# example airshow in a loadable file
# to use the airshow put the file on your microSD in the root
# directory with name trickNN.txt where NN is the command ID you want
# to assign. The trick can then be used in auto missions or in
# TRIKn_ID commands for tricks on a switch

# you can use name: to give your sequence a name
name: SuperAirShow

# you can add messages to display on the GCS/OSD while flying
message: Loop
loop 25 0 1

straight_align 80
message: HalfReverseCubanEight
half_reverse_cuban_eight   25

straight_align 80
message: ScaleFigureEight
scale_figure_eight -40 -45

message: Immelmann
immelmann_turn 30

straight_align -40
message: Roll
straight_roll 80 2

straight_align 120 0
message: Split-S
split_s  30
straight_align 0

message: RollingCircle
rolling_circle -50 2
straight_align -50

message: HumptyBump
humpty_bump 20 60
straight_align 80

message: HalfCubanEight
half_cuban_eight 25
straight_align 75

message: BarrellRoll
barrell_roll 30 100 2

message: ProcedureTurn
procedure_turn 30 45 30

# get back to the start point
straight_align 0