1_deg[8]" : { "type" : "angle", "range" : -30, "channel" : 2 }, # left inner
"sim/flightmodel2/wing/elevator1_deg[9]" : { "type" : "angle", "range" : -30, "channel" : 2 }, # right inner
"sim/flightmodel2/wing/elevator2_deg[8]" : { "type" : "angle", "range" : -30, "channel" : 2 }, # left outer
"sim/flightmodel2/wing/elevator2_deg[9]" : { "type" : "angle", "range" : -30, "channel" : 2 }, # right outer
# rudders
"sim/flightmodel2/wing/rudder1_deg[10]" : { "type" : "angle", "range" : -30, "channel" : 4 }, # left
"sim/flightmodel2/wing/rudder2_deg[11]" : { "type" : "angle", "range" : 30, "channel" : 4 }, # right
# joystick input
"axis6" : { "type" : "joyaxis", "channel" : 1, "input_min" : 0.2, "input_max" : 0.8 },
"axis5" : { "type" : "joyaxis", "channel" : 2, "input_min" : 0.2, "input_max" : 0.8 },
"axis4" : { "type" : "joyaxis", "channel" : 3, "input_min" : 0.8, "input_max" : 0.2 },
"axis2" : { "type" : "joyaxis", "channel" : 4, "input_min" : 0.2, "input_max" : 0.9 },
"axis3" : { "type" : "joyaxis", "channel" : 5, "input_min" : 0.2, "input_max" : 0.9 },
"button1" : { "channel" : 6, "mask" : 1 },
"button2" : { "channel" : 7, "mask" : 2 },
"button3" : { "type" : "joybutton", "channel" : 8, "mask" : 24 },
"button4" : { "type" : "joybutton", "channel" : 9, "mask" : 4 }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
#include "SIM_Aircraft.h"
#include <AP_Filesystem/AP_Filesystem.h>
#include "picojson.h"
load JSON file, returning a picojson object or nullptr on failure
void *load_json(const char *filename)
struct stat st;
if (AP::FS().stat(filename, &st) != 0) {
::printf("No such json file %s\n", filename);
return nullptr;
int fd = AP::FS().open(filename, O_RDONLY);
if (fd == -1) {
::printf("failed to open json %s\n", filename);
return nullptr;
char buf[st.st_size+1];
memset(buf, '\0', sizeof(buf));
if (AP::FS().read(fd, buf, st.st_size) != st.st_size) {
::printf("failed to read json %s\n", filename);
return nullptr;
char *start = strchr(buf, '{');
if (!start) {
::printf("Invalid json %s", filename);
return nullptr;
remove comments, as not allowed by the parser
for (char *p = strchr(start,'#'); p; p=strchr(p+1, '#')) {
// clear to end of line
do {
*p++ = ' ';
} while (*p != '\n' && *p != '\r' && *p);
picojson::value *obj = new picojson::value;
if (obj == nullptr) {
::printf("Invalid allocate json for %s", filename);
return nullptr;
std::string err = picojson::parse(*obj, start);
if (!err.empty()) {
::printf("parse failed for json %s", filename);
delete obj;
return nullptr;
return obj;
#endif // USE_PICOJSON
@ -31,6 +31,10 @@
// load a json file, actual return type is picojson::value
void *load_json(const char *filename);
use picojson to load optional frame files
Reference in New Issue
Block a user