work on progress, updated camera functions, rearranging module configs

git-svn-id: f9c3cf11-9bcb-44bc-f272-b75c42450872
This commit is contained in:
jphelirc 2010-11-03 12:39:11 +00:00
parent a5cb22207a
commit 6f70fddea4
7 changed files with 209 additions and 108 deletions

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@ -59,10 +59,19 @@ TODO:
#define RI_LED AN10 // Mega PH4 pin, OUT5
#define LE_LED AN8 // Mega PH5 pin, OUT4
// Special patterns for future use
#define POFF L1\0x00\0x00\0x05
#define PALL L1\0xFF\0xFF\0x05
#define GPS_AM_PAT1 L\0x00\0x00\0x05
#define GPS_AM_PAT2 L\0xFF\0xFF\0x05
#define GPS_AM_PAT3 L\0xF0\0xF0\0x05
/* AM PIN Definitions - END */
@ -103,6 +112,8 @@ TODO:
#define CAM_TILT_CH CH_7 // Channel for radio knob to controll tilt "zerolevel"
// General definitions

View File

@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ int Sonar_Counter=0;
// AP_mode : 1=> Position hold 2=>Stabilization assist mode (normal mode)
byte AP_mode = 2;
//byte cam_mode = 0;
//byte cam_mode = 0; // moved to general settings, 31-10-10, jp
// Mode LED timers and variables, used to blink LED_Green
byte gled_status = HIGH;
@ -439,6 +439,15 @@ unsigned long elapsedTime = 0; // for doing custom events
// Different GPS devices,
#define GPSDEV_IMU 4
#define GPSDEV_NMEA 5
// Following variables stored in EEPROM
@ -495,6 +504,13 @@ float ch_yaw_offset = 0;
float ch_aux_offset = 0;
float ch_aux2_offset = 0;
byte cam_mode = 0;
byte mag_orientation = 0; // mag variables, reserved for future use, 31-10-10, jp
float mag_declination = 0.0;
float mag_offset_x = 0; // is int enough for offsets.. checkit, 31-10-10, jp
float mag_offset_y = 0;
float mag_offset_z = 0;
//float eeprom_counter; // reserved for eeprom write counter, 31-10-10, jp
//float eeprom_checker; // reserved for eeprom checksums, 01-11-10, jp
// This function call contains the default values that are set to the ArduCopter
// when a "Default EEPROM Value" command is sent through serial interface
@ -557,6 +573,11 @@ void defaultUserConfig() {
ch_aux_offset = 0;
ch_aux2_offset = 0;
cam_mode = 0;
mag_orientation = 0; // reserved for future, 31-10-10, jp
mag_declination = 0.0;
mag_offset_x = 0;
mag_offset_y = 0;
mag_offset_z = 0;
// EEPROM storage addresses
@ -618,4 +639,16 @@ void defaultUserConfig() {
#define ch_aux_offset_ADR 220
#define ch_aux2_offset_ADR 224
#define cam_mode_ADR 226
#define mag_orientation_ADR 228 // reserved for future, 31-10-10, jp
#define mag_declination_ADR 230 // reserved for future, 31-10-10, jp
#define mag_offset_x_ADR 232
#define mag_offset_y_ADR 234
#define mag_offset_z_ADR 236
//#define eeprom_counter_ADR 238 // hmm should i move these?!? , 31-10-10, jp
//#define eeprom_checker_ADR 240 // this too... , 31-10-10, jp
// end of file

View File

@ -40,10 +40,18 @@
/* ************************************************************ */
/* ************************************************************ */
// User definable modules, check them every time you have new
// software version at your hand.
// Please check your modules settings for every new software downloads you have.
// Also check repository / ArduCopter wiki pages for ChangeLogs and software notes
// Comment out with // modules that you are not using
// Do check ArduUser.h settings file too !!
// Modules Config
// --------------------------
//#define IsGPS // Do we have a GPS connected
//#define IsNEWMTEK // Do we have MTEK with new firmware
@ -57,6 +65,14 @@
// GPS Selection
#define GPSDEVICE GPSDEV_DIYMTEK // For DIY Drones MediaTek
//#define GPSDEVICE GPSDEV_FPUBLOX // For Fah Pah Special ArduCopter GPS
//#define GPSDEVICE GPSDEV_NMEA // For general NMEA compatible GPSEs
//#dedine GPSDEVICE GPSDEV_IMU // For IMU Simulations only
// Serial ports & speeds
@ -88,12 +104,13 @@
//#define FLIGHT_MODE_+ // Traditional "one arm as nose" frame configuration
//#define FLIGHT_MODE_X // Frame orientation 45 deg to CCW, nose between two arms
// 19-10-10 by JP
// This feature has been disabled for now, if you want to change between flight orientations
// just use DIP switch for that. DIP1 down = X, DIP1 up = +
// Magneto orientation and corrections.
// If you don't have magneto actiavted, It is safe to ignore these
#ifdef IsMAG
// If you don't have magneto activated, It is safe to ignore these
//#ifdef IsMAG
#define MAGORIENTATION APM_COMPASS_COMPONENTS_UP_PINS_FORWARD // This is default solution for ArduCopter
//#define MAGORIENTATION APM_COMPASS_COMPONENTS_UP_PINS_BACK // Alternative orientation for ArduCopter
//#define MAGORIENTATION APM_COMPASS_COMPONENTS_DOWN_PINS_FORWARD // If you have soldered Magneto to IMU shield in WIki pictures shows
@ -123,7 +140,7 @@
//#define DECLINATION -6.08 // Jose, Canary Islands, 6°5'W
//#define DECLINATION 0.73 // Tony, Minneapolis, 0°44'E
@ -131,6 +148,7 @@
/* **************** MAIN PROGRAM - INCLUDES ******************* */
/* ************************************************************ */
//#include <AP_GPS.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/eeprom.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
@ -143,14 +161,18 @@
#include <Wire.h> // I2C Communication library
#include <APM_BMP085.h> // ArduPilot Mega BMP085 Library
#include <EEPROM.h> // EEPROM
//#include <AP_GPS.h>
#include "Arducopter.h"
#include "ArduUser.h"
#ifdef IsGPS
// GPS library (Include only one library)
#include <GPS_MTK.h> // ArduPilot MTK GPS Library
//#include <GPS_IMU.h> // ArduPilot IMU/SIM GPS Library
//#include <GPS_UBLOX.h> // ArduPilot Ublox GPS Library
//#include <GPS_NMEA.h> // ArduPilot NMEA GPS library
/* Software version */
#define VER 1.52 // Current software version (only numeric values)
@ -262,14 +284,17 @@ void loop()
if (target_position)
#ifdef IsGPS
if (GPS.NewData) // New GPS info?
Position_control(target_lattitude,target_longitude); // Call GPS position hold routine
else // First time we enter in GPS position hold we capture the target position as the actual position
#ifdef IsGPS
if (GPS.Fix){ // We need a GPS Fix to capture the actual position...
target_lattitude = GPS.Lattitude;
target_longitude = GPS.Longitude;
@ -279,6 +304,7 @@ void loop()
Initial_Throttle = ch_throttle;
Reset_I_terms_navigation(); // Reset I terms (in Navigation.pde)
@ -290,7 +316,9 @@ void loop()
// Medium loop (about 60Hz)
if ((currentTime-mediumLoop)>=17){
mediumLoop = currentTime;
#ifdef IsGPS
GPS.Read(); // Read GPS data
// Each of the six cases executes at 10Hz
switch (medium_loopCounter){
case 0: // Magnetometer reading (10Hz)

View File

@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ void writeEEPROM(float value, int address) {
void readUserConfig() {
// eeprom_counter = readEEPROM(eeprom_counter_ADR);
// eeprom_checker = readEEPROM(eeprom_checker_ADR);
@ -115,9 +117,19 @@ void readUserConfig() {
ch_aux_offset = readEEPROM(ch_aux_offset_ADR);
ch_aux2_offset = readEEPROM(ch_aux2_offset_ADR);
cam_mode = readEEPROM(cam_mode_ADR);
mag_orientation = readEEPROM(mag_orientation_ADR);
mag_declination = readEEPROM(mag_declination_ADR);
mag_offset_x = readEEPROM(mag_offset_x_ADR);
mag_offset_y = readEEPROM(mag_offset_y_ADR);
mag_offset_z = readEEPROM(mag_offset_z_ADR);
void writeUserConfig() {
// eeprom_counter = readEEPROM(eeprom_counter_ADR);
// if(eeprom_counter > 0) eeprom_counter = 0;
// eeprom_counter++;
// writeEEPROM(eeprom_counter, eeprom_counter_ADR);
@ -176,5 +188,11 @@ void writeUserConfig() {
writeEEPROM(ch_aux_offset, ch_aux_offset_ADR);
writeEEPROM(ch_aux2_offset, ch_aux2_offset_ADR);
writeEEPROM(cam_mode, cam_mode_ADR);
writeEEPROM(mag_orientation, mag_orientation_ADR);
writeEEPROM(mag_declination, mag_declination_ADR);
writeEEPROM(mag_offset_x, mag_offset_x_ADR);
writeEEPROM(mag_offset_y, mag_offset_y_ADR);
writeEEPROM(mag_offset_z, mag_offset_z_ADR);

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
* ************************************************************** *
31-10-10 Moved camera stabilization from Functions to here, jp
* ************************************************************** *
@ -34,3 +34,85 @@ TODO:
* ************************************************************** */
/* **************************************************** */
// Camera stabilization
// Stabilization for three different camera styles
// 1) Camera mounts that have tilt / pan
// 2) Camera mounts that have tilt / roll
// 3) Camera mounts that have tilt / roll / pan (future)
// Original code idea from Max Levine / DIY Drones
// You need to initialize proper camera mode by sending Serial command and then save it
// to EEPROM memory. Possible commands are K1, K2, K3, K4
// Look more about different camera type on ArduCopter Wiki
#ifdef IsCAM
void camera_output() {
// cam_mode = 1; // for debugging
// Camera stabilization jump tables
// SW_DIP1 is a multplier, settings
switch ((SW_DIP1 * 4) + cam_mode + (BATTLOW * 10)) {
// Cases 1 & 4 are stabilization for + Mode flying setup
// Cases 5 & 8 are stabilization for x Mode flying setup
// Modes 3/4 + 7/8 needs still proper scaling on yaw movement
// Scaling needs physical test flying with FPV cameras on, 30-10-10 jp
case 1:
// Camera stabilization with Roll / Tilt mounts, NO transmitter input
APM_RC.OutputCh(CAM_TILT_OUT, limitRange((CAM_CENT + (pitch) * CAM_SMOOTHING), 1000, 2000)); // Tilt correction
APM_RC.OutputCh(CAM_ROLL_OUT, limitRange((CAM_CENT + (roll) * CAM_SMOOTHING_ROLL), 1000, 2000)); // Roll correction
case 2:
// Camera stabilization with Roll / Tilt mounts, transmitter controls basic "zerolevel"
APM_RC.OutputCh(CAM_TILT_OUT, limitRange((APM_RC.InputCh(CAM_TILT_CH) + (pitch) * CAM_SMOOTHING), 1000, 2000)); // Tilt correction
APM_RC.OutputCh(CAM_ROLL_OUT, limitRange((CAM_CENT + (roll) * CAM_SMOOTHING_ROLL), 1000, 2000)); // Roll correction
case 3:
// Camera stabilization with Yaw / Tilt mounts, NO transmitter input
APM_RC.OutputCh(CAM_TILT_OUT, limitRange((CAM_CENT - (roll - pitch) * CAM_SMOOTHING), 1000, 2000)); // Tilt correction
APM_RC.OutputCh(CAM_YAW_OUT, limitRange((CAM_CENT - (gyro_offset_yaw - AN[2])), 1000, 2000)); // Roll correction
case 4:
// Camera stabilization with Yaw / Tilt mounts, transmitter controls basic "zerolevel"
APM_RC.OutputCh(CAM_TILT_OUT, limitRange((APM_RC.InputCh(CAM_TILT_CH) + (pitch) * CAM_SMOOTHING), 1000, 2000)); // Tilt correction
APM_RC.OutputCh(CAM_YAW_OUT, limitRange((CAM_CENT - (gyro_offset_yaw - AN[2])), 1000, 2000)); // Roll correction
// x Mode flying setup
case 5:
// Camera stabilization with Roll / Tilt mounts, NO transmitter input
APM_RC.OutputCh(CAM_TILT_OUT, limitRange((CAM_CENT - (roll - pitch) * CAM_SMOOTHING), 1000, 2000)); // Tilt correction
APM_RC.OutputCh(CAM_ROLL_OUT, limitRange((CAM_CENT + (roll + pitch) * CAM_SMOOTHING), 1000, 2000)); // Roll correction
case 6:
// Camera stabilization with Roll / Tilt mounts, transmitter controls basic "zerolevel"
APM_RC.OutputCh(CAM_TILT_OUT, limitRange((APM_RC.InputCh(CAM_TILT_CH) + (roll - pitch) * CAM_SMOOTHING), 1000, 2000)); // Tilt correction
APM_RC.OutputCh(CAM_ROLL_OUT, limitRange((CAM_CENT + (roll + pitch) * CAM_SMOOTHING), 1000, 2000)); // Roll correction
case 7:
// Camera stabilization with Yaw / Tilt mounts, NO transmitter input
APM_RC.OutputCh(CAM_TILT_OUT, limitRange((CAM_CENT - (roll - pitch) * CAM_SMOOTHING), 1000, 2000)); // Tilt correction
APM_RC.OutputCh(CAM_YAW_OUT, limitRange((CAM_CENT - (gyro_offset_yaw - AN[2])), 1000, 2000)); // Roll correction
case 8:
// Camera stabilization with Yaw / Tilt mounts, transmitter controls basic "zerolevel"
APM_RC.OutputCh(CAM_TILT_OUT, limitRange((APM_RC.InputCh(CAM_TILT_CH) - (roll - pitch) * CAM_SMOOTHING),1000,2000)); // Tilt correction
APM_RC.OutputCh(CAM_YAW_OUT, limitRange((CAM_CENT - (gyro_offset_yaw - AN[2])),1000,2000)); // Yaw correction
// Only in case of we have switch values over 10
// We should not be here...

View File

@ -139,83 +139,8 @@ int limitRange(int data, int minLimit, int maxLimit) {
/* **************************************************** */
// Camera stabilization
// Stabilization for three different camera styles
// 1) Camera mounts that have tilt / pan
// 2) Camera mounts that have tilt / roll
// 3) Camera mounts that have tilt / roll / pan (future)
// Original code idea from Max Levine / DIY Drones
// You need to initialize proper camera mode by sending Serial command and then save it
// to EEPROM memory. Possible commands are K1, K2, K3, K4
// Look more about different camera type on ArduCopter Wiki
#ifdef IsCAM
void camera_output() {
// cam_mode = 1; // for debugging
// Camera stabilization jump tables
// SW_DIP1 is a multplier, settings
switch ((SW_DIP1 * 4) + cam_mode + (BATTLOW * 10)) {
// Cases 1 & 4 are stabilization for + Mode flying setup
// Cases 5 & 8 are stabilization for x Mode flying setup
// Modes 3/4 + 7/8 needs still proper scaling on yaw movement
// Scaling needs physical test flying with FPV cameras on, 30-10-10 jp
case 1:
// Camera stabilization with Roll / Tilt mounts, NO transmitter input
APM_RC.OutputCh(CAM_TILT_OUT, limitRange((CAM_CENT + (pitch) * CAM_SMOOTHING), 1000, 2000)); // Tilt correction
APM_RC.OutputCh(CAM_ROLL_OUT, limitRange((CAM_CENT + (roll) * CAM_SMOOTHING_ROLL), 1000, 2000)); // Roll correction
case 2:
// Camera stabilization with Roll / Tilt mounts, transmitter controls basic "zerolevel"
APM_RC.OutputCh(CAM_TILT_OUT, limitRange((APM_RC.InputCh(CAM_TILT_CH) + (pitch) * CAM_SMOOTHING), 1000, 2000)); // Tilt correction
APM_RC.OutputCh(CAM_ROLL_OUT, limitRange((CAM_CENT + (roll) * CAM_SMOOTHING_ROLL), 1000, 2000)); // Roll correction
case 3:
// Camera stabilization with Yaw / Tilt mounts, NO transmitter input
APM_RC.OutputCh(CAM_TILT_OUT, limitRange((CAM_CENT - (roll - pitch) * CAM_SMOOTHING), 1000, 2000)); // Tilt correction
APM_RC.OutputCh(CAM_YAW_OUT, limitRange((CAM_CENT - (gyro_offset_yaw - AN[2])), 1000, 2000)); // Roll correction
case 4:
// Camera stabilization with Yaw / Tilt mounts, transmitter controls basic "zerolevel"
APM_RC.OutputCh(CAM_TILT_OUT, limitRange((APM_RC.InputCh(CAM_TILT_CH) + (pitch) * CAM_SMOOTHING), 1000, 2000)); // Tilt correction
APM_RC.OutputCh(CAM_YAW_OUT, limitRange((CAM_CENT - (gyro_offset_yaw - AN[2])), 1000, 2000)); // Roll correction
// x Mode flying setup
case 5:
// Camera stabilization with Roll / Tilt mounts, NO transmitter input
APM_RC.OutputCh(CAM_TILT_OUT, limitRange((CAM_CENT - (roll - pitch) * CAM_SMOOTHING), 1000, 2000)); // Tilt correction
APM_RC.OutputCh(CAM_ROLL_OUT, limitRange((CAM_CENT + (roll + pitch) * CAM_SMOOTHING), 1000, 2000)); // Roll correction
case 6:
// Camera stabilization with Roll / Tilt mounts, transmitter controls basic "zerolevel"
APM_RC.OutputCh(CAM_TILT_OUT, limitRange((APM_RC.InputCh(CAM_TILT_CH) + (roll - pitch) * CAM_SMOOTHING), 1000, 2000)); // Tilt correction
APM_RC.OutputCh(CAM_ROLL_OUT, limitRange((CAM_CENT + (roll + pitch) * CAM_SMOOTHING), 1000, 2000)); // Roll correction
case 7:
// Camera stabilization with Yaw / Tilt mounts, NO transmitter input
APM_RC.OutputCh(CAM_TILT_OUT, limitRange((CAM_CENT - (roll - pitch) * CAM_SMOOTHING), 1000, 2000)); // Tilt correction
APM_RC.OutputCh(CAM_YAW_OUT, limitRange((CAM_CENT - (gyro_offset_yaw - AN[2])), 1000, 2000)); // Roll correction
case 8:
// Camera stabilization with Yaw / Tilt mounts, transmitter controls basic "zerolevel"
APM_RC.OutputCh(CAM_TILT_OUT, limitRange((APM_RC.InputCh(CAM_TILT_CH) - (roll - pitch) * CAM_SMOOTHING),1000,2000)); // Tilt correction
APM_RC.OutputCh(CAM_YAW_OUT, limitRange((CAM_CENT - (gyro_offset_yaw - AN[2])),1000,2000)); // Yaw correction
// Only in case of we have case values over 10
// We should not be here...
// Camera functions moved to event due it's and event 31-10-10, jp

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@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ TODO:
void read_GPS_data()
#ifdef IsGPS
GPS_timer_old=GPS_timer; // Update GPS timer
GPS_timer = millis();
GPS_Dt = (GPS_timer-GPS_timer_old)*0.001; // GPS_Dt
@ -48,6 +49,7 @@ void read_GPS_data()
digitalWrite(LED_Red,HIGH); // GPS Fix => RED LED
/* GPS based Position control */
@ -56,9 +58,10 @@ void Position_control(long lat_dest, long lon_dest)
long Lon_diff;
long Lat_diff;
#ifdef IsGPS // it is safe to disable this, if no IsGPS we never come here anyways
Lon_diff = lon_dest - GPS.Longitude;
Lat_diff = lat_dest - GPS.Lattitude;
//Optimization : cos(yaw) = DCM_Matrix[0][0] ; sin(yaw) = DCM_Matrix[1][0]
gps_err_roll = (float)Lon_diff * GEOG_CORRECTION_FACTOR * DCM_Matrix[0][0] - (float)Lat_diff * DCM_Matrix[1][0];
@ -96,3 +99,4 @@ void Reset_I_terms_navigation()
gps_pitch_I = 0;