2022-09-05 19:41:08 -03:00
echo " ---------- $0 start ---------- "
set -e
# set -x
ROS_WS_ROOT = $HOME /ardupilot-ws
2023-01-07 19:49:00 -04:00
AP_GZ_ROOT = $HOME /ardupilot_gz_ws
2022-09-05 19:41:08 -03:00
red = ` tput setaf 1`
green = ` tput setaf 2`
reset = ` tput sgr0`
sep = "##############################################"
function heading( ) {
echo " $sep "
echo $*
echo " $sep "
ASSUME_YES = false
function maybe_prompt_user( ) {
if $ASSUME_YES ; then
return 0
read -p " $1 "
if [ [ $REPLY = ~ ^[ Yy] $ ] ] ; then
return 0
return 1
function usage
echo "Usage: ./installROS.sh [[-p package] | [-h]]"
echo "Install ROS1"
echo "This script will select the ROS distribution according to the OS being used"
echo "Installs desktop-full as default base package; Use -p to override"
echo "-p | --package <packagename> ROS package to install"
echo " Multiple usage allowed"
echo " Must include one of the following:"
echo " ros-base"
echo " desktop"
echo " desktop-full"
echo "-h | --help This message"
function shouldInstallPackages
echo " ${ red } Your package list did not include a recommended base package ${ reset } "
echo "Please include one of the following:"
echo " ros-base"
echo " desktop"
echo " desktop-full"
echo ""
echo "ROS not installed"
function package_is_installed( ) {
dpkg-query -W -f= '${Status}' " $1 " 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed"
# Iterate through command line inputs
packages = ( )
while [ " $1 " != "" ] ; do
case $1 in
-p | --package ) shift
packages += ( " $1 " )
; ;
-h | --help ) usage
; ;
* ) usage
exit 1
# Install lsb-release as it is needed to check Ubuntu version
if ! package_is_installed "lsb-release" ; then
heading "Installing lsb-release"
sudo apt install lsb-release -y
echo "Done!"
# Checking Ubuntu release to adapt software version to install
RELEASE_CODENAME = $( lsb_release -c -s)
PYTHON_V = "python3" # starting from ubuntu 20.04, python isn't symlink to default python interpreter
if [ ${ RELEASE_CODENAME } = = 'bionic' ] ; then
#Ubuntu 18.04 - Melodic
ROS_VERSION = "melodic"
PYTHON_V = "python2"
heading " ${ green } Detected Ubuntu 18.04, installing ROS Melodic ${ reset } "
elif [ ${ RELEASE_CODENAME } = = 'buster' ] ; then
#RPi Buster - Melodic
ROS_VERSION = "melodic"
PYTHON_V = "python2"
heading " ${ green } Detected RPi Buster, installing ROS Melodic ${ reset } "
elif [ ${ RELEASE_CODENAME } = = 'focal' ] ; then
#Ubuntu 20.04 - Noetic
ROS_VERSION = "noetic"
PYTHON_V = "python3"
heading " ${ green } Detected Ubuntu 20.04, installing ROS Noetic ${ reset } "
elif [ ${ RELEASE_CODENAME } = = 'jammy' ] ; then
#Ubuntu 22.04 - unsupported only ROS2
heading " ${ red } Currently only ROS1 is supported. This Ubuntu release can only be used with ROS2. ${ reset } "
exit 1
# We assume an unsupported OS is being used.
heading " ${ red } Unsupported OS detected. Please refer to the ROS webpage to find how to install ROS1 on your system if at all possible. ${ reset } "
exit 1
# Check to see if other packages were specified
# If not, set the default base package
if [ ${# packages [@] } -eq 0 ] ; then
packages += "desktop-full"
echo "Packages to install: " ${ packages [@] }
# Check to see if we have a ROS base kinda thingie
hasBasePackage = false
for package in " ${ packages [@] } " ; do
if [ [ $package = = "ros-base" ] ] ; then
delete = ros-base
packages = ( " ${ packages [@]/ $delete } " )
packages += " ros- ${ ROS_VERSION } -ros-base "
hasBasePackage = true
elif [ [ $package = = "desktop" ] ] ; then
delete = desktop
packages = ( " ${ packages [@]/ $delete } " )
packages += " ros- ${ ROS_VERSION } -desktop "
hasBasePackage = true
elif [ [ $package = = "desktop-full" ] ] ; then
delete = desktop-full
packages = ( " ${ packages [@]/ $delete } " )
packages += " ros- ${ ROS_VERSION } -desktop-full "
hasBasePackage = true
if [ $hasBasePackage = = false ] ; then
exit 1
heading " ${ green } Adding Repositories and source lists ${ reset } "
#Lets start instaling stuff
sudo apt install software-properties-common -y
sudo apt-add-repository universe
sudo apt-add-repository multiverse
sudo apt-add-repository restricted
# Setup sources.lst
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://packages.ros.org/ros/ubuntu $(lsb_release -sc) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list'
# Setup keys
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver 'hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80' --recv-key C1CF6E31E6BADE8868B172B4F42ED6FBAB17C654
# If you experience issues connecting to the keyserver, you can try substituting hkp://pgp.mit.edu:80 or hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 in the previous command.
# Installation
heading " ${ green } Updating apt ${ reset } "
sudo apt update
heading " ${ green } Installing ROS ${ reset } "
# Here we loop through any packages passed on the command line
# Install packages ...
for package in " ${ packages [@] } " ; do
sudo apt install $package -y
# This is where you might start to modify the packages being installed, i.e.# sudo apt install ros-${ROS_VERSION}-{package_name}
# sudo apt install -y setpriv
# sudo apt install -y ros-${ROS_VERSION}-robot-upstart
# sudo apt install -y ros-${ROS_VERSION}-navigation
# Install MAVROS and the geographic libs
sudo apt install -y ros-${ ROS_VERSION } -mavros
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mavlink/mavros/master/mavros/scripts/install_geographiclib_datasets.sh
sudo bash ./install_geographiclib_datasets.sh
# install other needed packages
sudo apt install build-essential cmake -y
# To find available packages:
# apt-cache search ros-melodic
# Initialize rosdep
heading " ${ green } Installing rosdep ${ reset } "
sudo apt install ${ PYTHON_V } -rosdep -y
# Certificates are messed up on earlier version Jetson for some reason
# Do not know if it is an issue with the Xavier, test by commenting out
# sudo c_rehash /etc/ssl/certs
# Initialize rosdep
heading " ${ green } Initializaing rosdep ${ reset } "
sudo rosdep init || true
# To find available packages, use:
rosdep update
# Use this to install dependencies of packages in a workspace
# rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro=${ROS_DISTRO} -y
# Environment Setup - Don't add /opt/ros/${ROS_VERSION}/setup.bash if it's already in bashrc
if maybe_prompt_user "Do you want to add ROS_HOSTNAME and ROS_MASTER_URI to your .bashrc [N/y]?" ; then
heading " ${ green } Adding setup.bash, ROS_MASTER_URI and ROS_HOSTNAME to .bashrc ${ reset } "
grep -q -F " ROS_HOSTNAME= $HOSTNAME .local " ~/.bashrc || echo " ROS_HOSTNAME= $HOSTNAME .local " >> ~/.bashrc
grep -q -F " ROS_MASTER_URI=http:// $HOSTNAME .local:11311 " ~/.bashrc || echo " ROS_MASTER_URI=http:// $HOSTNAME .local:11311 " >> ~/.bashrc
grep -q -F " source /opt/ros/ ${ ROS_VERSION } /setup.bash " ~/.bashrc || echo " source /opt/ros/ ${ ROS_VERSION } /setup.bash " >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
heading " ${ green } Installing rosinstall tools ${ reset } "
sudo apt install ${ PYTHON_V } -rosinstall ${ PYTHON_V } -rosinstall-generator ${ PYTHON_V } -wstool ${ PYTHON_V } -catkin-tools -y
heading " ${ green } Installing Ardupilot-ROS workspace ${ reset } "
if maybe_prompt_user "Add ardupilot-ws to your home folder [N/y]?" ; then
if [ ! -d $ROS_WS_ROOT ] ; then
mkdir -p $ROS_WS_ROOT /src
pushd $ROS_WS_ROOT
2023-01-07 19:49:00 -04:00
source /opt/ros/${ ROS_VERSION } /setup.bash
2022-09-05 19:41:08 -03:00
catkin init
pushd src
2022-09-08 07:53:25 -03:00
git clone https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot_ros.git
2022-09-05 19:41:08 -03:00
sudo apt update
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro= ${ ROS_DISTRO } -y
catkin build
heading " ${ red } ardupilot-ws already exists, skipping... ${ reset } "
echo "Skipping adding ardupilot_ws to your home folder."
2023-01-06 03:58:17 -04:00
if maybe_prompt_user "Add ardupilot_gazebo to your home folder [N/y]?" ; then
if [ ! -d $AP_GZ_ROOT ] ; then
2023-01-07 19:49:00 -04:00
sudo apt install gz-garden rapidjson-dev
mkdir -p $AP_GZ_ROOT /src
pushd $AP_GZ_ROOT /src
2023-01-06 04:24:27 -04:00
git clone https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot_gazebo
2023-01-07 19:49:00 -04:00
pushd ardupilot_gazebo
2023-01-06 04:24:27 -04:00
mkdir build && pushd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE= RelWithDebInfo
2023-01-06 03:58:17 -04:00
make -j4
2023-01-07 19:49:00 -04:00
echo " export GZ_SIM_SYSTEM_PLUGIN_PATH= ${ AP_GZ_ROOT } /src/ardupilot_gazebo/build: ${ GZ_SIM_SYSTEM_PLUGIN_PATH } " >> ~/.bashrc
echo " export GZ_SIM_RESOURCE_PATH= ${ AP_GZ_ROOT } /src/ardupilot_gazebo/models: ${ AP_GZ_ROOT } /src/ardupilot_gazebo/worlds: ${ GZ_SIM_RESOURCE_PATH } " >> ~/.bashrc
2023-01-06 03:58:17 -04:00
heading " ${ red } ardupilot_gazebo already exists, skipping... ${ reset } "
echo "Skipping adding ardupilot_gazebo to your home folder."
2022-09-05 19:41:08 -03:00
heading " ${ green } Adding setup.bash, ROS_MASTER_URI and ROS_HOSTNAME to .bashrc ${ reset } "
grep -q -F " source $ROS_WS_ROOT /devel/setup.bash " ~/.bashrc || echo " source $ROS_WS_ROOT /devel/setup.bash " >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
heading " ${ green } Installation complete! Please close this terminal and open a new one for changes to take effect! ${ reset } "