2016-01-18 23:30:09 -04:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
import pexpect, time, sys
from pymavlink import mavutil
def wait_heartbeat(mav, timeout=10):
'''wait for a heartbeat'''
start_time = time.time()
while time.time() < start_time+timeout:
if mav.recv_match(type='HEARTBEAT', blocking=True, timeout=0.5) is not None:
2017-09-23 05:39:35 -03:00
raise Exception("Failed to get heartbeat")
2016-01-18 23:30:09 -04:00
def wait_mode(mav, modes, timeout=10):
'''wait for one of a set of flight modes'''
start_time = time.time()
last_mode = None
while time.time() < start_time+timeout:
wait_heartbeat(mav, timeout=10)
if mav.flightmode != last_mode:
print("Flightmode %s" % mav.flightmode)
last_mode = mav.flightmode
if mav.flightmode in modes:
print("Failed to get mode from %s" % modes)
def wait_time(mav, simtime):
'''wait for simulation time to pass'''
imu = mav.recv_match(type='RAW_IMU', blocking=True)
t1 = imu.time_usec*1.0e-6
while True:
imu = mav.recv_match(type='RAW_IMU', blocking=True)
t2 = imu.time_usec*1.0e-6
if t2 - t1 > simtime:
2016-08-10 17:00:09 -03:00
cmd = 'sim_vehicle.py -j4 -D -L KSFO -S5'
2016-01-18 23:30:09 -04:00
mavproxy = pexpect.spawn(cmd, logfile=sys.stdout, timeout=30)
mavproxy.expect("Ready to FLY")
mav = mavutil.mavlink_connection('')
wait_time(mav, 12)
mavproxy.send('arm throttle\n')
wait_mode(mav, ['ALT_HOLD'])
mavproxy.send('rc 3 1800\n')
mavproxy.send('param set CH7_OPT 2\n')
mavproxy.send('repeat add 2 rc 7 2000\n')
wait_time(mav, 1)
mavproxy.send('repeat add 2 rc 7 1000\n')
mavproxy.logfile = None