Action required when performing CMD_PREFLIGHT_STORAGE
Read all parameters from storage
Write all parameters to storage
Clear all parameters in storage
Read specific parameters from storage
Write specific parameters to storage
Clear specific parameters in storage
do nothing
Request storage of different parameter values and logs. This command will be only accepted if in pre-flight mode.
Storage action: Action defined by MAV_PREFLIGHT_STORAGE_ACTION_ADVANCED
Storage area as defined by parameter database
Storage flags as defined by parameter database
Depreciated but used as a compiler flag. Do not remove
System ID
Component ID
Reqest reading of flexifunction data
System ID
Component ID
Type of flexifunction data requested
index into data where needed
Flexifunction type and parameters for component at function index from buffer
System ID
Component ID
Function index
Total count of functions
Address in the flexifunction data, Set to 0xFFFF to use address in target memory
Size of the
Settings data
Flexifunction type and parameters for component at function index from buffer
System ID
Component ID
Function index
result of acknowledge, 0=fail, 1=good
Acknowldge sucess or failure of a flexifunction command
System ID
Component ID
0=inputs, 1=outputs
index of first directory entry to write
count of directory entries to write
Settings data
Acknowldge sucess or failure of a flexifunction command
System ID
Component ID
0=inputs, 1=outputs
index of first directory entry to write
count of directory entries to write
result of acknowledge, 0=fail, 1=good
Acknowldge sucess or failure of a flexifunction command
System ID
Component ID
Flexifunction command type
Acknowldge sucess or failure of a flexifunction command
Command acknowledged
result of acknowledge
Backwards compatible MAVLink version of SERIAL_UDB_EXTRA - F2: Format Part A
Serial UDB Extra Time
Serial UDB Extra Status
Serial UDB Extra Latitude
Serial UDB Extra Longitude
Serial UDB Extra Altitude
Serial UDB Extra Waypoint Index
Serial UDB Extra Rmat 0
Serial UDB Extra Rmat 1
Serial UDB Extra Rmat 2
Serial UDB Extra Rmat 3
Serial UDB Extra Rmat 4
Serial UDB Extra Rmat 5
Serial UDB Extra Rmat 6
Serial UDB Extra Rmat 7
Serial UDB Extra Rmat 8
Serial UDB Extra GPS Course Over Ground
Serial UDB Extra Speed Over Ground
Serial UDB Extra CPU Load
Serial UDB Extra Voltage in MilliVolts
Serial UDB Extra 3D IMU Air Speed
Serial UDB Extra Estimated Wind 0
Serial UDB Extra Estimated Wind 1
Serial UDB Extra Estimated Wind 2
Serial UDB Extra Magnetic Field Earth 0
Serial UDB Extra Magnetic Field Earth 1
Serial UDB Extra Magnetic Field Earth 2
Serial UDB Extra Number of Sattelites in View
Serial UDB Extra GPS Horizontal Dilution of Precision
Backwards compatible version of SERIAL_UDB_EXTRA - F2: Part B
Serial UDB Extra Time
Serial UDB Extra PWM Input Channel 1
Serial UDB Extra PWM Input Channel 2
Serial UDB Extra PWM Input Channel 3
Serial UDB Extra PWM Input Channel 4
Serial UDB Extra PWM Input Channel 5
Serial UDB Extra PWM Input Channel 6
Serial UDB Extra PWM Input Channel 7
Serial UDB Extra PWM Input Channel 8
Serial UDB Extra PWM Input Channel 9
Serial UDB Extra PWM Input Channel 10
Serial UDB Extra PWM Output Channel 1
Serial UDB Extra PWM Output Channel 2
Serial UDB Extra PWM Output Channel 3
Serial UDB Extra PWM Output Channel 4
Serial UDB Extra PWM Output Channel 5
Serial UDB Extra PWM Output Channel 6
Serial UDB Extra PWM Output Channel 7
Serial UDB Extra PWM Output Channel 8
Serial UDB Extra PWM Output Channel 9
Serial UDB Extra PWM Output Channel 10
Serial UDB Extra IMU Location X
Serial UDB Extra IMU Location Y
Serial UDB Extra IMU Location Z
Serial UDB Extra Status Flags
Serial UDB Extra Oscillator Failure Count
Serial UDB Extra IMU Velocity X
Serial UDB Extra IMU Velocity Y
Serial UDB Extra IMU Velocity Z
Serial UDB Extra Current Waypoint Goal X
Serial UDB Extra Current Waypoint Goal Y
Serial UDB Extra Current Waypoint Goal Z
Serial UDB Extra Stack Memory Free
Backwards compatible version of SERIAL_UDB_EXTRA F4: format
Serial UDB Extra Roll Stabilization with Ailerons Enabled
Serial UDB Extra Roll Stabilization with Rudder Enabled
Serial UDB Extra Pitch Stabilization Enabled
Serial UDB Extra Yaw Stabilization using Rudder Enabled
Serial UDB Extra Yaw Stabilization using Ailerons Enabled
Serial UDB Extra Navigation with Ailerons Enabled
Serial UDB Extra Navigation with Rudder Enabled
Serial UDB Extra Type of Alitude Hold when in Stabilized Mode
Serial UDB Extra Type of Alitude Hold when in Waypoint Mode
Serial UDB Extra Firmware racing mode enabled
Backwards compatible version of SERIAL_UDB_EXTRA F5: format
Serial UDB YAWKP_AILERON Gain for Proporional control of navigation
Serial UDB YAWKD_AILERON Gain for Rate control of navigation
Serial UDB Extra ROLLKP Gain for Proportional control of roll stabilization
Serial UDB Extra ROLLKD Gain for Rate control of roll stabilization
Gain For Boosting Manual Aileron control When Plane Stabilized
Backwards compatible version of SERIAL_UDB_EXTRA F6: format
Serial UDB Extra PITCHGAIN Proportional Control
Serial UDB Extra Pitch Rate Control
Serial UDB Extra Rudder to Elevator Mix
Serial UDB Extra Roll to Elevator Mix
Gain For Boosting Manual Elevator control When Plane Stabilized
Backwards compatible version of SERIAL_UDB_EXTRA F7: format
Serial UDB YAWKP_RUDDER Gain for Proporional control of navigation
Serial UDB YAWKD_RUDDER Gain for Rate control of navigation
Serial UDB Extra ROLLKP_RUDDER Gain for Proportional control of roll stabilization
Serial UDB Extra ROLLKD_RUDDER Gain for Rate control of roll stabilization
SERIAL UDB EXTRA Rudder Boost Gain to Manual Control when stabilized
Serial UDB Extra Return To Landing - Angle to Pitch Plane Down
Backwards compatible version of SERIAL_UDB_EXTRA F8: format
Backwards compatible version of SERIAL_UDB_EXTRA F13: format
Serial UDB Extra GPS Week Number
Serial UDB Extra MP Origin Latitude
Serial UDB Extra MP Origin Longitude
Serial UDB Extra MP Origin Altitude Above Sea Level
Backwards compatible version of SERIAL_UDB_EXTRA F14: format
Serial UDB Extra Wind Estimation Enabled
Serial UDB Extra Type of GPS Unit
Serial UDB Extra Dead Reckoning Enabled
Serial UDB Extra Type of UDB Hardware
Serial UDB Extra Type of Airframe
Serial UDB Extra Reboot Regitster of DSPIC
Serial UDB Extra Last dspic Trap Flags
Serial UDB Extra Type Program Address of Last Trap
Serial UDB Extra Number of Ocillator Failures
Serial UDB Extra UDB Internal Clock Configuration
Serial UDB Extra Type of Flight Plan
Backwards compatible version of SERIAL_UDB_EXTRA F15 and F16: format
Serial UDB Extra Model Name Of Vehicle
Serial UDB Extra Registraton Number of Vehicle
Serial UDB Extra Name of Expected Lead Pilot
Serial UDB Extra URL of Lead Pilot or Team
The altitude measured by sensors and IMU
Timestamp (milliseconds since system boot)
GPS altitude in meters, expressed as * 1000 (millimeters), above MSL
IMU altitude above ground in meters, expressed as * 1000 (millimeters)
barometeric altitude above ground in meters, expressed as * 1000 (millimeters)
Optical flow altitude above ground in meters, expressed as * 1000 (millimeters)
Rangefinder Altitude above ground in meters, expressed as * 1000 (millimeters)
Extra altitude above ground in meters, expressed as * 1000 (millimeters)
The airspeed measured by sensors and IMU
Timestamp (milliseconds since system boot)
Airspeed estimate from IMU, cm/s
Pitot measured forward airpseed, cm/s
Hot wire anenometer measured airspeed, cm/s
Ultrasonic measured airspeed, cm/s
Angle of attack sensor, degrees * 10
Yaw angle sensor, degrees * 10