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synced 2025-03-08 14:43:57 -04:00
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%% Set initial conditions
clear all;
startDelayTime = 100; % number of seconds to delay filter start (used to simulate in-flight restart)
dt = 1/50;
startTime = 0.001*(IMU(1,2));
stopTime = 0.001*(IMU(length(IMU),2));
indexLimit = length(IMU);
magIndexlimit = length(MAG);
statesLog = zeros(11,indexLimit);
eulLog = zeros(4,indexLimit);
velInnovLog = zeros(4,indexLimit);
angErrLog = velInnovLog;
decInnovLog = zeros(2,magIndexlimit);
velInnovVarLog = velInnovLog;
decInnovVarLog = decInnovLog;
% initialise the filter to level
quat = [1;0;0;0];
states = zeros(10,1);
Tbn = Quat2Tbn(quat);
% Set the expected declination
measDec = 0.18;
% define the state covariances with the exception of the quaternion covariances
Sigma_velNED = 0.5; % 1 sigma uncertainty in horizontal velocity components
Sigma_dAngBias = 5*pi/180*dt; % 1 Sigma uncertainty in delta angle bias
Sigma_quatErr = 1; % 1 Sigma uncertainty in angular misalignment (rad)
covariance = single(diag([Sigma_quatErr*[1;1;1;1];Sigma_velNED*[1;1;1];Sigma_dAngBias*[1;1;1]].^2));
%% Main Loop
magIndex = 1;
time = 0;
tiltError = 0;
headingAligned = 0;
angErrVec = [0;0;0];
startIndex = max(11,ceil(startDelayTime/dt));
for index = startIndex:indexLimit
time=time+dt + startIndex*dt;
% read IMU measurements and correct rates using estimated bias
angRate = IMU(index,3:5)' - states(7:9)./dt;
accel = IMU(index,6:8)';
% predict states
[quat, states, Tbn, delAng, delVel] = PredictStates(quat,states,angRate,accel,dt);
statesLog(1,index) = time;
statesLog(2:11,index) = states;
eulLog(1,index) = time;
eulLog(2:4,index) = QuatToEul(quat);
% predict covariance matrix
covariance = PredictCovariance(delAng,delVel,quat,states,covariance,dt);
% read magnetometer measurements
while ((MAG(magIndex,1) < IMU(index,1)) && (magIndex < magIndexlimit))
magIndex = magIndex + 1;
% fuse magnetometer measurements if new data available and when tilt has settled
if ((MAG(magIndex,1) >= IMU(index,1)) && ((angErrVec(1)^2 + angErrVec(2)^2) < 0.05^2) && (index > 50))
magBody = 0.001*MAG(magIndex,3:5)';
[states,covariance,decInnov,decInnovVar] = FuseMagnetometer(states,covariance,magBody,measDec,Tbn);
decInnovLog(1,magIndex) = time;
decInnovLog(2,magIndex) = decInnov;
decInnovVarLog(1,magIndex) = time;
decInnovVarLog(2,magIndex) = decInnovVar;
% fuse velocity measurements - use synthetic measurements
measVel = [0;0;0];
[states,covariance,velInnov,velInnovVar] = FuseVelocity(states,covariance,measVel);
velInnovLog(1,index) = time;
velInnovLog(2:4,index) = velInnov;
velInnovVarLog(1,index) = time;
velInnovVarLog(2:4,index) = velInnovVar;
%% Generate Plots