CLVault ======= CLVault uses Keyring to provide a command-line utility to safely store and retrieve passwords. Install it using pip or the script:: $ python install $ pip install clvault Once it's installed, you will have three scripts installed in your Python scripts folder, you can use to list, store and retrieve passwords:: $ clvault-set blog Set your password: Set the associated username (can be blank): tarek Set a description (can be blank): My blog password Password set. $ clvault-get blog The username is "tarek" The password has been copied in your clipboard $ clvault-list Registered services: blog My blog password *clvault-set* takes a service name then prompt you for a password, and some optional information about your service. The password is safely stored in a keyring while the description is saved in a ``.clvault`` file in your home directory. This file is created automatically the first time the command is used. *clvault-get* copies the password for a given service in your clipboard, and displays the associated user if any. *clvault-list* lists all registered services, with their description when given. Project page: