diff --git a/libraries/AP_ADSB/AP_ADSB_Backend.cpp b/libraries/AP_ADSB/AP_ADSB_Backend.cpp
index 78ba460126..3797694300 100644
--- a/libraries/AP_ADSB/AP_ADSB_Backend.cpp
+++ b/libraries/AP_ADSB/AP_ADSB_Backend.cpp
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see .
- */
-#include "AP_ADSB_Backend.h"
- base class constructor.
-AP_ADSB_Backend::AP_ADSB_Backend(AP_ADSB &frontend, uint8_t instance) :
- _frontend(frontend),
- _instance(instance)
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see .
+ */
+#include "AP_ADSB_Backend.h"
+ base class constructor.
+AP_ADSB_Backend::AP_ADSB_Backend(AP_ADSB &frontend, uint8_t instance) :
+ _frontend(frontend),
+ _instance(instance)
diff --git a/libraries/AP_ADSB/AP_ADSB_Sagetech.cpp b/libraries/AP_ADSB/AP_ADSB_Sagetech.cpp
index d1d902dbcd..13ebc1bf5c 100644
--- a/libraries/AP_ADSB/AP_ADSB_Sagetech.cpp
+++ b/libraries/AP_ADSB/AP_ADSB_Sagetech.cpp
@@ -1,553 +1,553 @@
- Copyright (C) 2020 Kraus Hamdani Aerospace Inc. All rights reserved.
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see .
- */
-#include "AP_ADSB_Sagetech.h"
-#define SAGETECH_SCALER_LATLNG (1.0f/2.145767E-5f) // 180/(2^23)
-#define SAGETECH_SCALER_KNOTS_TO_CMS ((KNOTS_TO_M_PER_SEC/0.125f) * 100.0f)
-#define SAGETECH_SCALER_ALTITUDE (1.0f/0.015625f)
-#define SAGETECH_SCALER_HEADING_CM ((360.0f/256.0f) * 100.0f)
-// detect if any port is configured as Sagetech
-bool AP_ADSB_Sagetech::detect()
- return AP::serialmanager().have_serial(AP_SerialManager::SerialProtocol_ADSB, 0);
-// Init, called once after class is constructed
-bool AP_ADSB_Sagetech::init()
- _port = AP::serialmanager().find_serial(AP_SerialManager::SerialProtocol_ADSB, 0);
- return (_port != nullptr);
-void AP_ADSB_Sagetech::update()
- if (_port == nullptr) {
- return;
- }
- const uint32_t now_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
- // -----------------------------
- // read any available data on serial port
- // -----------------------------
- uint32_t nbytes = MIN(_port->available(), 10 * PAYLOAD_XP_MAX_SIZE);
- while (nbytes-- > 0) {
- const int16_t data = (uint8_t)_port->read();
- if (data < 0) {
- break;
- }
- if (parse_byte_XP((uint8_t)data)) {
- handle_packet_XP(message_in.packet);
- }
- } // while nbytes
- // -----------------------------
- // handle timers for generating data
- // -----------------------------
- if (!last_packet_initialize_ms || (now_ms - last_packet_initialize_ms >= 5000)) {
- last_packet_initialize_ms = now_ms;
- send_packet(MsgType_XP::Installation_Set);
- } else if (!last_packet_PreFlight_ms || (now_ms - last_packet_PreFlight_ms >= 8200)) {
- last_packet_PreFlight_ms = now_ms;
- // TODO: allow callsign to not require a reboot
- send_packet(MsgType_XP::Preflight_Set);
- } else if (now_ms - last_packet_Operating_ms >= 1000 && (
- last_packet_Operating_ms == 0 || // send once at boot
- // send as data changes
- last_operating_squawk != _frontend.out_state.cfg.squawk_octal ||
- abs(last_operating_alt - _frontend._my_loc.alt) > 1555 || // 1493cm == 49ft. The output resolution is 100ft per bit
- last_operating_rf_select != _frontend.out_state.cfg.rfSelect))
- {
- last_packet_Operating_ms = now_ms;
- last_operating_squawk = _frontend.out_state.cfg.squawk_octal;
- last_operating_alt = _frontend._my_loc.alt;
- last_operating_rf_select = _frontend.out_state.cfg.rfSelect;
- send_packet(MsgType_XP::Operating_Set);
- } else if (now_ms - last_packet_GPS_ms >= (_frontend.out_state.is_flying ? 200 : 1000)) {
- // 1Hz when not flying, 5Hz when flying
- last_packet_GPS_ms = now_ms;
- send_packet(MsgType_XP::GPS_Set);
- }
-void AP_ADSB_Sagetech::send_packet(const MsgType_XP type)
- switch (type) {
- case MsgType_XP::Installation_Set:
- send_msg_Installation();
- break;
- case MsgType_XP::Preflight_Set:
- send_msg_PreFlight();
- break;
- case MsgType_XP::Operating_Set:
- send_msg_Operating();
- break;
- case MsgType_XP::GPS_Set:
- send_msg_GPS();
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
-void AP_ADSB_Sagetech::request_packet(const MsgType_XP type)
- // set all bytes in packet to 0 via {} so we only need to set the ones we need to
- Packet_XP pkt {};
- pkt.type = MsgType_XP::Request;
- pkt.id = 0;
- pkt.payload_length = 4;
- pkt.payload[0] = static_cast(type);
- send_msg(pkt);
-void AP_ADSB_Sagetech::handle_packet_XP(const Packet_XP &msg)
- switch (msg.type) {
- case MsgType_XP::ACK:
- handle_ack(msg);
- break;
- case MsgType_XP::Installation_Response:
- case MsgType_XP::Preflight_Response:
- case MsgType_XP::Status_Response:
- // TODO add support for these
- break;
- case MsgType_XP::ADSB_StateVector_Report:
- case MsgType_XP::ADSB_ModeStatus_Report:
- case MsgType_XP::TISB_StateVector_Report:
- case MsgType_XP::TISB_ModeStatus_Report:
- case MsgType_XP::TISB_CorasePos_Report:
- case MsgType_XP::TISB_ADSB_Mgr_Report:
- handle_adsb_in_msg(msg);
- break;
- case MsgType_XP::Installation_Set:
- case MsgType_XP::Preflight_Set:
- case MsgType_XP::Operating_Set:
- case MsgType_XP::GPS_Set:
- case MsgType_XP::Request:
- // these are out-bound only and are not expected to be received
- case MsgType_XP::INVALID:
- break;
- }
-void AP_ADSB_Sagetech::handle_ack(const Packet_XP &msg)
- // ACK received!
- const uint8_t system_state = msg.payload[2];
- transponder_type = (Transponder_Type)msg.payload[6];
- const uint8_t prev_transponder_mode = last_ack_transponder_mode;
- last_ack_transponder_mode = (system_state >> 6) & 0x03;
- if (prev_transponder_mode != last_ack_transponder_mode) {
- static const char *mode_names[] = {"OFF", "STBY", "ON", "ON-ALT"};
- if (last_ack_transponder_mode < ARRAY_SIZE(mode_names)) {
- gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "ADSB: RF Mode: %s", mode_names[last_ack_transponder_mode]);
- }
- }
-void AP_ADSB_Sagetech::handle_adsb_in_msg(const Packet_XP &msg)
- AP_ADSB::adsb_vehicle_t vehicle {};
- vehicle.last_update_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
- switch (msg.type) {
- case MsgType_XP::ADSB_StateVector_Report: { // 0x91
- const uint16_t validFlags = le16toh_ptr(&msg.payload[8]);
- vehicle.info.ICAO_address = le24toh_ptr(&msg.payload[10]);
- vehicle.info.lat = ((int32_t)le24toh_ptr(&msg.payload[20])) * SAGETECH_SCALER_LATLNG;
- vehicle.info.lon = ((int32_t)le24toh_ptr(&msg.payload[23])) * SAGETECH_SCALER_LATLNG;
- vehicle.info.flags |= ADSB_FLAGS_VALID_COORDS;
- }
- vehicle.info.altitude = (int32_t)le24toh_ptr(&msg.payload[26]);
- vehicle.info.flags |= ADSB_FLAGS_VALID_ALTITUDE;
- }
- const float velNS = ((int32_t)le16toh_ptr(&msg.payload[29])) * SAGETECH_SCALER_KNOTS_TO_CMS;
- const float velEW = ((int32_t)le16toh_ptr(&msg.payload[31])) * SAGETECH_SCALER_KNOTS_TO_CMS;
- vehicle.info.hor_velocity = Vector2f(velEW, velNS).length();
- vehicle.info.flags |= ADSB_FLAGS_VALID_VELOCITY;
- }
- vehicle.info.heading = ((float)msg.payload[29]) * SAGETECH_SCALER_HEADING_CM;
- vehicle.info.flags |= ADSB_FLAGS_VALID_HEADING;
- }
- vehicle.info.ver_velocity = (int16_t)le16toh_ptr(&msg.payload[38]);
- }
- _frontend.handle_adsb_vehicle(vehicle);
- break;
- }
- case MsgType_XP::ADSB_ModeStatus_Report: // 0x92
- vehicle.info.ICAO_address = le24toh_ptr(&msg.payload[9]);
- if (msg.payload[16] != 0) {
- // if string is non-null, consider it valid
- memcpy(&vehicle.info, &msg.payload[16], 8);
- vehicle.info.flags |= ADSB_FLAGS_VALID_CALLSIGN;
- }
- _frontend.handle_adsb_vehicle(vehicle);
- break;
- case MsgType_XP::TISB_StateVector_Report:
- case MsgType_XP::TISB_ModeStatus_Report:
- case MsgType_XP::TISB_CorasePos_Report:
- case MsgType_XP::TISB_ADSB_Mgr_Report:
- // TODO
- return;
- default:
- return;
- }
-// handling inbound byte and process it in the state machine
-// return true when a full packet has been received
-bool AP_ADSB_Sagetech::parse_byte_XP(const uint8_t data)
- switch (message_in.state) {
- default:
- case ParseState::WaitingFor_Start:
- if (data == 0xA5) {
- message_in.state = ParseState::WaitingFor_AssmAddr;
- }
- break;
- case ParseState::WaitingFor_AssmAddr:
- message_in.state = (data == 0x01) ? ParseState::WaitingFor_MsgType : ParseState::WaitingFor_Start;
- break;
- case ParseState::WaitingFor_MsgType:
- message_in.packet.type = static_cast(data);
- message_in.state = ParseState::WaitingFor_MsgId;
- break;
- case ParseState::WaitingFor_MsgId:
- message_in.packet.id = data;
- message_in.state = ParseState::WaitingFor_PayloadLen;
- break;
- case ParseState::WaitingFor_PayloadLen:
- message_in.packet.payload_length = data;
- message_in.index = 0;
- message_in.state = (data == 0) ? ParseState::WaitingFor_ChecksumFletcher : ParseState::WaitingFor_PayloadContents;
- break;
- case ParseState::WaitingFor_PayloadContents:
- message_in.packet.payload[message_in.index++] = data;
- if (message_in.index >= message_in.packet.payload_length) {
- message_in.state = ParseState::WaitingFor_ChecksumFletcher;
- message_in.index = 0;
- }
- break;
- case ParseState::WaitingFor_ChecksumFletcher:
- message_in.packet.checksumFletcher = data;
- message_in.state = ParseState::WaitingFor_Checksum;
- break;
- case ParseState::WaitingFor_Checksum:
- message_in.packet.checksum = data;
- message_in.state = ParseState::WaitingFor_End;
- if (checksum_verify_XP(message_in.packet)) {
- handle_packet_XP(message_in.packet);
- }
- break;
- case ParseState::WaitingFor_End:
- // we don't care if the end value matches
- message_in.state = ParseState::WaitingFor_Start;
- break;
- }
- return false;
-// compute Sum and FletcherSum values into a single value
-// returns uint16_t with MSByte as Sum and LSByte FletcherSum
-uint16_t AP_ADSB_Sagetech::checksum_generate_XP(Packet_XP &msg) const
- uint8_t sum = 0;
- uint8_t sumFletcher = 0;
- const uint8_t header_message_format[5] {
- 0xA5, // start
- 0x01, // assembly address
- static_cast(msg.type),
- msg.id,
- msg.payload_length
- };
- for (uint8_t i=0; i<5; i++) {
- sum += header_message_format[i];
- sumFletcher += sum;
- }
- for (uint8_t i=0; i(msg.type),
- msg.id,
- msg.payload_length
- };
- const uint8_t message_format_tail[3] {
- msg.checksumFletcher,
- msg.checksum,
- 0x5A // end
- };
- if (_port != nullptr) {
- _port->write(message_format_header, sizeof(message_format_header));
- _port->write(msg.payload, msg.payload_length);
- _port->write(message_format_tail, sizeof(message_format_tail));
- }
-void AP_ADSB_Sagetech::send_msg_Installation()
- Packet_XP pkt {};
- pkt.type = MsgType_XP::Installation_Set;
- pkt.payload_length = 28; // 28== 0x1C
- // Mode C = 3, Mode S = 0
- pkt.id = (transponder_type == Transponder_Type::Mode_C) ? 3 : 0;
-// // convert a decimal 123456 to 0x123456
- // TODO: do a proper conversion. The param contains "131313" but what gets transmitted over the air is 0x200F1.
- const uint32_t icao_hex = convert_base_to_decimal(16, _frontend.out_state.cfg.ICAO_id_param);
- put_le24_ptr(&pkt.payload[0], icao_hex);
- memcpy(&pkt.payload[3], &_frontend.out_state.cfg.callsign, 8);
- pkt.payload[11] = 0; // airspeed MAX
- pkt.payload[12] = 0; // COM Port 0 baud, fixed at 57600
- pkt.payload[13] = 0; // COM Port 1 baud, fixed at 57600
- pkt.payload[14] = 0; // COM Port 2 baud, fixed at 57600
- pkt.payload[15] = 1; // GPS from COM port 0 (this port)
- pkt.payload[16] = 1; // GPS Integrity
- pkt.payload[17] = _frontend.out_state.cfg.emitterType / 8; // Emitter Set
- pkt.payload[18] = _frontend.out_state.cfg.emitterType & 0x0F; // Emitter Type
- pkt.payload[19] = _frontend.out_state.cfg.lengthWidth; // Aircraft Size
- pkt.payload[20] = 0; // Altitude Encoder Offset
- pkt.payload[21] = 0; // Altitude Encoder Offset
- pkt.payload[22] = 0x07; // ADSB In Control, enable reading everything
- pkt.payload[23] = 30; // ADSB In Report max length COM Port 0 (this one)
- pkt.payload[24] = 0; // ADSB In Report max length COM Port 1
- send_msg(pkt);
-void AP_ADSB_Sagetech::send_msg_PreFlight()
- Packet_XP pkt {};
- pkt.type = MsgType_XP::Preflight_Set;
- pkt.id = 0;
- pkt.payload_length = 10;
- memcpy(&pkt.payload[0], &_frontend.out_state.cfg.callsign, 8);
- memset(&pkt.payload[8], 0, 2);
- send_msg(pkt);
-void AP_ADSB_Sagetech::send_msg_Operating()
- Packet_XP pkt {};
- pkt.type = MsgType_XP::Operating_Set;
- pkt.id = 0;
- pkt.payload_length = 8;
- // squawk
- // param is saved as native octal so we need convert back to
- // decimal because Sagetech will convert it back to octal
- uint16_t squawk = convert_base_to_decimal(8, last_operating_squawk);
- put_le16_ptr(&pkt.payload[0], squawk);
- // altitude
- if (_frontend.out_state.cfg.rf_capable & 0x01) {
- const float alt_meters = last_operating_alt * 0.01f;
- const int32_t alt_feet = (int32_t)(alt_meters * FEET_TO_METERS);
- const int16_t alt_feet_adj = (alt_feet + 50) / 100; // 1 = 100 feet, 1 = 149 feet, 5 = 500 feet
- put_le16_ptr(&pkt.payload[2], alt_feet_adj);
- } else {
- // use integrated altitude - recommend by sagetech
- pkt.payload[2] = 0x80;
- pkt.payload[3] = 0x00;
- }
- // RF mode
- pkt.payload[4] = last_operating_rf_select;
- send_msg(pkt);
-void AP_ADSB_Sagetech::send_msg_GPS()
- Packet_XP pkt {};
- pkt.type = MsgType_XP::GPS_Set;
- pkt.payload_length = 52;
- pkt.id = 0;
- const int32_t longitude = _frontend._my_loc.lng;
- const int32_t latitude = _frontend._my_loc.lat;
- // longitude and latitude
- // NOTE: these MUST be done in double or else we get roundoff in the maths
- const double lon_deg = longitude * (double)1.0e-7 * (longitude < 0 ? -1 : 1);
- const double lon_minutes = (lon_deg - int(lon_deg)) * 60;
- snprintf((char*)&pkt.payload[0], 12, "%03u%02u.%05u", (unsigned)lon_deg, (unsigned)lon_minutes, unsigned((lon_minutes - (int)lon_minutes) * 1.0E5));
- const double lat_deg = latitude * (double)1.0e-7 * (latitude < 0 ? -1 : 1);
- const double lat_minutes = (lat_deg - int(lat_deg)) * 60;
- snprintf((char*)&pkt.payload[11], 11, "%02u%02u.%05u", (unsigned)lat_deg, (unsigned)lat_minutes, unsigned((lat_minutes - (int)lat_minutes) * 1.0E5));
- // ground speed
- const Vector2f speed = AP::ahrs().groundspeed_vector();
- float speed_knots = speed.length() * M_PER_SEC_TO_KNOTS;
- snprintf((char*)&pkt.payload[21], 7, "%03u.%02u", (unsigned)speed_knots, unsigned((speed_knots - (int)speed_knots) * 1.0E2));
- // heading
- float heading = wrap_360(degrees(speed.angle()));
- snprintf((char*)&pkt.payload[27], 10, "%03u.%04u", unsigned(heading), unsigned((heading - (int)heading) * 1.0E4));
- // hemisphere
- uint8_t hemisphere = 0;
- hemisphere |= (latitude >= 0) ? 0x01 : 0; // isNorth
- hemisphere |= (longitude >= 0) ? 0x02 : 0; // isEast
- hemisphere |= (AP::gps().status() < AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_2D) ? 0x80 : 0; // isInvalid
- pkt.payload[35] = hemisphere;
- // time
- uint64_t time_usec;
- if (AP::rtc().get_utc_usec(time_usec)) {
- // not completely accurate, our time includes leap seconds and time_t should be without
- const time_t time_sec = time_usec / 1000000;
- struct tm* tm = gmtime(&time_sec);
- // format time string
- snprintf((char*)&pkt.payload[36], 11, "%02u%02u%06.3f", tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec + (time_usec % 1000000) * 1.0e-6);
- } else {
- memset(&pkt.payload[36],' ', 10);
- }
- send_msg(pkt);
- * Convert base 8 or 16 to decimal. Used to convert an octal/hexadecimal value stored on a GCS as a string field in different format, but then transmitted over mavlink as a float which is always a decimal.
- * baseIn: base of input number
- * inputNumber: value currently in base "baseIn" to be converted to base "baseOut"
- *
- * Example: convert ADSB squawk octal "1200" stored in memory as 0x0280 to 0x04B0
- * uint16_t squawk_decimal = convertMathBase(8, squawk_octal);
- */
-uint32_t AP_ADSB_Sagetech::convert_base_to_decimal(const uint8_t baseIn, uint32_t inputNumber)
- // Our only sensible input bases are 16 and 8
- if (baseIn != 8 && baseIn != 16) {
- return inputNumber;
- }
- uint32_t outputNumber = 0;
- for (uint8_t i=0; inputNumber != 0; i++) {
- outputNumber += (inputNumber % 10) * powf(10, i);
- inputNumber /= 10;
- }
- return outputNumber;
+ Copyright (C) 2020 Kraus Hamdani Aerospace Inc. All rights reserved.
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see .
+ */
+#include "AP_ADSB_Sagetech.h"
+#define SAGETECH_SCALER_LATLNG (1.0f/2.145767E-5f) // 180/(2^23)
+#define SAGETECH_SCALER_KNOTS_TO_CMS ((KNOTS_TO_M_PER_SEC/0.125f) * 100.0f)
+#define SAGETECH_SCALER_ALTITUDE (1.0f/0.015625f)
+#define SAGETECH_SCALER_HEADING_CM ((360.0f/256.0f) * 100.0f)
+// detect if any port is configured as Sagetech
+bool AP_ADSB_Sagetech::detect()
+ return AP::serialmanager().have_serial(AP_SerialManager::SerialProtocol_ADSB, 0);
+// Init, called once after class is constructed
+bool AP_ADSB_Sagetech::init()
+ _port = AP::serialmanager().find_serial(AP_SerialManager::SerialProtocol_ADSB, 0);
+ return (_port != nullptr);
+void AP_ADSB_Sagetech::update()
+ if (_port == nullptr) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const uint32_t now_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
+ // -----------------------------
+ // read any available data on serial port
+ // -----------------------------
+ uint32_t nbytes = MIN(_port->available(), 10 * PAYLOAD_XP_MAX_SIZE);
+ while (nbytes-- > 0) {
+ const int16_t data = (uint8_t)_port->read();
+ if (data < 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (parse_byte_XP((uint8_t)data)) {
+ handle_packet_XP(message_in.packet);
+ }
+ } // while nbytes
+ // -----------------------------
+ // handle timers for generating data
+ // -----------------------------
+ if (!last_packet_initialize_ms || (now_ms - last_packet_initialize_ms >= 5000)) {
+ last_packet_initialize_ms = now_ms;
+ send_packet(MsgType_XP::Installation_Set);
+ } else if (!last_packet_PreFlight_ms || (now_ms - last_packet_PreFlight_ms >= 8200)) {
+ last_packet_PreFlight_ms = now_ms;
+ // TODO: allow callsign to not require a reboot
+ send_packet(MsgType_XP::Preflight_Set);
+ } else if (now_ms - last_packet_Operating_ms >= 1000 && (
+ last_packet_Operating_ms == 0 || // send once at boot
+ // send as data changes
+ last_operating_squawk != _frontend.out_state.cfg.squawk_octal ||
+ abs(last_operating_alt - _frontend._my_loc.alt) > 1555 || // 1493cm == 49ft. The output resolution is 100ft per bit
+ last_operating_rf_select != _frontend.out_state.cfg.rfSelect))
+ {
+ last_packet_Operating_ms = now_ms;
+ last_operating_squawk = _frontend.out_state.cfg.squawk_octal;
+ last_operating_alt = _frontend._my_loc.alt;
+ last_operating_rf_select = _frontend.out_state.cfg.rfSelect;
+ send_packet(MsgType_XP::Operating_Set);
+ } else if (now_ms - last_packet_GPS_ms >= (_frontend.out_state.is_flying ? 200 : 1000)) {
+ // 1Hz when not flying, 5Hz when flying
+ last_packet_GPS_ms = now_ms;
+ send_packet(MsgType_XP::GPS_Set);
+ }
+void AP_ADSB_Sagetech::send_packet(const MsgType_XP type)
+ switch (type) {
+ case MsgType_XP::Installation_Set:
+ send_msg_Installation();
+ break;
+ case MsgType_XP::Preflight_Set:
+ send_msg_PreFlight();
+ break;
+ case MsgType_XP::Operating_Set:
+ send_msg_Operating();
+ break;
+ case MsgType_XP::GPS_Set:
+ send_msg_GPS();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+void AP_ADSB_Sagetech::request_packet(const MsgType_XP type)
+ // set all bytes in packet to 0 via {} so we only need to set the ones we need to
+ Packet_XP pkt {};
+ pkt.type = MsgType_XP::Request;
+ pkt.id = 0;
+ pkt.payload_length = 4;
+ pkt.payload[0] = static_cast(type);
+ send_msg(pkt);
+void AP_ADSB_Sagetech::handle_packet_XP(const Packet_XP &msg)
+ switch (msg.type) {
+ case MsgType_XP::ACK:
+ handle_ack(msg);
+ break;
+ case MsgType_XP::Installation_Response:
+ case MsgType_XP::Preflight_Response:
+ case MsgType_XP::Status_Response:
+ // TODO add support for these
+ break;
+ case MsgType_XP::ADSB_StateVector_Report:
+ case MsgType_XP::ADSB_ModeStatus_Report:
+ case MsgType_XP::TISB_StateVector_Report:
+ case MsgType_XP::TISB_ModeStatus_Report:
+ case MsgType_XP::TISB_CorasePos_Report:
+ case MsgType_XP::TISB_ADSB_Mgr_Report:
+ handle_adsb_in_msg(msg);
+ break;
+ case MsgType_XP::Installation_Set:
+ case MsgType_XP::Preflight_Set:
+ case MsgType_XP::Operating_Set:
+ case MsgType_XP::GPS_Set:
+ case MsgType_XP::Request:
+ // these are out-bound only and are not expected to be received
+ case MsgType_XP::INVALID:
+ break;
+ }
+void AP_ADSB_Sagetech::handle_ack(const Packet_XP &msg)
+ // ACK received!
+ const uint8_t system_state = msg.payload[2];
+ transponder_type = (Transponder_Type)msg.payload[6];
+ const uint8_t prev_transponder_mode = last_ack_transponder_mode;
+ last_ack_transponder_mode = (system_state >> 6) & 0x03;
+ if (prev_transponder_mode != last_ack_transponder_mode) {
+ static const char *mode_names[] = {"OFF", "STBY", "ON", "ON-ALT"};
+ if (last_ack_transponder_mode < ARRAY_SIZE(mode_names)) {
+ gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "ADSB: RF Mode: %s", mode_names[last_ack_transponder_mode]);
+ }
+ }
+void AP_ADSB_Sagetech::handle_adsb_in_msg(const Packet_XP &msg)
+ AP_ADSB::adsb_vehicle_t vehicle {};
+ vehicle.last_update_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
+ switch (msg.type) {
+ case MsgType_XP::ADSB_StateVector_Report: { // 0x91
+ const uint16_t validFlags = le16toh_ptr(&msg.payload[8]);
+ vehicle.info.ICAO_address = le24toh_ptr(&msg.payload[10]);
+ vehicle.info.lat = ((int32_t)le24toh_ptr(&msg.payload[20])) * SAGETECH_SCALER_LATLNG;
+ vehicle.info.lon = ((int32_t)le24toh_ptr(&msg.payload[23])) * SAGETECH_SCALER_LATLNG;
+ vehicle.info.flags |= ADSB_FLAGS_VALID_COORDS;
+ }
+ vehicle.info.altitude = (int32_t)le24toh_ptr(&msg.payload[26]);
+ vehicle.info.flags |= ADSB_FLAGS_VALID_ALTITUDE;
+ }
+ const float velNS = ((int32_t)le16toh_ptr(&msg.payload[29])) * SAGETECH_SCALER_KNOTS_TO_CMS;
+ const float velEW = ((int32_t)le16toh_ptr(&msg.payload[31])) * SAGETECH_SCALER_KNOTS_TO_CMS;
+ vehicle.info.hor_velocity = Vector2f(velEW, velNS).length();
+ vehicle.info.flags |= ADSB_FLAGS_VALID_VELOCITY;
+ }
+ vehicle.info.heading = ((float)msg.payload[29]) * SAGETECH_SCALER_HEADING_CM;
+ vehicle.info.flags |= ADSB_FLAGS_VALID_HEADING;
+ }
+ vehicle.info.ver_velocity = (int16_t)le16toh_ptr(&msg.payload[38]);
+ }
+ _frontend.handle_adsb_vehicle(vehicle);
+ break;
+ }
+ case MsgType_XP::ADSB_ModeStatus_Report: // 0x92
+ vehicle.info.ICAO_address = le24toh_ptr(&msg.payload[9]);
+ if (msg.payload[16] != 0) {
+ // if string is non-null, consider it valid
+ memcpy(&vehicle.info, &msg.payload[16], 8);
+ vehicle.info.flags |= ADSB_FLAGS_VALID_CALLSIGN;
+ }
+ _frontend.handle_adsb_vehicle(vehicle);
+ break;
+ case MsgType_XP::TISB_StateVector_Report:
+ case MsgType_XP::TISB_ModeStatus_Report:
+ case MsgType_XP::TISB_CorasePos_Report:
+ case MsgType_XP::TISB_ADSB_Mgr_Report:
+ // TODO
+ return;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+// handling inbound byte and process it in the state machine
+// return true when a full packet has been received
+bool AP_ADSB_Sagetech::parse_byte_XP(const uint8_t data)
+ switch (message_in.state) {
+ default:
+ case ParseState::WaitingFor_Start:
+ if (data == 0xA5) {
+ message_in.state = ParseState::WaitingFor_AssmAddr;
+ }
+ break;
+ case ParseState::WaitingFor_AssmAddr:
+ message_in.state = (data == 0x01) ? ParseState::WaitingFor_MsgType : ParseState::WaitingFor_Start;
+ break;
+ case ParseState::WaitingFor_MsgType:
+ message_in.packet.type = static_cast(data);
+ message_in.state = ParseState::WaitingFor_MsgId;
+ break;
+ case ParseState::WaitingFor_MsgId:
+ message_in.packet.id = data;
+ message_in.state = ParseState::WaitingFor_PayloadLen;
+ break;
+ case ParseState::WaitingFor_PayloadLen:
+ message_in.packet.payload_length = data;
+ message_in.index = 0;
+ message_in.state = (data == 0) ? ParseState::WaitingFor_ChecksumFletcher : ParseState::WaitingFor_PayloadContents;
+ break;
+ case ParseState::WaitingFor_PayloadContents:
+ message_in.packet.payload[message_in.index++] = data;
+ if (message_in.index >= message_in.packet.payload_length) {
+ message_in.state = ParseState::WaitingFor_ChecksumFletcher;
+ message_in.index = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ case ParseState::WaitingFor_ChecksumFletcher:
+ message_in.packet.checksumFletcher = data;
+ message_in.state = ParseState::WaitingFor_Checksum;
+ break;
+ case ParseState::WaitingFor_Checksum:
+ message_in.packet.checksum = data;
+ message_in.state = ParseState::WaitingFor_End;
+ if (checksum_verify_XP(message_in.packet)) {
+ handle_packet_XP(message_in.packet);
+ }
+ break;
+ case ParseState::WaitingFor_End:
+ // we don't care if the end value matches
+ message_in.state = ParseState::WaitingFor_Start;
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
+// compute Sum and FletcherSum values into a single value
+// returns uint16_t with MSByte as Sum and LSByte FletcherSum
+uint16_t AP_ADSB_Sagetech::checksum_generate_XP(Packet_XP &msg) const
+ uint8_t sum = 0;
+ uint8_t sumFletcher = 0;
+ const uint8_t header_message_format[5] {
+ 0xA5, // start
+ 0x01, // assembly address
+ static_cast(msg.type),
+ msg.id,
+ msg.payload_length
+ };
+ for (uint8_t i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ sum += header_message_format[i];
+ sumFletcher += sum;
+ }
+ for (uint8_t i=0; i(msg.type),
+ msg.id,
+ msg.payload_length
+ };
+ const uint8_t message_format_tail[3] {
+ msg.checksumFletcher,
+ msg.checksum,
+ 0x5A // end
+ };
+ if (_port != nullptr) {
+ _port->write(message_format_header, sizeof(message_format_header));
+ _port->write(msg.payload, msg.payload_length);
+ _port->write(message_format_tail, sizeof(message_format_tail));
+ }
+void AP_ADSB_Sagetech::send_msg_Installation()
+ Packet_XP pkt {};
+ pkt.type = MsgType_XP::Installation_Set;
+ pkt.payload_length = 28; // 28== 0x1C
+ // Mode C = 3, Mode S = 0
+ pkt.id = (transponder_type == Transponder_Type::Mode_C) ? 3 : 0;
+// // convert a decimal 123456 to 0x123456
+ // TODO: do a proper conversion. The param contains "131313" but what gets transmitted over the air is 0x200F1.
+ const uint32_t icao_hex = convert_base_to_decimal(16, _frontend.out_state.cfg.ICAO_id_param);
+ put_le24_ptr(&pkt.payload[0], icao_hex);
+ memcpy(&pkt.payload[3], &_frontend.out_state.cfg.callsign, 8);
+ pkt.payload[11] = 0; // airspeed MAX
+ pkt.payload[12] = 0; // COM Port 0 baud, fixed at 57600
+ pkt.payload[13] = 0; // COM Port 1 baud, fixed at 57600
+ pkt.payload[14] = 0; // COM Port 2 baud, fixed at 57600
+ pkt.payload[15] = 1; // GPS from COM port 0 (this port)
+ pkt.payload[16] = 1; // GPS Integrity
+ pkt.payload[17] = _frontend.out_state.cfg.emitterType / 8; // Emitter Set
+ pkt.payload[18] = _frontend.out_state.cfg.emitterType & 0x0F; // Emitter Type
+ pkt.payload[19] = _frontend.out_state.cfg.lengthWidth; // Aircraft Size
+ pkt.payload[20] = 0; // Altitude Encoder Offset
+ pkt.payload[21] = 0; // Altitude Encoder Offset
+ pkt.payload[22] = 0x07; // ADSB In Control, enable reading everything
+ pkt.payload[23] = 30; // ADSB In Report max length COM Port 0 (this one)
+ pkt.payload[24] = 0; // ADSB In Report max length COM Port 1
+ send_msg(pkt);
+void AP_ADSB_Sagetech::send_msg_PreFlight()
+ Packet_XP pkt {};
+ pkt.type = MsgType_XP::Preflight_Set;
+ pkt.id = 0;
+ pkt.payload_length = 10;
+ memcpy(&pkt.payload[0], &_frontend.out_state.cfg.callsign, 8);
+ memset(&pkt.payload[8], 0, 2);
+ send_msg(pkt);
+void AP_ADSB_Sagetech::send_msg_Operating()
+ Packet_XP pkt {};
+ pkt.type = MsgType_XP::Operating_Set;
+ pkt.id = 0;
+ pkt.payload_length = 8;
+ // squawk
+ // param is saved as native octal so we need convert back to
+ // decimal because Sagetech will convert it back to octal
+ uint16_t squawk = convert_base_to_decimal(8, last_operating_squawk);
+ put_le16_ptr(&pkt.payload[0], squawk);
+ // altitude
+ if (_frontend.out_state.cfg.rf_capable & 0x01) {
+ const float alt_meters = last_operating_alt * 0.01f;
+ const int32_t alt_feet = (int32_t)(alt_meters * FEET_TO_METERS);
+ const int16_t alt_feet_adj = (alt_feet + 50) / 100; // 1 = 100 feet, 1 = 149 feet, 5 = 500 feet
+ put_le16_ptr(&pkt.payload[2], alt_feet_adj);
+ } else {
+ // use integrated altitude - recommend by sagetech
+ pkt.payload[2] = 0x80;
+ pkt.payload[3] = 0x00;
+ }
+ // RF mode
+ pkt.payload[4] = last_operating_rf_select;
+ send_msg(pkt);
+void AP_ADSB_Sagetech::send_msg_GPS()
+ Packet_XP pkt {};
+ pkt.type = MsgType_XP::GPS_Set;
+ pkt.payload_length = 52;
+ pkt.id = 0;
+ const int32_t longitude = _frontend._my_loc.lng;
+ const int32_t latitude = _frontend._my_loc.lat;
+ // longitude and latitude
+ // NOTE: these MUST be done in double or else we get roundoff in the maths
+ const double lon_deg = longitude * (double)1.0e-7 * (longitude < 0 ? -1 : 1);
+ const double lon_minutes = (lon_deg - int(lon_deg)) * 60;
+ snprintf((char*)&pkt.payload[0], 12, "%03u%02u.%05u", (unsigned)lon_deg, (unsigned)lon_minutes, unsigned((lon_minutes - (int)lon_minutes) * 1.0E5));
+ const double lat_deg = latitude * (double)1.0e-7 * (latitude < 0 ? -1 : 1);
+ const double lat_minutes = (lat_deg - int(lat_deg)) * 60;
+ snprintf((char*)&pkt.payload[11], 11, "%02u%02u.%05u", (unsigned)lat_deg, (unsigned)lat_minutes, unsigned((lat_minutes - (int)lat_minutes) * 1.0E5));
+ // ground speed
+ const Vector2f speed = AP::ahrs().groundspeed_vector();
+ float speed_knots = speed.length() * M_PER_SEC_TO_KNOTS;
+ snprintf((char*)&pkt.payload[21], 7, "%03u.%02u", (unsigned)speed_knots, unsigned((speed_knots - (int)speed_knots) * 1.0E2));
+ // heading
+ float heading = wrap_360(degrees(speed.angle()));
+ snprintf((char*)&pkt.payload[27], 10, "%03u.%04u", unsigned(heading), unsigned((heading - (int)heading) * 1.0E4));
+ // hemisphere
+ uint8_t hemisphere = 0;
+ hemisphere |= (latitude >= 0) ? 0x01 : 0; // isNorth
+ hemisphere |= (longitude >= 0) ? 0x02 : 0; // isEast
+ hemisphere |= (AP::gps().status() < AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_2D) ? 0x80 : 0; // isInvalid
+ pkt.payload[35] = hemisphere;
+ // time
+ uint64_t time_usec;
+ if (AP::rtc().get_utc_usec(time_usec)) {
+ // not completely accurate, our time includes leap seconds and time_t should be without
+ const time_t time_sec = time_usec / 1000000;
+ struct tm* tm = gmtime(&time_sec);
+ // format time string
+ snprintf((char*)&pkt.payload[36], 11, "%02u%02u%06.3f", tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec + (time_usec % 1000000) * 1.0e-6);
+ } else {
+ memset(&pkt.payload[36],' ', 10);
+ }
+ send_msg(pkt);
+ * Convert base 8 or 16 to decimal. Used to convert an octal/hexadecimal value stored on a GCS as a string field in different format, but then transmitted over mavlink as a float which is always a decimal.
+ * baseIn: base of input number
+ * inputNumber: value currently in base "baseIn" to be converted to base "baseOut"
+ *
+ * Example: convert ADSB squawk octal "1200" stored in memory as 0x0280 to 0x04B0
+ * uint16_t squawk_decimal = convertMathBase(8, squawk_octal);
+ */
+uint32_t AP_ADSB_Sagetech::convert_base_to_decimal(const uint8_t baseIn, uint32_t inputNumber)
+ // Our only sensible input bases are 16 and 8
+ if (baseIn != 8 && baseIn != 16) {
+ return inputNumber;
+ }
+ uint32_t outputNumber = 0;
+ for (uint8_t i=0; inputNumber != 0; i++) {
+ outputNumber += (inputNumber % 10) * powf(10, i);
+ inputNumber /= 10;
+ }
+ return outputNumber;
diff --git a/libraries/AP_ADSB/AP_ADSB_Sagetech.h b/libraries/AP_ADSB/AP_ADSB_Sagetech.h
index e7c109a454..bf825174f7 100644
--- a/libraries/AP_ADSB/AP_ADSB_Sagetech.h
+++ b/libraries/AP_ADSB/AP_ADSB_Sagetech.h
@@ -1,161 +1,161 @@
-#pragma once
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see .
- */
-#include "AP_ADSB_Backend.h"
-class AP_ADSB_Sagetech : public AP_ADSB_Backend {
- using AP_ADSB_Backend::AP_ADSB_Backend;
- // init - performs any required initialisation for this instance
- bool init() override;
- // update - should be called periodically
- void update() override;
- // static detection function
- static bool detect();
- static const uint32_t PAYLOAD_XP_MAX_SIZE = 52;
- enum class SystemStateBits {
- Error_Transponder = (1U<<0),
- Altitidue_Source = (1U<<1),
- Error_GPS = (1U<<2),
- Error_ICAO = (1U<<3),
- Error_Over_Temperature = (1U<<4),
- Error_Extended_Squitter = (1U<<5),
- Mode_Transponder = (3U<<6), // 2 bit status:
- };
- enum class Transponder_Type {
- Mode_C = 0x00,
- Mode_S_ADSB_OUT = 0x01,
- Mode_S_ADSB_OUT_and_IN = 0x02,
- Unknown = 0xFF,
- };
- enum class MsgType_XP {
- INVALID = 0,
- Installation_Set = 0x01,
- Preflight_Set = 0x02,
- Operating_Set = 0x03,
- GPS_Set = 0x04,
- Request = 0x05,
- ACK = 0x80,
- Installation_Response = 0x81,
- Preflight_Response = 0x82,
- Status_Response = 0x83,
- ADSB_StateVector_Report = 0x91,
- ADSB_ModeStatus_Report = 0x92,
- TISB_StateVector_Report = 0x93,
- TISB_ModeStatus_Report = 0x94,
- TISB_CorasePos_Report = 0x95,
- TISB_ADSB_Mgr_Report = 0x96,
- };
- enum class ParseState {
- WaitingFor_Start,
- WaitingFor_AssmAddr,
- WaitingFor_MsgType,
- WaitingFor_MsgId,
- WaitingFor_PayloadLen,
- WaitingFor_PayloadContents,
- WaitingFor_ChecksumFletcher,
- WaitingFor_Checksum,
- WaitingFor_End,
- };
- struct Packet_XP {
- const uint8_t start = 0xA5;
- const uint8_t assemAddr = 0x01;
- MsgType_XP type;
- uint8_t id;
- uint8_t payload_length;
- uint8_t payload[PAYLOAD_XP_MAX_SIZE];
- uint8_t checksumFletcher;
- uint8_t checksum;
- const uint8_t end = 0x5A;
- };
- struct {
- ParseState state;
- uint8_t index;
- Packet_XP packet;
- } message_in;
- // compute Sum and FletcherSum values
- uint16_t checksum_generate_XP(Packet_XP &msg) const;
- bool checksum_verify_XP(Packet_XP &msg) const;
- void checksum_assign_XP(Packet_XP &msg);
- // handling inbound byte and process it in the state machine
- bool parse_byte_XP(const uint8_t data);
- // handle inbound packet
- void handle_packet_XP(const Packet_XP &msg);
- // send message to serial port
- void send_msg(Packet_XP &msg);
- // handle inbound msgs
- void handle_adsb_in_msg(const Packet_XP &msg);
- void handle_ack(const Packet_XP &msg);
- // send messages to transceiver
- void send_msg_Installation();
- void send_msg_PreFlight();
- void send_msg_Operating();
- void send_msg_GPS();
- // send packet by type
- void send_packet(const MsgType_XP type);
- // send msg to request a packet by type
- void request_packet(const MsgType_XP type);
- // Convert base 8 or 16 to decimal. Used to convert an octal/hexadecimal value
- // stored on a GCS as a string field in different format, but then transmitted
- // over mavlink as a float which is always a decimal.
- uint32_t convert_base_to_decimal(const uint8_t baseIn, uint32_t inputNumber);
- // timers for each out-bound packet
- uint32_t last_packet_initialize_ms;
- uint32_t last_packet_PreFlight_ms;
- uint32_t last_packet_GPS_ms;
- uint32_t last_packet_Operating_ms;
- // cached variables to compare against params so we can send msg on param change.
- uint16_t last_operating_squawk;
- int32_t last_operating_alt;
- uint8_t last_operating_rf_select;
- // track status changes in acks
- uint8_t last_ack_transponder_mode;
- Transponder_Type transponder_type = Transponder_Type::Unknown;
+#pragma once
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see .
+ */
+#include "AP_ADSB_Backend.h"
+class AP_ADSB_Sagetech : public AP_ADSB_Backend {
+ using AP_ADSB_Backend::AP_ADSB_Backend;
+ // init - performs any required initialisation for this instance
+ bool init() override;
+ // update - should be called periodically
+ void update() override;
+ // static detection function
+ static bool detect();
+ static const uint32_t PAYLOAD_XP_MAX_SIZE = 52;
+ enum class SystemStateBits {
+ Error_Transponder = (1U<<0),
+ Altitidue_Source = (1U<<1),
+ Error_GPS = (1U<<2),
+ Error_ICAO = (1U<<3),
+ Error_Over_Temperature = (1U<<4),
+ Error_Extended_Squitter = (1U<<5),
+ Mode_Transponder = (3U<<6), // 2 bit status:
+ };
+ enum class Transponder_Type {
+ Mode_C = 0x00,
+ Mode_S_ADSB_OUT = 0x01,
+ Mode_S_ADSB_OUT_and_IN = 0x02,
+ Unknown = 0xFF,
+ };
+ enum class MsgType_XP {
+ INVALID = 0,
+ Installation_Set = 0x01,
+ Preflight_Set = 0x02,
+ Operating_Set = 0x03,
+ GPS_Set = 0x04,
+ Request = 0x05,
+ ACK = 0x80,
+ Installation_Response = 0x81,
+ Preflight_Response = 0x82,
+ Status_Response = 0x83,
+ ADSB_StateVector_Report = 0x91,
+ ADSB_ModeStatus_Report = 0x92,
+ TISB_StateVector_Report = 0x93,
+ TISB_ModeStatus_Report = 0x94,
+ TISB_CorasePos_Report = 0x95,
+ TISB_ADSB_Mgr_Report = 0x96,
+ };
+ enum class ParseState {
+ WaitingFor_Start,
+ WaitingFor_AssmAddr,
+ WaitingFor_MsgType,
+ WaitingFor_MsgId,
+ WaitingFor_PayloadLen,
+ WaitingFor_PayloadContents,
+ WaitingFor_ChecksumFletcher,
+ WaitingFor_Checksum,
+ WaitingFor_End,
+ };
+ struct Packet_XP {
+ const uint8_t start = 0xA5;
+ const uint8_t assemAddr = 0x01;
+ MsgType_XP type;
+ uint8_t id;
+ uint8_t payload_length;
+ uint8_t payload[PAYLOAD_XP_MAX_SIZE];
+ uint8_t checksumFletcher;
+ uint8_t checksum;
+ const uint8_t end = 0x5A;
+ };
+ struct {
+ ParseState state;
+ uint8_t index;
+ Packet_XP packet;
+ } message_in;
+ // compute Sum and FletcherSum values
+ uint16_t checksum_generate_XP(Packet_XP &msg) const;
+ bool checksum_verify_XP(Packet_XP &msg) const;
+ void checksum_assign_XP(Packet_XP &msg);
+ // handling inbound byte and process it in the state machine
+ bool parse_byte_XP(const uint8_t data);
+ // handle inbound packet
+ void handle_packet_XP(const Packet_XP &msg);
+ // send message to serial port
+ void send_msg(Packet_XP &msg);
+ // handle inbound msgs
+ void handle_adsb_in_msg(const Packet_XP &msg);
+ void handle_ack(const Packet_XP &msg);
+ // send messages to transceiver
+ void send_msg_Installation();
+ void send_msg_PreFlight();
+ void send_msg_Operating();
+ void send_msg_GPS();
+ // send packet by type
+ void send_packet(const MsgType_XP type);
+ // send msg to request a packet by type
+ void request_packet(const MsgType_XP type);
+ // Convert base 8 or 16 to decimal. Used to convert an octal/hexadecimal value
+ // stored on a GCS as a string field in different format, but then transmitted
+ // over mavlink as a float which is always a decimal.
+ uint32_t convert_base_to_decimal(const uint8_t baseIn, uint32_t inputNumber);
+ // timers for each out-bound packet
+ uint32_t last_packet_initialize_ms;
+ uint32_t last_packet_PreFlight_ms;
+ uint32_t last_packet_GPS_ms;
+ uint32_t last_packet_Operating_ms;
+ // cached variables to compare against params so we can send msg on param change.
+ uint16_t last_operating_squawk;
+ int32_t last_operating_alt;
+ uint8_t last_operating_rf_select;
+ // track status changes in acks
+ uint8_t last_ack_transponder_mode;
+ Transponder_Type transponder_type = Transponder_Type::Unknown;
diff --git a/libraries/AP_ADSB/AP_ADSB_uAvionix_MAVLink.cpp b/libraries/AP_ADSB/AP_ADSB_uAvionix_MAVLink.cpp
index fe5feee924..14a3b04808 100644
--- a/libraries/AP_ADSB/AP_ADSB_uAvionix_MAVLink.cpp
+++ b/libraries/AP_ADSB/AP_ADSB_uAvionix_MAVLink.cpp
@@ -1,256 +1,256 @@
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see .
- */
-#include "AP_ADSB_uAvionix_MAVLink.h"
-#include // for sprintf
-#define ADSB_CHAN_TIMEOUT_MS 15000
-extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal;
-// detect if an port is configured as MAVLink
-bool AP_ADSB_uAvionix_MAVLink::detect()
- // this actually requires SerialProtocol_MAVLink or SerialProtocol_MAVLink2 but
- // we can't have a running system with that, so its safe to assume it's already defined
- return true;
-void AP_ADSB_uAvionix_MAVLink::update()
- const uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis();
- // send static configuration data to transceiver, every 5s
- if (_frontend.out_state.chan_last_ms > 0 && now - _frontend.out_state.chan_last_ms > ADSB_CHAN_TIMEOUT_MS) {
- // haven't gotten a heartbeat health status packet in a while, assume hardware failure
- // TODO: reset out_state.chan
- _frontend.out_state.chan = -1;
- gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_ERROR, "ADSB: Transceiver heartbeat timed out");
- } else if (_frontend.out_state.chan >= 0 && !_frontend._my_loc.is_zero() && _frontend.out_state.chan < MAVLINK_COMM_NUM_BUFFERS) {
- const mavlink_channel_t chan = (mavlink_channel_t)(MAVLINK_COMM_0 + _frontend.out_state.chan);
- if (now - _frontend.out_state.last_config_ms >= 5000 && HAVE_PAYLOAD_SPACE(chan, UAVIONIX_ADSB_OUT_CFG)) {
- _frontend.out_state.last_config_ms = now;
- send_configure(chan);
- } // last_config_ms
- // send dynamic data to transceiver at 5Hz
- if (now - _frontend.out_state.last_report_ms >= 200 && HAVE_PAYLOAD_SPACE(chan, UAVIONIX_ADSB_OUT_DYNAMIC)) {
- _frontend.out_state.last_report_ms = now;
- send_dynamic_out(chan);
- } // last_report_ms
- } // chan_last_ms
-void AP_ADSB_uAvionix_MAVLink::send_dynamic_out(const mavlink_channel_t chan) const
- const AP_GPS &gps = AP::gps();
- const Vector3f &gps_velocity = gps.velocity();
- const int32_t latitude = _frontend._my_loc.lat;
- const int32_t longitude = _frontend._my_loc.lng;
- const int32_t altGNSS = _frontend._my_loc.alt * 10; // convert cm to mm
- const int16_t velVert = -1.0f * gps_velocity.z * 1E2; // convert m/s to cm/s
- const int16_t nsVog = gps_velocity.x * 1E2; // convert m/s to cm/s
- const int16_t ewVog = gps_velocity.y * 1E2; // convert m/s to cm/s
- const uint8_t fixType = gps.status(); // this lines up perfectly with our enum
- const uint8_t emStatus = 0; // TODO: implement this ENUM. no emergency = 0
- const uint8_t numSats = gps.num_sats();
- const uint16_t squawk = _frontend.out_state.cfg.squawk_octal;
- uint32_t accHoriz = UINT_MAX;
- float accHoriz_f;
- if (gps.horizontal_accuracy(accHoriz_f)) {
- accHoriz = accHoriz_f * 1E3; // convert m to mm
- }
- uint16_t accVert = USHRT_MAX;
- float accVert_f;
- if (gps.vertical_accuracy(accVert_f)) {
- accVert = accVert_f * 1E2; // convert m to cm
- }
- uint16_t accVel = USHRT_MAX;
- float accVel_f;
- if (gps.speed_accuracy(accVel_f)) {
- accVel = accVel_f * 1E3; // convert m/s to mm/s
- }
- uint16_t state = 0;
- if (_frontend.out_state.is_in_auto_mode) {
- }
- if (!_frontend.out_state.is_flying) {
- }
- // TODO: confirm this sets utcTime correctly
- const uint64_t gps_time = gps.time_epoch_usec();
- const uint32_t utcTime = gps_time / 1000000ULL;
- const AP_Baro &baro = AP::baro();
- int32_t altPres = INT_MAX;
- if (baro.healthy()) {
- // Altitude difference between sea level pressure and current pressure. Result in millimeters
- altPres = baro.get_altitude_difference(SSL_AIR_PRESSURE, baro.get_pressure()) * 1E3; // convert m to mm;
- }
- mavlink_msg_uavionix_adsb_out_dynamic_send(
- chan,
- utcTime,
- latitude,
- longitude,
- altGNSS,
- fixType,
- numSats,
- altPres,
- accHoriz,
- accVert,
- accVel,
- velVert,
- nsVog,
- ewVog,
- emStatus,
- state,
- squawk);
- * To expand functionality in their HW, uAvionix has extended a few of the unused MAVLink bits to pack in more new features
- * This function will override the MSB byte of the 24bit ICAO address. To ensure an invalid >24bit ICAO is never broadcasted,
- * this function is used to create the encoded verison without ever writing to the actual ICAO number. It's created on-demand
- */
-uint32_t AP_ADSB_uAvionix_MAVLink::encode_icao(const uint32_t icao_id) const
- // utilize the upper unused 8bits of the icao with special flags.
- // This encoding is required for uAvionix devices that break the MAVLink spec.
- // ensure the user assignable icao is 24 bits
- uint32_t encoded_icao = icao_id & 0x00FFFFFF;
- encoded_icao &= ~0x20000000; // useGnssAltitude should always be FALSE
- encoded_icao |= 0x10000000; // csidLogic should always be TRUE
- //SIL/SDA are special fields that should be set to 0 with only expert user adjustment
- encoded_icao &= ~0x03000000; // SDA should always be FALSE
- encoded_icao &= ~0x0C000000; // SIL should always be FALSE
- return encoded_icao;
- * To expand functionality in their HW, uAvionix has extended a few of the unused MAVLink bits to pack in more new features
- * This function will override the usually-null ending char of the callsign. It always encodes the last byte [8], even if
- * the callsign string is less than 9 chars and there are other zero-padded nulls.
- */
-uint8_t AP_ADSB_uAvionix_MAVLink::get_encoded_callsign_null_char()
-// Encoding of the 8bit null char
-// (LSB) - knots
-// bit.1 - knots
-// bit.2 - knots
-// bit.3 - (unused)
-// bit.6 - flag - 0 = callsign is treated as callsign, 1 = callsign is treated as flightPlanID/Squawk
-// (MSB) - (unused)
- uint8_t encoded_null = 0;
- if (_frontend.out_state.cfg.maxAircraftSpeed_knots <= 0) {
- // not set or unknown. no bits set
- } else if (_frontend.out_state.cfg.maxAircraftSpeed_knots <= 75) {
- encoded_null |= 0x01;
- } else if (_frontend.out_state.cfg.maxAircraftSpeed_knots <= 150) {
- encoded_null |= 0x02;
- } else if (_frontend.out_state.cfg.maxAircraftSpeed_knots <= 300) {
- encoded_null |= 0x03;
- } else if (_frontend.out_state.cfg.maxAircraftSpeed_knots <= 600) {
- encoded_null |= 0x04;
- } else if (_frontend.out_state.cfg.maxAircraftSpeed_knots <= 1200) {
- encoded_null |= 0x05;
- } else {
- encoded_null |= 0x06;
- }
- if (_frontend.out_state.cfg.rf_capable & ADSB_BITBASK_RF_CAPABILITIES_1090ES_IN) {
- encoded_null |= 0x10;
- }
- if (_frontend.out_state.cfg.rf_capable & ADSB_BITBASK_RF_CAPABILITIES_UAT_IN) {
- encoded_null |= 0x20;
- }
- /*
- If the user has an 8 digit flightPlanID assigned from a filed flight plan, this should be assigned to FlightPlanID, (assigned by remote app)
- else if the user has an assigned squawk code from ATC this should be converted from 4 digit octal to 4 character alpha string and assigned to FlightPlanID,
- else if a tail number is known it should be set to the tail number of the aircraft, (assigned by remote app)
- else it should be left blank (all 0's)
- */
- // using the above logic, we must always assign the squawk. once we get configured
- // externally then get_encoded_callsign_null_char() stops getting called
- snprintf(_frontend.out_state.cfg.callsign, 5, "%04d", unsigned(_frontend.out_state.cfg.squawk_octal) & 0x1FFF);
- memset(&_frontend.out_state.cfg.callsign[4], 0, 5); // clear remaining 5 chars
- encoded_null |= 0x40;
- return encoded_null;
- */
-void AP_ADSB_uAvionix_MAVLink::send_configure(const mavlink_channel_t chan)
- // MAVLink spec says the 9 byte callsign field is 8 byte string with 9th byte as null.
- // Here we temporarily set some flags in that null char to signify the callsign
- // may be a flightplanID instead
- int8_t callsign[sizeof(_frontend.out_state.cfg.callsign)];
- uint32_t icao;
- memcpy(callsign, _frontend.out_state.cfg.callsign, sizeof(_frontend.out_state.cfg.callsign));
- if (_frontend.out_state.cfg.was_set_externally) {
- // take values as-is
- icao = _frontend.out_state.cfg.ICAO_id;
- } else {
- callsign[MAVLINK_MSG_UAVIONIX_ADSB_OUT_CFG_FIELD_CALLSIGN_LEN-1] = (int8_t)get_encoded_callsign_null_char();
- icao = encode_icao((uint32_t)_frontend.out_state.cfg.ICAO_id);
- }
- mavlink_msg_uavionix_adsb_out_cfg_send(
- chan,
- icao,
- (const char*)callsign,
- (uint8_t)_frontend.out_state.cfg.emitterType,
- (uint8_t)_frontend.out_state.cfg.lengthWidth,
- (uint8_t)_frontend.out_state.cfg.gpsOffsetLat,
- (uint8_t)_frontend.out_state.cfg.gpsOffsetLon,
- _frontend.out_state.cfg.stall_speed_cm,
- (uint8_t)_frontend.out_state.cfg.rfSelect);
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see .
+ */
+#include "AP_ADSB_uAvionix_MAVLink.h"
+#include // for sprintf
+#define ADSB_CHAN_TIMEOUT_MS 15000
+extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal;
+// detect if an port is configured as MAVLink
+bool AP_ADSB_uAvionix_MAVLink::detect()
+ // this actually requires SerialProtocol_MAVLink or SerialProtocol_MAVLink2 but
+ // we can't have a running system with that, so its safe to assume it's already defined
+ return true;
+void AP_ADSB_uAvionix_MAVLink::update()
+ const uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis();
+ // send static configuration data to transceiver, every 5s
+ if (_frontend.out_state.chan_last_ms > 0 && now - _frontend.out_state.chan_last_ms > ADSB_CHAN_TIMEOUT_MS) {
+ // haven't gotten a heartbeat health status packet in a while, assume hardware failure
+ // TODO: reset out_state.chan
+ _frontend.out_state.chan = -1;
+ gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_ERROR, "ADSB: Transceiver heartbeat timed out");
+ } else if (_frontend.out_state.chan >= 0 && !_frontend._my_loc.is_zero() && _frontend.out_state.chan < MAVLINK_COMM_NUM_BUFFERS) {
+ const mavlink_channel_t chan = (mavlink_channel_t)(MAVLINK_COMM_0 + _frontend.out_state.chan);
+ if (now - _frontend.out_state.last_config_ms >= 5000 && HAVE_PAYLOAD_SPACE(chan, UAVIONIX_ADSB_OUT_CFG)) {
+ _frontend.out_state.last_config_ms = now;
+ send_configure(chan);
+ } // last_config_ms
+ // send dynamic data to transceiver at 5Hz
+ if (now - _frontend.out_state.last_report_ms >= 200 && HAVE_PAYLOAD_SPACE(chan, UAVIONIX_ADSB_OUT_DYNAMIC)) {
+ _frontend.out_state.last_report_ms = now;
+ send_dynamic_out(chan);
+ } // last_report_ms
+ } // chan_last_ms
+void AP_ADSB_uAvionix_MAVLink::send_dynamic_out(const mavlink_channel_t chan) const
+ const AP_GPS &gps = AP::gps();
+ const Vector3f &gps_velocity = gps.velocity();
+ const int32_t latitude = _frontend._my_loc.lat;
+ const int32_t longitude = _frontend._my_loc.lng;
+ const int32_t altGNSS = _frontend._my_loc.alt * 10; // convert cm to mm
+ const int16_t velVert = -1.0f * gps_velocity.z * 1E2; // convert m/s to cm/s
+ const int16_t nsVog = gps_velocity.x * 1E2; // convert m/s to cm/s
+ const int16_t ewVog = gps_velocity.y * 1E2; // convert m/s to cm/s
+ const uint8_t fixType = gps.status(); // this lines up perfectly with our enum
+ const uint8_t emStatus = 0; // TODO: implement this ENUM. no emergency = 0
+ const uint8_t numSats = gps.num_sats();
+ const uint16_t squawk = _frontend.out_state.cfg.squawk_octal;
+ uint32_t accHoriz = UINT_MAX;
+ float accHoriz_f;
+ if (gps.horizontal_accuracy(accHoriz_f)) {
+ accHoriz = accHoriz_f * 1E3; // convert m to mm
+ }
+ uint16_t accVert = USHRT_MAX;
+ float accVert_f;
+ if (gps.vertical_accuracy(accVert_f)) {
+ accVert = accVert_f * 1E2; // convert m to cm
+ }
+ uint16_t accVel = USHRT_MAX;
+ float accVel_f;
+ if (gps.speed_accuracy(accVel_f)) {
+ accVel = accVel_f * 1E3; // convert m/s to mm/s
+ }
+ uint16_t state = 0;
+ if (_frontend.out_state.is_in_auto_mode) {
+ }
+ if (!_frontend.out_state.is_flying) {
+ }
+ // TODO: confirm this sets utcTime correctly
+ const uint64_t gps_time = gps.time_epoch_usec();
+ const uint32_t utcTime = gps_time / 1000000ULL;
+ const AP_Baro &baro = AP::baro();
+ int32_t altPres = INT_MAX;
+ if (baro.healthy()) {
+ // Altitude difference between sea level pressure and current pressure. Result in millimeters
+ altPres = baro.get_altitude_difference(SSL_AIR_PRESSURE, baro.get_pressure()) * 1E3; // convert m to mm;
+ }
+ mavlink_msg_uavionix_adsb_out_dynamic_send(
+ chan,
+ utcTime,
+ latitude,
+ longitude,
+ altGNSS,
+ fixType,
+ numSats,
+ altPres,
+ accHoriz,
+ accVert,
+ accVel,
+ velVert,
+ nsVog,
+ ewVog,
+ emStatus,
+ state,
+ squawk);
+ * To expand functionality in their HW, uAvionix has extended a few of the unused MAVLink bits to pack in more new features
+ * This function will override the MSB byte of the 24bit ICAO address. To ensure an invalid >24bit ICAO is never broadcasted,
+ * this function is used to create the encoded verison without ever writing to the actual ICAO number. It's created on-demand
+ */
+uint32_t AP_ADSB_uAvionix_MAVLink::encode_icao(const uint32_t icao_id) const
+ // utilize the upper unused 8bits of the icao with special flags.
+ // This encoding is required for uAvionix devices that break the MAVLink spec.
+ // ensure the user assignable icao is 24 bits
+ uint32_t encoded_icao = icao_id & 0x00FFFFFF;
+ encoded_icao &= ~0x20000000; // useGnssAltitude should always be FALSE
+ encoded_icao |= 0x10000000; // csidLogic should always be TRUE
+ //SIL/SDA are special fields that should be set to 0 with only expert user adjustment
+ encoded_icao &= ~0x03000000; // SDA should always be FALSE
+ encoded_icao &= ~0x0C000000; // SIL should always be FALSE
+ return encoded_icao;
+ * To expand functionality in their HW, uAvionix has extended a few of the unused MAVLink bits to pack in more new features
+ * This function will override the usually-null ending char of the callsign. It always encodes the last byte [8], even if
+ * the callsign string is less than 9 chars and there are other zero-padded nulls.
+ */
+uint8_t AP_ADSB_uAvionix_MAVLink::get_encoded_callsign_null_char()
+// Encoding of the 8bit null char
+// (LSB) - knots
+// bit.1 - knots
+// bit.2 - knots
+// bit.3 - (unused)
+// bit.6 - flag - 0 = callsign is treated as callsign, 1 = callsign is treated as flightPlanID/Squawk
+// (MSB) - (unused)
+ uint8_t encoded_null = 0;
+ if (_frontend.out_state.cfg.maxAircraftSpeed_knots <= 0) {
+ // not set or unknown. no bits set
+ } else if (_frontend.out_state.cfg.maxAircraftSpeed_knots <= 75) {
+ encoded_null |= 0x01;
+ } else if (_frontend.out_state.cfg.maxAircraftSpeed_knots <= 150) {
+ encoded_null |= 0x02;
+ } else if (_frontend.out_state.cfg.maxAircraftSpeed_knots <= 300) {
+ encoded_null |= 0x03;
+ } else if (_frontend.out_state.cfg.maxAircraftSpeed_knots <= 600) {
+ encoded_null |= 0x04;
+ } else if (_frontend.out_state.cfg.maxAircraftSpeed_knots <= 1200) {
+ encoded_null |= 0x05;
+ } else {
+ encoded_null |= 0x06;
+ }
+ if (_frontend.out_state.cfg.rf_capable & ADSB_BITBASK_RF_CAPABILITIES_1090ES_IN) {
+ encoded_null |= 0x10;
+ }
+ if (_frontend.out_state.cfg.rf_capable & ADSB_BITBASK_RF_CAPABILITIES_UAT_IN) {
+ encoded_null |= 0x20;
+ }
+ /*
+ If the user has an 8 digit flightPlanID assigned from a filed flight plan, this should be assigned to FlightPlanID, (assigned by remote app)
+ else if the user has an assigned squawk code from ATC this should be converted from 4 digit octal to 4 character alpha string and assigned to FlightPlanID,
+ else if a tail number is known it should be set to the tail number of the aircraft, (assigned by remote app)
+ else it should be left blank (all 0's)
+ */
+ // using the above logic, we must always assign the squawk. once we get configured
+ // externally then get_encoded_callsign_null_char() stops getting called
+ snprintf(_frontend.out_state.cfg.callsign, 5, "%04d", unsigned(_frontend.out_state.cfg.squawk_octal) & 0x1FFF);
+ memset(&_frontend.out_state.cfg.callsign[4], 0, 5); // clear remaining 5 chars
+ encoded_null |= 0x40;
+ return encoded_null;
+ */
+void AP_ADSB_uAvionix_MAVLink::send_configure(const mavlink_channel_t chan)
+ // MAVLink spec says the 9 byte callsign field is 8 byte string with 9th byte as null.
+ // Here we temporarily set some flags in that null char to signify the callsign
+ // may be a flightplanID instead
+ int8_t callsign[sizeof(_frontend.out_state.cfg.callsign)];
+ uint32_t icao;
+ memcpy(callsign, _frontend.out_state.cfg.callsign, sizeof(_frontend.out_state.cfg.callsign));
+ if (_frontend.out_state.cfg.was_set_externally) {
+ // take values as-is
+ icao = _frontend.out_state.cfg.ICAO_id;
+ } else {
+ callsign[MAVLINK_MSG_UAVIONIX_ADSB_OUT_CFG_FIELD_CALLSIGN_LEN-1] = (int8_t)get_encoded_callsign_null_char();
+ icao = encode_icao((uint32_t)_frontend.out_state.cfg.ICAO_id);
+ }
+ mavlink_msg_uavionix_adsb_out_cfg_send(
+ chan,
+ icao,
+ (const char*)callsign,
+ (uint8_t)_frontend.out_state.cfg.emitterType,
+ (uint8_t)_frontend.out_state.cfg.lengthWidth,
+ (uint8_t)_frontend.out_state.cfg.gpsOffsetLat,
+ (uint8_t)_frontend.out_state.cfg.gpsOffsetLon,
+ _frontend.out_state.cfg.stall_speed_cm,
+ (uint8_t)_frontend.out_state.cfg.rfSelect);
diff --git a/libraries/AP_ADSB/AP_ADSB_uAvionix_MAVLink.h b/libraries/AP_ADSB/AP_ADSB_uAvionix_MAVLink.h
index 6e1f699af6..59ec7f3d7e 100644
--- a/libraries/AP_ADSB/AP_ADSB_uAvionix_MAVLink.h
+++ b/libraries/AP_ADSB/AP_ADSB_uAvionix_MAVLink.h
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
-#pragma once
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see .
- */
-#include "AP_ADSB_Backend.h"
-class AP_ADSB_uAvionix_MAVLink : public AP_ADSB_Backend {
- using AP_ADSB_Backend::AP_ADSB_Backend;
- void update() override;
- // static detection function
- static bool detect();
- // send static and dynamic data to ADSB transceiver
- void send_configure(const mavlink_channel_t chan);
- void send_dynamic_out(const mavlink_channel_t chan) const;
- // special helpers for uAvionix workarounds
- uint32_t encode_icao(const uint32_t icao_id) const;
- uint8_t get_encoded_callsign_null_char(void);
+#pragma once
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see .
+ */
+#include "AP_ADSB_Backend.h"
+class AP_ADSB_uAvionix_MAVLink : public AP_ADSB_Backend {
+ using AP_ADSB_Backend::AP_ADSB_Backend;
+ void update() override;
+ // static detection function
+ static bool detect();
+ // send static and dynamic data to ADSB transceiver
+ void send_configure(const mavlink_channel_t chan);
+ void send_dynamic_out(const mavlink_channel_t chan) const;
+ // special helpers for uAvionix workarounds
+ uint32_t encode_icao(const uint32_t icao_id) const;
+ uint8_t get_encoded_callsign_null_char(void);