AC_PID_Basic_fwd_speed_pid{2.0,2.0,0.2,0.1,4.0,0.0,10.0};// PID object for vel to accel controller, Default values for kp, ki, kd, kff, imax, filt E Hz, filt D Hz
bool_limit_accel;// flag used for limiting integrator wind up if vehicle is against an accel or angle limit
float_desired_vel;// (m/s) This is the velocity that we want. This is the variable that is set by the invoking function to request a certain speed
float_target_vel;// (m/s) This is the acceleration constrained velocity that we are allowed
// Head speed controller variables
voidupdate_headspeed_controller(void);// Update controller used to drive head speed with collective
float_hs_accel;// The head speed target acceleration during the entry phase
float_head_speed_error;// Error between target head speed and current head speed. Normalised by head speed set point RPM.
float_target_head_speed;// Normalised target head speed. Normalised by head speed set point RPM.
float_p_term_hs;// Proportional contribution to collective setting.
float_ff_term_hs;// Following trim feed forward contribution to collective setting.
LowPassFilterFloatcol_trim_lpf;// Low pass filter for collective trim
// Flags used to check if we believe the aircraft has landed
// Parameter accessors that provide value constraints