"""cgitest - A minimal CGI applet. Echos parameters back to the client. """ from MiniAEFrame import AEServer, MiniApplication class CGITest(AEServer, MiniApplication): def __init__(self): MiniApplication.__init__(self) AEServer.__init__(self) self.installaehandler('aevt', 'oapp', self.open_app) self.installaehandler('aevt', 'quit', self.quit) self.installaehandler('WWW\275', 'sdoc', self.cgihandler) oldparams = MacOS.SchedParams(0, 0) self.mainloop() apply(MacOS.SchedParams, oldparams) def quit(self, **args): self.quitting = 1 def open_app(self, **args): pass def cgihandler(self, pathargs, **args): rv = """HTTP/1.0 200 OK Server: NetPresenz; python-cgi-script MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/html