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#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h>
#include "AP_NavEKF2.h"
#include "AP_NavEKF2_core.h"
#include <GCS_MAVLink/GCS.h>
extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal;
// Control filter mode transitions
void NavEKF2_core::controlFilterModes()
// Determine motor arm status
prevMotorsArmed = motorsArmed;
motorsArmed = dal.get_armed();
if (motorsArmed && !prevMotorsArmed) {
// set the time at which we arm to assist with checks
timeAtArming_ms = imuSampleTime_ms;
// Detect if we are in flight on or ground
// Determine if learning of wind and magnetic field will be enabled and set corresponding indexing limits to
// avoid unnecessary operations
// Check the alignmnent status of the tilt and yaw attitude
// Used during initial bootstrap alignment of the filter
// Set the type of inertial navigation aiding used
return effective value for _magCal for this core
uint8_t NavEKF2_core::effective_magCal(void) const
// force use of simple magnetic heading fusion for specified cores
if (frontend->_magMask & core_index) {
return 2;
} else {
return frontend->_magCal;
// Determine if learning of wind and magnetic field will be enabled and set corresponding indexing limits to
// avoid unnecessary operations
void NavEKF2_core::setWindMagStateLearningMode()
// If we are on ground, or in constant position mode, or don't have the right vehicle and sensing to estimate wind, inhibit wind states
bool setWindInhibit = (!useAirspeed() && !assume_zero_sideslip()) || onGround || (PV_AidingMode == AID_NONE);
if (!inhibitWindStates && setWindInhibit) {
inhibitWindStates = true;
} else if (inhibitWindStates && !setWindInhibit) {
inhibitWindStates = false;
// set states and variances
if (yawAlignComplete && useAirspeed()) {
// if we have airspeed and a valid heading, set the wind states to the reciprocal of the vehicle heading
// which assumes the vehicle has launched into the wind
Vector3f tempEuler;
stateStruct.quat.to_euler(tempEuler.x, tempEuler.y, tempEuler.z);
float windSpeed = sqrtf(sq(stateStruct.velocity.x) + sq(stateStruct.velocity.y)) - tasDataDelayed.tas;
stateStruct.wind_vel.x = windSpeed * cosf(tempEuler.z);
stateStruct.wind_vel.y = windSpeed * sinf(tempEuler.z);
// set the wind sate variances to the measurement uncertainty
for (uint8_t index=22; index<=23; index++) {
P[index][index] = sq(constrain_float(frontend->_easNoise, 0.5f, 5.0f) * constrain_float(dal.get_EAS2TAS(), 0.9f, 10.0f));
} else {
// set the variances using a typical wind speed
for (uint8_t index=22; index<=23; index++) {
P[index][index] = sq(5.0f);
2019-02-21 13:33:38 -04:00
// determine if the vehicle is manoeuvring
if (accNavMagHoriz > 0.5f) {
manoeuvring = true;
} else {
manoeuvring = false;
// Determine if learning of magnetic field states has been requested by the user
uint8_t magCal = effective_magCal();
bool magCalRequested =
((magCal == 0) && inFlight) || // when flying
((magCal == 1) && manoeuvring) || // when manoeuvring
((magCal == 3) && finalInflightYawInit && finalInflightMagInit) || // when initial in-air yaw and mag field reset is complete
(magCal == 4); // all the time
// Deny mag calibration request if we aren't using the compass, it has been inhibited by the user,
// we do not have an absolute position reference or are on the ground (unless explicitly requested by the user)
bool magCalDenied = !use_compass() || (magCal == 2) || (onGround && magCal != 4);
// Inhibit the magnetic field calibration if not requested or denied
bool setMagInhibit = !magCalRequested || magCalDenied;
if (!inhibitMagStates && setMagInhibit) {
inhibitMagStates = true;
// variances will be reset in CovariancePrediction
} else if (inhibitMagStates && !setMagInhibit) {
inhibitMagStates = false;
if (magFieldLearned) {
// if we have already learned the field states, then retain the learned variances
P[16][16] = earthMagFieldVar.x;
P[17][17] = earthMagFieldVar.y;
P[18][18] = earthMagFieldVar.z;
P[19][19] = bodyMagFieldVar.x;
P[20][20] = bodyMagFieldVar.y;
P[21][21] = bodyMagFieldVar.z;
} else {
// set the variances equal to the observation variances
for (uint8_t index=16; index<=21; index++) {
P[index][index] = sq(frontend->_magNoise);
// set the NE earth magnetic field states using the published declination
// and set the corresponding variances and covariances
// request a reset of the yaw and magnetic field states if not done before
if (!magStateInitComplete || (!finalInflightMagInit && inFlight)) {
magYawResetRequest = true;
// If on ground we clear the flag indicating that the magnetic field in-flight initialisation has been completed
// because we want it re-done for each takeoff
if (onGround) {
finalInflightYawInit = false;
finalInflightMagInit = false;
// Adjust the indexing limits used to address the covariance, states and other EKF arrays to avoid unnecessary operations
// if we are not using those states
if (inhibitMagStates && inhibitWindStates) {
stateIndexLim = 15;
} else if (inhibitWindStates) {
stateIndexLim = 21;
} else {
stateIndexLim = 23;
// Set inertial navigation aiding mode
void NavEKF2_core::setAidingMode()
// Save the previous status so we can detect when it has changed
PV_AidingModePrev = PV_AidingMode;
// Determine if we should change aiding mode
switch (PV_AidingMode) {
case AID_NONE: {
// Don't allow filter to start position or velocity aiding until the tilt and yaw alignment is complete
// and IMU gyro bias estimates have stabilised
bool filterIsStable = tiltAlignComplete && yawAlignComplete && checkGyroCalStatus();
// If GPS usage has been prohiited then we use flow aiding provided optical flow data is present
// GPS aiding is the preferred option unless excluded by the user
bool canUseGPS = ((frontend->_fusionModeGPS) != 3 && readyToUseGPS() && filterIsStable);
bool canUseRangeBeacon = readyToUseRangeBeacon() && filterIsStable;
bool canUseExtNav = readyToUseExtNav();
if(canUseGPS || canUseRangeBeacon || canUseExtNav) {
2019-03-14 15:45:28 -03:00
} else if (optFlowDataPresent() && (frontend->_flowUse == FLOW_USE_NAV) && filterIsStable) {
// Check if the optical flow sensor has timed out
bool flowSensorTimeout = ((imuSampleTime_ms - flowValidMeaTime_ms) > 5000);
// Check if the fusion has timed out (flow measurements have been rejected for too long)
bool flowFusionTimeout = ((imuSampleTime_ms - prevFlowFuseTime_ms) > 5000);
// Enable switch to absolute position mode if GPS is available
// If GPS is not available and flow fusion has timed out, then fall-back to no-aiding
if((frontend->_fusionModeGPS) != 3 && readyToUseGPS()) {
} else if (flowSensorTimeout || flowFusionTimeout) {
PV_AidingMode = AID_NONE;
// Find the minimum time without data required to trigger any check
uint16_t minTestTime_ms = MIN(frontend->tiltDriftTimeMax_ms, MIN(frontend->posRetryTimeNoVel_ms,frontend->posRetryTimeUseVel_ms));
// Check if optical flow data is being used
bool optFlowUsed = (imuSampleTime_ms - prevFlowFuseTime_ms <= minTestTime_ms);
// Check if airspeed data is being used
bool airSpdUsed = (imuSampleTime_ms - lastTasPassTime_ms <= minTestTime_ms);
// Check if range beacon data is being used
bool rngBcnUsed = (imuSampleTime_ms - lastRngBcnPassTime_ms <= minTestTime_ms);
// Check if GPS is being used
bool posUsed = (imuSampleTime_ms - lastPosPassTime_ms <= minTestTime_ms);
bool gpsVelUsed = (imuSampleTime_ms - lastVelPassTime_ms <= minTestTime_ms);
// Check if external nav is being used
bool extNavUsed = (imuSampleTime_ms - lastExtNavPassTime_ms <= minTestTime_ms);
// Check if attitude drift has been constrained by a measurement source
bool attAiding = posUsed || gpsVelUsed || optFlowUsed || airSpdUsed || rngBcnUsed || extNavUsed;
// check if velocity drift has been constrained by a measurement source
bool velAiding = gpsVelUsed || airSpdUsed || optFlowUsed;
// check if position drift has been constrained by a measurement source
bool posAiding = posUsed || rngBcnUsed || extNavUsed;
// Check if the loss of attitude aiding has become critical
bool attAidLossCritical = false;
if (!attAiding) {
attAidLossCritical = (imuSampleTime_ms - prevFlowFuseTime_ms > frontend->tiltDriftTimeMax_ms) &&
(imuSampleTime_ms - lastTasPassTime_ms > frontend->tiltDriftTimeMax_ms) &&
(imuSampleTime_ms - lastRngBcnPassTime_ms > frontend->tiltDriftTimeMax_ms) &&
(imuSampleTime_ms - lastPosPassTime_ms > frontend->tiltDriftTimeMax_ms) &&
(imuSampleTime_ms - lastExtNavPassTime_ms > frontend->tiltDriftTimeMax_ms) &&
(imuSampleTime_ms - lastVelPassTime_ms > frontend->tiltDriftTimeMax_ms);
// Check if the loss of position accuracy has become critical
bool posAidLossCritical = false;
if (!posAiding ) {
uint16_t maxLossTime_ms;
if (!velAiding) {
maxLossTime_ms = frontend->posRetryTimeNoVel_ms;
} else {
maxLossTime_ms = frontend->posRetryTimeUseVel_ms;
posAidLossCritical = (imuSampleTime_ms - lastRngBcnPassTime_ms > maxLossTime_ms) &&
(imuSampleTime_ms - lastExtNavPassTime_ms > maxLossTime_ms) &&
(imuSampleTime_ms - lastPosPassTime_ms > maxLossTime_ms);
if (attAidLossCritical) {
// if the loss of attitude data is critical, then put the filter into a constant position mode
PV_AidingMode = AID_NONE;
posTimeout = true;
velTimeout = true;
rngBcnTimeout = true;
tasTimeout = true;
gpsNotAvailable = true;
} else if (posAidLossCritical) {
if ((frontend->_flowUse == FLOW_USE_NAV) && optFlowDataPresent() && (imuSampleTime_ms - rngValidMeaTime_ms < 500)) {
PV_AidingMode = AID_NONE;
// if the loss of position is critical, declare all sources of position aiding as being timed out
posTimeout = true;
velTimeout = true;
rngBcnTimeout = true;
gpsNotAvailable = true;
// check to see if we are starting or stopping aiding and set states and modes as required
if (PV_AidingMode != PV_AidingModePrev) {
2019-02-21 13:33:38 -04:00
// set various usage modes based on the condition when we start aiding. These are then held until aiding is stopped.
switch (PV_AidingMode) {
case AID_NONE:
// We have ceased aiding
GCS_SEND_TEXT(MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING, "EKF2 IMU%u has stopped aiding",(unsigned)imu_index);
// When not aiding, estimate orientation & height fusing synthetic constant position and zero velocity measurement to constrain tilt errors
posTimeout = true;
velTimeout = true;
// Reset the normalised innovation to avoid false failing bad fusion tests
velTestRatio = 0.0f;
posTestRatio = 0.0f;
// store the current position to be used to keep reporting the last known position
lastKnownPositionNE.x = stateStruct.position.x;
lastKnownPositionNE.y = stateStruct.position.y;
// initialise filtered altitude used to provide a takeoff reference to current baro on disarm
// this reduces the time required for the baro noise filter to settle before the filtered baro data can be used
meaHgtAtTakeOff = baroDataDelayed.hgt;
// reset the vertical position state to faster recover from baro errors experienced during touchdown
stateStruct.position.z = -meaHgtAtTakeOff;
2016-05-12 14:04:56 -03:00
// We have commenced aiding, but GPS usage has been prohibited so use optical flow only
GCS_SEND_TEXT(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "EKF2 IMU%u is using optical flow",(unsigned)imu_index);
posTimeout = true;
velTimeout = true;
// Reset the last valid flow measurement time
flowValidMeaTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms;
// Reset the last valid flow fusion time
prevFlowFuseTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms;
bool canUseGPS = ((frontend->_fusionModeGPS) != 3 && readyToUseGPS());
bool canUseRangeBeacon = readyToUseRangeBeacon();
bool canUseExtNav = readyToUseExtNav();
2016-05-12 14:04:56 -03:00
// We have commenced aiding and GPS usage is allowed
if (canUseGPS) {
GCS_SEND_TEXT(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "EKF2 IMU%u is using GPS",(unsigned)imu_index);
posTimeout = false;
velTimeout = false;
// We have commenced aiding and range beacon usage is allowed
if (canUseRangeBeacon) {
GCS_SEND_TEXT(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "EKF2 IMU%u is using range beacons",(unsigned)imu_index);
GCS_SEND_TEXT(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "EKF2 IMU%u initial pos NE = %3.1f,%3.1f (m)",(unsigned)imu_index,(double)receiverPos.x,(double)receiverPos.y);
GCS_SEND_TEXT(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "EKF2 IMU%u initial beacon pos D offset = %3.1f (m)",(unsigned)imu_index,(double)bcnPosOffset);
// We have commenced aiding and external nav usage is allowed
if (canUseExtNav) {
GCS_SEND_TEXT(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "EKF2 IMU%u is using external nav data",(unsigned)imu_index);
GCS_SEND_TEXT(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "EKF2 IMU%u initial pos NED = %3.1f,%3.1f,%3.1f (m)",(unsigned)imu_index,(double)extNavDataDelayed.pos.x,(double)extNavDataDelayed.pos.y,(double)extNavDataDelayed.pos.z);
//handle yaw reset as special case only if compass is disabled
if (!use_compass()) {
extNavYawResetRequest = true;
// handle height reset as special case
hgtMea = -extNavDataDelayed.pos.z;
posDownObsNoise = sq(constrain_float(extNavDataDelayed.posErr, 0.1f, 10.0f));
// reset the last fusion accepted times to prevent unwanted activation of timeout logic
lastPosPassTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms;
lastVelPassTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms;
lastRngBcnPassTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms;
lastExtNavPassTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms;
// Always reset the position and velocity when changing mode
// Check the tilt and yaw alignmnent status
// Used during initial bootstrap alignment of the filter
void NavEKF2_core::checkAttitudeAlignmentStatus()
// Check for tilt convergence - used during initial alignment
float alpha = 1.0f*imuDataDelayed.delAngDT;
float temp=tiltErrVec.length();
tiltErrFilt = alpha*temp + (1.0f-alpha)*tiltErrFilt;
if (tiltErrFilt < 0.005f && !tiltAlignComplete) {
tiltAlignComplete = true;
GCS_SEND_TEXT(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "EKF2 IMU%u tilt alignment complete",(unsigned)imu_index);
// submit yaw and magnetic field reset requests depending on whether we have compass data
if (tiltAlignComplete && !yawAlignComplete) {
if (use_compass()) {
magYawResetRequest = true;
gpsYawResetRequest = false;
} else {
magYawResetRequest = false;
gpsYawResetRequest = true;
// return true if we should use the airspeed sensor
bool NavEKF2_core::useAirspeed(void) const
return dal.airspeed_sensor_enabled();
// return true if we should use the range finder sensor
bool NavEKF2_core::useRngFinder(void) const
// TO-DO add code to set this based in setting of optical flow use parameter and presence of sensor
return true;
// return true if optical flow data is available
bool NavEKF2_core::optFlowDataPresent(void) const
return (imuSampleTime_ms - flowMeaTime_ms < 200);
// return true if the filter to be ready to use gps
bool NavEKF2_core::readyToUseGPS(void) const
return validOrigin && tiltAlignComplete && yawAlignComplete && gpsGoodToAlign && (frontend->_fusionModeGPS != 3) && gpsDataToFuse;
// return true if the filter to be ready to use the beacon range measurements
bool NavEKF2_core::readyToUseRangeBeacon(void) const
return tiltAlignComplete && yawAlignComplete && rngBcnGoodToAlign && rngBcnDataToFuse;
// return true if the filter to be ready to use external nav data
bool NavEKF2_core::readyToUseExtNav(void) const
return tiltAlignComplete && extNavDataToFuse;
// return true if we should use the compass
bool NavEKF2_core::use_compass(void) const
return dal.get_compass() && dal.get_compass()->use_for_yaw(magSelectIndex) && !allMagSensorsFailed;
should we assume zero sideslip?
bool NavEKF2_core::assume_zero_sideslip(void) const
// we don't assume zero sideslip for ground vehicles as EKF could
// be quite sensitive to a rapid spin of the ground vehicle if
// traction is lost
return dal.get_fly_forward() && dal.get_vehicle_class() != AP_DAL::VehicleClass::GROUND;
// sets the local NED origin using a LLH location (latitude, longitude, height)
// returns false if absolute aiding and GPS is being used or if the origin is already set
2017-04-19 03:29:17 -03:00
bool NavEKF2_core::setOriginLLH(const Location &loc)
if (PV_AidingMode == AID_ABSOLUTE && !extNavUsedForPos) {
// reject attempts to set the origin if GPS is being used
return false;
return setOrigin(loc);
// sets the local NED origin using a LLH location (latitude, longitude, height)
// returns false if the origin has already been set
bool NavEKF2_core::setOrigin(const Location &loc)
// if the origin is valid reject setting a new origin
if (validOrigin) {
return false;
EKF_origin = loc;
ekfGpsRefHgt = (double)0.01 * (double)EKF_origin.alt;
// define Earth rotation vector in the NED navigation frame at the origin
validOrigin = true;
GCS_SEND_TEXT(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "EKF2 IMU%u origin set",(unsigned)imu_index);
// put origin in frontend as well to ensure it stays in sync between lanes
frontend->common_EKF_origin = EKF_origin;
frontend->common_origin_valid = true;
return true;
// record a yaw reset event
void NavEKF2_core::recordYawReset()
yawAlignComplete = true;
if (inFlight) {
finalInflightYawInit = true;
// return true and set the class variable true if the delta angle bias has been learned
bool NavEKF2_core::checkGyroCalStatus(void)
// check delta angle bias variances
const float delAngBiasVarMax = sq(radians(0.15f * dtEkfAvg));
if (!use_compass()) {
// rotate the variances into earth frame and evaluate horizontal terms only as yaw component is poorly observable without a compass
// which can make this check fail
Vector3f delAngBiasVarVec = Vector3f(P[9][9],P[10][10],P[11][11]);
Vector3f temp = prevTnb * delAngBiasVarVec;
delAngBiasLearned = (fabsf(temp.x) < delAngBiasVarMax) &&
(fabsf(temp.y) < delAngBiasVarMax);
} else {
delAngBiasLearned = (P[9][9] <= delAngBiasVarMax) &&
(P[10][10] <= delAngBiasVarMax) &&
(P[11][11] <= delAngBiasVarMax);
return delAngBiasLearned;
// Update the filter status
void NavEKF2_core::updateFilterStatus(void)
// init return value
filterStatus.value = 0;
bool doingFlowNav = (PV_AidingMode == AID_RELATIVE) && flowDataValid;
bool doingWindRelNav = !tasTimeout && assume_zero_sideslip();
bool doingNormalGpsNav = !posTimeout && (PV_AidingMode == AID_ABSOLUTE);
bool someVertRefData = (!velTimeout && (useGpsVertVel || useExtNavVel)) || !hgtTimeout;
bool someHorizRefData = !(velTimeout && posTimeout && tasTimeout) || doingFlowNav;
bool optFlowNavPossible = flowDataValid && delAngBiasLearned;
bool gpsNavPossible = !gpsNotAvailable && gpsGoodToAlign && delAngBiasLearned;
bool filterHealthy = healthy() && tiltAlignComplete && (yawAlignComplete || (!use_compass() && (PV_AidingMode == AID_NONE)));
// If GPS height usage is specified, height is considered to be inaccurate until the GPS passes all checks
bool hgtNotAccurate = (frontend->_altSource == 2) && !validOrigin;
// set individual flags
filterStatus.flags.attitude = !stateStruct.quat.is_nan() && filterHealthy; // attitude valid (we need a better check)
filterStatus.flags.horiz_vel = someHorizRefData && filterHealthy; // horizontal velocity estimate valid
filterStatus.flags.vert_vel = someVertRefData && filterHealthy; // vertical velocity estimate valid
filterStatus.flags.horiz_pos_rel = ((doingFlowNav && gndOffsetValid) || doingWindRelNav || doingNormalGpsNav) && filterHealthy; // relative horizontal position estimate valid
filterStatus.flags.horiz_pos_abs = doingNormalGpsNav && filterHealthy; // absolute horizontal position estimate valid
filterStatus.flags.vert_pos = !hgtTimeout && filterHealthy && !hgtNotAccurate; // vertical position estimate valid
filterStatus.flags.terrain_alt = gndOffsetValid && filterHealthy; // terrain height estimate valid
filterStatus.flags.const_pos_mode = (PV_AidingMode == AID_NONE) && filterHealthy; // constant position mode
filterStatus.flags.pred_horiz_pos_rel = ((optFlowNavPossible || gpsNavPossible) && filterHealthy) || filterStatus.flags.horiz_pos_rel; // we should be able to estimate a relative position when we enter flight mode
filterStatus.flags.pred_horiz_pos_abs = (gpsNavPossible && filterHealthy) || filterStatus.flags.horiz_pos_abs; // we should be able to estimate an absolute position when we enter flight mode
filterStatus.flags.takeoff_detected = takeOffDetected; // takeoff for optical flow navigation has been detected
filterStatus.flags.takeoff = dal.get_takeoff_expected(); // The EKF has been told to expect takeoff and is in a ground effect mitigation mode
filterStatus.flags.touchdown = dal.get_touchdown_expected(); // The EKF has been told to detect touchdown and is in a ground effect mitigation mode
filterStatus.flags.using_gps = ((imuSampleTime_ms - lastPosPassTime_ms) < 4000) && (PV_AidingMode == AID_ABSOLUTE);
filterStatus.flags.gps_glitching = !gpsAccuracyGood && (PV_AidingMode == AID_ABSOLUTE) && !extNavUsedForPos; // GPS glitching is affecting navigation accuracy
filterStatus.flags.gps_quality_good = gpsGoodToAlign;
filterStatus.flags.initalized = filterStatus.flags.initalized || healthy();
void NavEKF2_core::runYawEstimatorPrediction()
if (yawEstimator != nullptr && frontend->_fusionModeGPS <= 1) {
float trueAirspeed;
if (is_positive(defaultAirSpeed) && assume_zero_sideslip()) {
if (imuDataDelayed.time_ms - tasDataDelayed.time_ms < 5000) {
trueAirspeed = tasDataDelayed.tas;
} else {
trueAirspeed = defaultAirSpeed * dal.get_EAS2TAS();
} else {
trueAirspeed = 0.0f;
yawEstimator->update(imuDataDelayed.delAng, imuDataDelayed.delVel, imuDataDelayed.delAngDT, imuDataDelayed.delVelDT, EKFGSF_run_filterbank, trueAirspeed);
void NavEKF2_core::runYawEstimatorCorrection()
if (yawEstimator != nullptr && frontend->_fusionModeGPS <= 1 && EKFGSF_run_filterbank) {
if (gpsDataToFuse) {
Vector2f gpsVelNE = Vector2f(gpsDataDelayed.vel.x, gpsDataDelayed.vel.y);
float gpsVelAcc = fmaxf(gpsSpdAccuracy, frontend->_gpsHorizVelNoise);
yawEstimator->fuseVelData(gpsVelNE, gpsVelAcc);
// action an external reset request
if (EKFGSF_yaw_reset_request_ms > 0 && imuSampleTime_ms - EKFGSF_yaw_reset_request_ms < YAW_RESET_TO_GSF_TIMEOUT_MS) {
// request a reset the yaw to the GSF estimate
// request times out after YAW_RESET_TO_GSF_TIMEOUT_MS if it cannot be actioned
void NavEKF2_core::EKFGSF_requestYawReset()
EKFGSF_yaw_reset_request_ms = imuSampleTime_ms;
2020-07-29 01:16:27 -03:00