#!/bin/bash # EchoMAV, LLC # This script sets up a static network on the EchoPilot AI using NetworkManager (nmcli) # usage: static-network.sh -i {interface} -a {ip_addres|auto|dhcp} -g {gateway(optional)} # If auto is used, the static IP address will be set to 10.223.x.y where x and y are the last two octects of the network interface mac address # The first two octets cab be changed per IP_PREFIX # An alias is also added to the interface with the value of BACKDOOR_ADDR IP_PREFIX="192.168" BACKDOOR_ADDR="" sigterm_handler() { echo "Shutdown signal received." exit 1 } ## Setup signal trap trap 'trap " " SIGINT SIGTERM SIGHUP; kill 0; wait; sigterm_handler' SIGINT SIGTERM SIGHUP SUDO=$(test ${EUID} -ne 0 && which sudo) function print_help { echo "Usage: ./static-network.sh -i interface_name -a ip_addres|auto -g gateway_address(optional)" >&2 ; } # process args while getopts :i:a:g:h: flag; do case "${flag}" in h) print_help exit 1 ;; i) IFACE=${OPTARG};; a) IP_INPUT=${OPTARG};; g) GATEWAY=${OPTARG};; *) print_help exit 1 ;; esac done # check mandatory arguments if [ -z $IP_INPUT ]; then echo 'Missing mandatory -a argument' >&2 print_help exit 1 fi if [ -z $IFACE ]; then echo 'Missing mandatory -i argument' >&2 print_help exit 1 fi if [ $IP_INPUT = "auto" ]; then ifconfig ${IFACE} &> /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo "ERROR: Failed to get information for interface ${IFACE}, does it really exist?" echo "" echo "Here is output of ip link show:" ip link show exit 1 fi echo "Determining the auto static IP address for interface ${IFACE}..."; # Get the mac address MAC_ADDRESS=$(ifconfig ${IFACE} | awk '/ether/ {print $2}') OCT1DEC=$((0x`ifconfig ${IFACE} | awk '/ether/ {print $2}' | awk '{split($0,a,"[:]"); print a[5]}'`)) OCT2DEC=$((0x`ifconfig ${IFACE} | awk '/ether/ {print $2}' | awk '{split($0,a,"[:]"); print a[6]}'`)) echo "MAC address for ${IFACE} is $MAC_ADDRESS"; if ! [[ $OCT1DEC =~ ^[0-9]{1,3} && $OCT2DEC =~ ^[0-9]{1,3} ]] ; then echo "Error: Failure calculating the target IP address" >&2; exit 1 fi HOST="$IP_PREFIX.$OCT1DEC.$OCT2DEC"; NETMASK=16; echo "Auto-calculated IP is $HOST/$NETMASK"; elif [ $IP_INPUT = "dhcp" ]; then #if static-iface exists, then mod to dhcp exist=$(nmcli c show "static-$IFACE" 2>/dev/null) if [ ! -z "$exist" ] ; then # delete the interface if it exists $SUDO nmcli con mod "static-$IFACE" ipv4.method auto $SUDO nmcli con mod "static-$IFACE" ipv4.gateway "" $SUDO nmcli con mod "static-$IFACE" ipv4.addresses "" $SUDO nmcli con down "static-$IFACE" $SUDO nmcli con up "static-$IFACE" else echo "Error: connection static-$IFACE is not found. This script is only designed to convert an existing static-$IFACE to DHCP"; fi echo "Connection static-$IFACE is now set to DHCP"; exit else # validate ip address if [[ ! $IP_INPUT =~ ^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\/[0-9]{1,3}$ ]]; then echo "ERROR! Invalid IP Address, should be x.x.x.x/y where y is the subnet mask" >&2; exit 1 fi HOST=$(echo ${IP_INPUT} | cut -d/ -f 1); NETMASK=$(echo ${IP_INPUT} | cut -d/ -f 2); echo "Configuring ${IFACE} with the provided static IP address ${HOST}/${NETMASK}"; fi # check if there is a connection called Wired connection 1", if so take it down and delete\ state=$(nmcli -f GENERAL.STATE c show "Wired connection 1" 2>/dev/null) if [[ "$state" == *activated* ]] ; then # take the interface down $SUDO nmcli c down "Wired connection 1" fi exist=$(nmcli c show "Wired connection 1" 2>/dev/null) if [ ! -z "$exist" ] ; then # delete the interface if it exists echo "Removing Wired connection 1..." $SUDO nmcli c delete "Wired connection 1" fi # check if there is already an interface called static-$IFACE, if so take down and delete state=$(nmcli -f GENERAL.STATE c show "static-$IFACE" 2>/dev/null) if [[ "$state" == *activated* ]] ; then # take the interface down $SUDO nmcli c down "static-$IFACE" fi exist=$(nmcli c show "static-$IFACE" 2>/dev/null) if [ ! -z "$exist" ] ; then # delete the interface if it exists $SUDO nmcli c delete "static-$IFACE" fi echo "Creating new connection static-$IFACE..." $SUDO nmcli c add con-name "static-$IFACE" ifname $IFACE type ethernet ip4 $HOST/$NETMASK # if gateway was provided, add that info to the connection if [[ "$GATEWAY" == *.* ]] then echo "Defining gateway ${GATEWAY}..."; $SUDO nmcli c mod "static-$IFACE" ifname $IFACE gw4 $GATEWAY fi # add backdoor ip address $SUDO nmcli c mod "static-$IFACE" +ipv4.addresses "$BACKDOOR_ADDR" # bring up the interface $SUDO nmcli c up "static-$IFACE" echo ""; echo "Static Ethernet Configuration Successful! Interface $IFACE is set to $HOST/$NETMASK" echo ""