# Callisto model, see https://www.freespaceoperations.com.au/

    # total vehicle mass
    "mass" : 32.5,

    # vehicle diameter
    "diagonal_size" : 1.325,

    # the ref parameters should be taken from a test
    # with the copter flying at constant speed in zero wind. This is used
    # to estimate the drag coefficient
    "refSpd" : 14.88,    # m/s
    "refAngle" : 8.91,   # degrees
    "refVoltage" : 46.9, # volts
    "refCurrent" : 65.36, # Amps
    "refAlt" : 26,       # meters AMSL
    "refTempC" : 25,     # degrees C
    "refBatRes" : 0.024, # BAT.Res from log

    # full battery voltage
    "maxVoltage" : 50.4,

    # full battery capacity, Ah
    "battCapacityAh" : 44,

    "propExpo" : 0.5,

    # approximage maximum yaw rate in deg/sec
    "refRotRate" : 120,

    # hover throttle from 0 to 1
    "hoverThrOut" : 0.36,

    "pwmMin" : 1000,

    "pwmMax" : 1940,

    "spin_min" : 0.2,

    "spin_max" : 0.975,

    # maximum motor slew rate, or zero to disable
    "slew_max" : 75,

    # total effective disc area in sq m for 4 x 30 inch diameter rotors
    # coaxial rotors count as a single rotor for this parameter)
    "disc_area" : 1.82,

    # momentum drag coefficient
    # ratio of momentum drag realtive to a ducted rotor of the same effective disc area
    "mdrag_coef" : 0.10