configs/pic32mx7mmb README =============================== This README file discusses the port of NuttX to the Mikroelektronika PIC32MX7 Multimedia Board (MMB) Contents ======== PIC32MX795F512L Pin Out Toolchains Creating Compatible NuttX HEX files Serial Console LEDs PIC32MX Configuration Options Configurations PIC32MX795F512L Pin Out ======================= [This current pin-out is for the PIC32 Starter Kit and still needs to be updated for the Mikroelektronika PIC32MX7 MMB] LEFT SIDE, TOP-TO-BOTTOM (if pin 1 is in upper left) --- ---------------------------------- -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- PIN CONFIGURATIONS SIGNAL NAME ON-BOARD CONNECTIONS (Family Data Sheet Table 1-1) (Starter Kit User Guide) --- ---------------------------------- -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 1 RG15/AERXERR ERXERR Ethernet RX_ER/MDIX_IN 2 VDD P32_VDD --- 3 PMD5/RE5 PMPD5/RE5 J2 pin 13 4 PMD6/RE6 PMPD6/RE6 J2 pin 9 5 PMD7/RE7 PMPD7/RE7 J2 pin 7 6 RC1/T2CK T2CLK/RC1 J2 pin 35 (timer) 7 RC2/AC2TX/T3CK T3CLK/RC2 J2 pin 37 (timer) 8 RC3/AC2RX/T4CK T4CLK/RC3 J2 pin 39 (timer) 9 RC4/SDI1/T5CK SDI1/T4CLK/RC4 J2 pin 41 (timer) J2 pin 93 (SPI1) 10 PMA5/CN8/ECOL/RG6/SCK2/U3RTS/U6TX PMPA5/SCM2C/CN8/RG6 J2 pin 45 (SPI2) J2 pin 117 (PMP address) 11 PMA4/CN9/ECRS/RG7/SDA4/SDI2/U3RX PMPA4/SCM2A/CN9/RG7 J2 pin 47 (SPI2) J2 pin 119 (PMP address) 12 PMA3/AECRSDV/AERXDV/CN10/ECRSDV/ ECRS_DV Ethernet CRS/CRS_DV/LED_CFG ERXDV/RG8/SCL4/SDO2/U3TX 13 MCLR PIC32_MCLR (pulled up) PIC32MX440F512H debug processor J2 pin 130 (ICSP) 14 PMA2/AEREFCLK/AERXCLK/CN11/ EREF_CLK 50MHz clock, Ethernet X1 EREFCLK/ERXCLK/RG9/SS2/U3CTS/ U6RX 15 VSS (grounded) --- 16 VDD P32_VDD --- 17 RA0/TMS TMS/RA0 J2 pin 126 (JTAG/GPIO) 18 AERXD0/INT1/RE8 ERXD0(2) Ethernet RXD_0/PHYAD1 19 AERXD1/INT2/RE9 ERXD1(2) Ethernet RXD_1/PHYAD2 20 AN5/C1IN+/CN7/RB5/VBUSON VBUSON/C1IN+/AN5/CN7/RB5 USB host power supply, TPS20x1B ~EN, Low enables power to host port (J4) USB OTG power supply, MCP1253_MSOP ~SHDN Enables power to device/OTG port (J5) J2 pin 63 (comparator 1) J2 pin 62 (A/D) 21 AN4/C1IN-/CN6/RB4 USBOEN/C1IN-/AN4/CN6/RB4 J2 pin 65 (comparator 1) J2 pin 64 (A/D) 22 AN3/C2IN+/CN5/RB3 C2IN+/AN3/CN5/RB3 TPS20x1B ~OC, sense host port power MCP1253_MSOP PGOOD, sense device/OTG port power J2 pin 67 (comparator 2) J2 pin 66 (A/D) 23 AN2/C2IN-/CN4/RB2 C2IN-/AN2/CN4/RB2 J2 pin 69 (comparator 2) J2 pin 101 J2 pin 68 (A/D) 24 AN1/CN3/PGEC1/RB1 PGC1/AN1/CN3/RB1 J2 pin 70 (A/D) 25 AN0/CN2/PGED1/RB0 PGD1/AN0/CN2/RB0 J2 pin 72 (A/D) BOTTOM SIDE, LEFT-TO-RIGHT (if pin 1 is in upper left) --- ---------------------------------- -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- PIN CONFIGURATIONS SIGNAL NAME ON-BOARD CONNECTIONS (Family Data Sheet Table 1-1) (Starter Kit User Guide) --- ---------------------------------- -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 26 AN6/OCFA/PGEC2/RB6 PIC32_PGC2 PIC32MX440F512H debug processor J2 pin 128 (ICSP) 27 AN7/PGED2/RB7 PIC32_PGD2/DBG_SD0 PIC32MX440F512H debug processor J2 pin 132 (ICSP) 28 PMA7/AERXD2/CVREF-/RA9 PMPA7/VREF-/RA9 J2 pin 113 (PMP address) J2 pin 114 (A/D ref) 29 PMA6/AERXD3/CVREF+/RA10/VREF+ PMPA6/VREF+/RA10 J2 pin 115 (PMP address) J2 pin 116 (A/D ref) 30 AVDD P32_VDD --- 31 AVSS (grounded) --- 32 AN8/C1OUT/RB8 C1OUT/AN8/RB8 J2 pin 71 33 AN9/C2OUT/RB9 C2OUT/AN9/RB9 J2 pin 73 34 PMA13/AN10/RB10/CVREFOUT PMPA13/CVREF/AN10 J2 pin 101 (PMP address) J2 pin 102 (Comparator ref) 35 PMA12/AETXERR/AN11/ERXERR/RB11 PMPA12/AN11/RB11 J2 pin 103 (PMP address) 36 VSS (grounded) --- 37 VDD P32_VDD --- 38 RA1/TCK TCK/RA1 PIC32MX440F512H debug processor J2 pin 124 (JTAG/GPIO) 39 AC1TX/RF13/SCK4/U2RTS/U5TX SCM3D/BCLK2/RF13 J2 pin 106 (UART2) 40 AC1RX/RF12/SS4/U2CTS/U5RX SCM3C/RF12 J2 pin 108 (UART2) 41 PMA11/AECRS/AN12/ERXD0/RB12 PMPA11/AN12/RB12 J2 pin 105 (PMP address) 42 PMA10/AECOL/AN13/ERXD1/RB13 PMPA10/AN13/RB13 J2 pin 107 (PMP address) 43 PMA1/AETXD3/AN14/ERXD2/PMALH/RB14 PMPA1/AN14/RB14 J2 pin 127 (PMP address) 44 PMA0/AETXD2/AN15/CN12/ERXD3/OCFB/ PMPA0/AN15/OCFB/CN12 J2 pin 129 (PMP address) PMALL/RB15 J2 pin 36 45 VSS (grounded) --- 46 VDD P32_VDD --- 47 AETXD0/CN20/RD14/SS3/U1CTS/U4RX EXTD0(2) Ethernet TXD_0 48 AETXD1/CN21/RD15/SCK3/U1RTS/U4TX EXTD1(2) Ethernet TXD_1 49 PMA9/CN17/RF4/SDA5/SDI4/U2RX PMPA9/SCM3A/CN17/RF4 J2 pin 109 (PMP address) J2 pin 110 (UART2) 50 PMA8/CN18/RF5/SCL5/SDO4/U2TX PMPA8/SCM3B/CN18/RF5 J2 pin 111 (PMP address) J2 pin 112 (UART2) RIGHT SIDE, TOP-TO-BOTTOM (if pin 1 is in upper left) --- ---------------------------------- -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- PIN CONFIGURATIONS SIGNAL NAME ON-BOARD CONNECTIONS (Family Data Sheet Table 1-1) (Starter Kit User Guide) --- ---------------------------------- -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 75 VSS (grounded) 74 CN0/RC14/SOSCO/T1CK SOSC0/T1CK/CN0/RC14 32kHz Oscillator, J2 pin (timer) J2 pin 32 (secondary OSC) 73 CN1/RC13/SOSCI SOSC1/CN1/RC13 32kHz Oscillator J2 pin 32 (secondary OSC) 72 OC1/INT0/RD0/SDO1 SDO1/INT0/OC1/RD0 User LED D4 (high illuminates) J2 pin 87 (EXT_INT) J2 pin 95 (SPI1) J2 pin 46 (OC/PWM) 71 PMA14/AEMDC/EMDC/IC4/PMCS1/RD11 EMDC Ethernet MDC 70 PMA15/IC3/PMCS2/RD10/SCK1 SCK1/IC3/PMPCS2/RD10 J2 pin 29 (PMP control) J2 pin 91 (SPI1) J2 pin 52 (input capture) 69 IC2/RD9/SS1 SS1/IC2/RD9 J2 pin 54 (input capture) 68 AEMDIO/EMDIO/IC1/RD8/RTCC EMDIO Ethernet MDIO 67 AETXEN/INT4/RA15/SDA1 ETXEN(2) Ethernet TX_EN 66 AETXCLK/INT3/RA14/SCL1 INT3/SCL1/RA14 Ethernet PWR_DOWN/INT 65 VSS (grounded) --- 64 CLKO/OSC2/RC15 8MHz crystal 63 CLKI/OSC1/RC12 8MHz crystal 62 VDD P32_VDD --- 61 RA5/TDO TDO/RA5 PIC32MX440F512H debug processor J2 pin 118 (JTAG/GPIO) 60 RA4/TDI TDI/RA4 PIC32MX440F512H debug processor 59 RA3/SDA2 SDA2/RA3 J2 pin 74 (I2C2) 58 RA2/SCL2 SCL2/RA2 J2 pin 76 (I2C2) 57 D+/RG2 D+/RG2 Host port (J4), Device OTG port (J5) 56 D-/RG3 D-/RG3 Host port (J4), Device OTG port (J5) 55 VUSB P32_VDD --- 54 VBUS P32_VBUS --- 53 RF8/SCL3/SDO3/U1TX SCM1B/RF8 J2 pin 90 (UART1) 52 RF2/SDA3/SDI3/U1RX SCM1A/RF2 J2 pin 88 (UART1) 51 RF3/USBID USBID/RF3 Device OTG port (J5) TOP SIDE, LEFT-TO-RIGHT (if pin 1 is in upper left) --- ---------------------------------- -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- PIN CONFIGURATIONS SIGNAL NAME ON-BOARD CONNECTIONS (Family Data Sheet Table 1-1) (Starter Kit User Guide) --- ---------------------------------- -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 100 PMD4/RE4 PMPD4/RE4 J2 pin 15 (PMP data) 99 PMD3/RE3 PMPD3/RE3 J2 pin 17 (PMP data) 98 PMD2/RE2 PMPD2/RE2 J2 pin 19 (PMP data) 97 RG13/TRD0 TRD0/RG13 J2 pin 8 (Trace/GPIO) 96 RG12/TRD1 TRD1/RG12 J2 pin 5 95 RG14/TRD2 TRD2/RG14 J2 pin 3 94 PMD1/RE1 PMPD1/RE1 J2 pin 21 (PMP data) 93 PMD0/RE0 PMPD0/RE0 J2 pin 23 (PMP data) 92 RA7/TRD3 TRD3/RA7 J2 pin 6 (Trace/GPIO) 91 RA6/TRCLK TRCLK/RA6 J2 pin 4 (Trace/GPIO) 90 PMD8/C2RX/RG0 PMPD8/RG0 J2 pin 10 (PMP data) 89 PMD9/C2TX/ETXERR/RG1 PMPD9/RG1 J2 pin 14 (PMP data) 88 PMD10/C1TX/ETXD0/RF1 PMPD10/RF1 J2 pin 16 (PMP data) 87 PMD11/C1RX/ETXD1/RF0 PMPD11/RF0 J2 pin 18 (PMP data) 86 VDD P32_VDD --- 85 VCAP/VCORE (capacitor to ground) --- 84 PMD15/CN16/ETXCLK/RD7 PMPD15/CN16/RD7 Switch SW2 (low when closed) J2 pin 26 (PMP data) 83 PMD14/CN15/ETXEN/RD6 PMPD14/CN15/RD6 Switch SW1 (low when closed) J2 pin 24 (PMP data) 82 CN14/PMRD/RD5 PMPRD/CN14/RD5 J2 pin 25 81 CN13/OC5/PMWR/RD4 PMPWR/OC5/C13/RD4 J2 pin 28 (PMP control) J2 pin 38 80 PMD13/CN19/ETXD3/RD13 CN19/PMPD13/RD13 Switch SW3 (low when closed) J2 pin 22 (PMP data) 79 PMD12/ETXD2/IC5/RD12 IC5/PMPD12/RD12 J2 pin 20 (PMP data) J2 pin 48 78 OC4/RD3 OC4/RD3 J2 pin 40 (OC/PWM) 77 OC3/RD2 OC3/RD2 User LED D5 (high illuminates) J2 pin 42 (OC/PWM) 76 OC2/RD1 OC1/RD1 User LED D6 (high illuminates) J2 pin 44 (OC/PWM) Toolchains ========== I am using the free, LITE version of the PIC32MX toolchain available for download from the web site. I am using the Windows version. The MicroChip toolchain is the only toolchaing currently supported in these configurations, but it should be a simple matter to adapt to other toolchains by modifying the Make.defs file include in each configuration. Toolchain Options: CONFIG_PIC32MX_MICROCHIPW - MicroChip full toolchain for Windows CONFIG_PIC32MX_MICROCHIPL - MicroChip full toolchain for Linux CONFIG_PIC32MX_MICROCHIPW_LITE - MicroChip LITE toolchain for Windows CONFIG_PIC32MX_MICROCHIPL_LITE - MicroChip LITE toolchain for Linux Windows Native Toolchains NOTE: There are several limitations to using a Windows based toolchain in a Cygwin environment. The three biggest are: 1. The Windows toolchain cannot follow Cygwin paths. Path conversions are performed automatically in the Cygwin makefiles using the 'cygpath' utility but you might easily find some new path problems. If so, check out 'cygpath -w' 2. Windows toolchains cannot follow Cygwin symbolic links. Many symbolic links are used in Nuttx (e.g., include/arch). The make system works around these problems for the Windows tools by copying directories instead of linking them. But this can also cause some confusion for you: For example, you may edit a file in a "linked" directory and find that your changes had no effect. That is because you are building the copy of the file in the "fake" symbolic directory. If you use a Windows toolchain, you should get in the habit of making like this: make clean_context all An alias in your .bashrc file might make that less painful. 3. Dependencies are not made when using Windows versions of the GCC. This is because the dependencies are generated using Windows pathes which do not work with the Cygwin make. Support has been added for making dependencies with the windows-native toolchains. That support can be enabled by modifying your Make.defs file as follows: - MKDEP = $(TOPDIR)/tools/ + MKDEP = $(TOPDIR)/tools/ --winpaths "$(TOPDIR)" If you have problems with the dependency build (for example, if you are not building on C:), then you may need to modify tools/ Powering the Board ================== [To be provided] Creating Compatible NuttX HEX files =================================== Intel Hex Format Files: ----------------------- When NuttX is built it will produce two files in the top-level NuttX directory: 1) nuttx - This is an ELF file, and 2) nuttx.hex - This is an Intel Hex format file. This is controlled by the setting CONFIG_INTELHEX_BINARY in the .config file. The PICkit tool wants an Intel Hex format file to burn into FLASH. However, there is a problem with the generated nutt.hex: The tool expects the nuttx.hex file to contain physical addresses. But the nuttx.hex file generated from the top-level make will have address in the KSEG0 and KSEG1 regions. tools/mkpichex: --------------- There is a simple tool in the configs/pic32mx7mmb/tools directory that can be used to solve both issues with the nuttx.hex file. But, first, you must build the the tools: cd configs/pic32mx7mmb/tools make Now you will have an excecutable file call mkpichex (or mkpichex.exe on Cygwin). This program will take the nutt.hex file as an input, it will convert all of the KSEG0 and KSEG1 addresses to physical address, and it will write the modified file, replacing the original nuttx.hex. To use this file, you need to do the following things: . ./ # Source Among other this, this script # will add configs/pic32mx7mmb/tools to your # PATH variable make # Build nuttx and nuttx.hex mkpichex $PWD # Convert addresses in nuttx.hex. $PWD is the path # to the top-level build directory. It is the only # required input to mkpichex. Serial Console ============== [To be provided] LEDs ==== [This needs to be updated. This test currently addresses the PIC32 starter kit] The PIC32MX Ethernet Starter kit has 3 user LEDs labeled LED1-3 on the board graphics (but referred to as LED4-6 in the schematic): PIN User's Guide Board Stencil Notes --- ------------- -------------- ------------------------- RD0 "User LED D4" "LED1 (RD0") High illuminates (RED) RD2 "User LED D5" "LED3 (RD2)" High illuminates (YELLOW) RD1 "User LED D6" "LED2 (RD1)" High illuminates (GREEN) We will use the labels on the board to identify LEDs. If CONFIG_ARCH_LEDS is defined, then NuttX will control these LEDs as follows: ON OFF ------------------------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- LED1 LED2 LED3 LED1 LED2 LED3 ------------------------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- LED_STARTED 0 OFF OFF OFF --- --- --- LED_HEAPALLOCATE 1 ON OFF N/C --- --- --- LED_IRQSENABLED 2 OFF ON N/C --- --- --- LED_STACKCREATED 3 ON ON N/C --- --- --- LED_INIRQ 4 N/C N/C ON N/C N/C OFF LED_SIGNAL 4 N/C N/C ON N/C N/C OFF LED_ASSERTION 4 N/C N/C ON N/C N/C OFF LED_PANIC 5 ON N/C N/C OFF N/C N/C There are 5 additional LEDs available on the MEB. These are not used by NuttX. RD1 LED1 RD2 LED2 RD3 LED3 RC1 LED4 RC2 LED5 PIC32MX Configuration Options ============================= General Architecture Settings: CONFIG_ARCH - Identifies the arch/ subdirectory. This should be set to: CONFIG_ARCH=mips CONFIG_ARCH_family - For use in C code: CONFIG_ARCH_MIPS=y CONFIG_ARCH_architecture - For use in C code: CONFIG_ARCH_MIPS32=y CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP - Identifies the arch/*/chip subdirectory CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP=pic32mx CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP_name - For use in C code to identify the exact chip: CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP_PIC32MX795F512L=y CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD - Identifies the configs subdirectory and hence, the board that supports the particular chip or SoC. CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD=pic32mx7mmb CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD_name - For use in C code CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD_PIC32MX7MMB=y CONFIG_ARCH_LOOPSPERMSEC - Must be calibrated for correct operation of delay loops CONFIG_ENDIAN_BIG - define if big endian (default is little endian) CONFIG_DRAM_SIZE - Describes the installed DRAM (CPU SRAM in this case): CONFIG_DRAM_SIZE=(32*1024) (32Kb) There is an additional 32Kb of SRAM in AHB SRAM banks 0 and 1. CONFIG_DRAM_START - The start address of installed DRAM CONFIG_DRAM_START=0x10000000 CONFIG_DRAM_END - Last address+1 of installed RAM CONFIG_DRAM_END=(CONFIG_DRAM_START+CONFIG_DRAM_SIZE) CONFIG_ARCH_IRQPRIO - The PIC32MXx supports interrupt prioritization CONFIG_ARCH_IRQPRIO=y CONFIG_ARCH_LEDS - Use LEDs to show state. Unique to boards that have LEDs CONFIG_ARCH_INTERRUPTSTACK - This architecture supports an interrupt stack. If defined, this symbol is the size of the interrupt stack in bytes. If not defined, the user task stacks will be used during interrupt handling. CONFIG_ARCH_STACKDUMP - Do stack dumps after assertions CONFIG_ARCH_LEDS - Use LEDs to show state. Unique to board architecture. CONFIG_ARCH_CALIBRATION - Enables some build in instrumentation that cause a 100 second delay during boot-up. This 100 second delay serves no purpose other than it allows you to calibratre CONFIG_ARCH_LOOPSPERMSEC. You simply use a stop watch to measure the 100 second delay then adjust CONFIG_ARCH_LOOPSPERMSEC until the delay actually is 100 seconds. PIC32MX Configuration CONFIG_PIC32MX_MVEC - Select muli- vs. single-vectored interrupts Individual subsystems can be enabled: CONFIG_PIC32MX_WDT - Watchdog timer CONFIG_PIC32MX_T2 - Timer 2 (Timer 1 is the system time and always enabled) CONFIG_PIC32MX_T3 - Timer 3 CONFIG_PIC32MX_T4 - Timer 4 CONFIG_PIC32MX_T5 - Timer 5 CONFIG_PIC32MX_IC1 - Input Capture 1 CONFIG_PIC32MX_IC2 - Input Capture 2 CONFIG_PIC32MX_IC3 - Input Capture 3 CONFIG_PIC32MX_IC4 - Input Capture 4 CONFIG_PIC32MX_IC5 - Input Capture 5 CONFIG_PIC32MX_OC1 - Output Compare 1 CONFIG_PIC32MX_OC2 - Output Compare 2 CONFIG_PIC32MX_OC3 - Output Compare 3 CONFIG_PIC32MX_OC4 - Output Compare 4 CONFIG_PIC32MX_OC5 - Output Compare 5 CONFIG_PIC32MX_I2C1 - I2C 1 CONFIG_PIC32MX_I2C2 - I2C 2 CONFIG_PIC32MX_I2C3 - I2C 3 CONFIG_PIC32MX_I2C4 - I2C 4 CONFIG_PIC32MX_I2C5 - I2C 5 CONFIG_PIC32MX_SPI1 - SPI 1 CONFIG_PIC32MX_SPI2 - SPI 2 CONFIG_PIC32MX_SPI3 - SPI 3 CONFIG_PIC32MX_SPI4 - SPI 4 CONFIG_PIC32MX_UART1 - UART 1 CONFIG_PIC32MX_UART2 - UART 2 CONFIG_PIC32MX_UART3 - UART 3 CONFIG_PIC32MX_UART4 - UART 4 CONFIG_PIC32MX_UART5 - UART 5 CONFIG_PIC32MX_UART6 - UART 6 CONFIG_PIC32MX_ADC - ADC 1 CONFIG_PIC32MX_PMP - Parallel Master Port CONFIG_PIC32MX_CM1 - Comparator 1 CONFIG_PIC32MX_CM2 - Comparator 2 CONFIG_PIC32MX_RTCC - Real-Time Clock and Calendar CONFIG_PIC32MX_DMA - DMA CONFIG_PIC32MX_FLASH - FLASH CONFIG_PIC32MX_USBDEV - USB device CONFIG_PIC32MX_USBHOST - USB host CONFIG_PIC32MX_CAN1 - Controller area network 1 CONFIG_PIC32MX_CAN2 - Controller area network 2 CONFIG_PIC32MX_ETHERNET - Ethernet PIC32MX Configuration Settings DEVCFG0: CONFIG_PIC32MX_DEBUGGER - Background Debugger Enable. Default 3 (disabled). The value 2 enables. CONFIG_PIC32MX_ICESEL - In-Circuit Emulator/Debugger Communication Channel Select Default 1 (PG2) CONFIG_PIC32MX_PROGFLASHWP - Program FLASH write protect. Default 0xff (disabled) CONFIG_PIC32MX_BOOTFLASHWP - Default 1 (disabled) CONFIG_PIC32MX_CODEWP - Default 1 (disabled) DEVCFG1: (All settings determined by selections in board.h) DEVCFG2: (All settings determined by selections in board.h) DEVCFG3: CONFIG_PIC32MX_USBIDO - USB USBID Selection. Default 1 if USB enabled (USBID pin is controlled by the USB module), but 0 (GPIO) otherwise. CONFIG_PIC32MX_VBUSIO - USB VBUSON Selection (Default 1 if USB enabled (VBUSON pin is controlled by the USB module, but 0 (GPIO) otherwise. CONFIG_PIC32MX_WDENABLE - Enabled watchdog on power up. Default 0 (watchdog can be enabled later by software). The priority of interrupts may be specified. The value ranage of priority is 4-31. The default (16) will be used if these any of these are undefined. CONFIG_PIC32MX_CTPRIO - Core Timer Interrupt CONFIG_PIC32MX_CS0PRIO - Core Software Interrupt 0 CONFIG_PIC32MX_CS1PRIO - Core Software Interrupt 1 CONFIG_PIC32MX_INT0PRIO - External Interrupt 0 CONFIG_PIC32MX_INT1PRIO - External Interrupt 1 CONFIG_PIC32MX_INT2PRIO - External Interrupt 2 CONFIG_PIC32MX_INT3PRIO - External Interrupt 3 CONFIG_PIC32MX_INT4PRIO - External Interrupt 4 CONFIG_PIC32MX_FSCMPRIO - Fail-Safe Clock Monitor CONFIG_PIC32MX_T1PRIO - Timer 1 (System timer) priority CONFIG_PIC32MX_T2PRIO - Timer 2 priority CONFIG_PIC32MX_T3PRIO - Timer 3 priority CONFIG_PIC32MX_T4PRIO - Timer 4 priority CONFIG_PIC32MX_T5PRIO - Timer 5 priority CONFIG_PIC32MX_IC1PRIO - Input Capture 1 CONFIG_PIC32MX_IC2PRIO - Input Capture 2 CONFIG_PIC32MX_IC3PRIO - Input Capture 3 CONFIG_PIC32MX_IC4PRIO - Input Capture 4 CONFIG_PIC32MX_IC5PRIO - Input Capture 5 CONFIG_PIC32MX_OC1PRIO - Output Compare 1 CONFIG_PIC32MX_OC2PRIO - Output Compare 2 CONFIG_PIC32MX_OC3PRIO - Output Compare 3 CONFIG_PIC32MX_OC4PRIO - Output Compare 4 CONFIG_PIC32MX_OC5PRIO - Output Compare 5 CONFIG_PIC32MX_I2C1PRIO - I2C 1 CONFIG_PIC32MX_I2C2PRIO - I2C 2 CONFIG_PIC32MX_I2C3PRIO - I2C 3 CONFIG_PIC32MX_I2C4PRIO - I2C 4 CONFIG_PIC32MX_I2C5PRIO - I2C 5 CONFIG_PIC32MX_SPI2PRIO - SPI 2 CONFIG_PIC32MX_UART1PRIO - UART 1 CONFIG_PIC32MX_UART2PRIO - UART 2 CONFIG_PIC32MX_CN - Input Change Interrupt CONFIG_PIC32MX_ADCPRIO - ADC1 Convert Done CONFIG_PIC32MX_PMPPRIO - Parallel Master Port CONFIG_PIC32MX_CM1PRIO - Comparator 1 CONFIG_PIC32MX_CM2PRIO - Comparator 2 CONFIG_PIC32MX_FSCMPRIO - Fail-Safe Clock Monitor CONFIG_PIC32MX_RTCCPRIO - Real-Time Clock and Calendar CONFIG_PIC32MX_DMA0PRIO - DMA Channel 0 CONFIG_PIC32MX_DMA1PRIO - DMA Channel 1 CONFIG_PIC32MX_DMA2PRIO - DMA Channel 2 CONFIG_PIC32MX_DMA3PRIO - DMA Channel 3 CONFIG_PIC32MX_DMA4PRIO - DMA Channel 4 CONFIG_PIC32MX_DMA5PRIO - DMA Channel 5 CONFIG_PIC32MX_DMA6PRIO - DMA Channel 6 CONFIG_PIC32MX_DMA7PRIO - DMA Channel 7 CONFIG_PIC32MX_FCEPRIO - Flash Control Event CONFIG_PIC32MX_USBPRIO - USB PIC32MXx specific device driver settings. NOTE: For the Ethernet starter kit, there is no RS-232 connector (even with the MEB). See discussion above ("") for information about how you can configure an external MAX2232 board to get a serial console. CONFIG_UARTn_SERIAL_CONSOLE - selects the UARTn for the console and ttys0 (default is the UART0). CONFIG_UARTn_RXBUFSIZE - Characters are buffered as received. This specific the size of the receive buffer CONFIG_UARTn_TXBUFSIZE - Characters are buffered before being sent. This specific the size of the transmit buffer CONFIG_UARTn_BAUD - The configure BAUD of the UART. Must be CONFIG_UARTn_BITS - The number of bits. Must be either 7 or 8. CONFIG_UARTn_PARTIY - 0=no parity, 1=odd parity, 2=even parity CONFIG_UARTn_2STOP - Two stop bits PIC32MX specific PHY/Ethernet device driver settings CONFIG_PHY_KS8721 - Selects the Micrel KS8721 PHY CONFIG_PHY_DP83848C - Selects the National Semiconduction DP83848C PHY CONFIG_PHY_LAN8720 - Selects the SMSC LAN8720 PHY CONFIG_PHY_AUTONEG - Enable auto-negotion CONFIG_PHY_SPEED100 - Select 100Mbit vs. 10Mbit speed. CONFIG_PHY_FDUPLEX - Select full (vs. half) duplex CONFIG_NET_NTXDESC - Configured number of Tx descriptors. Default: 2 CONFIG_NET_NRXDESC - Configured number of Rx descriptors. Default: 4 CONFIG_NET_PRIORITY - Ethernet interrupt priority. The is default is the higest priority. CONFIG_NET_WOL - Enable Wake-up on Lan (not fully implemented). CONFIG_NET_DUMPPACKET - Dump all received and transmitted packets. Also needs CONFIG_DEBUG. CONFIG_NET_REGDEBUG - Enabled low level register debug. Also needs CONFIG_DEBUG. CONFIG_NET_HASH - Enable receipt of near-perfect match frames. CONFIG_NET_MULTICAST - Enable receipt of multicast (and unicast) frames. Automatically set if CONFIG_NET_IGMP is selected. Related DEVCFG3 Configuration Settings: CONFIG_PIC32MX_FETHIO: Ethernet I/O Pin Selection bit: 1 = Default Ethernet I/O Pins 0 = Alternate Ethernet I/O Pins CONFIG_PIC32MX_FMIIEN: Ethernet MII Enable bit 1 = MII enabled 0 = RMII enabled PIC32MXx USB Device Configuration PIC32MXx USB Host Configuration (the PIC32MX does not support USB Host) Configurations ============== Each PIC32MX configuration is maintained in a sudirectory and can be selected as follow: cd tools ./ pic32mx7mmb/ cd - . ./ Where is one of the following: ostest: ======= Description. ------------ This configuration directory, performs a simple OS test using apps/examples/ostest. Serial Output. -------------- The OS test produces all of its test output on the serial console. This configuration has UART1 enabled as a serial console. I have been unable to get this UART work on the MEB. But on the Expansion I/O board, this maps to RX = J11 pin 41 and TX = J11 pin 43 nsh: ==== Description. ------------ This is the NuttShell (NSH) using the NSH startup logic at apps/examples/nsh. Serial Output. -------------- The OS test produces all of its test output on the serial console. This configuration has UART1 enabled as a serial console. I have been unable to get this UART work on the MEB. But on the Expansion I/O board, this maps to RX = J11 pin 41 and TX = J11 pin 43 USB Configuations. ----------------- Several USB device configurations can be enabled and included as NSH built-in built in functions. To use USB device, connect the starter kit to the host using a cable with a Type-B micro-plug to the starter kit’s micro-A/B port J5, located on the bottom side of the starter kit. The other end of the cable must have a Type-A plug. Connect it to a USB host. Jumper JP2 should be removed. All USB device configurations require the following basic setup in your NuttX configuration file to enable USB device support: CONFIG_USBDEV=y : Enable basic USB device support CONFIG_PIC32MX_USBDEV=y : Enable PIC32 USB device support examples/usbterm - This option can be enabled by uncommenting the following line in the appconfig file: CONFIGURED_APPS += examples/usbterm And by enabling one of the USB serial devices: CONFIG_PL2303=y : Enable the Prolifics PL2303 emulation CONFIG_CDCACM=y : or the CDC/ACM serial driver (not both) examples/cdcacm - The examples/cdcacm program can be included as an function by uncommenting the following line in the appconfig file: CONFIGURED_APPS += examples/cdcacm and defining the following in your .config file: CONFIG_CDCACM=y : Enable the CDCACM device examples/usbstorage - There are some hooks in the appconfig file to enable the USB mass storage device. However, this device cannot work until support for the SD card is also incorporated. Networking Configuations. ------------------------- Several Networking configurations can be enabled and included as NSH built-in built in functions. The following additional configuration settings are required: CONFIG_NET=y : Enable networking support CONFIG_PIC32MX_ETHERNET=y : Enable the PIC32 Ethernet driver CONFIG_NSH_TELNET=y : Enable the Telnet NSH console (optional) NOTES: 1. This logic will assume that a network is connected. During its initialization, it will try to negotiate the link speed. If you have no network connected when you reset the board, there will be a long delay (maybe 30 seconds?) before anything happens. That is the timeout before the networking finally gives up and decides that no network is available. 2. This example can support an FTP client. In order to build in FTP client support simply uncomment the following lines in the appconfig file (before configuring) or in the apps/.config file (after configuring): #CONFIGURED_APPS += netutils/ftpc #CONFIGURED_APPS += examples/ftpc 3. This example can support an FTP server. In order to build in FTP server support simply uncomment the following lines in the appconfig file (before configuring) or in the apps/.config file (after configuring): #CONFIGURED_APPS += netutils/ftpd #CONFIGURED_APPS += examples/ftpd And enable poll() support in the NuttX configuration file: CONFIG_DISABLE_POLL=n nsh2: ===== This is an alternative NSH configuration. Without the Expansion I/O board, there is no way to connect a serial console. This NSH alternative supports only a Telnet console. The nsh2 differs from the nsh configuration in the following ways: 1. Networking is enabled: CONFIG_NET=y : Enable networking support CONFIG_PIC32MX_ETHERNET=y : Enable the PIC32 Ethernet driver CONFIG_NSH_CONSOLE=n : Disable NSH serial console CONFIG_NSH_TELNET=y : Enable the Telnet NSH console See apps/nshlib/README.txt for other NSH networking-related configuration settings. 2. UART1 is disabled CONFIG_PIC32MX_UART1=n : UART1 is disabled (as well as other UARTs) CONFIG_UART1_SERIAL_CONSOLE=n : There is no serial console 3. The RAM log is enabled" CONFIG_SYSLOG=y : Enables the System Logging feature. CONFIG_RAMLOG=y : Enable the RAM-based logging feature. CONFIG_RAMLOG_CONSOLE=n : (there is no default console device) CONFIG_RAMLOG_SYSLOG=y : This enables the RAM-based logger as the system logger. Logging is currently set up to use 16Kb of memory: CONFIG_RAMLOG_CONSOLE_BUFSIZE=16384 There are a few other configuration differences as necessary to support this different device configuration. Just the do the 'diff' if you are curious. NOTES: See the notes for the nsh configuration. Most also apply to the nsh2 configuration. Using a RAM disk and the USB MSC device with nsh and nsh2 --------------------------------------------------------- Here is an experimental change to either examples/nsh or examples/nsh2 that will create a RAM disk and attempt to export that RAM disk as a USB mass storage device. 1. Changes to nuttx/.config a) Enable support for the PIC32 USB device -CONFIG_PIC32MX_USBDEV=n +CONFIG_PIC32MX_USBDEV=y b) Enable NuttX USB device support -CONFIG_USBDEV=n +CONFIG_USBDEV=y c) Enable the USB MSC class driver -CONFIG_USBMSC=n +CONFIG_USBMSC=y d) Use a RAM disk (instead of an SD card) as the USB MSC logical unit: -CONFIG_EXAMPLES_USBMSC_DEVPATH1="/dev/mmcsd0" +CONFIG_EXAMPLES_USBMSC_DEVPATH1="/dev/ram0" 2. Changes to nuttx/.config. a) Enable building of the examples/usbstorage: -# CONFIGURED_APPS += examples/usbstorage + CONFIGURED_APPS += examples/usbstorage 3. When NSH first comes up, you must manually create the RAM disk before exporting it: a) Create a 64Kb RAM disk at /dev/ram0: nsh> mkrd -s 512 128 b) Put a FAT file system on the RAM disk: nsh> mkfatfs /dev/ram0 b) Now the 'msconn' command will connect to the host and export /dev/ram0 as the USB logical unit: nsh> msconn NOTE: This modification should be considered experimental. IN the little testing I have done with it, it appears functional. But the logic has not been stressed and there could still be lurking issues. Update. The following was added to the top-level TODO list: Title: PIC32 USB DRIVER DOES NOT WORK WITH MASS STORAGE CLASS Description: The PIC32 USB driver either crashes or hangs when used with the mass storage class when trying to write files to the target storage device. This usually works with debug on, but does not work with debug OFF (implying some race condition?) Here are some details of what I see in debugging: 1. The USB MSC device completes processing of a read request and returns the read request to the driver. 2. Before the MSC device can even begin the wait for the next driver, many packets come in at interrupt level. The MSC device goes to sleep (on pthread_cond_wait) with all of the read buffers ready (16 in my test case). 3. The pthread_cond_wait() does not wake up. This implies a problem with pthread_con_wait(?). But in other cases, the MSC device does wake up, but then immediately crashes because its stack is bad. 4. If I force the pthread_cond_wait to wake up (by using pthread_cond_timedwait instead), then the thread wakes up and crashes with a bad stack. So far, I have no clue why this is failing. Status: Open Priority: High