# Install Run fresh_mu_install_v2.sh after mu_installer installation. Reboot after the installation so as to start all the background services. ``` cd Downloads git clone https://git.spirirobotics.com/orion1/post_muinstaller_installation.git cd post_muinstaller_installation sudo chmod +x fresh_mu_install_v2.sh sudo ./fresh_mu_install_v2.sh ``` # Installed packages Packages to be Installed - Basic tools and libraries - ROS Melodic and relevant packages - Gstreamer & GSCAM - Python 2.7 & 3.6 - Nvidia CUDA - OpenCV 3.4 - Geographic libraries # Systemd Services Services to run on startup - Radio Listener to tune the cameras, restart TX2 or FCU with a flip of switch on the RC - ROSCORE start - MAVROS start - Camera start - GPU stereo vision start - RTSP broadcaster start