# Classes to read and write CMIF video files. # (For a description of the CMIF video format, see cmif-file.ms.) # Layers of functionality: # # VideoParams: maintain essential parameters of a video file # Displayer: display a frame in a window (with some extra parameters) # Grabber: grab a frame from a window # BasicVinFile: read a CMIF video file # BasicVoutFile: write a CMIF video file # VinFile: BasicVinFile + Displayer # VoutFile: BasicVoutFile + Displayer + Grabber # # XXX Future extension: # BasicVinoutFile: supports overwriting of individual frames # Imported modules import sys import gl import GL import colorsys # Exception raised for various occasions Error = 'VFile.Error' # file format errors CallError = 'VFile.CallError' # bad call AssertError = 'VFile.AssertError' # internal malfunction # Constants returned by gl.getdisplaymode(), from DMRGB = 0 DMSINGLE = 1 DMDOUBLE = 2 DMRGBDOUBLE = 5 # Max nr. of colormap entries to use MAXMAP = 4096 - 256 # Parametrizations of colormap handling based on color system. # (These functions are used via eval with a constructed argument!) def conv_grey(l, x, y): return colorsys.yiq_to_rgb(l, 0, 0) def conv_yiq(y, i, q): return colorsys.yiq_to_rgb(y, (i-0.5)*1.2, q-0.5) def conv_hls(l, h, s): return colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h, l, s) def conv_hsv(v, h, s): return colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(h, s, v) def conv_rgb(r, g, b): raise Error, 'Attempt to make RGB colormap' def conv_rgb8(rgb, d1, d2): rgb = int(rgb*255.0) r = (rgb >> 5) & 0x07 g = (rgb ) & 0x07 b = (rgb >> 3) & 0x03 return (r/7.0, g/7.0, b/3.0) def conv_jpeg(r, g, b): raise Error, 'Attempt to make RGB colormap (jpeg)' conv_jpeggrey = conv_grey conv_mono = conv_grey # Choose one of the above based upon a color system name def choose_conversion(format): try: return eval('conv_' + format) except: raise Error, 'Unknown color system: ' + `format` # Inverses of the above def inv_grey(r, g, b): y, i, q = colorsys.rgb_to_yiq(r, g, b) return y, 0, 0 def inv_yiq(r, g, b): y, i, q = colorsys.rgb_to_yiq(r, g, b) return y, i/1.2 + 0.5, q + 0.5 def inv_hls(r, g, b): h, l, s = colorsys.rgb_to_hls(r, g, b) return l, h, s def inv_hsv(r, g, b): h, s, v = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(r, g, b) return v, h, s def inv_rgb(r, g, b): raise Error, 'Attempt to invert RGB colormap' def inv_rgb8(r, g, b): r = int(r*7.0) g = int(g*7.0) b = int(b*7.0) rgb = ((r&7) << 5) | ((b&3) << 3) | (g&7) return rgb / 255.0, 0, 0 def inv_jpeg(r, g, b): raise Error, 'Attempt to invert RGB colormap (jpeg)' inv_jpeggrey = inv_grey # Choose one of the above based upon a color system name def choose_inverse(format): try: return eval('inv_' + format) except: raise Error, 'Unknown color system: ' + `format` # Predicate to see whether this is an entry level (non-XS) Indigo. # If so we can lrectwrite 8-bit wide pixels into a window in RGB mode def is_entry_indigo(): # XXX hack, hack. We should call gl.gversion() but that doesn't # exist in earlier Python versions. Therefore we check the number # of bitplanes *and* the size of the monitor. xmax = gl.getgdesc(GL.GD_XPMAX) if xmax <> 1024: return 0 ymax = gl.getgdesc(GL.GD_YPMAX) if ymax != 768: return 0 r = gl.getgdesc(GL.GD_BITS_NORM_SNG_RED) g = gl.getgdesc(GL.GD_BITS_NORM_SNG_GREEN) b = gl.getgdesc(GL.GD_BITS_NORM_SNG_BLUE) return (r, g, b) == (3, 3, 2) # Routines to grab data, per color system (only a few really supported). # (These functions are used via eval with a constructed argument!) def grab_rgb(w, h, pf): if gl.getdisplaymode() <> DMRGB: raise Error, 'Sorry, can only grab rgb in single-buf rgbmode' if pf <> 1 and pf <> 0: raise Error, 'Sorry, only grab rgb with packfactor 1' return gl.lrectread(0, 0, w-1, h-1), None def grab_rgb8(w, h, pf): if gl.getdisplaymode() <> DMRGB: raise Error, 'Sorry, can only grab rgb8 in single-buf rgbmode' if pf <> 1 and pf <> 0: raise Error, 'Sorry, can only grab rgb8 with packfactor 1' if not is_entry_indigo(): raise Error, 'Sorry, can only grab rgb8 on entry level Indigo' # XXX Dirty Dirty here. # XXX Set buffer to cmap mode, grab image and set it back. gl.cmode() gl.gconfig() gl.pixmode(GL.PM_SIZE, 8) data = gl.lrectread(0, 0, w-1, h-1) data = data[:w*h] # BUG FIX for python lrectread gl.RGBmode() gl.gconfig() gl.pixmode(GL.PM_SIZE, 32) return data, None def grab_grey(w, h, pf): raise Error, 'Sorry, grabbing grey not implemented' def grab_yiq(w, h, pf): raise Error, 'Sorry, grabbing yiq not implemented' def grab_hls(w, h, pf): raise Error, 'Sorry, grabbing hls not implemented' def grab_hsv(w, h, pf): raise Error, 'Sorry, grabbing hsv not implemented' def grab_jpeg(w, h, pf): # XXX Ought to grab rgb and compress it raise Error, 'sorry, grabbing jpeg not implemented' def grab_jpeggrey(w, h, pf): raise Error, 'sorry, grabbing jpeggrey not implemented' # Choose one of the above based upon a color system name def choose_grabber(format): try: return eval('grab_' + format) except: raise Error, 'Unknown color system: ' + `format` # Base class to manage video format parameters class VideoParams: # Initialize an instance. # Set all parameters to something decent # (except width and height are set to zero) def init(self): # Essential parameters self.format = 'grey' # color system used # Choose from: grey, rgb, rgb8, hsv, yiq, hls, jpeg, jpeggrey, # mono self.width = 0 # width of frame self.height = 0 # height of frame self.packfactor = 1 # expansion using rectzoom # if packfactor == 0, data is one 32-bit word/pixel; # otherwise, data is one byte/pixel self.c0bits = 8 # bits in first color dimension self.c1bits = 0 # bits in second color dimension self.c2bits = 0 # bits in third color dimension self.offset = 0 # colormap index offset (XXX ???) self.chrompack = 0 # set if separate chrominance data return self # Set the frame width and height (e.g. from gl.getsize()) def setsize(self, size): self.width, self.height = size # Retrieve the frame width and height (e.g. for gl.prefsize()) def getsize(self): return (self.width, self.height) # Set all parameters. # This does limited validity checking; # if the check fails no parameters are changed def setinfo(self, values): (self.format, self.width, self.height, self.packfactor,\ self.c0bits, self.c1bits, self.c2bits, self.offset, \ self.chrompack) = values # Retrieve all parameters in a format suitable for a subsequent # call to setinfo() def getinfo(self): return (self.format, self.width, self.height, self.packfactor,\ self.c0bits, self.c1bits, self.c2bits, self.offset, \ self.chrompack) # Write the relevant bits to stdout def printinfo(self): print 'Format: ', self.format print 'Size: ', self.width, 'x', self.height print 'Pack: ', self.packfactor, '; chrom:', self.chrompack print 'Bits: ', self.c0bits, self.c1bits, self.c2bits print 'Offset: ', self.offset # Class to display video frames in a window. # It is the caller's responsibility to ensure that the correct window # is current when using showframe(), initcolormap(), clear() and clearto() class Displayer(VideoParams): # Initialize an instance. # This does not need a current window def init(self): self = VideoParams.init(self) # User-settable parameters self.magnify = 1.0 # frame magnification factor self.xorigin = 0 # x frame offset self.yorigin = 0 # y frame offset (from bottom) self.quiet = 0 # if set, don't print messages self.fallback = 1 # allow fallback to grey # Internal flags self.colormapinited = 0 # must initialize window self.skipchrom = 0 # don't skip chrominance data self.color0 = None # magic, used by clearto() self.fixcolor0 = 0 # don't need to fix color0 return self # setinfo() must reset some internal flags def setinfo(self, values): VideoParams.setinfo(self, values) self.colormapinited = 0 self.skipchrom = 0 self.color0 = None self.fixcolor0 = 0 # Show one frame, initializing the window if necessary def showframe(self, data, chromdata): self.showpartframe(data, chromdata, \ (0,0,self.width,self.height)) def showpartframe(self, data, chromdata, (x,y,w,h)): pf = self.packfactor if self.format in ('jpeg', 'jpeggrey'): import jpeg data, width, height, bytes = jpeg.decompress(data) if self.format == 'jpeg': b = 4 p = 1 else: b = 1 p = pf if (width, height, bytes) <> (w/p, h/p, b): raise Error, 'jpeg data has wrong size' elif self.format == 'mono': import imageop data = imageop.mono2grey(data, w, h, 0x20, 0xdf) if not self.colormapinited: self.initcolormap() if self.fixcolor0: gl.mapcolor(self.color0) self.fixcolor0 = 0 factor = self.magnify if pf: factor = factor * pf if chromdata and not self.skipchrom: cp = self.chrompack cx = int(x*factor*cp) + self.xorigin cy = int(y*factor*cp) + self.yorigin cw = (w+cp-1)/cp ch = (h+cp-1)/cp gl.rectzoom(factor*cp, factor*cp) gl.pixmode(GL.PM_SIZE, 16) gl.writemask(self.mask - ((1 << self.c0bits) - 1)) gl.lrectwrite(cx, cy, cx + cw - 1, cy + ch - 1, \ chromdata) # if pf: gl.writemask((1 << self.c0bits) - 1) gl.pixmode(GL.PM_SIZE, 8) w = w/pf h = h/pf x = x/pf y = y/pf gl.rectzoom(factor, factor) x = int(x*factor)+self.xorigin y = int(y*factor)+self.yorigin gl.lrectwrite(x, y, x + w - 1, y + h - 1, data) gl.gflush() # Initialize the window: set RGB or colormap mode as required, # fill in the colormap, and clear the window def initcolormap(self): self.colormapinited = 1 self.color0 = None self.fixcolor0 = 0 if self.format in ('rgb', 'jpeg'): gl.RGBmode() gl.gconfig() gl.RGBcolor(200, 200, 200) # XXX rather light grey gl.clear() return # This only works on an Entry-level Indigo from IRIX 4.0.5 if self.format == 'rgb8' and is_entry_indigo() and \ gl.gversion() == 'GL4DLG-4.0.': # Note trailing '.'! gl.RGBmode() gl.gconfig() gl.RGBcolor(200, 200, 200) # XXX rather light grey gl.clear() gl.pixmode(GL.PM_SIZE, 8) return gl.cmode() gl.gconfig() self.skipchrom = 0 if self.offset == 0: self.mask = 0x7ff else: self.mask = 0xfff if not self.quiet: sys.stderr.write('Initializing color map...') self._initcmap() gl.clear() if not self.quiet: sys.stderr.write(' Done.\n') # Clear the window to a default color def clear(self): if not self.colormapinited: raise CallError if gl.getdisplaymode() in (DMRGB, DMRGBDOUBLE): gl.RGBcolor(200, 200, 200) # XXX rather light grey gl.clear() return gl.writemask(0xffffffff) gl.clear() # Clear the window to a given RGB color. # This may steal the first color index used; the next call to # showframe() will restore the intended mapping for that index def clearto(self, r, g, b): if not self.colormapinited: raise CallError if gl.getdisplaymode() in (DMRGB, DMRGBDOUBLE): gl.RGBcolor(r, g, b) gl.clear() return index = self.color0[0] self.fixcolor0 = 1 gl.mapcolor(index, r, g, b) gl.writemask(0xffffffff) gl.clear() gl.gflush() # Do the hard work for initializing the colormap (internal). # This also sets the current color to the first color index # used -- the caller should never change this since it is used # by clear() and clearto() def _initcmap(self): convcolor = choose_conversion(self.format) maxbits = gl.getgdesc(GL.GD_BITS_NORM_SNG_CMODE) if maxbits > 11: maxbits = 11 c0bits = self.c0bits c1bits = self.c1bits c2bits = self.c2bits if c0bits+c1bits+c2bits > maxbits: if self.fallback and c0bits < maxbits: # Cannot display frames in this mode, use grey self.skipchrom = 1 c1bits = c2bits = 0 convcolor = choose_conversion('grey') else: raise Error, 'Sorry, '+`maxbits`+ \ ' bits max on this machine' maxc0 = 1 << c0bits maxc1 = 1 << c1bits maxc2 = 1 << c2bits if self.offset == 0 and maxbits == 11: offset = 2048 else: offset = self.offset if maxbits <> 11: offset = offset & ((1< type(()): raise Error, filename + ': Bad (w,h,pf) info' if len(x) == 3: width, height, packfactor = x if packfactor == 0 and version < 3.0: format = 'rgb' c0bits = 0 elif len(x) == 2 and version <= 1.0: width, height = x packfactor = 2 else: raise Error, filename + ': Bad (w,h,pf) info' if packfactor > 1: width = (width / packfactor) * packfactor height = (height / packfactor) * packfactor # # Return (version, values) # values = (format, width, height, packfactor, \ c0bits, c1bits, c2bits, offset, chrompack) return (version, values) # Read a *frame* header -- separate functions per version. # Return (timecode, datasize, chromdatasize). # Raise EOFError if end of data is reached. # Raise Error if data is bad. def readv0frameheader(fp): line = fp.readline() if not line or line == '\n': raise EOFError try: t = eval(line[:-1]) except: raise Error, 'Bad 0.0 frame header' return (t, 0, 0) def readv1frameheader(fp): line = fp.readline() if not line or line == '\n': raise EOFError try: t, datasize = eval(line[:-1]) except: raise Error, 'Bad 1.0 frame header' return (t, datasize, 0) def readv2frameheader(fp): line = fp.readline() if not line or line == '\n': raise EOFError try: t, datasize = eval(line[:-1]) except: raise Error, 'Bad 2.0 frame header' return (t, datasize, 0) def readv3frameheader(fp): line = fp.readline() if not line or line == '\n': raise EOFError try: t, datasize, chromdatasize = x = eval(line[:-1]) except: raise Error, 'Bad 3.0 frame header' return x # Write a CMIF video file header (always version 3.0) def writefileheader(fp, values): (format, width, height, packfactor, \ c0bits, c1bits, c2bits, offset, chrompack) = values # # Write identifying header # fp.write('CMIF video 3.0\n') # # Write color encoding info # if format in ('rgb', 'jpeg'): data = (format, 0) elif format in ('grey', 'jpeggrey', 'mono'): data = (format, c0bits) else: data = (format, (c0bits, c1bits, c2bits, chrompack, offset)) fp.write(`data`+'\n') # # Write frame geometry info # if format in ('rgb', 'jpeg'): packfactor = 0 elif packfactor == 0: packfactor = 1 data = (width, height, packfactor) fp.write(`data`+'\n') # Basic class for reading CMIF video files class BasicVinFile(VideoParams): def init(self, filename): if filename == '-': fp = sys.stdin else: fp = open(filename, 'r') return self.initfp(fp, filename) def initfp(self, fp, filename): self = VideoParams.init(self) self.fp = fp self.filename = filename self.version, values = readfileheader(fp, filename) VideoParams.setinfo(self, values) if self.version == 0.0: w, h, pf = self.width, self.height, self.packfactor if pf == 0: self._datasize = w*h*4 else: self._datasize = (w/pf) * (h/pf) self._readframeheader = self._readv0frameheader elif self.version == 1.0: self._readframeheader = readv1frameheader elif self.version == 2.0: self._readframeheader = readv2frameheader elif self.version == 3.0: self._readframeheader = readv3frameheader else: raise Error, \ filename + ': Bad version: ' + `self.version` self.framecount = 0 self.atframeheader = 1 self.eofseen = 0 self.errorseen = 0 try: self.startpos = self.fp.tell() self.canseek = 1 except IOError: self.startpos = -1 self.canseek = 0 return self def _readv0frameheader(self, fp): t, ds, cs = readv0frameheader(fp) ds = self._datasize return (t, ds, cs) def close(self): self.fp.close() del self.fp del self._readframeheader def setinfo(self, values): raise CallError # Can't change info of input file! def setsize(self, size): raise CallError # Can't change info of input file! def rewind(self): if not self.canseek: raise Error, self.filename + ': can\'t seek' self.fp.seek(self.startpos) self.framecount = 0 self.atframeheader = 1 self.eofseen = 0 self.errorseen = 0 def warmcache(self): print '[BasicVinFile.warmcache() not implemented]' def printinfo(self): print 'File: ', self.filename print 'Size: ', getfilesize(self.filename) print 'Version: ', self.version VideoParams.printinfo(self) def getnextframe(self): t, ds, cs = self.getnextframeheader() data, cdata = self.getnextframedata(ds, cs) return (t, data, cdata) def skipnextframe(self): t, ds, cs = self.getnextframeheader() self.skipnextframedata(ds, cs) return t def getnextframeheader(self): if self.eofseen: raise EOFError if self.errorseen: raise CallError if not self.atframeheader: raise CallError self.atframeheader = 0 try: return self._readframeheader(self.fp) except Error, msg: self.errorseen = 1 # Patch up the error message raise Error, self.filename + ': ' + msg except EOFError: self.eofseen = 1 raise EOFError def getnextframedata(self, ds, cs): if self.eofseen: raise EOFError if self.errorseen: raise CallError if self.atframeheader: raise CallError if ds: data = self.fp.read(ds) if len(data) < ds: self.eofseen = 1 raise EOFError else: data = '' if cs: cdata = self.fp.read(cs) if len(cdata) < cs: self.eofseen = 1 raise EOFError else: cdata = '' self.atframeheader = 1 self.framecount = self.framecount + 1 return (data, cdata) def skipnextframedata(self, ds, cs): if self.eofseen: raise EOFError if self.errorseen: raise CallError if self.atframeheader: raise CallError # Note that this won't raise EOFError for a partial frame # since there is no easy way to tell whether a seek # ended up beyond the end of the file if self.canseek: self.fp.seek(ds + cs, 1) # Relative seek else: dummy = self.fp.read(ds + cs) del dummy self.atframeheader = 1 self.framecount = self.framecount + 1 # Subroutine to return a file's size in bytes def getfilesize(filename): import os, stat try: st = os.stat(filename) return st[stat.ST_SIZE] except os.error: return 0 # Derived class implementing random access and index cached in the file class RandomVinFile(BasicVinFile): def initfp(self, fp, filename): self = BasicVinFile.initfp(self, fp, filename) self.index = [] return self def warmcache(self): if len(self.index) == 0: try: self.readcache() except Error: self.buildcache() else: print '[RandomVinFile.warmcache(): too late]' self.rewind() def buildcache(self): self.index = [] self.rewind() while 1: try: dummy = self.skipnextframe() except EOFError: break self.rewind() def writecache(self): # Raises IOerror if the file is not seekable & writable! import marshal if len(self.index) == 0: self.buildcache() if len(self.index) == 0: raise Error, self.filename + ': No frames' self.fp.seek(0, 2) self.fp.write('\n/////CMIF/////\n') pos = self.fp.tell() data = `pos` data = '\n-*-*-CMIF-*-*-\n' + data + ' '*(15-len(data)) + '\n' try: marshal.dump(self.index, self.fp) self.fp.write(data) self.fp.flush() finally: self.rewind() def readcache(self): # Raises Error if there is no cache in the file import marshal if len(self.index) <> 0: raise CallError self.fp.seek(-32, 2) data = self.fp.read() if data[:16] <> '\n-*-*-CMIF-*-*-\n' or data[-1:] <> '\n': self.rewind() raise Error, self.filename + ': No cache' pos = eval(data[16:-1]) self.fp.seek(pos) try: self.index = marshal.load(self.fp) except TypeError: self.rewind() raise Error, self.filename + ': Bad cache' self.rewind() def getnextframeheader(self): if self.framecount < len(self.index): return self._getindexframeheader(self.framecount) if self.framecount > len(self.index): raise AssertError, \ 'managed to bypass index?!?' rv = BasicVinFile.getnextframeheader(self) if self.canseek: pos = self.fp.tell() self.index.append(rv, pos) return rv def getrandomframe(self, i): t, ds, cs = self.getrandomframeheader(i) data, cdata = self.getnextframedata() return t, ds, cs def getrandomframeheader(self, i): if i < 0: raise ValueError, 'negative frame index' if not self.canseek: raise Error, self.filename + ': can\'t seek' if i < len(self.index): return self._getindexframeheader(i) if len(self.index) > 0: rv = self.getrandomframeheader(len(self.index)-1) else: self.rewind() rv = self.getnextframeheader() while i > self.framecount: self.skipnextframedata() rv = self.getnextframeheader() return rv def _getindexframeheader(self, i): (rv, pos) = self.index[i] self.fp.seek(pos) self.framecount = i self.atframeheader = 0 self.eofseen = 0 self.errorseen = 0 return rv # Basic class for writing CMIF video files class BasicVoutFile(VideoParams): def init(self, filename): if filename == '-': fp = sys.stdout else: fp = open(filename, 'w') return self.initfp(fp, filename) def initfp(self, fp, filename): self = VideoParams.init(self) self.fp = fp self.filename = filename self.version = 3.0 # In case anyone inquries self.headerwritten = 0 return self def flush(self): self.fp.flush() def close(self): self.fp.close() del self.fp def setinfo(self, values): if self.headerwritten: raise CallError VideoParams.setinfo(self, values) def writeheader(self): if self.headerwritten: raise CallError writefileheader(self.fp, self.getinfo()) self.headerwritten = 1 self.atheader = 1 self.framecount = 0 def rewind(self): self.fp.seek(0) self.headerwritten = 0 self.atheader = 1 self.framecount = 0 def printinfo(self): print 'File: ', self.filename VideoParams.printinfo(self) def writeframe(self, t, data, cdata): if data: ds = len(data) else: ds = 0 if cdata: cs = len(cdata) else: cs = 0 self.writeframeheader(t, ds, cs) self.writeframedata(data, cdata) def writeframeheader(self, t, ds, cs): if not self.headerwritten: self.writeheader() if not self.atheader: raise CallError data = `(t, ds, cs)` n = len(data) if n < 63: data = data + ' '*(63-n) self.fp.write(data + '\n') self.atheader = 0 def writeframedata(self, data, cdata): if not self.headerwritten or self.atheader: raise CallError if data: self.fp.write(data) if cdata: self.fp.write(cdata) self.atheader = 1 self.framecount = self.framecount + 1 # Classes that combine files with displayers and/or grabbers: class VinFile(RandomVinFile, Displayer): def initfp(self, fp, filename): self = Displayer.init(self) return RandomVinFile.initfp(self, fp, filename) def shownextframe(self): t, data, cdata = self.getnextframe() self.showframe(data, cdata) return t class VoutFile(BasicVoutFile, Displayer, Grabber): def initfp(self, fp, filename): self = Displayer.init(self) ## self = Grabber.init(self) # XXX not needed return BasicVoutFile.initfp(self, fp, filename) # Simple test program (VinFile only) def test(): import time if sys.argv[1:]: filename = sys.argv[1] else: filename = 'film.video' vin = VinFile().init(filename) vin.printinfo() gl.foreground() gl.prefsize(vin.getsize()) wid = gl.winopen(filename) vin.initcolormap() t0 = time.millitimer() while 1: try: t, data, cdata = vin.getnextframe() except EOFError: break dt = t0 + t - time.millitimer() if dt > 0: time.millisleep(dt) vin.showframe(data, cdata) time.sleep(2)