/* * This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <utility> #include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h> #include <AP_Math/AP_Math.h> #include <AP_HAL/utility/sparse-endian.h> #include "AP_InertialSensor_ADIS1647x.h" #define BACKEND_SAMPLE_RATE 2000 /* device registers */ #define REG_PROD_ID 0x72 #define PROD_ID_16470 0x4056 #define PROD_ID_16477 0x405d #define REG_GLOB_CMD 0x68 #define GLOB_CMD_SW_RESET 0x80 #define REG_RANG_MDL 0x5E // 16477 only #define REG_DATA_CNTR 0x22 /* timings */ #define T_STALL_US 20U #define T_RESET_MS 250U #define TIMING_DEBUG 0 #if TIMING_DEBUG #define DEBUG_SET_PIN(n,v) hal.gpio->write(52+n, v) #define DEBUG_TOGGLE_PIN(n) hal.gpio->toggle(52+n) #else #define DEBUG_SET_PIN(n,v) #define DEBUG_TOGGLE_PIN(n) #endif extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal; AP_InertialSensor_ADIS1647x::AP_InertialSensor_ADIS1647x(AP_InertialSensor &imu, AP_HAL::OwnPtr<AP_HAL::Device> _dev, enum Rotation _rotation, uint8_t drdy_gpio) : AP_InertialSensor_Backend(imu) , dev(std::move(_dev)) , rotation(_rotation) , drdy_pin(drdy_gpio) { } AP_InertialSensor_Backend * AP_InertialSensor_ADIS1647x::probe(AP_InertialSensor &imu, AP_HAL::OwnPtr<AP_HAL::Device> dev, enum Rotation rotation, uint8_t drdy_gpio) { if (!dev) { return nullptr; } auto sensor = new AP_InertialSensor_ADIS1647x(imu, std::move(dev), rotation, drdy_gpio); if (!sensor) { return nullptr; } if (!sensor->init()) { delete sensor; return nullptr; } return sensor; } void AP_InertialSensor_ADIS1647x::start() { if (!_imu.register_accel(accel_instance, BACKEND_SAMPLE_RATE, dev->get_bus_id_devtype(DEVTYPE_INS_ADIS1647X)) || !_imu.register_gyro(gyro_instance, BACKEND_SAMPLE_RATE, dev->get_bus_id_devtype(DEVTYPE_INS_ADIS1647X))) { return; } // setup sensor rotations from probe() set_gyro_orientation(gyro_instance, rotation); set_accel_orientation(accel_instance, rotation); /* as the sensor does not have a FIFO we need to jump through some hoops to ensure we don't lose any samples. This creates a thread to do the capture, running at very high priority */ if (!hal.scheduler->thread_create(FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER(&AP_InertialSensor_ADIS1647x::loop, void), "ADIS1647x", 1024, AP_HAL::Scheduler::PRIORITY_BOOST, 1)) { AP_HAL::panic("Failed to create ADIS1647x thread"); } } /* check product ID */ bool AP_InertialSensor_ADIS1647x::check_product_id(void) { uint16_t prod_id = read_reg16(REG_PROD_ID); switch (prod_id) { case PROD_ID_16470: // can do up to 40G accel_scale = 1.25 * GRAVITY_MSS * 0.001; _clip_limit = 39.5f * GRAVITY_MSS; gyro_scale = radians(0.1); return true; case PROD_ID_16477: // can do up to 40G accel_scale = 1.25 * GRAVITY_MSS * 0.001; _clip_limit = 39.5f * GRAVITY_MSS; // RANG_MDL register used for gyro range uint16_t rang_mdl = read_reg16(REG_RANG_MDL); switch ((rang_mdl >> 2) & 3) { case 0: gyro_scale = radians(1.0/160); break; case 1: gyro_scale = radians(1.0/40); break; case 3: gyro_scale = radians(1.0/10); break; default: return false; } return true; } return false; } bool AP_InertialSensor_ADIS1647x::init() { WITH_SEMAPHORE(dev->get_semaphore()); if (!check_product_id()) { return false; } // perform software reset write_reg16(REG_GLOB_CMD, GLOB_CMD_SW_RESET); hal.scheduler->delay(T_RESET_MS); // re-check after reset if (!check_product_id()) { return false; } // we leave all config registers at defaults #if TIMING_DEBUG // useful for debugging scheduling of transfers hal.gpio->pinMode(52, HAL_GPIO_OUTPUT); hal.gpio->pinMode(53, HAL_GPIO_OUTPUT); hal.gpio->pinMode(54, HAL_GPIO_OUTPUT); hal.gpio->pinMode(55, HAL_GPIO_OUTPUT); #endif // we need to use low speed for burst transfers dev->set_speed(AP_HAL::Device::SPEED_LOW); return true; } /* read a 16 bit register value */ uint16_t AP_InertialSensor_ADIS1647x::read_reg16(uint8_t regnum) const { uint8_t req[2] = {regnum, 0}; uint8_t reply[2] {}; dev->transfer(req, sizeof(req), nullptr, 0); hal.scheduler->delay_microseconds(T_STALL_US); dev->transfer(nullptr, 0, reply, sizeof(reply)); uint16_t ret = (reply[0]<<8U) | reply[1]; return ret; } /* write a 16 bit register value */ void AP_InertialSensor_ADIS1647x::write_reg16(uint8_t regnum, uint16_t value) const { uint8_t req[2]; req[0] = (regnum | 0x80); req[1] = value & 0xFF; dev->transfer(req, sizeof(req), nullptr, 0); hal.scheduler->delay_microseconds(T_STALL_US); req[0] = ((regnum+1) | 0x80); req[1] = (value>>8) & 0xFF; dev->transfer(req, sizeof(req), nullptr, 0); hal.scheduler->delay_microseconds(T_STALL_US); } /* loop to read the sensor */ void AP_InertialSensor_ADIS1647x::read_sensor(void) { struct adis_data { uint8_t cmd[2]; uint16_t diag_stat; int16_t gx; int16_t gy; int16_t gz; int16_t ax; int16_t ay; int16_t az; int16_t temp; uint16_t counter; uint8_t pad; uint8_t checksum; } data {}; uint64_t sample_start_us = AP_HAL::micros64(); do { WITH_SEMAPHORE(dev->get_semaphore()); data.cmd[0] = REG_GLOB_CMD; DEBUG_SET_PIN(2, 1); if (!dev->transfer((const uint8_t *)&data, sizeof(data), (uint8_t *)&data, sizeof(data))) { break; } DEBUG_SET_PIN(2, 0); } while (be16toh(data.counter) == last_counter); DEBUG_SET_PIN(1, 1); /* check the 8 bit checksum of the packet */ uint8_t sum = 0; const uint8_t *b = (const uint8_t *)&data.diag_stat; for (uint8_t i=0; i<offsetof(adis_data, pad) - offsetof(adis_data, diag_stat); i++) { sum += b[i]; } if (sum != data.checksum) { DEBUG_TOGGLE_PIN(3); DEBUG_TOGGLE_PIN(3); DEBUG_TOGGLE_PIN(3); DEBUG_TOGGLE_PIN(3); // corrupt data return; } /* check if we have lost a sample */ uint16_t counter = be16toh(data.counter); if (done_first_read && uint16_t(last_counter+1) != counter) { DEBUG_TOGGLE_PIN(3); } done_first_read = true; last_counter = counter; Vector3f accel{float(int16_t(be16toh(data.ax))), float(int16_t(be16toh(data.ay))), float(int16_t(be16toh(data.az)))}; Vector3f gyro{float(int16_t(be16toh(data.gx))), float(int16_t(be16toh(data.gy))), float(int16_t(be16toh(data.gz)))}; accel *= accel_scale; gyro *= gyro_scale; _rotate_and_correct_accel(accel_instance, accel); _notify_new_accel_raw_sample(accel_instance, accel, sample_start_us); _rotate_and_correct_gyro(gyro_instance, gyro); _notify_new_gyro_raw_sample(gyro_instance, gyro, sample_start_us); /* publish average temperature at 20Hz */ temp_sum += float(int16_t(be16toh(data.temp))*0.1); temp_count++; if (temp_count == 100) { _publish_temperature(accel_instance, temp_sum/temp_count); temp_sum = 0; temp_count = 0; } DEBUG_SET_PIN(1, 0); } /* sensor read loop */ void AP_InertialSensor_ADIS1647x::loop(void) { while (true) { uint32_t tstart = AP_HAL::micros(); // we deliberately set the period a bit fast to ensure we // don't lose a sample const uint32_t period_us = 480; bool wait_ok = false; if (drdy_pin != 0) { // when we have a DRDY pin then wait for it to go high DEBUG_SET_PIN(0, 1); wait_ok = hal.gpio->wait_pin(drdy_pin, AP_HAL::GPIO::INTERRUPT_RISING, 1000); DEBUG_SET_PIN(0, 0); } read_sensor(); uint32_t dt = AP_HAL::micros() - tstart; if (dt < period_us) { uint32_t wait_us = period_us - dt; if (!wait_ok || wait_us > period_us/2) { DEBUG_SET_PIN(3, 1); hal.scheduler->delay_microseconds(wait_us); DEBUG_SET_PIN(3, 0); } } } } bool AP_InertialSensor_ADIS1647x::update() { update_accel(accel_instance); update_gyro(gyro_instance); return true; }