## ## This file is maintained by Ansible - ALL MODIFICATIONS WILL BE REVERTED ## {% if 'ControlMachine' not in __slurm_config_merged and 'SlurmctldHost' not in __slurm_config_merged %} # Default, define SlurmctldHost or ControlMachine to override ControlMachine=localhost {% endif %} # Configuration options {% for key in __slurm_config_merged | sort %} {% set val = __slurm_config_merged[key] %} {% if val is not none and val != omit %} {{ key }}={{ 'YES' if val is sameas true else ('NO' if val is sameas false else val) }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} # Nodes {% for i in slurm_nodes %} NodeName={{ i.name }}{% for k in i | sort if k != 'name' %} {{ k }}={{ 'YES' if i[k] is sameas true else ('NO' if i[k] is sameas false else i[k]) }}{% endfor %} {% else %} NodeName=localhost State=UNKNOWN {% endfor %} # Partitions {% for i in slurm_partitions %} PartitionName={{ i.name }}{% for k in i | sort if k != 'name' %} {{ k }}={{ 'YES' if i[k] is sameas true else ('NO' if i[k] is sameas false else i[k]) }}{% endfor %} {% else %} PartitionName=debug Default=YES Nodes={{ (slurm_nodes[0] | default({})).name | default('localhost') }} State=UP {% endfor %}