_subdirectory: src _answers_file: .copier/answers.service-ros2-ament_cmake.yml PACKAGE_NAME: default: myproject type: str help: The folder your package lives in. Please avoid spaces. It should start with a lower case letter and only contain lower case letters, digits, underscores, and dashes. PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION: default: The {{PACKAGE_NAME}} package type: str multiline: true MAINTAINER_NAME: No Reply MAINTAINER_EMAIL: "{{MAINTAINER_NAME|lower|replace(' ', '.')}}@spirirobotics.com" LICENSE: BSD #We use a custom launch script to ensure that rosrun logs to console and have it not accidently launch the master node itself, which can be hard to diagnose LANGUAGES: type: str multiselect: true help: Which langauges do you want to use? choices: - Python - CPP RUN_COMMAND: ros2 run {{ PACKAGE_NAME }} {{ "my_python_node" if 'Python' in LANGUAGES else "my_node" if "CPP" in LANGUAGES else "yourcommandGoes here" }} ENABLE_NVIDIA_GPU: default: False type: bool help: | ENABLE_NVIDIA_GPU Enabling nvidia gpus make deployment much more complicated. Ensure you have the nvidia container toolkit installed and working properly. HEALTHCHECK: default: HEALTHCHECK --start-period=60s --start-interval=1s CMD /ros_entrypoint.sh ros2 topic list type: str help: | Set a health check. This stub health check just sees if we can talk to the ROS master