
214 lines
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Raw Normal View History

#include "Tracker.h"
update_vehicle_position_estimate - updates estimate of vehicle positions
should be called at 50hz
void Tracker::update_vehicle_pos_estimate()
// calculate time since last actual position update
float dt = (AP_HAL::micros() - vehicle.last_update_us) * 1.0e-6f;
// if less than 5 seconds since last position update estimate the position
// project the vehicle position to take account of lost radio packets
vehicle.location_estimate = vehicle.location;
float north_offset = vehicle.vel.x * dt;
float east_offset = vehicle.vel.y * dt;
vehicle.location_estimate.offset(north_offset, east_offset);
vehicle.location_estimate.alt += vehicle.vel.z * 100.0f * dt;
// set valid_location flag
vehicle.location_valid = true;
} else {
// vehicle has been lost, set lost flag
vehicle.location_valid = false;
update_tracker_position - updates antenna tracker position from GPS location
should be called at 50hz
void Tracker::update_tracker_position()
2019-02-28 17:38:28 -04:00
Location temp_loc;
// REVISIT: what if we lose lock during a mission and the antenna is moving?
if (ahrs.get_location(temp_loc)) {
2019-02-28 17:38:28 -04:00
stationary = false;
current_loc = temp_loc;
update_bearing_and_distance - updates bearing and distance to the vehicle
should be called at 50hz
void Tracker::update_bearing_and_distance()
// exit immediately if we do not have a valid vehicle position
if (!vehicle.location_valid) {
// calculate bearing to vehicle
// To-Do: remove need for check of control_mode
if (mode != &mode_scan && !nav_status.manual_control_yaw) {
nav_status.bearing = current_loc.get_bearing_to(vehicle.location_estimate) * 0.01f;
// calculate distance to vehicle
nav_status.distance = current_loc.get_distance(vehicle.location_estimate);
// calculate altitude difference to vehicle using gps
if (g.alt_source == ALT_SOURCE_GPS){
nav_status.alt_difference_gps = (vehicle.location_estimate.alt - current_loc.alt) / 100.0f;
} else {
// g.alt_source == ALT_SOURCE_GPS_VEH_ONLY
nav_status.alt_difference_gps = vehicle.relative_alt / 100.0f;
// calculate pitch to vehicle
// To-Do: remove need for check of control_mode
if (mode->number() != Mode::Number::SCAN && !nav_status.manual_control_pitch) {
2016-06-13 05:44:23 -03:00
if (g.alt_source == ALT_SOURCE_BARO) {
nav_status.pitch = degrees(atan2f(nav_status.alt_difference_baro, nav_status.distance));
} else {
nav_status.pitch = degrees(atan2f(nav_status.alt_difference_gps, nav_status.distance));
main antenna tracking code, called at 50Hz
void Tracker::update_tracking(void)
// update vehicle position estimate
// update antenna tracker position from GPS
// update bearing and distance to vehicle
// do not perform any servo updates until startup delay has passed
if (g.startup_delay > 0 &&
AP_HAL::millis() - start_time_ms < g.startup_delay*1000) {
// do not perform updates if safety switch is disarmed (i.e. servos can't be moved)
if (hal.util->safety_switch_state() == AP_HAL::Util::SAFETY_DISARMED) {
// do not move if we are not armed:
if (!hal.util->get_soft_armed()) {
2019-06-13 14:16:29 -03:00
switch ((PWMDisarmed)g.disarm_pwm.get()) {
case PWMDisarmed::TRIM:
SRV_Channels::set_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::k_tracker_yaw, 0);
SRV_Channels::set_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::k_tracker_pitch, 0);
case PWMDisarmed::ZERO:
SRV_Channels::set_output_pwm(SRV_Channel::k_tracker_yaw, 0);
SRV_Channels::set_output_pwm(SRV_Channel::k_tracker_pitch, 0);
2019-06-13 14:16:29 -03:00
} else {
2019-06-13 14:16:29 -03:00
// convert servo_out to radio_out and send to servo
handle an updated position from the aircraft
void Tracker::tracking_update_position(const mavlink_global_position_int_t &msg)
{ =;
vehicle.location.lng = msg.lon;
vehicle.location.alt = msg.alt/10;
vehicle.relative_alt = msg.relative_alt/10;
vehicle.vel = Vector3f(msg.vx/100.0f, msg.vy/100.0f, msg.vz/100.0f);
vehicle.last_update_us = AP_HAL::micros();
vehicle.last_update_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
2015-12-27 03:05:14 -04:00
// log vehicle as GPS2
if (should_log(MASK_LOG_GPS)) {
Log_Write_Vehicle_Pos(, vehicle.location.lng, vehicle.location.alt, vehicle.vel);
2015-12-27 03:05:14 -04:00
handle an updated pressure reading from the aircraft
void Tracker::tracking_update_pressure(const mavlink_scaled_pressure_t &msg)
float local_pressure = barometer.get_pressure();
float aircraft_pressure = msg.press_abs*100.0f;
// calculate altitude difference based on difference in barometric pressure
float alt_diff = barometer.get_altitude_difference(local_pressure, aircraft_pressure);
2016-06-02 21:56:58 -03:00
if (!isnan(alt_diff) && !isinf(alt_diff)) {
nav_status.alt_difference_baro = alt_diff + nav_status.altitude_offset;
2016-06-02 21:56:58 -03:00
if (nav_status.need_altitude_calibration) {
// we have done a baro calibration - zero the altitude
// difference to the aircraft
nav_status.altitude_offset = -alt_diff;
nav_status.alt_difference_baro = 0;
nav_status.need_altitude_calibration = false;
2016-05-12 02:17:31 -03:00
2016-06-09 03:06:53 -03:00
// log vehicle baro data
Log_Write_Vehicle_Baro(aircraft_pressure, alt_diff);
handle a manual control message by using the data to command yaw and pitch
void Tracker::tracking_manual_control(const mavlink_manual_control_t &msg)
nav_status.bearing = msg.x;
nav_status.pitch = msg.y;
nav_status.distance = 0.0;
nav_status.manual_control_yaw = (msg.x != 0x7FFF);
nav_status.manual_control_pitch = (msg.y != 0x7FFF);
// z, r and buttons are not used
update_armed_disarmed - set armed LED if we have received a position update within the last 5 seconds
void Tracker::update_armed_disarmed() const
if (vehicle.last_update_ms != 0 && (AP_HAL::millis() - vehicle.last_update_ms) < TRACKING_TIMEOUT_MS) {
AP_Notify::flags.armed = true;
} else {
AP_Notify::flags.armed = false;
Returns the pan and tilt for use by onvif camera in scripting
the output will be mapped to -1..1 from limits specified by PITCH_MIN
and PITCH_MAX for tilt, and YAW_RANGE for pan
bool Tracker::get_pan_tilt_norm(float &pan_norm, float &tilt_norm) const
float pitch = nav_status.pitch;
float bearing = nav_status.bearing;
// set tilt value
tilt_norm = (((constrain_float(pitch+g.pitch_trim, g.pitch_min, g.pitch_max) - g.pitch_min)*2.0f)/(g.pitch_max - g.pitch_min)) - 1;
// set yaw value
pan_norm = (wrap_360(bearing+g.yaw_trim)*2.0f/(g.yaw_range)) - 1;
return true;