#include "Copter.h" #include /* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* * ArduCopter parameter definitions * */ #if FRAME_CONFIG == HELI_FRAME // 6 here is AP_Motors::MOTOR_FRAME_HELI #define DEFAULT_FRAME_CLASS 6 #else #define DEFAULT_FRAME_CLASS 0 #endif const AP_Param::Info Copter::var_info[] = { // @Param: FORMAT_VERSION // @DisplayName: Eeprom format version number // @Description: This value is incremented when changes are made to the eeprom format // @User: Advanced // @ReadOnly: True GSCALAR(format_version, "FORMAT_VERSION", 0), // @Param: SYSID_THISMAV // @DisplayName: MAVLink system ID of this vehicle // @Description: Allows setting an individual MAVLink system id for this vehicle to distinguish it from others on the same network // @Range: 1 255 // @User: Advanced GSCALAR(sysid_this_mav, "SYSID_THISMAV", MAV_SYSTEM_ID), // @Param: SYSID_MYGCS // @DisplayName: My ground station number // @Description: Allows restricting radio overrides to only come from my ground station // @Range: 1 255 // @Increment: 1 // @User: Advanced GSCALAR(sysid_my_gcs, "SYSID_MYGCS", 255), // @Param: PILOT_THR_FILT // @DisplayName: Throttle filter cutoff // @Description: Throttle filter cutoff (Hz) - active whenever altitude control is inactive - 0 to disable // @User: Advanced // @Units: Hz // @Range: 0 10 // @Increment: .5 GSCALAR(throttle_filt, "PILOT_THR_FILT", 0), // @Param: PILOT_TKOFF_ALT // @DisplayName: Pilot takeoff altitude // @Description: Altitude that altitude control modes will climb to when a takeoff is triggered with the throttle stick. // @User: Standard // @Units: cm // @Range: 0.0 1000.0 // @Increment: 10 GSCALAR(pilot_takeoff_alt, "PILOT_TKOFF_ALT", PILOT_TKOFF_ALT_DEFAULT), // @Param: PILOT_THR_BHV // @DisplayName: Throttle stick behavior // @Description: Bitmask containing various throttle stick options. TX with sprung throttle can set PILOT_THR_BHV to "1" so motor feedback when landed starts from mid-stick instead of bottom of stick. // @User: Standard // @Values: 0:None,1:Feedback from mid stick,2:High throttle cancels landing,4:Disarm on land detection // @Bitmask: 0:Feedback from mid stick,1:High throttle cancels landing,2:Disarm on land detection GSCALAR(throttle_behavior, "PILOT_THR_BHV", 0), // AP_SerialManager was here // @Param: TELEM_DELAY // @DisplayName: Telemetry startup delay // @Description: The amount of time (in seconds) to delay radio telemetry to prevent an Xbee bricking on power up // @User: Advanced // @Units: s // @Range: 0 30 // @Increment: 1 GSCALAR(telem_delay, "TELEM_DELAY", 0), // @Param: GCS_PID_MASK // @DisplayName: GCS PID tuning mask // @Description: bitmask of PIDs to send MAVLink PID_TUNING messages for // @User: Advanced // @Values: 0:None,1:Roll,2:Pitch,4:Yaw,8:AccelZ // @Bitmask: 0:Roll,1:Pitch,2:Yaw,3:AccelZ GSCALAR(gcs_pid_mask, "GCS_PID_MASK", 0), #if MODE_RTL_ENABLED == ENABLED // @Param: RTL_ALT // @DisplayName: RTL Altitude // @Description: The minimum alt above home the vehicle will climb to before returning. If the vehicle is flying higher than this value it will return at its current altitude. // @Units: cm // @Range: 30 300000 // @Increment: 1 // @User: Standard GSCALAR(rtl_altitude, "RTL_ALT", RTL_ALT), // @Param: RTL_CONE_SLOPE // @DisplayName: RTL cone slope // @Description: Defines a cone above home which determines maximum climb // @Range: 0.5 10.0 // @Increment: .1 // @Values: 0:Disabled,1:Shallow,3:Steep // @User: Standard GSCALAR(rtl_cone_slope, "RTL_CONE_SLOPE", RTL_CONE_SLOPE_DEFAULT), // @Param: RTL_SPEED // @DisplayName: RTL speed // @Description: Defines the speed in cm/s which the aircraft will attempt to maintain horizontally while flying home. If this is set to zero, WPNAV_SPEED will be used instead. // @Units: cm/s // @Range: 0 2000 // @Increment: 50 // @User: Standard GSCALAR(rtl_speed_cms, "RTL_SPEED", 0), // @Param: RTL_ALT_FINAL // @DisplayName: RTL Final Altitude // @Description: This is the altitude the vehicle will move to as the final stage of Returning to Launch or after completing a mission. Set to zero to land. // @Units: cm // @Range: 0 1000 // @Increment: 1 // @User: Standard GSCALAR(rtl_alt_final, "RTL_ALT_FINAL", RTL_ALT_FINAL), // @Param: RTL_CLIMB_MIN // @DisplayName: RTL minimum climb // @Description: The vehicle will climb this many cm during the initial climb portion of the RTL // @Units: cm // @Range: 0 3000 // @Increment: 10 // @User: Standard GSCALAR(rtl_climb_min, "RTL_CLIMB_MIN", RTL_CLIMB_MIN_DEFAULT), // @Param: RTL_LOIT_TIME // @DisplayName: RTL loiter time // @Description: Time (in milliseconds) to loiter above home before beginning final descent // @Units: ms // @Range: 0 60000 // @Increment: 1000 // @User: Standard GSCALAR(rtl_loiter_time, "RTL_LOIT_TIME", RTL_LOITER_TIME), // @Param: RTL_ALT_TYPE // @DisplayName: RTL mode altitude type // @Description: RTL altitude type. Set to 1 for Terrain following during RTL and then set WPNAV_RFND_USE=1 to use rangefinder or WPNAV_RFND_USE=0 to use Terrain database // @Values: 0:Relative to Home, 1:Terrain // @User: Standard GSCALAR(rtl_alt_type, "RTL_ALT_TYPE", 0), #endif // @Param: FS_GCS_ENABLE // @DisplayName: Ground Station Failsafe Enable // @Description: Controls whether failsafe will be invoked (and what action to take) when connection with Ground station is lost for at least 5 seconds. See FS_OPTIONS param for additional actions, or for cases allowing Mission continuation, when GCS failsafe is enabled. // @Values: 0:Disabled/NoAction,1:RTL,2:RTL or Continue with Mission in Auto Mode (Removed in 4.0+-see FS_OPTIONS),3:SmartRTL or RTL,4:SmartRTL or Land,5:Land,6:Auto DO_LAND_START or RTL,7:Brake or Land // @User: Standard GSCALAR(failsafe_gcs, "FS_GCS_ENABLE", FS_GCS_DISABLED), // @Param: GPS_HDOP_GOOD // @DisplayName: GPS Hdop Good // @Description: GPS Hdop value at or below this value represent a good position. Used for pre-arm checks // @Range: 100 900 // @User: Advanced GSCALAR(gps_hdop_good, "GPS_HDOP_GOOD", GPS_HDOP_GOOD_DEFAULT), // @Param: SUPER_SIMPLE // @DisplayName: Super Simple Mode // @Description: Bitmask to enable Super Simple mode for some flight modes. Setting this to Disabled(0) will disable Super Simple Mode. The bitmask is for flight mode switch positions // @Bitmask: 0:SwitchPos1, 1:SwitchPos2, 2:SwitchPos3, 3:SwitchPos4, 4:SwitchPos5, 5:SwitchPos6 // @User: Standard GSCALAR(super_simple, "SUPER_SIMPLE", 0), // @Param: WP_YAW_BEHAVIOR // @DisplayName: Yaw behaviour during missions // @Description: Determines how the autopilot controls the yaw during missions and RTL // @Values: 0:Never change yaw, 1:Face next waypoint, 2:Face next waypoint except RTL, 3:Face along GPS course // @User: Standard GSCALAR(wp_yaw_behavior, "WP_YAW_BEHAVIOR", WP_YAW_BEHAVIOR_DEFAULT), // @Param: LAND_SPEED // @DisplayName: Land speed // @Description: The descent speed for the final stage of landing in cm/s // @Units: cm/s // @Range: 30 200 // @Increment: 10 // @User: Standard GSCALAR(land_speed, "LAND_SPEED", LAND_SPEED), // @Param: LAND_SPEED_HIGH // @DisplayName: Land speed high // @Description: The descent speed for the first stage of landing in cm/s. If this is zero then WPNAV_SPEED_DN is used // @Units: cm/s // @Range: 0 500 // @Increment: 10 // @User: Standard GSCALAR(land_speed_high, "LAND_SPEED_HIGH", 0), // @Param: PILOT_SPEED_UP // @DisplayName: Pilot maximum vertical speed ascending // @Description: The maximum vertical ascending velocity the pilot may request in cm/s // @Units: cm/s // @Range: 50 500 // @Increment: 10 // @User: Standard GSCALAR(pilot_speed_up, "PILOT_SPEED_UP", PILOT_VELZ_MAX), // @Param: PILOT_ACCEL_Z // @DisplayName: Pilot vertical acceleration // @Description: The vertical acceleration used when pilot is controlling the altitude // @Units: cm/s/s // @Range: 50 500 // @Increment: 10 // @User: Standard GSCALAR(pilot_accel_z, "PILOT_ACCEL_Z", PILOT_ACCEL_Z_DEFAULT), // @Param: FS_THR_ENABLE // @DisplayName: Throttle Failsafe Enable // @Description: The throttle failsafe allows you to configure a software failsafe activated by a setting on the throttle input channel // @Values: 0:Disabled,1:Enabled always RTL,2:Enabled Continue with Mission in Auto Mode (Removed in 4.0+),3:Enabled always Land,4:Enabled always SmartRTL or RTL,5:Enabled always SmartRTL or Land,6:Enabled Auto DO_LAND_START or RTL,7:Enabled always Brake or Land // @User: Standard GSCALAR(failsafe_throttle, "FS_THR_ENABLE", FS_THR_ENABLED_ALWAYS_RTL), // @Param: FS_THR_VALUE // @DisplayName: Throttle Failsafe Value // @Description: The PWM level in microseconds on channel 3 below which throttle failsafe triggers // @Range: 910 1100 // @Units: PWM // @Increment: 1 // @User: Standard GSCALAR(failsafe_throttle_value, "FS_THR_VALUE", FS_THR_VALUE_DEFAULT), // @Param: THR_DZ // @DisplayName: Throttle deadzone // @Description: The deadzone above and below mid throttle in PWM microseconds. Used in AltHold, Loiter, PosHold flight modes // @User: Standard // @Range: 0 300 // @Units: PWM // @Increment: 1 GSCALAR(throttle_deadzone, "THR_DZ", THR_DZ_DEFAULT), // @Param: FLTMODE1 // @DisplayName: Flight Mode 1 // @Description: Flight mode when pwm of Flightmode channel(FLTMODE_CH) is <= 1230 // @Values: 0:Stabilize,1:Acro,2:AltHold,3:Auto,4:Guided,5:Loiter,6:RTL,7:Circle,9:Land,11:Drift,13:Sport,14:Flip,15:AutoTune,16:PosHold,17:Brake,18:Throw,19:Avoid_ADSB,20:Guided_NoGPS,21:Smart_RTL,22:FlowHold,23:Follow,24:ZigZag,25:SystemID,26:Heli_Autorotate,27:Auto RTL // @User: Standard GSCALAR(flight_mode1, "FLTMODE1", (uint8_t)FLIGHT_MODE_1), // @Param: FLTMODE2 // @CopyFieldsFrom: FLTMODE1 // @DisplayName: Flight Mode 2 // @Description: Flight mode when pwm of Flightmode channel(FLTMODE_CH) is >1230, <= 1360 GSCALAR(flight_mode2, "FLTMODE2", (uint8_t)FLIGHT_MODE_2), // @Param: FLTMODE3 // @CopyFieldsFrom: FLTMODE1 // @DisplayName: Flight Mode 3 // @Description: Flight mode when pwm of Flightmode channel(FLTMODE_CH) is >1360, <= 1490 GSCALAR(flight_mode3, "FLTMODE3", (uint8_t)FLIGHT_MODE_3), // @Param: FLTMODE4 // @CopyFieldsFrom: FLTMODE1 // @DisplayName: Flight Mode 4 // @Description: Flight mode when pwm of Flightmode channel(FLTMODE_CH) is >1490, <= 1620 GSCALAR(flight_mode4, "FLTMODE4", (uint8_t)FLIGHT_MODE_4), // @Param: FLTMODE5 // @CopyFieldsFrom: FLTMODE1 // @DisplayName: Flight Mode 5 // @Description: Flight mode when pwm of Flightmode channel(FLTMODE_CH) is >1620, <= 1749 GSCALAR(flight_mode5, "FLTMODE5", (uint8_t)FLIGHT_MODE_5), // @Param: FLTMODE6 // @CopyFieldsFrom: FLTMODE1 // @DisplayName: Flight Mode 6 // @Description: Flight mode when pwm of Flightmode channel(FLTMODE_CH) is >=1750 GSCALAR(flight_mode6, "FLTMODE6", (uint8_t)FLIGHT_MODE_6), // @Param: FLTMODE_CH // @DisplayName: Flightmode channel // @Description: RC Channel to use for flight mode control // @Values: 0:Disabled,5:Channel5,6:Channel6,7:Channel7,8:Channel8,9:Channel9,10:Channel 10,11:Channel 11,12:Channel 12,13:Channel 13,14:Channel 14,15:Channel 15 // @User: Advanced GSCALAR(flight_mode_chan, "FLTMODE_CH", CH_MODE_DEFAULT), // @Param: INITIAL_MODE // @DisplayName: Initial flight mode // @Description: This selects the mode to start in on boot. This is useful for when you want to start in AUTO mode on boot without a receiver. // @Values: 0:Stabilize,1:Acro,2:AltHold,3:Auto,4:Guided,5:Loiter,6:RTL,7:Circle,9:Land,11:Drift,13:Sport,14:Flip,15:AutoTune,16:PosHold,17:Brake,18:Throw,19:Avoid_ADSB,20:Guided_NoGPS,21:Smart_RTL,22:FlowHold,23:Follow,24:ZigZag,25:SystemID,26:Heli_Autorotate // @User: Advanced GSCALAR(initial_mode, "INITIAL_MODE", (uint8_t)Mode::Number::STABILIZE), // @Param: SIMPLE // @DisplayName: Simple mode bitmask // @Description: Bitmask which holds which flight modes use simple heading mode (eg bit 0 = 1 means Flight Mode 0 uses simple mode). The bitmask is for flightmode switch positions. // @Bitmask: 0:SwitchPos1, 1:SwitchPos2, 2:SwitchPos3, 3:SwitchPos4, 4:SwitchPos5, 5:SwitchPos6 // @User: Advanced GSCALAR(simple_modes, "SIMPLE", 0), // @Param: LOG_BITMASK // @DisplayName: Log bitmask // @Description: Bitmap of what on-board log types to enable. This value is made up of the sum of each of the log types you want to be saved. It is usually best just to enable all basiclog types by setting this to 65535. // @Bitmask: 0:Fast Attitude,1:Medium Attitude,2:GPS,3:System Performance,4:Control Tuning,5:Navigation Tuning,6:RC input,7:IMU,8:Mission Commands,9:Battery Monitor,10:RC output,11:Optical Flow,12:PID,13:Compass,15:Camera,17:Motors,18:Fast IMU,19:Raw IMU,20:Video Stabilization,21:Fast harmonic notch logging // @User: Standard GSCALAR(log_bitmask, "LOG_BITMASK", DEFAULT_LOG_BITMASK), // @Param: ESC_CALIBRATION // @DisplayName: ESC Calibration // @Description: Controls whether ArduCopter will enter ESC calibration on the next restart. Do not adjust this parameter manually. // @User: Advanced // @Values: 0:Normal Start-up, 1:Start-up in ESC Calibration mode if throttle high, 2:Start-up in ESC Calibration mode regardless of throttle, 3:Start-up and automatically calibrate ESCs, 9:Disabled GSCALAR(esc_calibrate, "ESC_CALIBRATION", 0), // @Param: TUNE // @DisplayName: Channel 6 Tuning // @Description: Controls which parameters (normally PID gains) are being tuned with transmitter's channel 6 knob // @User: Standard // @Values: 0:None,1:Stab Roll/Pitch kP,4:Rate Roll/Pitch kP,5:Rate Roll/Pitch kI,21:Rate Roll/Pitch kD,3:Stab Yaw kP,6:Rate Yaw kP,26:Rate Yaw kD,56:Rate Yaw Filter,55:Motor Yaw Headroom,14:AltHold kP,7:Throttle Rate kP,34:Throttle Accel kP,35:Throttle Accel kI,36:Throttle Accel kD,12:Loiter Pos kP,22:Velocity XY kP,28:Velocity XY kI,10:WP Speed,25:Acro Roll/Pitch deg/s,40:Acro Yaw deg/s,45:RC Feel,13:Heli Ext Gyro,38:Declination,39:Circle Rate,46:Rate Pitch kP,47:Rate Pitch kI,48:Rate Pitch kD,49:Rate Roll kP,50:Rate Roll kI,51:Rate Roll kD,52:Rate Pitch FF,53:Rate Roll FF,54:Rate Yaw FF,58:SysID Magnitude,59:PSC Angle Max GSCALAR(radio_tuning, "TUNE", 0), // @Param: FRAME_TYPE // @DisplayName: Frame Type (+, X, V, etc) // @Description: Controls motor mixing for multicopters. Not used for Tri or Traditional Helicopters. // @Values: 0:Plus, 1:X, 2:V, 3:H, 4:V-Tail, 5:A-Tail, 10:Y6B, 11:Y6F, 12:BetaFlightX, 13:DJIX, 14:ClockwiseX, 15: I, 18: BetaFlightXReversed, 19:Y4 // @User: Standard // @RebootRequired: True GSCALAR(frame_type, "FRAME_TYPE", HAL_FRAME_TYPE_DEFAULT), // @Group: ARMING_ // @Path: ../libraries/AP_Arming/AP_Arming.cpp GOBJECT(arming, "ARMING_", AP_Arming_Copter), // @Param: DISARM_DELAY // @DisplayName: Disarm delay // @Description: Delay before automatic disarm in seconds after landing touchdown detection. A value of zero disables auto disarm. If Emergency Motor stop active, delay time is half this value. // @Units: s // @Range: 0 127 // @User: Advanced GSCALAR(disarm_delay, "DISARM_DELAY", AUTO_DISARMING_DELAY), // @Param: ANGLE_MAX // @DisplayName: Angle Max // @Description: Maximum lean angle in all flight modes // @Units: cdeg // @Increment: 10 // @Range: 1000 8000 // @User: Advanced ASCALAR(angle_max, "ANGLE_MAX", DEFAULT_ANGLE_MAX), #if MODE_POSHOLD_ENABLED == ENABLED // @Param: PHLD_BRAKE_RATE // @DisplayName: PosHold braking rate // @Description: PosHold flight mode's rotation rate during braking in deg/sec // @Units: deg/s // @Range: 4 12 // @User: Advanced GSCALAR(poshold_brake_rate, "PHLD_BRAKE_RATE", POSHOLD_BRAKE_RATE_DEFAULT), // @Param: PHLD_BRAKE_ANGLE // @DisplayName: PosHold braking angle max // @Description: PosHold flight mode's max lean angle during braking in centi-degrees // @Units: cdeg // @Increment: 10 // @Range: 2000 4500 // @User: Advanced GSCALAR(poshold_brake_angle_max, "PHLD_BRAKE_ANGLE", POSHOLD_BRAKE_ANGLE_DEFAULT), #endif // @Param: LAND_REPOSITION // @DisplayName: Land repositioning // @Description: Enables user input during LAND mode, the landing phase of RTL, and auto mode landings. // @Values: 0:No repositioning, 1:Repositioning // @User: Advanced GSCALAR(land_repositioning, "LAND_REPOSITION", LAND_REPOSITION_DEFAULT), // @Param: FS_EKF_ACTION // @DisplayName: EKF Failsafe Action // @Description: Controls the action that will be taken when an EKF failsafe is invoked // @Values: 1:Land, 2:AltHold, 3:Land even in Stabilize // @User: Advanced GSCALAR(fs_ekf_action, "FS_EKF_ACTION", FS_EKF_ACTION_DEFAULT), // @Param: FS_EKF_THRESH // @DisplayName: EKF failsafe variance threshold // @Description: Allows setting the maximum acceptable compass, velocity, position and height variances. Used in arming check and EKF failsafe. // @Values: 0.6:Strict, 0.8:Default, 1.0:Relaxed // @User: Advanced GSCALAR(fs_ekf_thresh, "FS_EKF_THRESH", FS_EKF_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT), // @Param: FS_CRASH_CHECK // @DisplayName: Crash check enable // @Description: This enables automatic crash checking. When enabled the motors will disarm if a crash is detected. // @Values: 0:Disabled, 1:Enabled // @User: Advanced GSCALAR(fs_crash_check, "FS_CRASH_CHECK", 1), // @Param: RC_SPEED // @DisplayName: ESC Update Speed // @Description: This is the speed in Hertz that your ESCs will receive updates // @Units: Hz // @Range: 50 490 // @Increment: 1 // @User: Advanced GSCALAR(rc_speed, "RC_SPEED", RC_FAST_SPEED), #if MODE_ACRO_ENABLED == ENABLED || MODE_SPORT_ENABLED == ENABLED // @Param: ACRO_BAL_ROLL // @DisplayName: Acro Balance Roll // @Description: rate at which roll angle returns to level in acro and sport mode. A higher value causes the vehicle to return to level faster. For helicopter sets the decay rate of the virtual flybar in the roll axis. A higher value causes faster decay of desired to actual attitude. // @Range: 0 3 // @Increment: 0.1 // @User: Advanced GSCALAR(acro_balance_roll, "ACRO_BAL_ROLL", ACRO_BALANCE_ROLL), // @Param: ACRO_BAL_PITCH // @DisplayName: Acro Balance Pitch // @Description: rate at which pitch angle returns to level in acro and sport mode. A higher value causes the vehicle to return to level faster. For helicopter sets the decay rate of the virtual flybar in the pitch axis. A higher value causes faster decay of desired to actual attitude. // @Range: 0 3 // @Increment: 0.1 // @User: Advanced GSCALAR(acro_balance_pitch, "ACRO_BAL_PITCH", ACRO_BALANCE_PITCH), #endif // ACRO_RP_EXPO moved to Command Model class #if MODE_ACRO_ENABLED == ENABLED // @Param: ACRO_TRAINER // @DisplayName: Acro Trainer // @Description: Type of trainer used in acro mode // @Values: 0:Disabled,1:Leveling,2:Leveling and Limited // @User: Advanced GSCALAR(acro_trainer, "ACRO_TRAINER", (uint8_t)ModeAcro::Trainer::LIMITED), #endif // variables not in the g class which contain EEPROM saved variables #if AP_CAMERA_ENABLED // @Group: CAM // @Path: ../libraries/AP_Camera/AP_Camera.cpp GOBJECT(camera, "CAM", AP_Camera), #endif #if AP_RELAY_ENABLED // @Group: RELAY // @Path: ../libraries/AP_Relay/AP_Relay.cpp GOBJECT(relay, "RELAY", AP_Relay), #endif #if PARACHUTE == ENABLED // @Group: CHUTE_ // @Path: ../libraries/AP_Parachute/AP_Parachute.cpp GOBJECT(parachute, "CHUTE_", AP_Parachute), #endif #if AP_LANDINGGEAR_ENABLED // @Group: LGR_ // @Path: ../libraries/AP_LandingGear/AP_LandingGear.cpp GOBJECT(landinggear, "LGR_", AP_LandingGear), #endif #if FRAME_CONFIG == HELI_FRAME // @Group: IM_ // @Path: ../libraries/AC_InputManager/AC_InputManager_Heli.cpp GOBJECT(input_manager, "IM_", AC_InputManager_Heli), #endif // @Group: COMPASS_ // @Path: ../libraries/AP_Compass/AP_Compass.cpp GOBJECT(compass, "COMPASS_", Compass), // @Group: INS // @Path: ../libraries/AP_InertialSensor/AP_InertialSensor.cpp GOBJECT(ins, "INS", AP_InertialSensor), // @Group: WPNAV_ // @Path: ../libraries/AC_WPNav/AC_WPNav.cpp GOBJECTPTR(wp_nav, "WPNAV_", AC_WPNav), // @Group: LOIT_ // @Path: ../libraries/AC_WPNav/AC_Loiter.cpp GOBJECTPTR(loiter_nav, "LOIT_", AC_Loiter), #if MODE_CIRCLE_ENABLED == ENABLED // @Group: CIRCLE_ // @Path: ../libraries/AC_WPNav/AC_Circle.cpp GOBJECTPTR(circle_nav, "CIRCLE_", AC_Circle), #endif // @Group: ATC_ // @Path: ../libraries/AC_AttitudeControl/AC_AttitudeControl.cpp,../libraries/AC_AttitudeControl/AC_AttitudeControl_Multi.cpp,../libraries/AC_AttitudeControl/AC_AttitudeControl_Heli.cpp GOBJECTVARPTR(attitude_control, "ATC_", &copter.attitude_control_var_info), // @Group: PSC // @Path: ../libraries/AC_AttitudeControl/AC_PosControl.cpp GOBJECTPTR(pos_control, "PSC", AC_PosControl), // @Group: SR0_ // @Path: GCS_Mavlink.cpp GOBJECTN(_gcs.chan_parameters[0], gcs0, "SR0_", GCS_MAVLINK_Parameters), #if MAVLINK_COMM_NUM_BUFFERS >= 2 // @Group: SR1_ // @Path: GCS_Mavlink.cpp GOBJECTN(_gcs.chan_parameters[1], gcs1, "SR1_", GCS_MAVLINK_Parameters), #endif #if MAVLINK_COMM_NUM_BUFFERS >= 3 // @Group: SR2_ // @Path: GCS_Mavlink.cpp GOBJECTN(_gcs.chan_parameters[2], gcs2, "SR2_", GCS_MAVLINK_Parameters), #endif #if MAVLINK_COMM_NUM_BUFFERS >= 4 // @Group: SR3_ // @Path: GCS_Mavlink.cpp GOBJECTN(_gcs.chan_parameters[3], gcs3, "SR3_", GCS_MAVLINK_Parameters), #endif #if MAVLINK_COMM_NUM_BUFFERS >= 5 // @Group: SR4_ // @Path: GCS_Mavlink.cpp GOBJECTN(_gcs.chan_parameters[4], gcs4, "SR4_", GCS_MAVLINK_Parameters), #endif #if MAVLINK_COMM_NUM_BUFFERS >= 6 // @Group: SR5_ // @Path: GCS_Mavlink.cpp GOBJECTN(_gcs.chan_parameters[5], gcs5, "SR5_", GCS_MAVLINK_Parameters), #endif #if MAVLINK_COMM_NUM_BUFFERS >= 7 // @Group: SR6_ // @Path: GCS_Mavlink.cpp GOBJECTN(_gcs.chan_parameters[6], gcs6, "SR6_", GCS_MAVLINK_Parameters), #endif // @Group: AHRS_ // @Path: ../libraries/AP_AHRS/AP_AHRS.cpp GOBJECT(ahrs, "AHRS_", AP_AHRS), #if HAL_MOUNT_ENABLED // @Group: MNT // @Path: ../libraries/AP_Mount/AP_Mount.cpp GOBJECT(camera_mount, "MNT", AP_Mount), #endif // @Group: BATT // @Path: ../libraries/AP_BattMonitor/AP_BattMonitor.cpp GOBJECT(battery, "BATT", AP_BattMonitor), // @Group: BRD_ // @Path: ../libraries/AP_BoardConfig/AP_BoardConfig.cpp GOBJECT(BoardConfig, "BRD_", AP_BoardConfig), #if HAL_MAX_CAN_PROTOCOL_DRIVERS // @Group: CAN_ // @Path: ../libraries/AP_CANManager/AP_CANManager.cpp GOBJECT(can_mgr, "CAN_", AP_CANManager), #endif #if HAL_SPRAYER_ENABLED // @Group: SPRAY_ // @Path: ../libraries/AC_Sprayer/AC_Sprayer.cpp GOBJECT(sprayer, "SPRAY_", AC_Sprayer), #endif #if AP_SIM_ENABLED // @Group: SIM_ // @Path: ../libraries/SITL/SITL.cpp GOBJECT(sitl, "SIM_", SITL::SIM), #endif // @Group: BARO // @Path: ../libraries/AP_Baro/AP_Baro.cpp GOBJECT(barometer, "BARO", AP_Baro), // GPS driver // @Group: GPS // @Path: ../libraries/AP_GPS/AP_GPS.cpp GOBJECT(gps, "GPS", AP_GPS), // @Group: SCHED_ // @Path: ../libraries/AP_Scheduler/AP_Scheduler.cpp GOBJECT(scheduler, "SCHED_", AP_Scheduler), // @Group: AVOID_ // @Path: ../libraries/AC_Avoidance/AC_Avoid.cpp #if AP_AVOIDANCE_ENABLED GOBJECT(avoid, "AVOID_", AC_Avoid), #endif #if HAL_RALLY_ENABLED // @Group: RALLY_ // @Path: AP_Rally.cpp,../libraries/AP_Rally/AP_Rally.cpp GOBJECT(rally, "RALLY_", AP_Rally_Copter), #endif #if FRAME_CONFIG == HELI_FRAME // @Group: H_ // @Path: ../libraries/AP_Motors/AP_MotorsHeli_Single.cpp,../libraries/AP_Motors/AP_MotorsHeli_Dual.cpp,../libraries/AP_Motors/AP_MotorsHeli.cpp GOBJECTVARPTR(motors, "H_", &copter.motors_var_info), #else // @Group: MOT_ // @Path: ../libraries/AP_Motors/AP_MotorsMulticopter.cpp GOBJECTVARPTR(motors, "MOT_", &copter.motors_var_info), #endif // @Group: RCMAP_ // @Path: ../libraries/AP_RCMapper/AP_RCMapper.cpp GOBJECT(rcmap, "RCMAP_", RCMapper), #if HAL_NAVEKF2_AVAILABLE // @Group: EK2_ // @Path: ../libraries/AP_NavEKF2/AP_NavEKF2.cpp GOBJECTN(ahrs.EKF2, NavEKF2, "EK2_", NavEKF2), #endif #if HAL_NAVEKF3_AVAILABLE // @Group: EK3_ // @Path: ../libraries/AP_NavEKF3/AP_NavEKF3.cpp GOBJECTN(ahrs.EKF3, NavEKF3, "EK3_", NavEKF3), #endif #if MODE_AUTO_ENABLED == ENABLED // @Group: MIS_ // @Path: ../libraries/AP_Mission/AP_Mission.cpp GOBJECTN(mode_auto.mission, mission, "MIS_", AP_Mission), #endif // @Group: RSSI_ // @Path: ../libraries/AP_RSSI/AP_RSSI.cpp GOBJECT(rssi, "RSSI_", AP_RSSI), #if RANGEFINDER_ENABLED == ENABLED // @Group: RNGFND // @Path: ../libraries/AP_RangeFinder/AP_RangeFinder.cpp GOBJECT(rangefinder, "RNGFND", RangeFinder), #endif #if AP_TERRAIN_AVAILABLE // @Group: TERRAIN_ // @Path: ../libraries/AP_Terrain/AP_Terrain.cpp GOBJECT(terrain, "TERRAIN_", AP_Terrain), #endif #if AP_OPTICALFLOW_ENABLED // @Group: FLOW // @Path: ../libraries/AP_OpticalFlow/AP_OpticalFlow.cpp GOBJECT(optflow, "FLOW", AP_OpticalFlow), #endif #if AC_PRECLAND_ENABLED // @Group: PLND_ // @Path: ../libraries/AC_PrecLand/AC_PrecLand.cpp GOBJECT(precland, "PLND_", AC_PrecLand), #endif #if AP_RPM_ENABLED // @Group: RPM // @Path: ../libraries/AP_RPM/AP_RPM.cpp GOBJECT(rpm_sensor, "RPM", AP_RPM), #endif #if HAL_ADSB_ENABLED // @Group: ADSB_ // @Path: ../libraries/AP_ADSB/AP_ADSB.cpp GOBJECT(adsb, "ADSB_", AP_ADSB), // @Group: AVD_ // @Path: ../libraries/AP_Avoidance/AP_Avoidance.cpp GOBJECT(avoidance_adsb, "AVD_", AP_Avoidance_Copter), #endif // @Group: NTF_ // @Path: ../libraries/AP_Notify/AP_Notify.cpp GOBJECT(notify, "NTF_", AP_Notify), #if MODE_THROW_ENABLED == ENABLED // @Param: THROW_MOT_START // @DisplayName: Start motors before throwing is detected // @Description: Used by Throw mode. Controls whether motors will run at the speed set by MOT_SPIN_MIN or will be stopped when armed and waiting for the throw. // @Values: 0:Stopped,1:Running // @User: Standard GSCALAR(throw_motor_start, "THROW_MOT_START", (float)ModeThrow::PreThrowMotorState::STOPPED), // @Param: THROW_ALT_MIN // @DisplayName: Throw mode minimum altitude // @Description: Minimum altitude above which Throw mode will detect a throw or a drop - 0 to disable the check // @Units: m // @User: Advanced GSCALAR(throw_altitude_min, "THROW_ALT_MIN", 0), // @Param: THROW_ALT_MAX // @DisplayName: Throw mode maximum altitude // @Description: Maximum altitude under which Throw mode will detect a throw or a drop - 0 to disable the check // @Units: m // @User: Advanced GSCALAR(throw_altitude_max, "THROW_ALT_MAX", 0), #endif #if OSD_ENABLED || OSD_PARAM_ENABLED // @Group: OSD // @Path: ../libraries/AP_OSD/AP_OSD.cpp GOBJECT(osd, "OSD", AP_OSD), #endif #if AC_CUSTOMCONTROL_MULTI_ENABLED == ENABLED // @Group: CC // @Path: ../libraries/AC_CustomControl/AC_CustomControl.cpp GOBJECT(custom_control, "CC", AC_CustomControl), #endif // @Group: // @Path: Parameters.cpp GOBJECT(g2, "", ParametersG2), // @Group: // @Path: ../libraries/AP_Vehicle/AP_Vehicle.cpp PARAM_VEHICLE_INFO, AP_VAREND }; /* 2nd group of parameters */ const AP_Param::GroupInfo ParametersG2::var_info[] = { // @Param: WP_NAVALT_MIN // @DisplayName: Minimum navigation altitude // @Description: This is the altitude in meters above which for navigation can begin. This applies in auto takeoff and auto landing. // @Range: 0 5 // @User: Standard AP_GROUPINFO("WP_NAVALT_MIN", 1, ParametersG2, wp_navalt_min, 0), #if HAL_BUTTON_ENABLED // @Group: BTN_ // @Path: ../libraries/AP_Button/AP_Button.cpp AP_SUBGROUPPTR(button_ptr, "BTN_", 2, ParametersG2, AP_Button), #endif #if MODE_THROW_ENABLED == ENABLED // @Param: THROW_NEXTMODE // @DisplayName: Throw mode's follow up mode // @Description: Vehicle will switch to this mode after the throw is successfully completed. Default is to stay in throw mode (18) // @Values: 3:Auto,4:Guided,5:LOITER,6:RTL,9:Land,17:Brake,18:Throw // @User: Standard AP_GROUPINFO("THROW_NEXTMODE", 3, ParametersG2, throw_nextmode, 18), // @Param: THROW_TYPE // @DisplayName: Type of Type // @Description: Used by Throw mode. Specifies whether Copter is thrown upward or dropped. // @Values: 0:Upward Throw,1:Drop // @User: Standard AP_GROUPINFO("THROW_TYPE", 4, ParametersG2, throw_type, (float)ModeThrow::ThrowType::Upward), #endif // @Param: GND_EFFECT_COMP // @DisplayName: Ground Effect Compensation Enable/Disable // @Description: Ground Effect Compensation Enable/Disable // @Values: 0:Disabled,1:Enabled // @User: Advanced AP_GROUPINFO("GND_EFFECT_COMP", 5, ParametersG2, gndeffect_comp_enabled, 1), #if ADVANCED_FAILSAFE == ENABLED // @Group: AFS_ // @Path: ../libraries/AP_AdvancedFailsafe/AP_AdvancedFailsafe.cpp AP_SUBGROUPINFO(afs, "AFS_", 6, ParametersG2, AP_AdvancedFailsafe), #endif // @Param: DEV_OPTIONS // @DisplayName: Development options // @Description: Bitmask of developer options. The meanings of the bit fields in this parameter may vary at any time. Developers should check the source code for current meaning // @Bitmask: 0:ADSBMavlinkProcessing,1:DevOptionVFR_HUDRelativeAlt // @User: Advanced AP_GROUPINFO("DEV_OPTIONS", 7, ParametersG2, dev_options, 0), #if AP_BEACON_ENABLED // @Group: BCN // @Path: ../libraries/AP_Beacon/AP_Beacon.cpp AP_SUBGROUPINFO(beacon, "BCN", 14, ParametersG2, AP_Beacon), #endif #if HAL_PROXIMITY_ENABLED // @Group: PRX // @Path: ../libraries/AP_Proximity/AP_Proximity.cpp AP_SUBGROUPINFO(proximity, "PRX", 8, ParametersG2, AP_Proximity), #endif // ACRO_Y_EXPO (9) moved to Command Model Class #if MODE_ACRO_ENABLED == ENABLED // @Param: ACRO_THR_MID // @DisplayName: Acro Thr Mid // @Description: Acro Throttle Mid // @Range: 0 1 // @User: Advanced AP_GROUPINFO("ACRO_THR_MID", 10, ParametersG2, acro_thr_mid, ACRO_THR_MID_DEFAULT), #endif // @Param: SYSID_ENFORCE // @DisplayName: GCS sysid enforcement // @Description: This controls whether packets from other than the expected GCS system ID will be accepted // @Values: 0:NotEnforced,1:Enforced // @User: Advanced AP_GROUPINFO("SYSID_ENFORCE", 11, ParametersG2, sysid_enforce, 0), // 12 was AP_Stats // 13 was AP_Gripper // @Param: FRAME_CLASS // @DisplayName: Frame Class // @Description: Controls major frame class for multicopter component // @Values: 0:Undefined, 1:Quad, 2:Hexa, 3:Octa, 4:OctaQuad, 5:Y6, 6:Heli, 7:Tri, 8:SingleCopter, 9:CoaxCopter, 10:BiCopter, 11:Heli_Dual, 12:DodecaHexa, 13:HeliQuad, 14:Deca, 15:Scripting Matrix, 16:6DoF Scripting, 17:Dynamic Scripting Matrix // @User: Standard // @RebootRequired: True AP_GROUPINFO("FRAME_CLASS", 15, ParametersG2, frame_class, DEFAULT_FRAME_CLASS), // @Group: SERVO // @Path: ../libraries/SRV_Channel/SRV_Channels.cpp AP_SUBGROUPINFO(servo_channels, "SERVO", 16, ParametersG2, SRV_Channels), // @Group: RC // @Path: ../libraries/RC_Channel/RC_Channels_VarInfo.h AP_SUBGROUPINFO(rc_channels, "RC", 17, ParametersG2, RC_Channels_Copter), // 18 was used by AP_VisualOdom #if AP_TEMPCALIBRATION_ENABLED // @Group: TCAL // @Path: ../libraries/AP_TempCalibration/AP_TempCalibration.cpp AP_SUBGROUPINFO(temp_calibration, "TCAL", 19, ParametersG2, AP_TempCalibration), #endif #if TOY_MODE_ENABLED == ENABLED // @Group: TMODE // @Path: toy_mode.cpp AP_SUBGROUPINFO(toy_mode, "TMODE", 20, ParametersG2, ToyMode), #endif #if MODE_SMARTRTL_ENABLED == ENABLED // @Group: SRTL_ // @Path: ../libraries/AP_SmartRTL/AP_SmartRTL.cpp AP_SUBGROUPINFO(smart_rtl, "SRTL_", 21, ParametersG2, AP_SmartRTL), #endif #if AP_WINCH_ENABLED // 22 was AP_WheelEncoder // @Group: WINCH // @Path: ../libraries/AP_Winch/AP_Winch.cpp AP_SUBGROUPINFO(winch, "WINCH", 23, ParametersG2, AP_Winch), #endif // @Param: PILOT_SPEED_DN // @DisplayName: Pilot maximum vertical speed descending // @Description: The maximum vertical descending velocity the pilot may request in cm/s. If 0 PILOT_SPEED_UP value is used. // @Units: cm/s // @Range: 0 500 // @Increment: 10 // @User: Standard AP_GROUPINFO("PILOT_SPEED_DN", 24, ParametersG2, pilot_speed_dn, 0), // @Param: LAND_ALT_LOW // @DisplayName: Land alt low // @Description: Altitude during Landing at which vehicle slows to LAND_SPEED // @Units: cm // @Range: 100 10000 // @Increment: 10 // @User: Advanced AP_GROUPINFO("LAND_ALT_LOW", 25, ParametersG2, land_alt_low, 1000), #if MODE_FLOWHOLD_ENABLED == ENABLED // @Group: FHLD // @Path: mode_flowhold.cpp AP_SUBGROUPPTR(mode_flowhold_ptr, "FHLD", 26, ParametersG2, ModeFlowHold), #endif #if MODE_FOLLOW_ENABLED == ENABLED // @Group: FOLL // @Path: ../libraries/AP_Follow/AP_Follow.cpp AP_SUBGROUPINFO(follow, "FOLL", 27, ParametersG2, AP_Follow), #endif #if USER_PARAMS_ENABLED == ENABLED AP_SUBGROUPINFO(user_parameters, "USR", 28, ParametersG2, UserParameters), #endif #if AUTOTUNE_ENABLED == ENABLED // @Group: AUTOTUNE_ // @Path: ../libraries/AC_AutoTune/AC_AutoTune_Multi.cpp,../libraries/AC_AutoTune/AC_AutoTune_Heli.cpp AP_SUBGROUPPTR(autotune_ptr, "AUTOTUNE_", 29, ParametersG2, AutoTune), #endif // 30 was AP_Scripting // @Param: TUNE_MIN // @DisplayName: Tuning minimum // @Description: Minimum value that the parameter currently being tuned with the transmitter's channel 6 knob will be set to // @User: Standard AP_GROUPINFO("TUNE_MIN", 31, ParametersG2, tuning_min, 0), // @Param: TUNE_MAX // @DisplayName: Tuning maximum // @Description: Maximum value that the parameter currently being tuned with the transmitter's channel 6 knob will be set to // @User: Standard AP_GROUPINFO("TUNE_MAX", 32, ParametersG2, tuning_max, 0), #if AP_OAPATHPLANNER_ENABLED // @Group: OA_ // @Path: ../libraries/AC_Avoidance/AP_OAPathPlanner.cpp AP_SUBGROUPINFO(oa, "OA_", 33, ParametersG2, AP_OAPathPlanner), #endif #if MODE_SYSTEMID_ENABLED == ENABLED // @Group: SID // @Path: mode_systemid.cpp AP_SUBGROUPPTR(mode_systemid_ptr, "SID", 34, ParametersG2, ModeSystemId), #endif // @Param: FS_VIBE_ENABLE // @DisplayName: Vibration Failsafe enable // @Description: This enables the vibration failsafe which will use modified altitude estimation and control during high vibrations // @Values: 0:Disabled, 1:Enabled // @User: Standard AP_GROUPINFO("FS_VIBE_ENABLE", 35, ParametersG2, fs_vibe_enabled, 1), // @Param: FS_OPTIONS // @DisplayName: Failsafe options bitmask // @Description: Bitmask of additional options for battery, radio, & GCS failsafes. 0 (default) disables all options. // @Values: 0:Disabled, 1:Continue if in Auto on RC failsafe only, 2:Continue if in Auto on GCS failsafe only, 3:Continue if in Auto on RC and/or GCS failsafe, 4:Continue if in Guided on RC failsafe only, 8:Continue if landing on any failsafe, 16:Continue if in pilot controlled modes on GCS failsafe, 19:Continue if in Auto on RC and/or GCS failsafe and continue if in pilot controlled modes on GCS failsafe // @Bitmask: 0:Continue if in Auto on RC failsafe, 1:Continue if in Auto on GCS failsafe, 2:Continue if in Guided on RC failsafe, 3:Continue if landing on any failsafe, 4:Continue if in pilot controlled modes on GCS failsafe, 5:Release Gripper // @User: Advanced AP_GROUPINFO("FS_OPTIONS", 36, ParametersG2, fs_options, (float)Copter::FailsafeOption::GCS_CONTINUE_IF_PILOT_CONTROL), #if MODE_AUTOROTATE_ENABLED == ENABLED // @Group: AROT_ // @Path: ../libraries/AC_Autorotation/AC_Autorotation.cpp AP_SUBGROUPINFO(arot, "AROT_", 37, ParametersG2, AC_Autorotation), #endif #if MODE_ZIGZAG_ENABLED == ENABLED // @Group: ZIGZ_ // @Path: mode_zigzag.cpp AP_SUBGROUPPTR(mode_zigzag_ptr, "ZIGZ_", 38, ParametersG2, ModeZigZag), #endif #if MODE_ACRO_ENABLED == ENABLED // @Param: ACRO_OPTIONS // @DisplayName: Acro mode options // @Description: A range of options that can be applied to change acro mode behaviour. Air-mode enables ATC_THR_MIX_MAN at all times (air-mode has no effect on helicopters). Rate Loop Only disables the use of angle stabilization and uses angular rate stabilization only. // @Bitmask: 0:Air-mode,1:Rate Loop Only // @User: Advanced AP_GROUPINFO("ACRO_OPTIONS", 39, ParametersG2, acro_options, 0), #endif #if MODE_AUTO_ENABLED == ENABLED // @Param: AUTO_OPTIONS // @DisplayName: Auto mode options // @Description: A range of options that can be applied to change auto mode behaviour. Allow Arming allows the copter to be armed in Auto. Allow Takeoff Without Raising Throttle allows takeoff without the pilot having to raise the throttle. Ignore pilot yaw overrides the pilot's yaw stick being used while in auto. // @Bitmask: 0:Allow Arming,1:Allow Takeoff Without Raising Throttle,2:Ignore pilot yaw,7:Allow weathervaning // @User: Advanced AP_GROUPINFO("AUTO_OPTIONS", 40, ParametersG2, auto_options, 0), #endif #if MODE_GUIDED_ENABLED == ENABLED // @Param: GUID_OPTIONS // @DisplayName: Guided mode options // @Description: Options that can be applied to change guided mode behaviour // @Bitmask: 0:Allow Arming from Transmitter,2:Ignore pilot yaw,3:SetAttitudeTarget interprets Thrust As Thrust,4:Do not stabilize PositionXY,5:Do not stabilize VelocityXY,6:Waypoint navigation used for position targets,7:Allow weathervaning // @User: Advanced AP_GROUPINFO("GUID_OPTIONS", 41, ParametersG2, guided_options, 0), #endif // @Param: FS_GCS_TIMEOUT // @DisplayName: GCS failsafe timeout // @Description: Timeout before triggering the GCS failsafe // @Units: s // @Range: 2 120 // @Increment: 1 // @User: Standard AP_GROUPINFO("FS_GCS_TIMEOUT", 42, ParametersG2, fs_gcs_timeout, 5), #if MODE_RTL_ENABLED == ENABLED // @Param: RTL_OPTIONS // @DisplayName: RTL mode options // @Description: Options that can be applied to change RTL mode behaviour // @Bitmask: 2:Ignore pilot yaw // @User: Advanced AP_GROUPINFO("RTL_OPTIONS", 43, ParametersG2, rtl_options, 0), #endif // @Param: FLIGHT_OPTIONS // @DisplayName: Flight mode options // @Description: Flight mode specific options // @Bitmask: 0:Disable thrust loss check, 1:Disable yaw imbalance warning, 2:Release gripper on thrust loss // @User: Advanced AP_GROUPINFO("FLIGHT_OPTIONS", 44, ParametersG2, flight_options, 0), #if RANGEFINDER_ENABLED == ENABLED // @Param: RNGFND_FILT // @DisplayName: Rangefinder filter // @Description: Rangefinder filter to smooth distance. Set to zero to disable filtering // @Units: Hz // @Range: 0 5 // @Increment: 0.05 // @User: Standard // @RebootRequired: True AP_GROUPINFO("RNGFND_FILT", 45, ParametersG2, rangefinder_filt, RANGEFINDER_FILT_DEFAULT), #endif #if MODE_GUIDED_ENABLED == ENABLED // @Param: GUID_TIMEOUT // @DisplayName: Guided mode timeout // @Description: Guided mode timeout after which vehicle will stop or return to level if no updates are received from caller. Only applicable during any combination of velocity, acceleration, angle control, and/or angular rate control // @Units: s // @Range: 0.1 5 // @User: Advanced AP_GROUPINFO("GUID_TIMEOUT", 46, ParametersG2, guided_timeout, 3.0), #endif // ACRO_PR_RATE (47), ACRO_Y_RATE (48), PILOT_Y_RATE (49) and PILOT_Y_EXPO (50) moved to command model class // @Param: SURFTRAK_MODE // @DisplayName: Surface Tracking Mode // @Description: set which surface to track in surface tracking // @Values: 0:Do not track, 1:Ground, 2:Ceiling // @User: Advanced // @RebootRequired: True AP_GROUPINFO("SURFTRAK_MODE", 51, ParametersG2, surftrak_mode, (uint8_t)Copter::SurfaceTracking::Surface::GROUND), // @Param: FS_DR_ENABLE // @DisplayName: DeadReckon Failsafe Action // @Description: Failsafe action taken immediately as deadreckoning starts. Deadreckoning starts when EKF loses position and velocity source and relies only on wind estimates // @Values: 0:Disabled/NoAction,1:Land, 2:RTL, 3:SmartRTL or RTL, 4:SmartRTL or Land, 6:Auto DO_LAND_START or RTL // @User: Standard AP_GROUPINFO("FS_DR_ENABLE", 52, ParametersG2, failsafe_dr_enable, (uint8_t)Copter::FailsafeAction::RTL), // @Param: FS_DR_TIMEOUT // @DisplayName: DeadReckon Failsafe Timeout // @Description: DeadReckoning is available for this many seconds after losing position and/or velocity source. After this timeout elapses the EKF failsafe will trigger in modes requiring a position estimate // @Range: 0 120 // @User: Standard AP_GROUPINFO("FS_DR_TIMEOUT", 53, ParametersG2, failsafe_dr_timeout, 30), #if MODE_ACRO_ENABLED == ENABLED || MODE_SPORT_ENABLED == ENABLED // @Param: ACRO_RP_RATE // @DisplayName: Acro Roll and Pitch Rate // @Description: Acro mode maximum roll and pitch rate. Higher values mean faster rate of rotation // @Units: deg/s // @Range: 1 1080 // @User: Standard // @Param: ACRO_RP_EXPO // @DisplayName: Acro Roll/Pitch Expo // @Description: Acro roll/pitch Expo to allow faster rotation when stick at edges // @Values: 0:Disabled,0.1:Very Low,0.2:Low,0.3:Medium,0.4:High,0.5:Very High // @Range: -0.5 0.95 // @User: Advanced // @Param: ACRO_RP_RATE_TC // @DisplayName: Acro roll/pitch rate control input time constant // @Description: Acro roll and pitch rate control input time constant. Low numbers lead to sharper response, higher numbers to softer response // @Units: s // @Range: 0 1 // @Increment: 0.01 // @Values: 0.5:Very Soft, 0.2:Soft, 0.15:Medium, 0.1:Crisp, 0.05:Very Crisp // @User: Standard AP_SUBGROUPINFO(command_model_acro_rp, "ACRO_RP_", 54, ParametersG2, AC_CommandModel), #endif #if MODE_ACRO_ENABLED == ENABLED || MODE_DRIFT_ENABLED == ENABLED // @Param: ACRO_Y_RATE // @DisplayName: Acro Yaw Rate // @Description: Acro mode maximum yaw rate. Higher value means faster rate of rotation // @Units: deg/s // @Range: 1 360 // @User: Standard // @Param: ACRO_Y_EXPO // @DisplayName: Acro Yaw Expo // @Description: Acro yaw expo to allow faster rotation when stick at edges // @Values: 0:Disabled,0.1:Very Low,0.2:Low,0.3:Medium,0.4:High,0.5:Very High // @Range: -1.0 0.95 // @User: Advanced // @Param: ACRO_Y_RATE_TC // @DisplayName: Acro yaw rate control input time constant // @Description: Acro yaw rate control input time constant. Low numbers lead to sharper response, higher numbers to softer response // @Units: s // @Range: 0 1 // @Increment: 0.01 // @Values: 0.5:Very Soft, 0.2:Soft, 0.15:Medium, 0.1:Crisp, 0.05:Very Crisp // @User: Standard AP_SUBGROUPINFO(command_model_acro_y, "ACRO_Y_", 55, ParametersG2, AC_CommandModel), #endif // @Param: PILOT_Y_RATE // @DisplayName: Pilot controlled yaw rate // @Description: Pilot controlled yaw rate max. Used in all pilot controlled modes except Acro // @Units: deg/s // @Range: 1 360 // @User: Standard // @Param: PILOT_Y_EXPO // @DisplayName: Pilot controlled yaw expo // @Description: Pilot controlled yaw expo to allow faster rotation when stick at edges // @Values: 0:Disabled,0.1:Very Low,0.2:Low,0.3:Medium,0.4:High,0.5:Very High // @Range: -0.5 1.0 // @User: Advanced // @Param: PILOT_Y_RATE_TC // @DisplayName: Pilot yaw rate control input time constant // @Description: Pilot yaw rate control input time constant. Low numbers lead to sharper response, higher numbers to softer response // @Units: s // @Range: 0 1 // @Increment: 0.01 // @Values: 0.5:Very Soft, 0.2:Soft, 0.15:Medium, 0.1:Crisp, 0.05:Very Crisp // @User: Standard AP_SUBGROUPINFO(command_model_pilot, "PILOT_Y_", 56, ParametersG2, AC_CommandModel), // @Param: TKOFF_SLEW_TIME // @DisplayName: Slew time of throttle during take-off // @Description: Time to slew the throttle from minimum to maximum while checking for a succsessful takeoff. // @Units: s // @Range: 0.25 5.0 // @User: Standard AP_GROUPINFO("TKOFF_SLEW_TIME", 57, ParametersG2, takeoff_throttle_slew_time, 2.0), #if HAL_WITH_ESC_TELEM && FRAME_CONFIG != HELI_FRAME // @Param: TKOFF_RPM_MIN // @DisplayName: Takeoff Check RPM minimum // @Description: Takeoff is not permitted until motors report at least this RPM. Set to zero to disable check // @Range: 0 10000 // @User: Standard AP_GROUPINFO("TKOFF_RPM_MIN", 58, ParametersG2, takeoff_rpm_min, 0), #endif #if WEATHERVANE_ENABLED == ENABLED // @Group: WVANE_ // @Path: ../libraries/AC_AttitudeControl/AC_WeatherVane.cpp AP_SUBGROUPINFO(weathervane, "WVANE_", 59, ParametersG2, AC_WeatherVane), #endif // ID 60 is reserved for the SHIP_OPS // extend to a new group AP_SUBGROUPEXTENSION("", 61, ParametersG2, var_info2), // ID 62 is reserved for the SHOW_... parameters from the Skybrush fork at // https://github.com/skybrush-io/ardupilot AP_GROUPEND }; /* extension to g2 parameters */ const AP_Param::GroupInfo ParametersG2::var_info2[] = { // @Param: PLDP_THRESH // @DisplayName: Payload Place thrust ratio threshold // @Description: Ratio of vertical thrust during decent below which payload touchdown will trigger. // @Range: 0.5 0.9 // @User: Standard AP_GROUPINFO("PLDP_THRESH", 1, ParametersG2, pldp_thrust_placed_fraction, 0.9), // @Param: PLDP_RNG_MAX // @DisplayName: Payload Place maximum range finder altitude // @Description: Maximum range finder altitude in m to trigger payload touchdown, set to zero to disable. // @Units: m // @Range: 0 100 // @User: Standard AP_GROUPINFO("PLDP_RNG_MAX", 2, ParametersG2, pldp_range_finder_maximum_m, 0.0), // @Param: PLDP_DELAY // @DisplayName: Payload Place climb delay // @Description: Delay after release, in seconds, before aircraft starts to climb back to starting altitude. // @Units: s // @Range: 0 120 // @User: Standard AP_GROUPINFO("PLDP_DELAY", 3, ParametersG2, pldp_delay_s, 0.0), // @Param: PLDP_SPEED_DN // @DisplayName: Payload Place decent speed // @Description: The maximum vertical decent velocity in m/s. If 0 LAND_SPEED value is used. // @Units: m/s // @Range: 0 5 // @User: Standard AP_GROUPINFO("PLDP_SPEED_DN", 4, ParametersG2, pldp_descent_speed_ms, 0.0), // @Param: SURFTRAK_TC // @DisplayName: Surface Tracking Filter Time Constant // @Description: Time to achieve 63.2% of the surface altitude measurement change. If 0 filtering is disabled // @Units: s // @Range: 0 5 // @User: Advanced AP_GROUPINFO("SURFTRAK_TC", 5, ParametersG2, surftrak_tc, 1.0), // @Param: TKOFF_THR_MAX // @DisplayName: Takeoff maximum throttle during take-off ramp up // @Description: Takeoff maximum throttle allowed before controllers assume the aircraft is airborne during the takeoff process. // @Range: 0.0 0.9 // @User: Advanced AP_GROUPINFO("TKOFF_THR_MAX", 6, ParametersG2, takeoff_throttle_max, 0.9), #if HAL_WITH_ESC_TELEM && FRAME_CONFIG != HELI_FRAME // @Param: TKOFF_RPM_MAX // @DisplayName: Takeoff Check RPM maximum // @Description: Takeoff is not permitted until motors report no more than this RPM. Set to zero to disable check // @Range: 0 10000 // @User: Standard AP_GROUPINFO("TKOFF_RPM_MAX", 7, ParametersG2, takeoff_rpm_max, 0), #endif // @Param: FS_EKF_FILT // @DisplayName: EKF Failsafe filter cutoff // @Description: EKF Failsafe filter cutoff frequency. EKF variances are filtered using this value to avoid spurious failsafes from transient high variances. A higher value means the failsafe is more likely to trigger. // @Range: 0 10 // @Units: Hz // @User: Advanced AP_GROUPINFO("FS_EKF_FILT", 8, ParametersG2, fs_ekf_filt_hz, FS_EKF_FILT_DEFAULT), // ID 62 is reserved for the AP_SUBGROUPEXTENSION AP_GROUPEND }; /* constructor for g2 object */ ParametersG2::ParametersG2(void) : command_model_pilot(PILOT_Y_RATE_DEFAULT, PILOT_Y_EXPO_DEFAULT, 0.0f) #if AP_TEMPCALIBRATION_ENABLED , temp_calibration() #endif #if AP_BEACON_ENABLED , beacon() #endif #if HAL_PROXIMITY_ENABLED , proximity() #endif #if ADVANCED_FAILSAFE == ENABLED ,afs() #endif #if MODE_SMARTRTL_ENABLED == ENABLED ,smart_rtl() #endif #if MODE_FLOWHOLD_ENABLED == ENABLED ,mode_flowhold_ptr(&copter.mode_flowhold) #endif #if MODE_FOLLOW_ENABLED == ENABLED ,follow() #endif #if USER_PARAMS_ENABLED == ENABLED ,user_parameters() #endif #if AUTOTUNE_ENABLED == ENABLED ,autotune_ptr(&copter.mode_autotune.autotune) #endif #if MODE_SYSTEMID_ENABLED == ENABLED ,mode_systemid_ptr(&copter.mode_systemid) #endif #if MODE_AUTOROTATE_ENABLED == ENABLED ,arot() #endif #if HAL_BUTTON_ENABLED ,button_ptr(&copter.button) #endif #if MODE_ZIGZAG_ENABLED == ENABLED ,mode_zigzag_ptr(&copter.mode_zigzag) #endif #if MODE_ACRO_ENABLED == ENABLED || MODE_SPORT_ENABLED == ENABLED ,command_model_acro_rp(ACRO_RP_RATE_DEFAULT, ACRO_RP_EXPO_DEFAULT, 0.0f) #endif #if MODE_ACRO_ENABLED == ENABLED || MODE_DRIFT_ENABLED == ENABLED ,command_model_acro_y(ACRO_Y_RATE_DEFAULT, ACRO_Y_EXPO_DEFAULT, 0.0f) #endif #if WEATHERVANE_ENABLED == ENABLED ,weathervane() #endif { AP_Param::setup_object_defaults(this, var_info); AP_Param::setup_object_defaults(this, var_info2); } /* This is a conversion table from old parameter values to new parameter names. The startup code looks for saved values of the old parameters and will copy them across to the new parameters if the new parameter does not yet have a saved value. It then saves the new value. Note that this works even if the old parameter has been removed. It relies on the old k_param index not being removed The second column below is the index in the var_info[] table for the old object. This should be zero for top level parameters. */ const AP_Param::ConversionInfo conversion_table[] = { // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Jan-2017 { Parameters::k_param_arming_check_old, 0, AP_PARAM_INT8, "ARMING_CHECK" }, // battery // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Mar-2018 { Parameters::k_param_fs_batt_voltage, 0, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "BATT_LOW_VOLT" }, { Parameters::k_param_fs_batt_mah, 0, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "BATT_LOW_MAH" }, { Parameters::k_param_failsafe_battery_enabled,0, AP_PARAM_INT8, "BATT_FS_LOW_ACT" }, // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Aug-2018 { Parameters::Parameters::k_param_ch7_option_old, 0, AP_PARAM_INT8, "RC7_OPTION" }, { Parameters::Parameters::k_param_ch8_option_old, 0, AP_PARAM_INT8, "RC8_OPTION" }, { Parameters::Parameters::k_param_ch9_option_old, 0, AP_PARAM_INT8, "RC9_OPTION" }, { Parameters::Parameters::k_param_ch10_option_old, 0, AP_PARAM_INT8, "RC10_OPTION" }, { Parameters::Parameters::k_param_ch11_option_old, 0, AP_PARAM_INT8, "RC11_OPTION" }, { Parameters::Parameters::k_param_ch12_option_old, 0, AP_PARAM_INT8, "RC12_OPTION" }, // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Apr-2019 { Parameters::k_param_compass_enabled_deprecated, 0, AP_PARAM_INT8, "COMPASS_ENABLE" }, // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Jul-2019 { Parameters::k_param_arming, 2, AP_PARAM_INT16, "ARMING_CHECK" }, }; void Copter::load_parameters(void) { AP_Vehicle::load_parameters(g.format_version, Parameters::k_format_version); AP_Param::convert_old_parameters(&conversion_table[0], ARRAY_SIZE(conversion_table)); #if AP_LANDINGGEAR_ENABLED // convert landing gear parameters // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Nov-2018 convert_lgr_parameters(); #endif #if MODE_RTL_ENABLED == ENABLED // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Sep-2021 g.rtl_altitude.convert_parameter_width(AP_PARAM_INT16); #endif // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Mar-2022 #if AP_FENCE_ENABLED AP_Param::convert_class(g.k_param_fence_old, &fence, fence.var_info, 0, true); #endif static const AP_Param::G2ObjectConversion g2_conversions[] { #if AP_STATS_ENABLED // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Jan-2024 for Copter-4.6 { &stats, stats.var_info, 12 }, #endif #if AP_SCRIPTING_ENABLED // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Jan-2024 for Copter-4.6 { &scripting, scripting.var_info, 30 }, #endif #if AP_GRIPPER_ENABLED // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Feb-2024 for Copter-4.6 { &gripper, gripper.var_info, 13 }, #endif }; AP_Param::convert_g2_objects(&g2, g2_conversions, ARRAY_SIZE(g2_conversions)); // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Feb-2024 for Copter-4.6 #if HAL_LOGGING_ENABLED AP_Param::convert_class(g.k_param_logger, &logger, logger.var_info, 0, true); #endif static const AP_Param::TopLevelObjectConversion toplevel_conversions[] { #if AP_SERIALMANAGER_ENABLED // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Feb-2024 for Copter-4.6 { &serial_manager, serial_manager.var_info, Parameters::k_param_serial_manager_old }, #endif }; AP_Param::convert_toplevel_objects(toplevel_conversions, ARRAY_SIZE(toplevel_conversions)); // setup AP_Param frame type flags AP_Param::set_frame_type_flags(AP_PARAM_FRAME_COPTER); } // handle conversion of PID gains void Copter::convert_pid_parameters(void) { const AP_Param::ConversionInfo angle_and_filt_conversion_info[] = { // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Jan-2018 { Parameters::k_param_pid_rate_yaw, 6, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "ATC_RAT_YAW_FILT" }, { Parameters::k_param_pi_vel_xy, 0, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "PSC_VELXY_P" }, { Parameters::k_param_pi_vel_xy, 1, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "PSC_VELXY_I" }, { Parameters::k_param_pi_vel_xy, 2, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "PSC_VELXY_IMAX" }, // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Aug-2021 { Parameters::k_param_pi_vel_xy, 3, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "PSC_VELXY_FLTE" }, // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Jan-2018 { Parameters::k_param_p_vel_z, 0, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "PSC_VELZ_P" }, { Parameters::k_param_pid_accel_z, 0, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "PSC_ACCZ_P" }, { Parameters::k_param_pid_accel_z, 1, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "PSC_ACCZ_I" }, { Parameters::k_param_pid_accel_z, 2, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "PSC_ACCZ_D" }, { Parameters::k_param_pid_accel_z, 5, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "PSC_ACCZ_IMAX" }, // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Oct-2019 { Parameters::k_param_pid_accel_z, 6, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "PSC_ACCZ_FLTE" }, // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Jan-2018 { Parameters::k_param_p_alt_hold, 0, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "PSC_POSZ_P" }, { Parameters::k_param_p_pos_xy, 0, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "PSC_POSXY_P" }, }; const AP_Param::ConversionInfo loiter_conversion_info[] = { // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Apr-2018 { Parameters::k_param_wp_nav, 4, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "LOIT_SPEED" }, { Parameters::k_param_wp_nav, 7, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "LOIT_BRK_JERK" }, { Parameters::k_param_wp_nav, 8, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "LOIT_ACC_MAX" }, { Parameters::k_param_wp_nav, 9, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "LOIT_BRK_ACCEL" } }; // convert angle controller gain and filter without scaling for (const auto &info : angle_and_filt_conversion_info) { AP_Param::convert_old_parameter(&info, 1.0f); } // convert RC_FEEL_RP to ATC_INPUT_TC // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Mar-2018 const AP_Param::ConversionInfo rc_feel_rp_conversion_info = { Parameters::k_param_rc_feel_rp, 0, AP_PARAM_INT8, "ATC_INPUT_TC" }; AP_Int8 rc_feel_rp_old; if (AP_Param::find_old_parameter(&rc_feel_rp_conversion_info, &rc_feel_rp_old)) { AP_Param::set_default_by_name(rc_feel_rp_conversion_info.new_name, (1.0f / (2.0f + rc_feel_rp_old.get() * 0.1f))); } // convert loiter parameters for (const auto &info : loiter_conversion_info) { AP_Param::convert_old_parameter(&info, 1.0f); } // TradHeli default parameters #if FRAME_CONFIG == HELI_FRAME static const struct AP_Param::defaults_table_struct heli_defaults_table[] = { // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Nov-2018 { "LOIT_ACC_MAX", 500.0f }, { "LOIT_BRK_ACCEL", 125.0f }, { "LOIT_BRK_DELAY", 1.0f }, { "LOIT_BRK_JERK", 250.0f }, { "LOIT_SPEED", 3000.0f }, { "PHLD_BRAKE_ANGLE", 800.0f }, { "PHLD_BRAKE_RATE", 4.0f }, { "PSC_ACCZ_P", 0.28f }, { "PSC_VELXY_D", 0.0f }, { "PSC_VELXY_I", 0.5f }, { "PSC_VELXY_P", 1.0f }, // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Jan-2019 { "RC8_OPTION", 32 }, // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Aug-2018 { "RC_OPTIONS", 0 }, // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Feb-2022 { "ATC_RAT_RLL_ILMI", 0.05}, { "ATC_RAT_PIT_ILMI", 0.05}, }; AP_Param::set_defaults_from_table(heli_defaults_table, ARRAY_SIZE(heli_defaults_table)); #endif // attitude and position control filter parameter changes (from _FILT to FLTD, FLTE, FLTT) for Copter-4.0 // magic numbers shown below are discovered by setting AP_PARAM_KEY_DUMP = 1 const AP_Param::ConversionInfo ff_and_filt_conversion_info[] = { #if FRAME_CONFIG == HELI_FRAME // tradheli moves ATC_RAT_RLL/PIT_FILT to FLTE, ATC_RAT_YAW_FILT to FLTE // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Jul-2019 { Parameters::k_param_attitude_control, 386, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "ATC_RAT_RLL_FLTE" }, { Parameters::k_param_attitude_control, 387, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "ATC_RAT_PIT_FLTE" }, { Parameters::k_param_attitude_control, 388, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "ATC_RAT_YAW_FLTE" }, #else // multicopters move ATC_RAT_RLL/PIT_FILT to FLTD & FLTT, ATC_RAT_YAW_FILT to FLTE { Parameters::k_param_attitude_control, 385, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "ATC_RAT_RLL_FLTD" }, // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Oct-2019 { Parameters::k_param_attitude_control, 385, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "ATC_RAT_RLL_FLTT" }, // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Jul-2019 { Parameters::k_param_attitude_control, 386, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "ATC_RAT_PIT_FLTD" }, // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Oct-2019 { Parameters::k_param_attitude_control, 386, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "ATC_RAT_PIT_FLTT" }, // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Jul-2019 { Parameters::k_param_attitude_control, 387, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "ATC_RAT_YAW_FLTE" }, { Parameters::k_param_attitude_control, 449, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "ATC_RAT_RLL_FF" }, { Parameters::k_param_attitude_control, 450, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "ATC_RAT_PIT_FF" }, { Parameters::k_param_attitude_control, 451, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "ATC_RAT_YAW_FF" }, #endif // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Oct-2019 { Parameters::k_param_pos_control, 388, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "PSC_ACCZ_FLTE" }, }; AP_Param::convert_old_parameters(&ff_and_filt_conversion_info[0], ARRAY_SIZE(ff_and_filt_conversion_info)); #if AP_INERTIALSENSOR_HARMONICNOTCH_ENABLED #if HAL_INS_NUM_HARMONIC_NOTCH_FILTERS > 1 if (!ins.harmonic_notches[1].params.enabled()) { // notch filter parameter conversions (moved to INS_HNTC2) for 4.2.x, converted from fixed notch const AP_Param::ConversionInfo notchfilt_conversion_info[] { // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Apr 2022 { Parameters::k_param_ins, 101, AP_PARAM_INT8, "INS_HNTC2_ENABLE" }, { Parameters::k_param_ins, 293, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "INS_HNTC2_ATT" }, { Parameters::k_param_ins, 357, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "INS_HNTC2_FREQ" }, { Parameters::k_param_ins, 421, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "INS_HNTC2_BW" }, }; AP_Param::convert_old_parameters(¬chfilt_conversion_info[0], ARRAY_SIZE(notchfilt_conversion_info)); AP_Param::set_default_by_name("INS_HNTC2_MODE", 0); AP_Param::set_default_by_name("INS_HNTC2_HMNCS", 1); } #endif #endif // AP_INERTIALSENSOR_HARMONICNOTCH_ENABLED // ACRO_RP_P and ACRO_Y_P replaced with ACRO_RP_RATE and ACRO_Y_RATE for Copter-4.2 // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Sep-2021 const AP_Param::ConversionInfo acro_rpy_conversion_info[] = { { Parameters::k_param_acro_rp_p, 0, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "ACRO_RP_RATE" }, { Parameters::k_param_acro_yaw_p, 0, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "ACRO_Y_RATE" } }; for (const auto &info : acro_rpy_conversion_info) { AP_Param::convert_old_parameter(&info, 45.0); } // convert rate and expo command model parameters for Copter-4.3 // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: June-2022 const AP_Param::ConversionInfo cmd_mdl_conversion_info[] = { { Parameters::k_param_g2, 47, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "ACRO_RP_RATE" }, { Parameters::k_param_acro_rp_expo, 0, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "ACRO_RP_EXPO" }, { Parameters::k_param_g2, 48, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "ACRO_Y_RATE" }, { Parameters::k_param_g2, 9, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "ACRO_Y_EXPO" }, { Parameters::k_param_g2, 49, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "PILOT_Y_RATE" }, { Parameters::k_param_g2, 50, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "PILOT_Y_EXPO" }, }; for (const auto &info : cmd_mdl_conversion_info) { AP_Param::convert_old_parameter(&info, 1.0); } // make any SRV_Channel upgrades needed SRV_Channels::upgrade_parameters(); } #if HAL_PROXIMITY_ENABLED void Copter::convert_prx_parameters() { // convert PRX to PRX1_ parameters for Copter-4.3 // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Aug-2022 const AP_Param::ConversionInfo prx_conversion_info[] = { { Parameters::k_param_g2, 72, AP_PARAM_INT8, "PRX1_TYPE" }, { Parameters::k_param_g2, 136, AP_PARAM_INT8, "PRX1_ORIENT" }, { Parameters::k_param_g2, 200, AP_PARAM_INT16, "PRX1_YAW_CORR" }, { Parameters::k_param_g2, 264, AP_PARAM_INT16, "PRX1_IGN_ANG1" }, { Parameters::k_param_g2, 328, AP_PARAM_INT8, "PRX1_IGN_WID1" }, { Parameters::k_param_g2, 392, AP_PARAM_INT16, "PRX1_IGN_ANG2" }, { Parameters::k_param_g2, 456, AP_PARAM_INT8, "PRX1_IGN_WID2" }, { Parameters::k_param_g2, 520, AP_PARAM_INT16, "PRX1_IGN_ANG3" }, { Parameters::k_param_g2, 584, AP_PARAM_INT8, "PRX1_IGN_WID3" }, { Parameters::k_param_g2, 648, AP_PARAM_INT16, "PRX1_IGN_ANG4" }, { Parameters::k_param_g2, 712, AP_PARAM_INT8, "PRX1_IGN_WID4" }, { Parameters::k_param_g2, 1224, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "PRX1_MIN" }, { Parameters::k_param_g2, 1288, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, "PRX1_MAX" }, }; for (const auto &info : prx_conversion_info) { AP_Param::convert_old_parameter(&info, 1.0); } } #endif #if AP_LANDINGGEAR_ENABLED /* convert landing gear parameters */ void Copter::convert_lgr_parameters(void) { // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Nov-2018 // convert landing gear PWM values uint8_t chan; if (!SRV_Channels::find_channel(SRV_Channel::k_landing_gear_control, chan)) { return; } // parameter names are 1 based chan += 1; char pname[17]; AP_Int16 *servo_min, *servo_max, *servo_trim; AP_Int16 *servo_reversed; enum ap_var_type ptype; // get pointers to the servo min, max and trim parameters snprintf(pname, sizeof(pname), "SERVO%u_MIN", chan); servo_min = (AP_Int16 *)AP_Param::find(pname, &ptype); snprintf(pname, sizeof(pname), "SERVO%u_MAX", chan); servo_max = (AP_Int16 *)AP_Param::find(pname, &ptype); snprintf(pname, sizeof(pname), "SERVO%u_TRIM", chan); servo_trim = (AP_Int16 *)AP_Param::find(pname, &ptype); snprintf(pname, sizeof(pname), "SERVO%u_REVERSED", chan & 0x3F); // Only use the 6 LSBs, avoids a cpp warning servo_reversed = (AP_Int16 *)AP_Param::find(pname, &ptype); if (!servo_min || !servo_max || !servo_trim || !servo_reversed) { // this shouldn't happen return; } if (servo_min->configured() || servo_max->configured() || servo_trim->configured() || servo_reversed->configured()) { // has been previously saved, don't upgrade return; } // get the old PWM values AP_Int16 old_pwm; uint16_t old_retract=0, old_deploy=0; const AP_Param::ConversionInfo cinfo_ret { Parameters::k_param_landinggear, 0, AP_PARAM_INT16, nullptr }; const AP_Param::ConversionInfo cinfo_dep { Parameters::k_param_landinggear, 1, AP_PARAM_INT16, nullptr }; if (AP_Param::find_old_parameter(&cinfo_ret, &old_pwm)) { old_retract = (uint16_t)old_pwm.get(); } if (AP_Param::find_old_parameter(&cinfo_dep, &old_pwm)) { old_deploy = (uint16_t)old_pwm.get(); } if (old_retract == 0 && old_deploy == 0) { // old parameters were never set return; } // use old defaults if (old_retract == 0) { old_retract = 1250; } if (old_deploy == 0) { old_deploy = 1750; } // set and save correct values on the servo if (old_retract <= old_deploy) { servo_max->set_and_save(old_deploy); servo_min->set_and_save(old_retract); servo_trim->set_and_save(old_retract); servo_reversed->set_and_save_ifchanged(0); } else { servo_max->set_and_save(old_retract); servo_min->set_and_save(old_deploy); servo_trim->set_and_save(old_deploy); servo_reversed->set_and_save_ifchanged(1); } } #endif #if FRAME_CONFIG == HELI_FRAME // handle conversion of tradheli parameters from Copter-3.6 to Copter-3.7 void Copter::convert_tradheli_parameters(void) const { // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Mar-2019 if (g2.frame_class.get() == AP_Motors::MOTOR_FRAME_HELI) { // single heli conversion info const AP_Param::ConversionInfo singleheli_conversion_info[] = { { Parameters::k_param_motors, 1, AP_PARAM_INT16, "H_SW_H3_SV1_POS" }, { Parameters::k_param_motors, 2, AP_PARAM_INT16, "H_SW_H3_SV2_POS" }, { Parameters::k_param_motors, 3, AP_PARAM_INT16, "H_SW_H3_SV3_POS" }, { Parameters::k_param_motors, 7, AP_PARAM_INT16, "H_SW_H3_PHANG" }, { Parameters::k_param_motors, 19, AP_PARAM_INT8, "H_SW_COL_DIR" }, }; // convert single heli parameters without scaling uint8_t table_size = ARRAY_SIZE(singleheli_conversion_info); for (uint8_t i=0; iconfigured()) { // the new parameter is not in storage so set generic swash AP_Param::set_and_save_by_name("H_SW_TYPE", SwashPlateType::SWASHPLATE_TYPE_H3); } } } } } else if (g2.frame_class.get() == AP_Motors::MOTOR_FRAME_HELI_DUAL) { // dual heli conversion info const AP_Param::ConversionInfo dualheli_conversion_info[] = { { Parameters::k_param_motors, 1, AP_PARAM_INT16, "H_SW_H3_SV1_POS" }, { Parameters::k_param_motors, 2, AP_PARAM_INT16, "H_SW_H3_SV2_POS" }, { Parameters::k_param_motors, 3, AP_PARAM_INT16, "H_SW_H3_SV3_POS" }, // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Mar-2019 { Parameters::k_param_motors, 4, AP_PARAM_INT16, "H_SW2_H3_SV1_POS" }, { Parameters::k_param_motors, 5, AP_PARAM_INT16, "H_SW2_H3_SV2_POS" }, { Parameters::k_param_motors, 6, AP_PARAM_INT16, "H_SW2_H3_SV3_POS" }, // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Sep-2019 { Parameters::k_param_motors, 7, AP_PARAM_INT16, "H_SW_H3_PHANG" }, // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Mar-2019 { Parameters::k_param_motors, 8, AP_PARAM_INT16, "H_SW2_H3_PHANG" }, // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Sep-2019 { Parameters::k_param_motors, 19, AP_PARAM_INT8, "H_SW_COL_DIR" }, // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Mar-2019 { Parameters::k_param_motors, 19, AP_PARAM_INT8, "H_SW2_COL_DIR" }, }; // convert dual heli parameters without scaling uint8_t table_size = ARRAY_SIZE(dualheli_conversion_info); for (uint8_t i=0; iconfigured()) { // the new parameter is not in storage so set generic swash AP_Param::set_and_save_by_name("H_SW_TYPE", SwashPlateType::SWASHPLATE_TYPE_H3); } } } //SWASH 2 // old swash type is not in eeprom and thus type is default value of generic swash if (swash2_pos1_exist || swash2_pos2_exist || swash2_pos3_exist || swash2_phang_exist) { // if any params exist with the generic swash then the upgraded swash type must be generic // find the new variable in the variable structures enum ap_var_type ptype; AP_Param *ap2; ap2 = AP_Param::find("H_SW2_TYPE", &ptype); // make sure the pointer is valid if (ap2 != nullptr) { // see if we can load it from EEPROM if (!ap2->configured()) { // the new parameter is not in storage so set generic swash AP_Param::set_and_save_by_name("H_SW2_TYPE", SwashPlateType::SWASHPLATE_TYPE_H3); } } } } // table of rsc parameters to be converted with scaling const AP_Param::ConversionInfo rschelipct_conversion_info[] = { { Parameters::k_param_motors, 1280, AP_PARAM_INT16, "H_RSC_THRCRV_0" }, { Parameters::k_param_motors, 1344, AP_PARAM_INT16, "H_RSC_THRCRV_25" }, { Parameters::k_param_motors, 1408, AP_PARAM_INT16, "H_RSC_THRCRV_50" }, { Parameters::k_param_motors, 1472, AP_PARAM_INT16, "H_RSC_THRCRV_75" }, { Parameters::k_param_motors, 1536, AP_PARAM_INT16, "H_RSC_THRCRV_100" }, { Parameters::k_param_motors, 448, AP_PARAM_INT16, "H_RSC_SETPOINT" }, { Parameters::k_param_motors, 768, AP_PARAM_INT16, "H_RSC_CRITICAL" }, { Parameters::k_param_motors, 832, AP_PARAM_INT16, "H_RSC_IDLE" }, }; // convert heli rsc parameters with scaling uint8_t table_size = ARRAY_SIZE(rschelipct_conversion_info); for (uint8_t i=0; iget() > 100 ) { uint16_t tailspeed_pct = (uint16_t)(0.1f * tailspeed->get()); AP_Param::set_and_save_by_name("H_TAIL_SPEED", tailspeed_pct ); } // PARAMETER_CONVERSION - Added: Dec-2019 // table of stabilize collective parameters to be converted with scaling const AP_Param::ConversionInfo collhelipct_conversion_info[] = { { Parameters::k_param_input_manager, 1, AP_PARAM_INT16, "IM_STB_COL_1" }, { Parameters::k_param_input_manager, 2, AP_PARAM_INT16, "IM_STB_COL_2" }, { Parameters::k_param_input_manager, 3, AP_PARAM_INT16, "IM_STB_COL_3" }, { Parameters::k_param_input_manager, 4, AP_PARAM_INT16, "IM_STB_COL_4" }, }; // convert stabilize collective parameters with scaling table_size = ARRAY_SIZE(collhelipct_conversion_info); for (uint8_t i=0; i