# Aocoda-RC-H743Dual Flight Controller The Aocoda-RC-H743Dual is a flight controller produced by [Aocoda-RC](https://www.aocoda-rc.com/). ## Features - MCU:STM32H743VIH6 - Gyro:MPU6000/BIM270x2 - Baro:DPS310/MS56XX/BMP280 - Blackbox:128MB - PWM output:10CH - Servo:2CH - UART:8CH - Power Supply:3-6SLipo - BEC Output:5V/2.5A, 9V/3A - USB Connector: Type-C - Weight:8.8g - Size:37mm x 37mm - Mounting Hole:30.5mm x 30.5mm ## Pinout ![Aocoda-RC-H743Dual Top](Aocoda-RC-H743Dual_top.jpg "Aocoda-RC-H743Dual Top") ![Aocoda-RC-H743Dual Bottom](Aocoda-RC-H743Dual_bottom.jpg "Aocoda-RC-H743Dual Bottom") ![Aocoda-RC-H743Dual Wiring](Aocoda-RC-H743Dual_Wiring_Diagram.jpg "Aocoda-RC-H743Dual Wiring") ## UART Mapping The UARTs are marked Rn and Tn in the above pinouts. The Rn pin is the receive pin for UARTn. The Tn pin is the transmit pin for UARTn. - SERIAL0 -> USB (primary mavlink, usually USB) - SERIAL1 -> UART1 (RC input) - SERIAL2 -> UART2 (GPS) - SERIAL3 -> UART3 (VTX) - SERIAL4 -> UART4 - SERIAL5 -> not available - SERIAL6 -> UART6 (ESC Telemetry) - SERIAL7 -> UART7 - SERIAL8 -> UART8 ## RC Input RC input is configured on SERIAL1 (USART1), which is available on the Rx1, Tx1. PPM receivers are *not* supported as this input does not have a timer resource available. *Note* It is recommend to use CRSF/ELRS. With recommended option: - Set SERIAL1_PROTOCOL