"""Python bytecode generator Currently contains generic ASTVisitor code, a LocalNameFinder, and a CodeGenerator. Eventually, this will get split into the ASTVisitor as a generic tool and CodeGenerator as a specific tool. """ from p2c import transformer, ast import dis import misc import marshal import new import string def parse(path): f = open(path) src = f.read() f.close() t = transformer.Transformer() return t.parsesuite(src) def walk(tree, visitor): w = ASTVisitor() w.preorder(tree, visitor) return w.visitor class ASTVisitor: """Performs a depth-first walk of the AST The ASTVisitor will walk the AST, performing either a preorder or postorder traversal depending on which method is called. methods: preorder(tree, visitor) postorder(tree, visitor) tree: an instance of ast.Node visitor: an instance with visitXXX methods The ASTVisitor is responsible for walking over the tree in the correct order. For each node, it checks the visitor argument for a method named 'visitNodeType' where NodeType is the name of the node's class, e.g. Classdef. If the method exists, it is called with the node as its sole argument. The visitor method for a particular node type can control how child nodes are visited during a preorder walk. (It can't control the order during a postorder walk, because it is called _after_ the walk has occurred.) The ASTVisitor modifies the visitor argument by adding a visit method to the visitor; this method can be used to visit a particular child node. If the visitor method returns a true value, the ASTVisitor will not traverse the child nodes. XXX The interface for controlling the preorder walk needs to be re-considered. The current interface is convenient for visitors that mostly let the ASTVisitor do everything. For something like a code generator, where you want to walk to occur in a specific order, it's a pain to add "return 1" to the end of each method. XXX Perhaps I can use a postorder walk for the code generator? """ VERBOSE = 0 def __init__(self): self.node = None def preorder(self, tree, visitor): """Do preorder walk of tree using visitor""" self.visitor = visitor visitor.visit = self._preorder self._preorder(tree) def _preorder(self, node): stop = self.dispatch(node) if stop: return for child in node.getChildren(): if isinstance(child, ast.Node): self._preorder(child) def postorder(self, tree, visitor): """Do preorder walk of tree using visitor""" self.visitor = visitor visitor.visit = self._postorder self._postorder(tree) def _postorder(self, tree): for child in node.getChildren(): if isinstance(child, ast.Node): self._preorder(child) self.dispatch(node) def dispatch(self, node): self.node = node className = node.__class__.__name__ meth = getattr(self.visitor, 'visit' + className, None) if self.VERBOSE: print "dispatch", className, (meth and meth.__name__ or '') if meth: return meth(node) class CodeGenerator: def __init__(self): self.code = PythonVMCode() self.locals = misc.Stack() def visitDiscard(self, node): return 1 def visitModule(self, node): lnf = walk(node.node, LocalNameFinder()) self.locals.push(lnf.getLocals()) self.visit(node.node) self.code.emit('LOAD_CONST', 'None') self.code.emit('RETURN_VALUE') return 1 def visitFunction(self, node): codeBody = NestedCodeGenerator(node.code, node.argnames) walk(node.code, codeBody) self.code.setLineNo(node.lineno) self.code.emit('LOAD_CONST', codeBody.code) self.code.emit('MAKE_FUNCTION') self.code.emit('STORE_NAME', node.name) return 1 def visitCallFunc(self, node): self.visit(node.node) for arg in node.args: self.visit(arg) self.code.callFunction(len(node.args)) return 1 def visitIf(self, node): after = ForwardRef() for test, suite in node.tests: self.code.setLineNo(test.lineno) self.visit(test) dest = ForwardRef() self.code.jumpIfFalse(dest) self.code.popTop() self.visit(suite) self.code.jumpForward(after) dest.bind(self.code.getCurInst()) self.code.popTop() if node.else_: self.visit(node.else_) after.bind(self.code.getCurInst()) return 1 def visitCompare(self, node): """Comment from compile.c follows: The following code is generated for all but the last comparison in a chain: label: on stack: opcode: jump to: a a, b DUP_TOP a, b, b ROT_THREE b, a, b COMPARE_OP b, 0-or-1 JUMP_IF_FALSE L1 b, 1 POP_TOP b We are now ready to repeat this sequence for the next comparison in the chain. For the last we generate: b b, c COMPARE_OP 0-or-1 If there were any jumps to L1 (i.e., there was more than one comparison), we generate: 0-or-1 JUMP_FORWARD L2 L1: b, 0 ROT_TWO 0, b POP_TOP 0 L2: 0-or-1 """ self.visit(node.expr) # if refs are never emitted, subsequent bind call has no effect l1 = ForwardRef() l2 = ForwardRef() for op, code in node.ops[:-1]: # emit every comparison except the last self.visit(code) self.code.dupTop() self.code.rotThree() self.code.compareOp(op) self.code.jumpIfFalse(l1) self.code.popTop() if node.ops: # emit the last comparison op, code = node.ops[-1] self.visit(code) self.code.compareOp(op) if len(node.ops) > 1: self.code.jumpForward(l2) l1.bind(self.code.getCurInst()) self.code.rotTwo() self.code.popTop() l2.bind(self.code.getCurInst()) return 1 def binaryOp(self, node, op): self.visit(node.left) self.visit(node.right) self.code.emit(op) return 1 def visitAdd(self, node): return self.binaryOp(node, 'BINARY_ADD') def visitSub(self, node): return self.binaryOp(node, 'BINARY_SUBTRACT') def visitMul(self, node): return self.binaryOp(node, 'BINARY_MULTIPLY') def visitDiv(self, node): return self.binaryOp(node, 'BINARY_DIVIDE') def visitName(self, node): locals = self.locals.top() if locals.has_elt(node.name): self.code.loadFast(node.name) else: self.code.loadGlobal(node.name) def visitConst(self, node): self.code.loadConst(node.value) def visitReturn(self, node): self.code.setLineNo(node.lineno) self.visit(node.value) self.code.returnValue() return 1 def visitRaise(self, node): self.code.setLineNo(node.lineno) n = 0 if node.expr1: self.visit(node.expr1) n = n + 1 if node.expr2: self.visit(node.expr2) n = n + 1 if node.expr3: self.visit(node.expr3) n = n + 1 self.code.raiseVarargs(n) return 1 def visitPrint(self, node): self.code.setLineNo(node.lineno) for child in node.nodes: self.visit(child) self.code.emit('PRINT_ITEM') return 1 def visitPrintnl(self, node): self.visitPrint(node) self.code.emit('PRINT_NEWLINE') return 1 class NestedCodeGenerator(CodeGenerator): """Generate code for a function object within another scope XXX not clear that this subclass is needed """ super_init = CodeGenerator.__init__ def __init__(self, code, args): """code and args of function or class being walked XXX need to separately pass to ASTVisitor. the constructor only uses the code object to find the local names """ self.super_init() lnf = walk(code, LocalNameFinder(args)) self.locals.push(lnf.getLocals()) def visitFunction(self, node): lnf = walk(node.code, LocalNameFinder(node.argnames)) self.locals.push(lnf.getLocals()) # XXX need to handle def foo((a, b)): self.code.setLineNo(node.lineno) self.visit(node.code) self.code.emit('LOAD_CONST', 'None') self.code.emit('RETURN_VALUE') return 1 class LocalNameFinder: def __init__(self, names=()): self.names = misc.Set() for name in names: self.names.add(name) def getLocals(self): return self.names def visitFunction(self, node): self.names.add(node.name) return 1 def visitImport(self, node): for name in node.names: self.names.add(name) def visitFrom(self, node): for name in node.names: self.names.add(name) def visitClassdef(self, node): self.names.add(node.name) return 1 def visitAssName(self, node): self.names.add(node.name) class Label: def __init__(self, num): self.num = num def __repr__(self): return "Label(%d)" % self.num class ForwardRef: count = 0 def __init__(self, id=None, val=None): if id is None: id = ForwardRef.count ForwardRef.count = ForwardRef.count + 1 self.id = id self.val = val def __repr__(self): if self.val: return "ForwardRef(val=%d)" % self.val else: return "ForwardRef(id=%d)" % self.id def bind(self, inst): self.val = inst def resolve(self): return self.val class CompiledModule: """Store the code object for a compiled module XXX Not clear how the code objects will be stored. Seems possible that a single code attribute is sufficient, because it will contains references to all the need code objects. That might be messy, though. """ MAGIC = (20121 | (ord('\r')<<16) | (ord('\n')<<24)) def __init__(self): self.code = None def addCode(self, code): """addCode(self: SelfType, code: PythonVMCode)""" def dump(self, path): """create a .pyc file""" f = open(path, 'wb') f.write(self._pyc_header()) marshal.dump(self.code, f) f.close() def _pyc_header(self, path): # compile.c uses marshal to write a long directly, with # calling the interface that would also generate a 1-byte code # to indicate the type of the value. simplest way to get the # same effect is to call marshal and then skip the code. buf = marshal.dumps(self.MAGIC)[1:] # skip the mtime for now, since I don't have the write # structure to pass the filename being compiled into this # instance return buf + chr(0) * 4 class PythonVMCode: def __init__(self): self.insts = [] # used by makeCodeObject self.argcount = 0 self.code = '' self.consts = [] self.filename = '' self.firstlineno = 0 self.flags = 0 self.lnotab = None self.name = '' self.names = [] self.nlocals = 0 self.stacksize = 2 self.varnames = [] def __repr__(self): return "" % len(self.insts) def emit(self, *args): print "emit", args self.insts.append(args) def getCurInst(self): return len(self.insts) def getNextInst(self): return len(self.insts) + 1 def convert(self): """Convert human-readable names to real bytecode""" pass def makeCodeObject(self): """Make a Python code object""" code = [] self._findOffsets() for t in self.insts: opname = t[0] if len(t) == 1: code.append(chr(self.opnum[opname])) elif len(t) == 2: oparg = self._convertArg(opname, t[1]) hi, lo = divmod(oparg, 256) code.append(chr(self.opnum[opname]) + chr(lo) + chr(hi)) return string.join(code, '') def _findOffsets(self): """Find offsets for use in resolving ForwardRefs""" self.offsets = [] cur = 0 for t in self.insts: self.offsets.append(cur) l = len(t) if l == 1: cur = cur + 1 elif l == 2: arg = t[1] if isinstance(arg, ForwardRef): arg.__offset = cur cur = cur + 3 def _convertArg(self, op, arg): """Convert the string representation of an arg to a number The specific handling depends on the opcode. XXX This first implementation isn't going to be very efficient. """ if op == 'SET_LINENO': return arg if op == 'LOAD_CONST': return self._lookupName(arg, self.consts) if op == 'LOAD_FAST': return self._lookupName(arg, self.varnames, self.names) if op == 'LOAD_GLOBAL': return self._lookupName(arg, self.names) if op == 'STORE_NAME': return self._lookupName(arg, self.names) if op == 'COMPARE_OP': return self.cmp_op.index(arg) if self.hasjrel.has_elt(op): return self.offsets[arg.resolve()] if self.hasjabs.has_elt(op): return self.offsets[arg.resolve()] - arg.__offset print op, arg return arg def _lookupName(self, name, list, list2=None): """Return index of name in list, appending if necessary Yicky hack: Second list can be used for lookup of local names where the name needs to be added to varnames and names. """ if name in list: return list.index(name) else: end = len(list) list.append(name) if list2 is not None: list2.append(name) return end # Convert some stuff from the dis module for local use cmp_op = list(dis.cmp_op) hasjrel = misc.Set() for i in dis.hasjrel: hasjrel.add(dis.opname[i]) hasjabs = misc.Set() for i in dis.hasjabs: hasjabs.add(dis.opname[i]) opnum = {} for num in range(len(dis.opname)): opnum[dis.opname[num]] = num # the interface below here seemed good at first. upon real use, # it seems redundant to add a function for each opcode, # particularly because the method and opcode basically have the # same name. def setLineNo(self, num): self.emit('SET_LINENO', num) def popTop(self): self.emit('POP_TOP') def dupTop(self): self.emit('DUP_TOP') def rotTwo(self): self.emit('ROT_TWO') def rotThree(self): self.emit('ROT_THREE') def jumpIfFalse(self, dest): self.emit('JUMP_IF_FALSE', dest) def loadFast(self, name): self.emit('LOAD_FAST', name) def loadGlobal(self, name): self.emit('LOAD_GLOBAL', name) def binaryAdd(self): self.emit('BINARY_ADD') def compareOp(self, op): self.emit('COMPARE_OP', op) def loadConst(self, val): self.emit('LOAD_CONST', val) def returnValue(self): self.emit('RETURN_VALUE') def jumpForward(self, dest): self.emit('JUMP_FORWARD', dest) def raiseVarargs(self, num): self.emit('RAISE_VARARGS', num) def callFunction(self, num): self.emit('CALL_FUNCTION', num) if __name__ == "__main__": tree = parse('test.py') cg = CodeGenerator() ASTVisitor.VERBOSE = 1 w = walk(tree, cg) w.VERBOSE = 1 for i in range(len(cg.code.insts)): inst = cg.code.insts[i] if inst[0] == 'SET_LINENO': print print "%4d" % i, inst code = cg.code.makeCodeObject()