autotest: added initial CRRCSim backend

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Andrew Tridgell 2015-04-18 09:26:59 +10:00
parent b5c40cad76
commit 1cd114e300

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@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
Python interface to CRRCSIM simulator
from aircraft import Aircraft
import util, time, struct
import socket, select
from math import degrees, radians, sin, cos
from rotmat import Vector3, Matrix3
class CRRCSim(Aircraft):
'''a CRRCCIM shim'''
def __init__(self, frame="generic"):
self.sim = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
self.sim.connect(('', 9002))
self.accel_body = Vector3(0, 0, -self.gravity)
self.last_fdm_time = time.time()
self.frame = frame
if self.frame.find("heli") != -1:
self.decode_servos = self.decode_servos_heli
self.decode_servos = self.decode_servos_fixed_wing
self.rsc_setpoint = 0.8
def checksum(self, buf):
'''calculate MNAV checksum'''
sum = 0
for b in buf:
sum += ord(b)
return sum & 0xFFFF
def decode_servos_heli(self, servos):
'''decode servos for heli'''
swash1 = servos[0]
swash2 = servos[1]
swash3 = servos[2]
tail_rotor = servos[3]
rsc = servos[7]
rsc = util.constrain(rsc, 0, self.rsc_setpoint)
# get total thrust from 0 to 1
rsc_scaling = (rsc/self.rsc_setpoint)
self.thrust = rsc_scaling*(swash1+swash2+swash3)/3.0
# very simplistic mapping to body euler rates
self.roll_rate = (swash1 - swash2)*rsc_scaling
self.pitch_rate = -((swash1 + swash2)/2.0 - swash3)*rsc_scaling
self.yaw_rate = -(tail_rotor - 0.5)*rsc_scaling
def decode_servos_fixed_wing(self, servos):
'''decode servos for fixed wing'''
self.roll_rate = 2*(servos[0]-0.5)
self.pitch_rate = 2*(servos[1]-0.5)
self.thrust = servos[2]
self.yaw_rate = 2*(servos[3]-0.5)
def send_servos(self, servos):
'''send servo packet'''
self.roll_rate = util.constrain(self.roll_rate, -1, 1)
self.pitch_rate = util.constrain(self.pitch_rate, -1, 1)
self.thrust = util.constrain(self.thrust, 0, 1)
self.yaw_rate = util.constrain(self.yaw_rate, -1, 1)
buf = struct.pack('>BBBBHHHH10x',
0x55, 0x55,
ord('S'), ord('S'),
sum = self.checksum(buf[2:])
buf += struct.pack('>H', sum)
def recv_fdm(self):
'''receive FDM packet'''
try:[self.sim.fileno()], [], [], 1)
buf = self.sim.recv(1024)
while True:
buf2 = self.sim.recv(1024)
buf = buf2
except Exception:
except Exception as ex:
return False
# the MNAV packets come as 3 chunks, called IMU, GPS and AHRS
if len(buf) != 93 or buf[0:3] != 'UUI' or buf[33] != 'G' or buf[66] != 'A':
return False
# decode IMU chunk
ax,ay,az = struct.unpack(">hhh", buf[3:9])
self.accel_body = Vector3(ax, ay, az) * 5.98755e-04
gx,gy,gz = struct.unpack(">hhh", buf[9:15])
self.gyro = Vector3(gx, gy, gz) * 1.06526e-04
# decode GPS chunk
vx,vy,vz = struct.unpack("<iii", buf[34:46])
self.velocity = Vector3(vx,vy,vz) * 1.0e-2
lon,lat,alt = struct.unpack('<iii', buf[46:58])
lat *= 1.0e-7
lon *= 1.0e-7
alt *= 1.0e-3
dist = util.gps_distance(0, 0, lat, lon)
bearing = util.gps_bearing(0, 0, lat, lon)
self.position.x = dist * cos(radians(bearing))
self.position.y = dist * sin(radians(bearing))
self.position.z = -alt
# decode AHRS chunk
roll,pitch,yaw = struct.unpack(">hhh", buf[67:73])
self.dcm.from_euler(roll*0.000106526, pitch*0.000106526, yaw*0.000106526)
now = time.time()
self.last_fdm_time = now
def update(self, actuators):
'''update model'''