RC input is configured on the R6 (UART6_RX) pin. It supports all single wire unidirectional RC
protocols. For protocols requiring half-duplex or full duplex serial for operation
select another UART with DMA and set its protocol to "23". To use this UART for other uses, set
## FrSky Telemetry
FrSky Telemetry is supported using the Tx pin of any UART including SERIAL6/UART6 . You need to set the following parameters to enable support for FrSky S.PORT (example shows SERIAL6). Note this assumes the RC input is using default (ALT_BRD_CONFIG =0). Obviously, if using ALT_BRD_CONFIG = 1 for full duplex RC prtocols, you must a different UART for FrSky Telemetry.
## OSD Support
The SDMODEL SDH7 V2 supports OSD using OSD_TYPE 1 (MAX7456 driver).The defaults are also setup to allow DJI Goggle OSD support on UART1. Both OSDs can operate simultaneously.
## VTX Support
The JST-GH-6P connector supports a standard DJI HD VTX connection. Pin 1 of the connector is 9v so be careful not to connect
this to a peripheral requiring 5v. The 9v supply is controlled by RELAY2_PIN set to GPIO 81 and is on by default. It can be configured to be operated by an RC switch by selecting the function RELAY2.
The Cam pin is GPIO82 and is set to be controlled by RELAY4 by default. Relay pins can be controlled either by an RC switch or GCS command. See :ref:`common-relay` for more information.
## PWM Output
The SDMODEL SDH7 V2 supports up to 9 PWM or DShot outputs. Outputs 1-4 support BDShot. The pads for motor output
M1 to M8 on the two motor connectors, plus M9 preconfigured for LED strip or can be used as another
PWM output.
The PWM is in 5 groups:
- PWM 1, 2 in group1
- PWM 3, 4 in group2
- PWM 5, 6 in group3
- PWM 7, 8 in group4
- PWM 9 in group5
Channels within the same group need to use the same output rate. If
any channel in a group uses DShot then all channels in the group need
to use DShot.
.. note:: for users migrating from BetaflightX quads, the first four outputs M1-M4 have been configured for use with existing motor wiring using these default parameters: