message("Adding Custom Plugin") #-- Version control # Major and minor versions are defined here (manually) CUSTOM_QGC_VER_MAJOR = 0 CUSTOM_QGC_VER_MINOR = 0 CUSTOM_QGC_VER_FIRST_BUILD = 0 # Build number is automatic # Uses the current branch. This way it works on any branch including build-server's PR branches CUSTOM_QGC_VER_BUILD = $$system(git --git-dir ../.git rev-list $$GIT_BRANCH --first-parent --count) win32 { CUSTOM_QGC_VER_BUILD = $$system("set /a $$CUSTOM_QGC_VER_BUILD - $$CUSTOM_QGC_VER_FIRST_BUILD") } else { CUSTOM_QGC_VER_BUILD = $$system("echo $(($$CUSTOM_QGC_VER_BUILD - $$CUSTOM_QGC_VER_FIRST_BUILD))") } CUSTOM_QGC_VERSION = $${CUSTOM_QGC_VER_MAJOR}.$${CUSTOM_QGC_VER_MINOR}.$${CUSTOM_QGC_VER_BUILD} DEFINES -= APP_VERSION_STR=\"\\\"$$APP_VERSION_STR\\\"\" DEFINES += APP_VERSION_STR=\"\\\"$$CUSTOM_QGC_VERSION\\\"\" message(Custom QGC Version: $${CUSTOM_QGC_VERSION}) # Build a single flight stack by disabling APM support CONFIG += QGC_DISABLE_APM_MAVLINK CONFIG += QGC_DISABLE_APM_PLUGIN QGC_DISABLE_APM_PLUGIN_FACTORY # We implement our own PX4 plugin factory CONFIG += QGC_DISABLE_PX4_PLUGIN_FACTORY # Branding DEFINES += CUSTOMHEADER=\"\\\"CustomPlugin.h\\\"\" DEFINES += CUSTOMCLASS=CustomPlugin TARGET = CustomQGroundControl DEFINES += QGC_APPLICATION_NAME='"\\\"Custom QGroundControl\\\""' DEFINES += QGC_ORG_NAME=\"\\\"\\\"\" DEFINES += QGC_ORG_DOMAIN=\"\\\"org.qgroundcontrol\\\"\" QGC_APP_NAME = "Custom QGroundControl" QGC_BINARY_NAME = "CustomQGroundControl" QGC_ORG_NAME = "Custom" QGC_ORG_DOMAIN = "org.custom" QGC_ANDROID_PACKAGE = "org.custom.qgroundcontrol" QGC_APP_DESCRIPTION = "Custom QGroundControl" QGC_APP_COPYRIGHT = "Copyright (C) 2020 QGroundControl Development Team. All rights reserved." # Our own, custom resources RESOURCES += \ $$PWD/custom.qrc QML_IMPORT_PATH += \ $$PWD/res # Our own, custom sources SOURCES += \ $$PWD/src/ \ HEADERS += \ $$PWD/src/CustomPlugin.h \ INCLUDEPATH += \ $$PWD/src \ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Custom Firmware/AutoPilot Plugin INCLUDEPATH += \ $$PWD/src/FirmwarePlugin \ $$PWD/src/AutoPilotPlugin HEADERS+= \ $$PWD/src/AutoPilotPlugin/CustomAutoPilotPlugin.h \ $$PWD/src/FirmwarePlugin/CustomFirmwarePlugin.h \ $$PWD/src/FirmwarePlugin/CustomFirmwarePluginFactory.h \ SOURCES += \ $$PWD/src/AutoPilotPlugin/ \ $$PWD/src/FirmwarePlugin/ \ $$PWD/src/FirmwarePlugin/ \