name: colcon build/test on: push: paths-ignore: # remove not tests vehicles - 'AntennaTracker/**' - 'ArduSub/**' - 'Blimp/**' - 'Rover/**' # remove esp32 HAL - 'libraries/AP_HAL_ESP32/**' # remove non SITL directories - 'Tools/AP_Bootloader/**' - 'Tools/bootloaders/**' - 'Tools/CHDK-Script/**' - 'Tools/CodeStyle/**' - 'Tools/completion/**' - 'Tools/CPUInfo/**' - 'Tools/debug/**' - 'Tools/environment_install/**' - 'Tools/FilterTestTool/**' - 'Tools/Frame_params/**' - 'Tools/geotag/**' - 'Tools/GIT_Test/**' - 'Tools/gittools/**' - 'Tools/Hello/**' - 'Tools/IO_Firmware/**' - 'Tools/mavproxy_modules/**' - 'Tools/Pozyx/**' - 'Tools/' - 'Tools/Replay/**' - 'Tools/simulink/**' - 'Tools/UDP_Proxy/**' - 'Tools/vagrant/**' - 'Tools/Vicon/**' # Discard python file from Tools/scripts as not used - 'Tools/scripts/**.py' - 'Tools/scripts/build_sizes/**' - 'Tools/scripts/build_tests/**' - 'Tools/scripts/CAN/**' - 'Tools/scripts/signing/**' # Remove autotests stuff - 'Tools/autotest/**' # Remove markdown files as irrelevant - '**.md' # Remove dotfile at root directory - './.dir-locals.el' - './.dockerignore' - './.editorconfig' - './.flake8' - './.gitattributes' - './.github' - './.gitignore' - './.pre-commit-config.yaml' - './.pydevproject' - './.valgrind-suppressions' - './.valgrindrc' - 'Dockerfile' - 'Vagrantfile' - 'Makefile' # Remove some directories check - '.vscode/**' - '.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/**' # Remove change on other workflows - '.github/workflows/test_environment.yml' pull_request: paths-ignore: # remove not tests vehicles - 'AntennaTracker/**' - 'ArduSub/**' - 'Rover/**' - 'Blimp/**' # remove esp32 HAL - 'libraries/AP_HAL_ESP32/**' # remove non SITL directories - 'Tools/AP_Bootloader/**' - 'Tools/CHDK-Script/**' - 'Tools/CPUInfo/**' - 'Tools/CodeStyle/**' - 'Tools/FilterTestTool/**' - 'Tools/Frame_params/**' - 'Tools/GIT_Test/**' - 'Tools/Hello/**' - 'Tools/IO_Firmware/**' - 'Tools/LogAnalyzer/**' - 'Tools/Pozyx/**' - 'Tools/' - 'Tools/Replay/**' - 'Tools/UDP_Proxy/**' - 'Tools/Vicon/**' - 'Tools/bootloaders/**' - 'Tools/completion/**' - 'Tools/debug/**' - 'Tools/environment_install/**' - 'Tools/geotag/**' - 'Tools/gittools/**' - 'Tools/mavproxy_modules/**' - 'Tools/simulink/**' - 'Tools/vagrant/**' # Discard python file from Tools/scripts as not used - 'Tools/scripts/**.py' - 'Tools/scripts/build_sizes/**' - 'Tools/scripts/build_tests/**' - 'Tools/scripts/CAN/**' - 'Tools/scripts/signing/**' # Remove autotests stuff - 'Tools/autotest/**' # Remove markdown files as irrelevant - '**.md' # Remove dotfile at root directory - './.dir-locals.el' - './.dockerignore' - './.editorconfig' - './.flake8' - './.gitattributes' - './.github' - './.gitignore' - './.pre-commit-config.yaml' - './.pydevproject' - './.valgrind-suppressions' - './.valgrindrc' - 'Dockerfile' - 'Vagrantfile' - 'Makefile' # Remove some directories check - '.vscode/**' - '.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/**' # Remove change on other workflows - '.github/workflows/test_environment.yml' workflow_dispatch: concurrency: group: ci-${{github.workflow}}-${{ github.ref }} cancel-in-progress: true jobs: build-test: runs-on: ubuntu-22.04 container: image: ardupilot/ardupilot-dev-ros:latest strategy: fail-fast: false # don't cancel if a job from the matrix fails steps: # git checkout the PR - uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: submodules: 'recursive' path: src/ardupilot # Put ccache into github cache for faster build - name: Prepare ccache timestamp id: ccache_cache_timestamp run: | NOW=$(date -u +"%F-%T") echo "timestamp=${NOW}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: ccache cache files uses: actions/cache@v4 with: path: ~/.ccache key: ${{github.workflow}}-ccache-${{steps.ccache_cache_timestamp.outputs.timestamp}} restore-keys: ${{github.workflow}}-ccache- # restore ccache from either previous build on this branch or on master - name: setup ccache run: | . src/ardupilot/.github/workflows/ccache.env # - name: Pull in repos with vcs run: | cd src wget --progress=dot:giga vcs import --recursive --debug --shallow --skip-existing < ros2.repos - name: Install rosdep dependencies shell: 'bash' run: | apt update rosdep update # Workaround for flake8 attribute error # python3 -m pip install flake8==3.7.9 source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --default-yes - name: Install MAVProxy run: | # Install this specific version just to prevent rolling updates. # These are the latest available python3 -m pip install MAVProxy==1.8.67 - name: Install local pymavlink working-directory: ./src/ardupilot/modules/mavlink/pymavlink run: | python3 -m pip install . -U --user - name: Build with colcon shell: 'bash' run: | source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash colcon build --packages-up-to ardupilot_dds_tests --cmake-args -DBUILD_TESTING=ON - name: Test with colcon shell: 'bash' run: | source install/setup.bash colcon test --executor sequential --parallel-workers 0 --base-paths src/ardupilot --event-handlers=console_cohesion+ - name: Report colcon test results run: | colcon test-result --all --verbose