mirror of https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot
Filter: added a NotchFilter test suite
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#include <AP_gtest.h>
#include <Filter/Filter.h>
#include <Filter/NotchFilter.h>
const AP_HAL::HAL& hal = AP_HAL::get_HAL();
test if a reset of a notch filter results in no glitch in the following samples
with constant input
TEST(NotchFilterTest, ResetTest)
NotchFilter<float> filter;
filter.init(1000, 60, 33, 41);
const float const_sample = -0.512;
for (uint32_t i=0; i<100; i++) {
float v = filter.apply(const_sample);
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(v, const_sample);
test with a sine input
TEST(NotchFilterTest, SineTest)
NotchFilter<float> filter;
const float test_freq = 47;
const float attenuation_dB = 43;
const float rate_hz = 2000;
double dt = 1.0 / rate_hz;
const uint32_t period_samples = rate_hz / test_freq;
const uint32_t periods = 1000;
const float test_amplitude = 0.7;
const float expected_ratio = powf(10, (attenuation_dB/2)/10.0);
double integral1_in = 0;
double integral1_out = 0;
double integral2_in = 0;
double integral2_out = 0;
filter.init(rate_hz, test_freq, test_freq*0.5, attenuation_dB);
for (uint32_t i=0; i<periods * period_samples; i++) {
const double t = i * dt;
const double sample = sin(test_freq * t * 2 * M_PI) * test_amplitude;
const float v = filter.apply(sample);
if (i >= 2*period_samples) {
integral1_in += sample * dt;
integral2_in += fabsf(sample) * dt;
integral1_out += v * dt;
integral2_out += fabsf(v) * dt;
// we expect both absolute integrals to be zero
EXPECT_LE(fabsf(integral1_in), 0.01);
EXPECT_LE(fabsf(integral1_out), 0.01);
// we expect the output abs integral to be smaller than input
// integral by the attenuation
const float ratio1 = integral2_in / integral2_out;
::printf("ratio1=%f expected_ratio=%f\n", ratio1, expected_ratio);
const float err_pct = 100 * fabsf(ratio1 - expected_ratio) / ratio1;
EXPECT_LE(err_pct, 1);
Reference in New Issue