# Position and (optional) heading setpoints with corresponding speed constraints # Setpoints are intended as inputs to position and heading smoothers, respectively # Setpoints do not need to be kinematically consistent # Optional heading setpoints may be specified as controlled by the respective flag # Unset optional setpoints are not controlled # Unset optional constraints default to vehicle specifications uint64 timestamp # time since system start (microseconds) # setpoints float32[3] position # [m] NED local world frame float32 heading # (optional) [rad] [-pi,pi] from North # setpoint flags bool flag_control_heading # true if heading is to be controlled # constraints float32 max_horizontal_speed # (optional) [m/s] maximum speed (absolute) in the NE-plane float32 max_vertical_speed # (optional) [m/s] maximum speed (absolute) in the D-axis float32 max_heading_rate # (optional) [rad/s] maximum heading rate (absolute) # constraint flags bool flag_set_max_horizontal_speed # true if setting a non-default horizontal speed limit bool flag_set_max_vertical_speed # true if setting a non-default vertical speed limit bool flag_set_max_heading_rate # true if setting a non-default heading rate limit