mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 21:23:58 -04:00
AP_HAL_SITL: use NEW_NOTHROW for new(std::nothrow)
This commit is contained in:
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ void AnalogIn::init() {
AP_HAL::AnalogSource* AnalogIn::channel(int16_t pin) {
return new ADCSource(_sitlState, pin);
return NEW_NOTHROW ADCSource(_sitlState, pin);
@ -217,11 +217,11 @@ bool CANIface::init(const uint32_t bitrate, const OperatingMode mode)
const SITL::SIM::CANTransport can_type = _sitl->can_transport[_self_index];
switch (can_type) {
case SITL::SIM::CANTransport::MulticastUDP:
transport = new CAN_Multicast();
transport = NEW_NOTHROW CAN_Multicast();
case SITL::SIM::CANTransport::SocketCAN:
transport = new CAN_SocketCAN();
transport = NEW_NOTHROW CAN_SocketCAN();
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal;
// initialize the FFT state machine
AP_HAL::DSP::FFTWindowState* DSP::fft_init(uint16_t window_size, uint16_t sample_rate, uint8_t sliding_window_size)
DSP::FFTWindowStateSITL* fft = new DSP::FFTWindowStateSITL(window_size, sample_rate, sliding_window_size);
DSP::FFTWindowStateSITL* fft = NEW_NOTHROW DSP::FFTWindowStateSITL(window_size, sample_rate, sliding_window_size);
if (fft == nullptr || fft->_hanning_window == nullptr || fft->_rfft_data == nullptr || fft->_freq_bins == nullptr || fft->_derivative_freq_bins == nullptr) {
delete fft;
return nullptr;
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ DSP::FFTWindowStateSITL::FFTWindowStateSITL(uint16_t window_size, uint16_t sampl
buf = new complexf[window_size];
buf = NEW_NOTHROW complexf[window_size];
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ void GPIO::toggle(uint8_t pin)
/* Alternative interface: */
AP_HAL::DigitalSource* GPIO::channel(uint16_t n) {
if (n < 16) { // (ie. sizeof(pin_mask)*8)
return new DigitalSource(static_cast<uint8_t>(n));
return NEW_NOTHROW DigitalSource(static_cast<uint8_t>(n));
} else {
return nullptr;
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ int I2CBus::_ioctl(uint8_t ioctl_number, void *data)
AP_HAL::Device::PeriodicHandle I2CBus::register_periodic_callback(uint32_t period_usec, AP_HAL::Device::PeriodicCb cb)
// mostly swiped from ChibiOS:
I2CBus::callback_info *callback = new I2CBus::callback_info;
I2CBus::callback_info *callback = NEW_NOTHROW I2CBus::callback_info;
if (callback == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ I2CDeviceManager::get_device(uint8_t bus,
if (bus >= ARRAY_SIZE(buses)) {
return AP_HAL::OwnPtr<AP_HAL::I2CDevice>(nullptr);
auto dev = AP_HAL::OwnPtr<AP_HAL::I2CDevice>(new I2CDevice(buses[bus], address));
auto dev = AP_HAL::OwnPtr<AP_HAL::I2CDevice>(NEW_NOTHROW I2CDevice(buses[bus], address));
return dev;
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ void RCOutput::push(void)
SITL::SIM *sitl = AP::sitl();
if (sitl && sitl->esc_telem) {
if (esc_telem == nullptr) {
esc_telem = new AP_ESC_Telem_SITL;
esc_telem = NEW_NOTHROW AP_ESC_Telem_SITL;
if (esc_telem != nullptr) {
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ void SITL_State::init(int argc, char * const argv[]) {
printf("Running Instance: %d\n", _instance);
sitl_model = new SimMCast("");
sitl_model = NEW_NOTHROW SimMCast("");
_sitl = AP::sitl();
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ void SITL_State::_sitl_setup()
// setup some initial values
if (enable_gimbal) {
gimbal = new SITL::Gimbal(_sitl->state);
gimbal = NEW_NOTHROW SITL::Gimbal(_sitl->state);
@ -31,14 +31,14 @@ SITL::SerialDevice *SITL_State_Common::create_serial_sim(const char *name, const
if (benewake_tf02 != nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("Only one benewake_tf02 at a time");
benewake_tf02 = new SITL::RF_Benewake_TF02();
benewake_tf02 = NEW_NOTHROW SITL::RF_Benewake_TF02();
return benewake_tf02;
#if !defined(HAL_BUILD_AP_PERIPH)
} else if (streq(name, "vicon")) {
if (vicon != nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("Only one vicon system at a time");
vicon = new SITL::Vicon();
vicon = NEW_NOTHROW SITL::Vicon();
return vicon;
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ SITL::SerialDevice *SITL_State_Common::create_serial_sim(const char *name, const
// will cope with begin() being called multiple times on a
// serial port
if (adsb == nullptr) {
adsb = new SITL::ADSB();
return adsb;
@ -56,97 +56,97 @@ SITL::SerialDevice *SITL_State_Common::create_serial_sim(const char *name, const
if (ainsteinlrd1 != nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("Only one ainsteinlrd1 at a time");
ainsteinlrd1 = new SITL::RF_Ainstein_LR_D1();
ainsteinlrd1 = NEW_NOTHROW SITL::RF_Ainstein_LR_D1();
return ainsteinlrd1;
} else if (streq(name, "benewake_tf03")) {
if (benewake_tf03 != nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("Only one benewake_tf03 at a time");
benewake_tf03 = new SITL::RF_Benewake_TF03();
benewake_tf03 = NEW_NOTHROW SITL::RF_Benewake_TF03();
return benewake_tf03;
} else if (streq(name, "benewake_tfmini")) {
if (benewake_tfmini != nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("Only one benewake_tfmini at a time");
benewake_tfmini = new SITL::RF_Benewake_TFmini();
benewake_tfmini = NEW_NOTHROW SITL::RF_Benewake_TFmini();
return benewake_tfmini;
} else if (streq(name, "nooploop_tofsense")) {
if (nooploop != nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("Only one nooploop_tofsense at a time");
nooploop = new SITL::RF_Nooploop();
nooploop = NEW_NOTHROW SITL::RF_Nooploop();
return nooploop;
} else if (streq(name, "teraranger_serial")) {
if (teraranger_serial != nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("Only one teraranger_serial at a time");
teraranger_serial = new SITL::RF_TeraRanger_Serial();
teraranger_serial = NEW_NOTHROW SITL::RF_TeraRanger_Serial();
return teraranger_serial;
} else if (streq(name, "lightwareserial")) {
if (lightwareserial != nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("Only one lightwareserial at a time");
lightwareserial = new SITL::RF_LightWareSerial();
lightwareserial = NEW_NOTHROW SITL::RF_LightWareSerial();
return lightwareserial;
} else if (streq(name, "lightwareserial-binary")) {
if (lightwareserial_binary != nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("Only one lightwareserial-binary at a time");
lightwareserial_binary = new SITL::RF_LightWareSerialBinary();
lightwareserial_binary = NEW_NOTHROW SITL::RF_LightWareSerialBinary();
return lightwareserial_binary;
} else if (streq(name, "lanbao")) {
if (lanbao != nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("Only one lanbao at a time");
lanbao = new SITL::RF_Lanbao();
lanbao = NEW_NOTHROW SITL::RF_Lanbao();
return lanbao;
} else if (streq(name, "blping")) {
if (blping != nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("Only one blping at a time");
blping = new SITL::RF_BLping();
blping = NEW_NOTHROW SITL::RF_BLping();
return blping;
} else if (streq(name, "leddarone")) {
if (leddarone != nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("Only one leddarone at a time");
leddarone = new SITL::RF_LeddarOne();
leddarone = NEW_NOTHROW SITL::RF_LeddarOne();
return leddarone;
} else if (streq(name, "rds02uf")) {
if (rds02uf != nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("Only one rds02uf at a time");
rds02uf = new SITL::RF_RDS02UF();
return rds02uf;
} else if (streq(name, "USD1_v0")) {
if (USD1_v0 != nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("Only one USD1_v0 at a time");
USD1_v0 = new SITL::RF_USD1_v0();
return USD1_v0;
} else if (streq(name, "USD1_v1")) {
if (USD1_v1 != nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("Only one USD1_v1 at a time");
USD1_v1 = new SITL::RF_USD1_v1();
return USD1_v1;
} else if (streq(name, "maxsonarseriallv")) {
if (maxsonarseriallv != nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("Only one maxsonarseriallv at a time");
maxsonarseriallv = new SITL::RF_MaxsonarSerialLV();
maxsonarseriallv = NEW_NOTHROW SITL::RF_MaxsonarSerialLV();
return maxsonarseriallv;
} else if (streq(name, "wasp")) {
if (wasp != nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("Only one wasp at a time");
wasp = new SITL::RF_Wasp();
wasp = NEW_NOTHROW SITL::RF_Wasp();
return wasp;
} else if (streq(name, "nmea")) {
if (nmea != nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("Only one nmea at a time");
nmea = new SITL::RF_NMEA();
return nmea;
#if !defined(HAL_BUILD_AP_PERIPH)
@ -154,34 +154,34 @@ SITL::SerialDevice *SITL_State_Common::create_serial_sim(const char *name, const
if (rf_mavlink != nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("Only one rf_mavlink at a time");
rf_mavlink = new SITL::RF_MAVLink();
rf_mavlink = NEW_NOTHROW SITL::RF_MAVLink();
return rf_mavlink;
} else if (streq(name, "frsky-d")) {
if (frsky_d != nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("Only one frsky_d at a time");
frsky_d = new SITL::Frsky_D();
frsky_d = NEW_NOTHROW SITL::Frsky_D();
return frsky_d;
// } else if (streq(name, "frsky-SPort")) {
// if (frsky_sport != nullptr) {
// AP_HAL::panic("Only one frsky_sport at a time");
// }
// frsky_sport = new SITL::Frsky_SPort();
// frsky_sport = NEW_NOTHROW SITL::Frsky_SPort();
// return frsky_sport;
// } else if (streq(name, "frsky-SPortPassthrough")) {
// if (frsky_sport_passthrough != nullptr) {
// AP_HAL::panic("Only one frsky_sport passthrough at a time");
// }
// frsky_sport = new SITL::Frsky_SPortPassthrough();
// frsky_sport = NEW_NOTHROW SITL::Frsky_SPortPassthrough();
// return frsky_sportpassthrough;
} else if (streq(name, "crsf")) {
if (crsf != nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("Only one crsf at a time");
crsf = new SITL::CRSF();
return crsf;
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ SITL::SerialDevice *SITL_State_Common::create_serial_sim(const char *name, const
if (rplidara2 != nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("Only one rplidara2 at a time");
rplidara2 = new SITL::PS_RPLidarA2();
rplidara2 = NEW_NOTHROW SITL::PS_RPLidarA2();
return rplidara2;
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ SITL::SerialDevice *SITL_State_Common::create_serial_sim(const char *name, const
if (rplidara1 != nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("Only one rplidara1 at a time");
rplidara1 = new SITL::PS_RPLidarA1();
rplidara1 = NEW_NOTHROW SITL::PS_RPLidarA1();
return rplidara1;
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ SITL::SerialDevice *SITL_State_Common::create_serial_sim(const char *name, const
if (terarangertower != nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("Only one terarangertower at a time");
terarangertower = new SITL::PS_TeraRangerTower();
terarangertower = NEW_NOTHROW SITL::PS_TeraRangerTower();
return terarangertower;
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ SITL::SerialDevice *SITL_State_Common::create_serial_sim(const char *name, const
if (sf45b != nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("Only one sf45b at a time");
sf45b = new SITL::PS_LightWare_SF45B();
sf45b = NEW_NOTHROW SITL::PS_LightWare_SF45B();
return sf45b;
@ -221,9 +221,9 @@ SITL::SerialDevice *SITL_State_Common::create_serial_sim(const char *name, const
if (sagetech_mxs != nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("Only one sagetech_mxs at a time");
sagetech_mxs = new SITL::ADSB_Sagetech_MXS();
sagetech_mxs = NEW_NOTHROW SITL::ADSB_Sagetech_MXS();
if (adsb == nullptr) {
adsb = new SITL::ADSB();
return sagetech_mxs;
@ -248,51 +248,51 @@ SITL::SerialDevice *SITL_State_Common::create_serial_sim(const char *name, const
if (jre != nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("Only one jre at a time");
jre = new SITL::RF_JRE();
return jre;
} else if (streq(name, "gyus42v2")) {
if (gyus42v2 != nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("Only one gyus42v2 at a time");
gyus42v2 = new SITL::RF_GYUS42v2();
gyus42v2 = NEW_NOTHROW SITL::RF_GYUS42v2();
return gyus42v2;
} else if (streq(name, "megasquirt")) {
if (efi_ms != nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("Only one megasquirt at a time");
efi_ms = new SITL::EFI_MegaSquirt();
efi_ms = NEW_NOTHROW SITL::EFI_MegaSquirt();
return efi_ms;
} else if (streq(name, "hirth")) {
if (efi_hirth != nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("Only one hirth at a time");
efi_hirth = new SITL::EFI_Hirth();
efi_hirth = NEW_NOTHROW SITL::EFI_Hirth();
return efi_hirth;
} else if (streq(name, "VectorNav")) {
if (vectornav != nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("Only one VectorNav at a time");
vectornav = new SITL::VectorNav();
vectornav = NEW_NOTHROW SITL::VectorNav();
return vectornav;
} else if (streq(name, "MicroStrain5")) {
if (microstrain5 != nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("Only one MicroStrain5 at a time");
microstrain5 = new SITL::MicroStrain5();
microstrain5 = NEW_NOTHROW SITL::MicroStrain5();
return microstrain5;
} else if (streq(name, "MicroStrain7")) {
if (microstrain7 != nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("Only one MicroStrain7 at a time");
microstrain7 = new SITL::MicroStrain7();
microstrain7 = NEW_NOTHROW SITL::MicroStrain7();
return microstrain7;
} else if (streq(name, "ILabs")) {
if (inertiallabs != nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("Only one InertialLabs INS at a time");
inertiallabs = new SITL::InertialLabs();
inertiallabs = NEW_NOTHROW SITL::InertialLabs();
return inertiallabs;
@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ SITL::SerialDevice *SITL_State_Common::create_serial_sim(const char *name, const
if (ais != nullptr) {
AP_HAL::panic("Only one AIS at a time");
ais = new SITL::AIS();
return ais;
} else if (strncmp(name, "gps", 3) == 0) {
@ -312,13 +312,13 @@ SITL::SerialDevice *SITL_State_Common::create_serial_sim(const char *name, const
if (x <= 0 || x > ARRAY_SIZE(gps)) {
AP_HAL::panic("Bad GPS number %u", x);
gps[x-1] = new SITL::GPS(x-1);
gps[x-1] = NEW_NOTHROW SITL::GPS(x-1);
return gps[x-1];
} else if (streq(name, "ELRS")) {
// Only allocate if not done already
// MAVLink serial ports have begin called several times
if (elrs == nullptr) {
elrs = new SITL::ELRS(portNumber, this);
elrs = NEW_NOTHROW SITL::ELRS(portNumber, this);
return elrs;
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ int SPIBus::_ioctl(uint8_t cs_pin, uint8_t ioctl_number, void *data)
AP_HAL::Device::PeriodicHandle SPIBus::register_periodic_callback(uint32_t period_usec, AP_HAL::Device::PeriodicCb cb)
// mostly swiped from ChibiOS:
SPIBus::callback_info *callback = new SPIBus::callback_info;
SPIBus::callback_info *callback = NEW_NOTHROW SPIBus::callback_info;
if (callback == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ SPIDeviceManager::get_device(const char *name)
if (busp == nullptr) {
// create a new one
busp = new SPIBus(desc.bus);
busp = NEW_NOTHROW SPIBus(desc.bus);
if (busp == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ SPIDeviceManager::get_device(const char *name)
buses = busp;
return AP_HAL::OwnPtr<AP_HAL::SPIDevice>(new SPIDevice(*busp, desc));
return AP_HAL::OwnPtr<AP_HAL::SPIDevice>(NEW_NOTHROW SPIDevice(*busp, desc));
// void SPIDeviceManager::_timer_tick()
@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ bool Scheduler::thread_create(AP_HAL::MemberProc proc, const char *name, uint32_
pthread_t thread {};
const uint32_t alloc_stack = MAX(size_t(PTHREAD_STACK_MIN),stack_size);
struct thread_attr *a = new struct thread_attr;
struct thread_attr *a = NEW_NOTHROW struct thread_attr;
if (!a) {
return false;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user