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-- mount-test.lua: allows the winch to be deployed or retracted at a fixed speed using an auxiliary switch
-- How To Use
-- 1. set RCx_OPTION to 300 to enable controlling the winch rate from an auxiliary switch
-- 2. optionally set WINCH_RATE_UP to the fixed retract speed (in m/s)
-- 3. optionally set WINCH_RATE_DN to the fixed deploy speed (in m/s)
-- 4. raise the RC auxiliary switch to retract the winch's line
-- 5. lower the RC auxiliary switch to deploy the winch's line
-- 6. center the RC auxiliary switch to stop the winch
-- Alternatively a servo *output* can be used in place of the auxiliary switch input by setting WINCH_SRV_SRC_FN to match a servo channel's function. For example
-- a. set SERVO10_FUNCTION = 28 (Gripper)
-- b. set WINCH_SRV_SRC_FN to 28
-- c. use Mission Planner's Data screen's Servo/Relay tab to set the SERVO10 output to Low, Mid or High values
-- Note: the full list of SERVOx_FUNCTION values that will work are 0:None, 1:Manual, 22:SprayerPump, 23:SprayerSpinner, 28/Gripper, 51:RCIN1 to 66:RCIN16
-- global definitions
-- add new parameters
local PARAM_TABLE_KEY = 80
assert(param:add_table(PARAM_TABLE_KEY, "WINCH_", 3), "could not add param table")
assert(param:add_param(PARAM_TABLE_KEY, 1, "RATE_UP", 0.5), "could not add WINCH_RATE_UP param")
assert(param:add_param(PARAM_TABLE_KEY, 2, "RATE_DN", 2), "could not add WINCH_RATE_DN param")
assert(param:add_param(PARAM_TABLE_KEY, 3, "SRV_SRC_FN", -1), "could not add WINCH_SRV_SRC_FN param")
local winch_rate_up = Parameter("WINCH_RATE_UP")
local winch_rate_dn = Parameter("WINCH_RATE_DN")
local winch_srv_src_fn = Parameter("WINCH_SRV_SRC_FN")
-- local variables and definitions
local last_rc_switch_pos = -1 -- last known rc switch position. Used to detect change in RC switch position
-- the main update function
function update()
local rc_switch_pos = 1 -- default to middle position
-- check if servo output is used (as an input)
if winch_srv_src_fn:get() > 0 then
if not SRV_Channels:find_channel(winch_srv_src_fn:get()) then
gcs:send_text(3, string.format("Winch: SERVOx_FUNCTION = %d not found", winch_srv_src_fn:get())) -- MAV_SEVERITY_ERROR
return update, 10000 -- check again in 10 seconds
local output_pwm = SRV_Channels:get_output_pwm(winch_srv_src_fn:get())
if output_pwm <= 0 then
-- servo output all zero so ignore
return update, UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS
if output_pwm <= 1300 then
rc_switch_pos = 0 -- LOW
elseif output_pwm >= 1700 then
rc_switch_pos = 2 -- HIGH
-- find RC channel used to control winch
local rc_switch_ch = rc:find_channel_for_option(300) --scripting ch 1
if (rc_switch_ch == nil) then
gcs:send_text(3, "Winch: RCx_OPTION = 300 not set") -- MAV_SEVERITY_ERROR
return update, 10000 -- check again in 10 seconds
-- get RC switch position
rc_switch_pos = rc_switch_ch:get_aux_switch_pos()
-- initialise RC switch at startup
if last_rc_switch_pos == -1 then
last_rc_switch_pos = rc_switch_pos
-- check if user has moved RC switch
if rc_switch_pos == last_rc_switch_pos then
return update, UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS
last_rc_switch_pos = rc_switch_pos
-- set winch rate based on switch position
if rc_switch_pos == 0 then -- LOW, deploy winch line
local rate_dn = math.abs(winch_rate_dn:get())
gcs:send_text(6, string.format("Winch: lowering at %.1f m/s", rate_dn))
if rc_switch_pos == 1 then -- MIDDLE, stop winch
gcs:send_text(6, "Winch: stopped")
if rc_switch_pos == 2 then -- HIGH, retract winch line
local rate_up = math.abs(winch_rate_up:get())
gcs:send_text(6, string.format("Winch: raising at %.1f m/s", rate_up))
return update, UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS
return update()