mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 17:13:56 -03:00
AP_Mount: viewpro directly fills in packet structures
This commit is contained in:
@ -451,7 +451,12 @@ bool AP_Mount_Viewpro::send_packet(const uint8_t* databuff, uint8_t databuff_len
// send handshake, gimbal will respond with T1_F1_B1_D1 paket that includes current angles
void AP_Mount_Viewpro::send_handshake()
HandshakePacket hs_packet {FrameId::HANDSHAKE, 0};
const HandshakePacket hs_packet {
.content = {
frame_id: FrameId::HANDSHAKE,
unused: 0
send_packet(hs_packet.bytes, sizeof(hs_packet.bytes));
@ -466,9 +471,12 @@ bool AP_Mount_Viewpro::set_lock(bool lock)
// fill in packet
A1Packet a1_packet {};
a1_packet.content.frame_id = FrameId::A1;
a1_packet.content.servo_status = lock ? ServoStatus::follow_yaw_disable : ServoStatus::follow_yaw;
const A1Packet a1_packet {
.content = {
frame_id: FrameId::A1,
servo_status: lock ? ServoStatus::follow_yaw_disable : ServoStatus::follow_yaw
// send targets to gimbal
if (send_packet(a1_packet.bytes, sizeof(a1_packet.bytes))) {
@ -482,9 +490,12 @@ bool AP_Mount_Viewpro::set_lock(bool lock)
bool AP_Mount_Viewpro::send_comm_config_cmd(CommConfigCmd cmd)
// fill in packet
UPacket u_packet {};
u_packet.content.frame_id = FrameId::U;
u_packet.content.control_cmd = cmd;
const UPacket u_packet {
.content = {
frame_id: FrameId::U,
control_cmd: cmd
// send targets to gimbal
return send_packet(u_packet.bytes, sizeof(u_packet.bytes));
@ -504,11 +515,14 @@ bool AP_Mount_Viewpro::send_target_rates(float pitch_rads, float yaw_rads, bool
const int16_t yaw_rate_output = degrees(yaw_rads) * 100.0;
// fill in packet
A1Packet a1_packet {};
a1_packet.content.frame_id = FrameId::A1;
a1_packet.content.servo_status = ServoStatus::manual_speed_mode;
a1_packet.content.yaw_be = htobe16(yaw_rate_output);
a1_packet.content.pitch_be = htobe16(pitch_rate_output);
const A1Packet a1_packet {
.content = {
frame_id: FrameId::A1,
servo_status: ServoStatus::manual_speed_mode,
yaw_be: htobe16(yaw_rate_output),
pitch_be: htobe16(pitch_rate_output)
// send targets to gimbal
return send_packet(a1_packet.bytes, sizeof(a1_packet.bytes));
@ -539,11 +553,14 @@ bool AP_Mount_Viewpro::send_target_angles(float pitch_rad, float yaw_rad, bool y
const int16_t yaw_angle_output = degrees(yaw_bf_rad) * AP_MOUNT_VIEWPRO_DEG_TO_OUTPUT;
// fill in packet
A1Packet a1_packet {};
a1_packet.content.frame_id = FrameId::A1;
a1_packet.content.servo_status = ServoStatus::manual_absolute_angle_mode;
a1_packet.content.yaw_be = htobe16(yaw_angle_output);
a1_packet.content.pitch_be = htobe16(pitch_angle_output);
const A1Packet a1_packet {
.content = {
frame_id: FrameId::A1,
servo_status: ServoStatus::manual_absolute_angle_mode,
yaw_be: htobe16(yaw_angle_output),
pitch_be: htobe16(pitch_angle_output)
// send targets to gimbal
return send_packet(a1_packet.bytes, sizeof(a1_packet.bytes));
@ -552,10 +569,6 @@ bool AP_Mount_Viewpro::send_target_angles(float pitch_rad, float yaw_rad, bool y
// send camera command, affected image sensor and value (e.g. zoom speed)
bool AP_Mount_Viewpro::send_camera_command(ImageSensor img_sensor, CameraCommand cmd, uint8_t value)
// fill in packet
C1Packet c1_packet {};
c1_packet.content.frame_id = FrameId::C1;
// fill in 2 bytes containing sensor, zoom speed, operation command and LRF
// bit0~2: sensor
// bit3~5: zoom speed
@ -564,7 +577,14 @@ bool AP_Mount_Viewpro::send_camera_command(ImageSensor img_sensor, CameraCommand
const uint16_t sensor_id = (uint16_t)img_sensor;
const uint16_t zoom_speed = ((uint16_t)value & 0x07) << 3;
const uint16_t operation_cmd = ((uint16_t)cmd & 0x7F) << 6;
c1_packet.content.sensor_zoom_cmd_be = htobe16(sensor_id | zoom_speed | operation_cmd);
// fill in packet
const C1Packet c1_packet {
.content = {
frame_id: FrameId::C1,
sensor_zoom_cmd_be: htobe16(sensor_id | zoom_speed | operation_cmd)
// send packet to gimbal
return send_packet(c1_packet.bytes, sizeof(c1_packet.bytes));
@ -574,10 +594,13 @@ bool AP_Mount_Viewpro::send_camera_command(ImageSensor img_sensor, CameraCommand
bool AP_Mount_Viewpro::send_camera_command2(CameraCommand2 cmd, uint16_t value)
// fill in packet
C2Packet c2_packet {};
c2_packet.content.frame_id = FrameId::C2;
c2_packet.content.cmd = cmd;
c2_packet.content.value_be = htobe16(value);
const C2Packet c2_packet {
.content = {
frame_id: FrameId::C2,
cmd: cmd,
value_be: htobe16(value)
// send packet to gimbal
return send_packet(c2_packet.bytes, sizeof(c2_packet.bytes));
@ -604,11 +627,14 @@ bool AP_Mount_Viewpro::send_tracking_command(TrackingCommand cmd, uint8_t value)
// fill in packet
E1Packet e1_packet {};
e1_packet.content.frame_id = FrameId::E1;
e1_packet.content.source = tracking_source;
e1_packet.content.cmd = cmd;
e1_packet.content.param2 = value; // normally zero
const E1Packet e1_packet {
.content = {
frame_id: FrameId::E1,
source: tracking_source,
cmd: cmd,
param2: value // normally zero
// send packet to gimbal
return send_packet(e1_packet.bytes, sizeof(e1_packet.bytes));
@ -618,11 +644,14 @@ bool AP_Mount_Viewpro::send_tracking_command(TrackingCommand cmd, uint8_t value)
bool AP_Mount_Viewpro::send_tracking_command2(TrackingCommand2 cmd, uint16_t param1, uint16_t param2)
// fill in packet
E2Packet e2_packet {};
e2_packet.content.frame_id = FrameId::E2;
e2_packet.content.cmd = cmd;
e2_packet.content.param1_be = htobe16(param1);
e2_packet.content.param2_be = htobe16(param2);
const E2Packet e2_packet {
.content = {
frame_id: FrameId::E2,
cmd: cmd,
param1_be: htobe16(param1),
param2_be: htobe16(param2),
// send packet to gimbal
return send_packet(e2_packet.bytes, sizeof(e2_packet.bytes));
@ -656,25 +685,28 @@ bool AP_Mount_Viewpro::send_m_ahrs()
uint16_t gps_vdop = AP::gps().get_vdop();
// fill in packet
M_AHRSPacket mahrs_packet{};
mahrs_packet.content.frame_id = FrameId::M_AHRS;
mahrs_packet.content.data_type = 0x07; // Bit0: Attitude, Bit1: GPS, Bit2 Gyro
mahrs_packet.content.pitch_be = htobe16(-degrees(AP::ahrs().get_pitch()) * AP_MOUNT_VIEWPRO_DEG_TO_OUTPUT); // vehicle pitch angle. 1bit=360deg/65536
mahrs_packet.content.roll_be = htobe16(degrees(AP::ahrs().get_roll()) * AP_MOUNT_VIEWPRO_DEG_TO_OUTPUT); // vehicle roll angle. 1bit=360deg/65536
mahrs_packet.content.yaw_be = htobe16(degrees(AP::ahrs().get_yaw()) * AP_MOUNT_VIEWPRO_DEG_TO_OUTPUT); // vehicle yaw angle. 1bit=360deg/65536
mahrs_packet.content.date_be = htobe16(date); // bit0~6:year, bit7~10:month, bit11~15:day
mahrs_packet.content.seconds_utc[0] = uint8_t((second_hundredths & 0xFF0000ULL) >> 16); // seconds * 100 MSB. 1bit = 0.01sec
mahrs_packet.content.seconds_utc[1] = uint8_t((second_hundredths & 0xFF00ULL) >> 8); // seconds * 100 next MSB. 1bit = 0.01sec
mahrs_packet.content.seconds_utc[2] = uint8_t(second_hundredths & 0xFFULL); // seconds * 100 LSB. 1bit = 0.01sec
mahrs_packet.content.gps_yaw_be = htobe16(vel_yaw_deg * AP_MOUNT_VIEWPRO_DEG_TO_OUTPUT); // GPS yaw
mahrs_packet.content.position_mark_bitmask = 0x0F; // bit0:new position, bit1:clock fix calced, bit2:horiz calced, bit3:alt calced
mahrs_packet.content.latitude_be = htobe32(loc.lat); // latitude. 1bit = 10e-7
mahrs_packet.content.longitude_be = htobe32(loc.lng); // longitude. 1bit = 10e-7
mahrs_packet.content.height_be = htobe32(alt_amsl_cm * 10); // height. 1bit = 1mm
mahrs_packet.content.ground_speed_N_be = htobe16(vel_NED.x * 100); // ground speed in North direction. 1bit = 0.01m/s
mahrs_packet.content.ground_speed_E_be = htobe16(vel_NED.y * 100); // ground speed in East direction. 1bit = 0.01m/s
mahrs_packet.content.vdop_be = htobe16(gps_vdop); // GPS vdop. 1bit = 0.01
mahrs_packet.content.ground_speed_D_be = htobe16(vel_NED.z * 100); // speed downwards. 1bit = 0.01m/s
const M_AHRSPacket mahrs_packet {
.content = {
frame_id: FrameId::M_AHRS,
data_type: 0x07, // Bit0: Attitude, Bit1: GPS, Bit2 Gyro
pitch_be: htobe16(-degrees(AP::ahrs().get_pitch()) * AP_MOUNT_VIEWPRO_DEG_TO_OUTPUT), // vehicle pitch angle. 1bit=360deg/65536
roll_be: htobe16(degrees(AP::ahrs().get_roll()) * AP_MOUNT_VIEWPRO_DEG_TO_OUTPUT), // vehicle roll angle. 1bit=360deg/65536
yaw_be: htobe16(degrees(AP::ahrs().get_yaw()) * AP_MOUNT_VIEWPRO_DEG_TO_OUTPUT), // vehicle yaw angle. 1bit=360deg/65536
date_be: htobe16(date), // bit0~6:year, bit7~10:month, bit11~15:day
seconds_utc: {uint8_t((second_hundredths & 0xFF0000ULL) >> 16), // seconds * 100 MSB. 1bit = 0.01sec
uint8_t((second_hundredths & 0xFF00ULL) >> 8), // seconds * 100 next MSB. 1bit = 0.01sec
uint8_t(second_hundredths & 0xFFULL)}, // seconds * 100 LSB. 1bit = 0.01sec
gps_yaw_be: htobe16(vel_yaw_deg * AP_MOUNT_VIEWPRO_DEG_TO_OUTPUT), // GPS yaw
position_mark_bitmask: 0x0F, // bit0:new position, bit1:clock fix calced, bit2:horiz calced, bit3:alt calced
latitude_be: htobe32(loc.lat), // latitude. 1bit = 10e-7
longitude_be: htobe32(loc.lng), // longitude. 1bit = 10e-7
height_be: htobe32(alt_amsl_cm * 10), // height. 1bit = 1mm
ground_speed_N_be: htobe16(vel_NED.x * 100), // ground speed in North direction. 1bit = 0.01m/s
ground_speed_E_be: htobe16(vel_NED.y * 100), // ground speed in East direction. 1bit = 0.01m/s
vdop_be: htobe16(gps_vdop), // GPS vdop. 1bit = 0.01
ground_speed_D_be: htobe16(vel_NED.z * 100) // speed downwards. 1bit = 0.01m/s
// send packet to gimbal
return send_packet(mahrs_packet.bytes, sizeof(mahrs_packet.bytes));
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