Debug Win32 Debug x64 PGInstrument Win32 PGInstrument x64 PGUpdate Win32 PGUpdate x64 Release Win32 Release x64 {C5A3E7FB-9695-4B2E-960B-1D9F43F1E555} tix MakeFileProj Makefile NotSet Makefile NotSet Makefile NotSet Makefile NotSet Makefile NotSet Makefile NotSet Makefile NotSet Makefile NotSet <_ProjectFileVersion>10.0.30319.1 IF EXIST $(tcltkDir)\lib\tix8.4.3\$(tixDLLName) ( echo Tix is already built and available. exit /b 0 ) IF NOT EXIST $(tixDir) ( echo error: $(tixDir) doesn't exist. exit 1 ) IF "$(Platform)" EQU "Win32" set TclMachine=IX86 IF "$(Platform)" EQU "x64" set TclMachine=AMD64 IF "$(Configuration)" EQU "Debug" ( set TixDebug=1 ) ELSE ( set TixDebug=0 ) cd $(tixDir)\win nmake -f python.mak MACHINE=%TclMachine% DEBUG=%TixDebug% TCL_DIR=$(SolutionDir)$(tclDir) TK_DIR=$(SolutionDir)$(tkDir) all && nmake -f python.mak MACHINE=%TclMachine% DEBUG=%TixDebug% TCL_DIR=$(SolutionDir)$(tclDir) TK_DIR=$(SolutionDir)$(tkDir) INSTALL_DIR=$(SolutionDir)$(tcltkDir) install echo Tix must be cleaned manually if you want to rebuild it. {b5fd6f1d-129e-4bff-9340-03606fac7283} {7e85eccf-a72c-4da4-9e52-884508e80ba1}