# trajectory tracking aerobatic control # See README.md for usage # Written by Matthew Hampsey, Andy Palmer and Andrew Tridgell, with controller # assistance from Paul Riseborough, testing by Henry Wurzburg # To use this schedule put the file on your microSD in the root directory # (not the APM directory) with name trick91.txt The schedule can then be # used in auto missions or in TRIKn_ID commands for tricks on a switch # This schedule is set up to be flown Left to Right. The schedule starts downwind - so # the mission should be set up with WP's lined up on the flight line (150m out from the # pilot), and the mission should be triggered when the plane gets to the center marker # heading RIGHT to LEFT. Schedule direction is reversed with aerom_scale = -1 (and # remember to reverse the mission WP's as well). Note the required height is greater # than 400 feet - so only fly at an airfield where there is a 1500 foot clearance # This is an example of a F4C Scale schedule. Some manouvers are flown over the center # line of the runway. Please understand the behaviour by flying in SITL before flying this # schedule with a real aircraft! Your aircraft requires adequate performance to complete # the schedule name: F4CScaleExampleSchedule function half_climbing_circle(radius, height, bank_angle, arg4) return make_paths("half_climbing_circle", { { path_horizontal_arc(radius, 180, height), roll_angle_entry_exit(bank_angle) }, }) end function scale_figure_eight(r, bank_angle, arg3, arg4) local rabs = math.abs(r) return make_paths("scale_figure_eight", { { path_straight(rabs), roll_angle(0) }, { path_horizontal_arc(r, 90), roll_angle_entry_exit(bank_angle) }, { path_horizontal_arc(-r, 360), roll_angle_entry_exit(-bank_angle) }, { path_horizontal_arc(r, 270), roll_angle_entry_exit(bank_angle) }, { path_straight(3*rabs), roll_angle(0) }, }) end function immelmann_turn(r, arg2, arg3, arg4) local rabs = math.abs(r) return make_paths("immelmann_turn", { { path_vertical_arc(r, 180), roll_angle(0) }, { path_straight(rabs/2), roll_angle(180) }, }) end function climbing_circle(radius, height, bank_angle, arg4) return make_paths("climbing_circle", { { path_horizontal_arc(radius, 360, height), roll_angle_entry_exit(bank_angle) }, }) end function upline_20(r, height_gain, arg3, arg4) local h = (height_gain - 2*r*(1.0-math.cos(math.rad(20))))/math.sin(math.rad(20)) assert(h >= 0) return make_paths("upline_45", { { path_vertical_arc(r, 20), roll_angle(0) }, { path_straight(h), roll_angle(0) }, { path_vertical_arc(-r, 20), roll_angle(0) }, }) end function loop(radius, bank_angle, num_loops, arg4) if not num_loops or num_loops <= 0 then num_loops = 1 end return make_paths("loop", { { path_vertical_arc(radius, 360*num_loops), roll_angle_entry_exit(bank_angle) }, }) end function half_reverse_cuban_eight(r, arg2, arg3, arg4) local rabs = math.abs(r) return make_paths("half_reverse_cuban_eight", { { path_vertical_arc(r, 45), roll_angle(0) }, { path_straight(2*rabs/3), roll_angle(0) }, { path_straight(2*rabs/3), roll_angle(180) }, { path_straight(2*rabs/3), roll_angle(0) }, { path_vertical_arc(-r, 225), roll_angle(0) }, }) end function split_s(r, arg2, arg3, arg4) local rabs = math.abs(r) return make_paths("split_s", { { path_straight(rabs/2), roll_angle(180) }, { path_vertical_arc(-r, 180), roll_angle(0) }, }) end function derry_turn(radius, bank_angle, arg3, arg4) return make_paths("derry_turn", { { path_horizontal_arc(radius, 90), roll_angle_entry_exit(bank_angle) }, { path_horizontal_arc(-radius, 90), roll_angle_entry_exit(-bank_angle) }, }) end function barrel_roll(radius, length, num_spirals, arg4) local gamma_deg = math.deg(math.atan((length/num_spirals)/(2*math.pi*radius))) local speed = target_groundspeed() local bank = math.deg(math.atan((speed*speed) / (radius * GRAVITY_MSS))) local radius2 = radius/(1.0 - math.cos(math.rad(90-gamma_deg))) return make_paths("barrel_roll", { { path_horizontal_arc(-radius2, 90-gamma_deg, 0), roll_angle_entry_exit(-bank) }, { path_cylinder(radius, length, num_spirals), roll_angle(0) }, { path_horizontal_arc(radius2, 90-gamma_deg, 0), roll_angle_entry_exit(bank) }, }) end straight_roll 20 0 side_step 15 70 straight_roll 200 half_climbing_circle -65 0 -50 straight_roll 10 0 align_center message: ScaleFigureEight scale_figure_eight -140 -35 straight_roll 20 0 immelmann_turn 90 align_center message: Descending360 climbing_circle 180 -225 40 straight_roll 40 0 upline_20 100 45 straight_roll 20 0 half_climbing_circle 65 0 50 align_center message: Loop loop 80 0 1 straight_align -40 half_reverse_cuban_eight 80 align_center message: ImmelmannTurn immelmann_turn 80 straight_align -140 split_s 80 align_center message: HalfCubanEight half_cuban_eight 80 straight_align -180 half_climbing_circle 65 0 50 align_center message: DerryTurn derry_turn 140 60 straight_roll 80 0 half_climbing_circle -140 0 -50 align_center message: GearDemo climbing_circle -140 0 -40 straight_roll 290 0 half_climbing_circle -105 0 -45 align_center message: BarrelRoll barrel_roll 80 260 1 straight_roll 5 0 half_cuban_eight 80 straight_roll 60 0