(note we currently use https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/tree/release/v4.0 )
- if you get compile error/s to do with CONFIG... such as
in expansion of macro 'configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION'
warning: "CONFIG_SUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION" is not defined
this means your 'sdkconfig' file that the IDF relies on is perhaps a bit out of date or out of sync with your IDF.
So double check you are using the correct IDF version ( buzz's branch uses v3.3 , sh83's probably does not.. and then if you are sure:
cd build/esp32{BOARD}/esp-idf_build
ninja menuconfig
navigate to [save] (tab,tab,tab,enter)
press [tab] then [ok] to update the sdkconfig file
'config written' press [enter] to exit this dialog
press [tab] then enter on the [exit] box to exit the app
done. the 'sdkconfig' file in this folder should have been updated
cd ../../../..
OR locate the 'libraries/AP_HAL_ESP32/targets/esp-idf/sdkconfig' and delete it, as it should call back to the 'sdkconfig.defaults' file if its not there.
'cd libraries/AP_HAL_ESP32/targets/esp-idf ; idf.py defconfig' is the command that updates it, but that shouldn't be needed manually, we don't think.
... try ./waf plane"
5. Recommanded way to flash the firmware :
ESPBAUD=921600 ./waf plane --upload
6. The espressif esp-idf original project is built at `cd build/esp32{BOARD}/esp-idf_build/`.
You can use your default build system (make or ninja) to build other esp-idf target.
For example :
- ninja flash
- ninja monitor
If you want to specify the port, specify before any command:
If you want to specify a wanted baudrate :
You can find more info here : [ESPTOOL](https://github.com/espressif/esptool)
You can also find the cmake esp-idf project at `libraries/AP_HAL_ESP32/targets/esp-idf` for idf.py command. But see next section to understand how ardupilot is compiled on ESP32.
Alternatively, the "./waf plane' build outputs a python command that y can cut-n-paste to flash... buzz found that but using that command with a slower baudrate of 921600 instead of its recommended 2000000 worked for him:
The ESP-IDF os is compiled as a library to the project.
First waf configure the esp-idf cmake and run a target to get all esp-idf includes.
Waf compile all ardupilot parts in libardusub.a and libArduSub_libs.a (for example for subs, but similarly for planes, copter, rover).
Then waf execute the esp-idf cmake to compile esp-idf itself.
And the cmake link the final ardupilot.elf against previous built libraries.
The ardupilot.elf contains all symbol. The cmake provide a stripped version as ardupilot.bin.
## Test hardware
Currently esp32 dev board with connected gy-91 10dof sensor board is supported. Pinout (consult UARTDriver.cpp and SPIDevice.cpp for reference):
### Uart connecion/s
Internally connected on most devboards, just for reference.
After flashing the esp32 , u can connect with a terminal app of your preference to the same COM port ( eg /dev/ttyUSB0) at a baud rate of 115200, software flow control, 8N1 common uart settings, and get to see the output from hal.console->printf("...") and other console messages.
### I2C connection ( for gps with leds/compass-es/etc onboard, or digital airspeed sensorrs, etc):
| ESP32 | I2C |
| --- | --- |
| GPIO12 | SCL |
| GPIO13 | SDA |
| GND | GND |
| 5v | Pwr |
### Compass (using i2c)
- u need to set the ardupilot params, and connected a GPS that has at least one i2c compass on it.. tested this with a HMC5883 and/or LIS3MDL
### Analog input/s
2nd column is the ardupilot _PIN number and matches what u specify in the third column of HAL_ESP32_ADC_PINS #define elsewhere :
| ESP32 | AnalogIn |
| --- | --- |
| GPIO35 | 1 |
| GPIO34 | 2 |
| GPIO39 | 3 |
| GPIO36 | 4 |
| GND | GND |
eg, set ardupilot params like this:
RSSI_ANA_PIN = 3 - and it will attempt to read the adc value on GPIO39 for rssi data
BATT_CURR_PIN = 2 - and it will attempt to read the adc value on GPIO34 for battery current
BATT_VOLT_PIN = 1 - and it will attempt to read the adc value on GPIO35 for battery voltage
ARSPD_PIN = 4 - and it will attempt to read the adc value on GPIO36 for analog airspeed data
| ESP32 | AnalogIn |
| --- | --- |
| GPIO35 | 35 |
| GPIO34 | 34 |
| GPIO39 | 39 |
| GPIO36 | 36 |
| GND | GND |
eg, set ardupilot params like this:
RSSI_ANA_PIN = 39 - and it will attempt to read the adc value on GPIO39 for rssi data
BATT_CURR_PIN = 34 - and it will attempt to read the adc value on GPIO34 for battery current
BATT_VOLT_PIN = 35 - and it will attempt to read the adc value on GPIO35 for battery voltage
ARSPD_PIN = 36 - and it will attempt to read the adc value on GPIO36 for analog airspeed data
### RC Servo connection/s
| BuzzsPcbHeader|ESP32| RCOUT |TYPICAL |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| servo1 |PIN25|SERVO-OUT1|AILERON |
| servo4 |PIN32|SERVO-OUT4| RUDDER |
| servo5 |PIN22|SERVO-OUT5| avail |
| servo6 |PIN21|SERVO-OUT6| avail |
If you don't get any PWM output on any/some/one of the pins while ardupilot is running, be sure you have set all of these params:
// ele
// for now make it a copy of ail, in case u have two ail servos and no Y lead
// for now make it a copy of ail,for testing etc.
// right now, we only have 6 channels of output due to pin limitations..
(If the RTC source is not required, then Pin12 32K_XP and Pin13 32K_XN can be used as digital GPIOs, so we do, and it works)
### GY-91 connection
This is how buzz has the GY91 wired ATM, but its probable that connecting external 3.3V supply to the VIN is better than connecting a 5V supply, and then the 3V3 pin on the sensor board can be left disconnected, as it's actually 3.3v out from the LDO onboard.
## debugger connection
Currently used debugger is called a 'TIAO USB Multi Protocol Adapter' which is a red PCB with a bunch of jtag headers on it and doesn't cost too much. https://www.amazon.com/TIAO-Multi-Protocol-Adapter-JTAG-Serial/dp/B0156ML5LY
| --- | --- |
|D12 | TDI(PIN5)|
|D15 | SWO/TDO(PIN13)|
|3.3v | -- ( powered via usb, not programmer, or PIN1)|
|GND | GND(any of PIN4,PIN6,or PIN8 , all GND)|
## SDCARD connection
| --- | --- |
|D2 | D0/PIN7 |
|D14 | CLK/PIN5 |
|D15 | CMD/PIN2 |
|GND | Vss1/PIN3 and Vss2/PIN6 |
|3.3v | Vcc/PIN4 |
## Current progress
### Main tasks
- [x] Build system
- [x] Scheduler and semaphores
- [x] SPI driver
- [x] WiFi driver ( connect with MissionPlanner or mavproxy on TCP to host: and port: 5760 )
- [x] Uart driver ( non-mavlink console messages and ardupilot Serial0 with mavlink or gps )
- [X] RCIN driver ( PPMSUM INPUT on GPIO4 )
- [X] GPS testing/integration ( Serial ublox GPS, as ardupilot SERIAL0 on RX2/TX2 aka GPIO16 and GPIO17 )
- [X] PWM output driver
- [x] RCOUT driver ( 4 channels working right now)
- [x] I2C driver
- [x] Storage
- [X] OTA update of the fw
- [X] SdCard
- [x] Mavlink on console/usb as well as wifi.
- [x] UDP mavlink over wifi
- [x] TCP mavlink over wifi (choose tcp or udp at compile time , not both)
- [x] parameter storage in a esp32 flash partition area
- [x] Custom boards build
- [x] Perfomance optimization
- [x] SdCard mounts but ardupilot logging to SD does not
- [x] waf can upload to your board with --upload now
- [X] PWM output driver works, but it appears that throttle supression when disarmed does not.
- [X] AnalogIn driver - partial progress not really tested or documented
- [X] Finish waf commands to build seamlessly and wrap all function of esp-idf without command voodoo
### Known Bugs
- [ ] slow but functional wifi implementation for tcp & udp.
### Future development
- [ ] Automatic board header listing
- [ ] UDP mavlink over wifi does not automatically stream to client/s when they connect to wifi AP.
- [ ] Fix parameters loading in wifi both udp and tcp (slow and not reliable)
- [ ] Pin remapping via parameters
- [ ] GPIO driver
- [ ] DShot driver
- [ ] 4way pass
- [ ] esc telemetry
- [ ] ws2812b ws2815 led strip
- [ ] INA219 driver
- [ ] GSD
- [ ] Buzzer
### analysing a 'coredump' from the uart...
Save the log where coredump appears to a file, i'll call it core.txt