from import run_unittest import unittest class base_set: def __init__(self, el): self.el = el class set(base_set): def __contains__(self, el): return self.el == el class seq(base_set): def __getitem__(self, n): return [self.el][n] class TestContains(unittest.TestCase): def test_common_tests(self): a = base_set(1) b = set(1) c = seq(1) self.assert_(1 in b) self.assert_(0 not in b) self.assert_(1 in c) self.assert_(0 not in c) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: 1 in a) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: 1 not in a) # test char in string self.assert_('c' in 'abc') self.assert_('d' not in 'abc') self.assert_('' in '') self.assert_('' in 'abc') self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: None in 'abc') def test_builtin_sequence_types(self): # a collection of tests on builtin sequence types a = range(10) for i in a: self.assert_(i in a) self.assert_(16 not in a) self.assert_(a not in a) a = tuple(a) for i in a: self.assert_(i in a) self.assert_(16 not in a) self.assert_(a not in a) class Deviant1: """Behaves strangely when compared This class is designed to make sure that the contains code works when the list is modified during the check. """ aList = range(15) def __cmp__(self, other): if other == 12: self.aList.remove(12) self.aList.remove(13) self.aList.remove(14) return 1 self.assert_(Deviant1() not in Deviant1.aList) class Deviant2: """Behaves strangely when compared This class raises an exception during comparison. That in turn causes the comparison to fail with a TypeError. """ def __cmp__(self, other): if other == 4: raise RuntimeError("gotcha") try: self.assert_(Deviant2() not in a) except TypeError: pass def test_main(): run_unittest(TestContains) if __name__ == '__main__': test_main()