name: 🐛 Bug report description: Create a report to help us improve title: "[Bug] " labels: ["bug-report"] body: - type: textarea attributes: label: Describe the bug description: A clear and concise description of the bug. validations: required: true - type: textarea attributes: label: To Reproduce description: | Steps to reproduce the behavior. 1. Drone switched on '...' 2. Uploaded mission '....' (attach QGC mission file) 3. Took off '....' 4. See error validations: required: true - type: textarea attributes: label: Expected behavior description: A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. validations: required: true - type: textarea attributes: label: Screenshot / Media description: Add screenshot / media if you have them - type: textarea attributes: label: Flight Log description: | *Always* provide a link to the flight log file: - Download the flight log file from the vehicle ([tutorial]( - Upload the log to the [PX4 Flight Review]( - Share the link to the log (Copy and paste the URL of the log) placeholder: | # PASTE HERE THE LINK TO THE LOG validations: required: true - type: markdown attributes: value: | ## Setup - type: textarea attributes: label: Software Version description: | Which version of PX4 are you using? placeholder: | # If you don't know the version, paste the output of `ver all` in the MAVLink Shell of QGC validations: required: true - type: input attributes: label: Flight controller description: Specify your flight controller model (what type is it, where was it bought from, ...). validations: required: true - type: dropdown attributes: label: Vehicle type options: - Multicopter - Helicopter - Fixed Wing - Hybrid VTOL - Airship/Balloon - Rover - Boat - Submarine - Other - type: textarea attributes: label: How are the different components wired up (including port information) description: Details about how all is wired. - type: textarea attributes: label: Additional context description: Add any other context about the problem here.