-- Copter perform a simple maneuver in response to a NAV_SCRIPT_TIME mission command while the vehicle is in Auto mode -- -- Create a simple mission like below -- TAKEOFF, Alt:10m -- NAV_SCRIPT_TIME, command=0 (not used in this script), timeout=30 (seconds), arg1=5 (square width in meters), arg2=10 (square height in meters) -- RETURN-TO-LAUNCH -- -- Arm the vehicle (in Loiter mode), switch to Auto and raise the throttle -- The vehicle should climb to 10m -- This lua script will be fly the vehicle in square pattern in clockwise direction at the current altitude -- "arg1" specifies the width (e.g. East-West) in meters -- "arg2" specifies the height (e.g. North-South) in meters -- Once the vehicle completes the square or the timeout expires the mission will continue and the vehicle should RTL home local running = false local last_id = -1 -- unique id used to detect if a new NAV_SCRIPT_TIME command has started local start_loc -- vehicle's location when command starts (South-West corner of square) local target_loc -- vehicle's target location local stage = 0 -- stage0: fly North arg2 meters -- stage1: fly East arg1 meters -- stage2: fly South arg2 meters -- stage3: fly West arg2 meters -- stage4: done local prev_stage = -1 -- previous stage, used to initate call to move to next corner function update() id, cmd, arg1, arg2 = vehicle:nav_script_time() if id then -- handle start of new command if id ~= last_id then start_loc = ahrs:get_location() -- initialise south-west corner of square if start_loc then running = true last_id = id stage = 0 -- start heading North prev_stage = -1 else gcs:send_text(0, "nav-script-time: failed to get location") running = false end end -- set waypoint target according to stage if (running and stage ~= prev_stage) then prev_stage = stage local corner_loc = start_loc:copy() -- initialise target location to starting location if (stage == 0) then corner_loc:offset(arg2, 0) -- North West corner end if (stage == 1) then corner_loc:offset(arg2, arg1) -- North East corner end if (stage == 2) then corner_loc:offset(0, arg1) -- South East corner end -- stage 3 is back to start_loc if vehicle:set_target_location(corner_loc) then target_loc = corner_loc else gcs:send_text(0, "nav-script-time: failed to set target") vehicle:nav_script_time_done(last_id) running = false end end -- advance stage if we have reached within 1m of target if running then local curr_loc = ahrs:get_location() if curr_loc then local dist_m = curr_loc:get_distance(target_loc) if (dist_m < 1.0) then stage = stage + 1 if stage == 4 then vehicle:nav_script_time_done(last_id) running = false end end else gcs:send_text(0, "nav-script-time: failed to get location") end end else -- no active command running = false end return update, 100 -- update at 10hz end return update()