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synced 2025-03-18 20:43:56 -03:00
AP_NavEKF : Reduce ripple in estimates that can cause copter motor 'pulsing'
This patch reduces the level of 5Hz and 10Hz 'pulsing' heard in motors due to GPS and altimeter fusion which cause a small 5Hz and 10Hz ripple on the output under some conditions. Attitude, velocity and position state corrections from GPS, altimeter and magnetometer measurements are applied incrementally in the interval from receiving the measurement to the predicted time of receipt of the next measurement. Averaging of attitude state corrections is not performed during periods of rapid rotation.
This commit is contained in:
@ -38,9 +38,9 @@
#define ABIAS_PNOISE_DEFAULT 0.0001f
#define MAGE_PNOISE_DEFAULT 0.0003f
#define MAGB_PNOISE_DEFAULT 0.0003f
@ -59,9 +59,9 @@
#define ABIAS_PNOISE_DEFAULT 0.0002f
#define MAGE_PNOISE_DEFAULT 0.0003f
#define MAGB_PNOISE_DEFAULT 0.0003f
@ -80,9 +80,9 @@
#define ABIAS_PNOISE_DEFAULT 0.0002f
#define MAGE_PNOISE_DEFAULT 0.0003f
#define MAGB_PNOISE_DEFAULT 0.0003f
@ -346,6 +346,7 @@ NavEKF::NavEKF(const AP_AHRS *ahrs, AP_Baro &baro) :
_gyroBiasNoiseScaler = 2.0f; // scale factor applied to gyro bias state process noise when on ground
_msecGpsAvg = 200; // average number of msec between GPS measurements
_msecHgtAvg = 100; // average number of msec between height measurements
_msecMagAvg = 100; // average number of msec between magnetometer measurements
_msecBetaAvg = 100; // average number of msec between synthetic sideslip measurements
dtVelPos = 0.02; // number of seconds between position and velocity corrections. This should be a multiple of the imu update interval.
// Misc initial conditions
@ -353,7 +354,6 @@ NavEKF::NavEKF(const AP_AHRS *ahrs, AP_Baro &baro) :
mag_state.q0 = 1;
IMU1_weighting = 0.5f;
lastDivergeTime_ms = 0;
memset(&faultStatus, 0, sizeof(faultStatus));
@ -411,6 +411,8 @@ void NavEKF::ResetPosition(void)
states[7] = gpsPosNE.x + gpsPosGlitchOffsetNE.x;
states[8] = gpsPosNE.y + gpsPosGlitchOffsetNE.y;
// reset the glitch ofset correction states
// resets velocity states to last GPS measurement or to zero if in static mode
@ -464,7 +466,15 @@ void NavEKF::InitialiseFilterDynamic(void)
// get initial time deltat between IMU measurements (sec)
dtIMU = _ahrs->get_ins().get_delta_time();
dtIMU = constrain_float(_ahrs->get_ins().get_delta_time(),0.001f,1.0f);
// set number of updates over which gps and baro measurements are applied to the velocity and position states
gpsUpdateCountMaxInv = (dtIMU * 1000.0f)/float(_msecGpsAvg);
gpsUpdateCountMax = uint8_t(1.0f/gpsUpdateCountMaxInv);
hgtUpdateCountMaxInv = (dtIMU * 1000.0f)/float(_msecHgtAvg);
hgtUpdateCountMax = uint8_t(1.0f/hgtUpdateCountMaxInv);
magUpdateCountMaxInv = (dtIMU * 1000.0f)/float(_msecMagAvg);
magUpdateCountMax = uint8_t(1.0f/magUpdateCountMaxInv);
// calculate initial orientation and earth magnetic field states
Quaternion initQuat;
@ -501,6 +511,17 @@ void NavEKF::InitialiseFilterBootstrap(void)
// set re-used variables to zero
// get initial time deltat between IMU measurements (sec)
dtIMU = constrain_float(_ahrs->get_ins().get_delta_time(),0.001f,1.0f);
// set number of updates over which gps and baro measurements are applied to the velocity and position states
gpsUpdateCountMaxInv = (dtIMU * 1000.0f)/float(_msecGpsAvg);
gpsUpdateCountMax = uint8_t(1.0f/gpsUpdateCountMaxInv);
hgtUpdateCountMaxInv = (dtIMU * 1000.0f)/float(_msecHgtAvg);
hgtUpdateCountMax = uint8_t(1.0f/hgtUpdateCountMaxInv);
magUpdateCountMaxInv = (dtIMU * 1000.0f)/float(_msecMagAvg);
magUpdateCountMax = uint8_t(1.0f/magUpdateCountMaxInv);
// acceleration vector in XYZ body axes measured by the IMU (m/s^2)
Vector3f initAccVec;
@ -651,17 +672,6 @@ void NavEKF::UpdateFilter()
// select fusion of velocity, position and height measurements
void NavEKF::SelectVelPosFusion()
// calculate ratio of VelPos fusion to state prediction steps
uint8_t velPosFuseStepRatio = floor(dtVelPos/dtIMU + 0.5f);
// calculate the scale factor to be applied to GPS measurement variance to account for
// the fact we repeat fusion of the same measurement to provide a smoother output
gpsVarScaler = _msecGpsAvg/(1000.0f*dtVelPos);
// calculate the scale factor to be applied to height measurement variance to account for
// the fact we repeat fusion of the same measurement to provide a smoother output
hgtVarScaler = _msecHgtAvg/(1000.0f*dtVelPos);
// check for new data, specify which measurements should be used and check data for freshness
if (!staticMode) {
@ -672,36 +682,38 @@ void NavEKF::SelectVelPosFusion()
if (newDataGps) {
// reset data arrived flag
newDataGps = false;
// reset state updates and counter used to spread fusion updates across several frames to reduce 10Hz pulsing
memset(&gpsIncrStateDelta[0], 0, sizeof(gpsIncrStateDelta));
gpsUpdateCount = 0;
// enable fusion
fuseVelData = true;
fusePosData = true;
// reset the counter used to schedule updates so that we always fuse data on the frame GPS data arrives
skipCounter = velPosFuseStepRatio;
// If a long time since last GPS update, then reset position and velocity and reset stored state history
uint32_t gpsRetryTimeout = useAirspeed() ? _gpsRetryTimeUseTAS : _gpsRetryTimeNoTAS;
if (imuSampleTime_ms - secondLastFixTime_ms > gpsRetryTimeout) {
} else if (imuSampleTime_ms - lastFixTime_ms > (uint32_t)(_msecGpsAvg + 40)) {
// Timeout fusion of GPS data if stale. Needed because we repeatedly fuse the same
// measurement until the next one arrives to provide a smoother output
} else {
fuseVelData = false;
fusePosData = false;
// check for and read new height data
// command fusion of height data
if (newDataHgt)
// reset data arrived flag
newDataHgt = false;
// reset state updates and counter used to spread fusion updates across several frames to reduce 10Hz pulsing
memset(&hgtIncrStateDelta[0], 0, sizeof(hgtIncrStateDelta));
hgtUpdateCount = 0;
// enable fusion
fuseHgtData = true;
} else if (imuSampleTime_ms - lastHgtTime_ms > (uint32_t)(_msecHgtAvg + 40)) {
// timeout fusion of height data if stale. Needed because we repeatedly fuse the same
// measurement until the next one arrives to provide a smoother output
} else {
fuseHgtData = false;
@ -718,22 +730,24 @@ void NavEKF::SelectVelPosFusion()
fuseHgtData = true;
// check for and read new height data
// perform fusion as commanded, and in accordance with specified time intervals
// perform fusion
if (fuseVelData || fusePosData || fuseHgtData) {
// skip fusion as required to maintain ~dtVelPos time interval between corrections
if (skipCounter >= velPosFuseStepRatio) {
// reset counter used to skip update frames
skipCounter = 1;
} else {
// increment counter used to skip update frames
skipCounter += 1;
// Fuse corrections to quaternion, position and velocity states across several time steps to reduce 5 and 10Hz pulsing in the output
if (gpsUpdateCount < gpsUpdateCountMax) {
gpsUpdateCount ++;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i <= 9; i++) {
states[i] += gpsIncrStateDelta[i];
if (hgtUpdateCount < hgtUpdateCountMax) {
hgtUpdateCount ++;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i <= 9; i++) {
states[i] += hgtIncrStateDelta[i];
// select fusion of magnetometer data
@ -762,8 +776,10 @@ void NavEKF::SelectMagFusion()
bool dataReady = statesInitialised && use_compass() && newDataMag;
if (dataReady)
MAGmsecPrev = imuSampleTime_ms;
fuseMagData = true;
// reset state updates and counter used to spread fusion updates across several frames to reduce 10Hz pulsing
memset(&magIncrStateDelta[0], 0, sizeof(magIncrStateDelta));
magUpdateCount = 0;
@ -772,6 +788,15 @@ void NavEKF::SelectMagFusion()
// call the function that performs fusion of magnetometer data
// Fuse corrections to quaternion, position and velocity states across several time steps to reduce 10Hz pulsing in the output
if (magUpdateCount < magUpdateCountMax) {
magUpdateCount ++;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i <= 9; i++) {
states[i] += magIncrStateDelta[i];
@ -1644,20 +1669,20 @@ void NavEKF::FuseVelPosNED()
posErr = _gpsPosVarAccScale * accNavMag;
// estimate the GPS Velocity, GPS horiz position and height measurement variances.
R_OBS[0] = gpsVarScaler*(sq(constrain_float(_gpsHorizVelNoise, 0.05f, 5.0f)) + sq(NEvelErr));
R_OBS[0] = sq(constrain_float(_gpsHorizVelNoise, 0.05f, 5.0f)) + sq(NEvelErr);
R_OBS[1] = R_OBS[0];
R_OBS[2] = gpsVarScaler*(sq(constrain_float(_gpsVertVelNoise, 0.05f, 5.0f)) + sq(DvelErr));
R_OBS[3] = gpsVarScaler*(sq(constrain_float(_gpsHorizPosNoise, 0.1f, 10.0f)) + sq(posErr));
R_OBS[2] = sq(constrain_float(_gpsVertVelNoise, 0.05f, 5.0f)) + sq(DvelErr);
R_OBS[3] = sq(constrain_float(_gpsHorizPosNoise, 0.1f, 10.0f)) + sq(posErr);
R_OBS[4] = R_OBS[3];
R_OBS[5] = hgtVarScaler*sq(constrain_float(_baroAltNoise, 0.1f, 10.0f));
R_OBS[5] = sq(constrain_float(_baroAltNoise, 0.1f, 10.0f));
// if vertical GPS velocity data is being used, check to see if the GPS vertical velocity and barometer
// innovations have the same sign and are outside limits. If so, then it is likely aliasing is affecting
// the accelerometers and we should disable the GPS and barometer innovation consistency checks.
bool badIMUdata = false;
if (_fusionModeGPS == 0 && fuseVelData && fuseHgtData) {
if (_fusionModeGPS == 0 && fuseVelData && (imuSampleTime_ms - lastHgtTime_ms) < (2 * _msecHgtAvg)) {
// calculate innovations for height and vertical GPS vel measurements
float hgtErr = statesAtVelTime.position.z - observation[5];
float hgtErr = statesAtHgtTime.position.z - observation[5];
float velDErr = statesAtVelTime.velocity.z - observation[2];
// check if they are the same sign and both more than 3-sigma out of bounds
if ((hgtErr*velDErr > 0.0f) && (sq(hgtErr) > 9.0f * (P[9][9] + R_OBS[5])) && (sq(velDErr) > 9.0f * (P[6][6] + R_OBS[2]))) {
@ -1893,9 +1918,21 @@ void NavEKF::FuseVelPosNED()
// calculate state corrections and re-normalise the quaternions for blended IMU data predicted states
// calculate state corrections and re-normalise the quaternions for states predicted using the blended IMU data
// attitude, velocity and position corrections are spread across multiple prediction cycles between now
// and the anticipated time for the next measurement.
// Don't spread quaternion corrections if total angle change across predicted interval is going to exceed 0.1 rad
bool highRates = ((gpsUpdateCountMax * correctedDelAng.length()) > 0.1f);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i<=21; i++) {
states[i] = states[i] - Kfusion[i] * innovVelPos[obsIndex];
if ((i <= 3 && highRates) || i >= 10 || staticMode) {
states[i] = states[i] - Kfusion[i] * innovVelPos[obsIndex];
} else {
if (obsIndex == 5) {
hgtIncrStateDelta[i] -= Kfusion[i] * innovVelPos[obsIndex] * hgtUpdateCountMaxInv;
} else {
gpsIncrStateDelta[i] -= Kfusion[i] * innovVelPos[obsIndex] * gpsUpdateCountMaxInv;
@ -1916,7 +1953,7 @@ void NavEKF::FuseVelPosNED()
// force the covariance matrix to me symmetrical and limit the variances to prevent ill-condiioning.
// force the covariance matrix to be symmetrical and limit the variances to prevent ill-condiioning.
@ -2239,13 +2276,24 @@ void NavEKF::FuseMagnetometer()
// Don't fuse unless all componenets pass. The exception is if the bad health has timed out and we are not a fly forward vehicle
// In this case we might as well try using the magnetometer, but with a reduced weighting
if (magHealth || ((magTestRatio[obsIndex] < 1.0f) && !assume_zero_sideslip() && magTimeout)) {
// correct the state vector
// Attitude, velocity and position corrections are averaged across multiple prediction cycles between now and the anticipated time for the next measurement.
// Don't do averaging of quaternion state corrections if total angle change across predicted interval is going to exceed 0.1 rad
bool highRates = ((magUpdateCountMax * correctedDelAng.length()) > 0.1f);
// Calculate the number of averaging frames left to go. This is required becasue magnetometer fusion is applied across three consecutive prediction cycles
// There is no point averaging if the number of cycles left is less than 2
float minorFramesToGo = float(magUpdateCountMax) - float(magUpdateCount);
// correct the state vector or store corrections to be applied incrementally
for (uint8_t j= 0; j<=21; j++) {
// If we are forced to use a bad compass, we reduce the weighting by a factor of 4
if (!magHealth) {
Kfusion[j] *= 0.25f;
states[j] = states[j] - Kfusion[j] * innovMag[obsIndex];
if ((j <= 3 && highRates) || j >= 10 || staticMode || minorFramesToGo < 1.5f ) {
states[j] = states[j] - Kfusion[j] * innovMag[obsIndex];
} else {
// scale the correction based on the number of averaging frames left to go
magIncrStateDelta[j] -= Kfusion[j] * innovMag[obsIndex] * (magUpdateCountMaxInv * float(magUpdateCountMax) / minorFramesToGo);
// normalise the quaternion states
@ -3356,6 +3404,10 @@ void NavEKF::ZeroVariables()
memset(&processNoise[0], 0, sizeof(processNoise));
memset(&storedStates[0], 0, sizeof(storedStates));
memset(&statetimeStamp[0], 0, sizeof(statetimeStamp));
memset(&gpsIncrStateDelta[0], 0, sizeof(gpsIncrStateDelta));
memset(&hgtIncrStateDelta[0], 0, sizeof(hgtIncrStateDelta));
memset(&magIncrStateDelta[0], 0, sizeof(magIncrStateDelta));
// return true if we should use the airspeed sensor
@ -347,11 +347,11 @@ private:
float _magVarRateScale; // scale factor applied to magnetometer variance due to angular rate
uint16_t _msecGpsAvg; // average number of msec between GPS measurements
uint16_t _msecHgtAvg; // average number of msec between height measurements
uint16_t _msecMagAvg; // average number of msec between magnetometer measurements
uint16_t _msecBetaAvg; // maximum number of msec between synthetic sideslip measurements
float dtVelPos; // average of msec between position and velocity corrections
// Variables
uint8_t skipCounter; // counter used to skip position and height corrections to achieve _skipRatio
bool statesInitialised; // boolean true when filter states have been initialised
bool velHealth; // boolean true if velocity measurements have passed innovation consistency check
bool posHealth; // boolean true if position measurements have passed innovation consistency check
@ -422,8 +422,6 @@ private:
uint32_t TASmsecPrev; // time stamp of last TAS fusion step
uint32_t BETAmsecPrev; // time stamp of last synthetic sideslip fusion step
const uint32_t TASmsecMax; // maximum allowed interval between TAS fusion steps
uint32_t MAGmsecPrev; // time stamp of last compass fusion step
uint32_t HGTmsecPrev; // time stamp of last height measurement fusion step
const bool fuseMeNow; // boolean to force fusion whenever data arrives
bool staticMode; // boolean to force position and velocity measurements to zero for pre-arm or bench testing
bool prevStaticMode; // value of static mode from last update
@ -436,13 +434,11 @@ private:
ftype gpsGndSpd; // GPS ground speed (m/s)
bool newDataGps; // true when new GPS data has arrived
bool newDataMag; // true when new magnetometer data has arrived
float gpsVarScaler; // scaler applied to gps measurement variance to allow for oversampling
bool newDataTas; // true when new airspeed data has arrived
bool tasDataWaiting; // true when new airspeed data is waiting to be fused
bool newDataHgt; // true when new height data has arrived
uint32_t lastHgtMeasTime; // time of last height measurement used to determine if new data has arrived
uint32_t lastHgtTime_ms; // time of last height update (msec) used to calculate timeout
float hgtVarScaler; // scaler applied to height measurement variance to allow for oversampling
uint32_t velFailTime; // time stamp when GPS velocity measurement last failed covaraiance consistency check (msec)
uint32_t posFailTime; // time stamp when GPS position measurement last failed covaraiance consistency check (msec)
uint32_t hgtFailTime; // time stamp when height measurement last failed covaraiance consistency check (msec)
@ -471,6 +467,21 @@ private:
float tasTestRatio; // sum of squares of true airspeed innovation divided by fail threshold
bool inhibitWindStates; // true when wind states and covariances are to remain constant
bool inhibitMagStates; // true when magnetic field states and covariances are to remain constant
// Used by smoothing of state corrections
float gpsIncrStateDelta[10]; // vector of corrections to attitude, velocity and position to be applied over the period between the current and next GPS measurement
float hgtIncrStateDelta[10]; // vector of corrections to attitude, velocity and position to be applied over the period between the current and next height measurement
float magIncrStateDelta[10]; // vector of corrections to attitude, velocity and position to be applied over the period between the current and next magnetometer measurement
uint8_t gpsUpdateCount; // count of the number of minor state corrections using GPS data
uint8_t gpsUpdateCountMax; // limit on the number of minor state corrections using GPS data
float gpsUpdateCountMaxInv; // floating point inverse of gpsFilterCountMax
uint8_t hgtUpdateCount; // count of the number of minor state corrections using Baro data
uint8_t hgtUpdateCountMax; // limit on the number of minor state corrections using Baro data
float hgtUpdateCountMaxInv; // floating point inverse of hgtFilterCountMax
uint8_t magUpdateCount; // count of the number of minor state corrections using Magnetometer data
uint8_t magUpdateCountMax; // limit on the number of minor state corrections using Magnetometer data
float magUpdateCountMaxInv; // floating point inverse of magFilterCountMax
struct {
bool diverged:1;
bool large_covarience:1;
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