// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- // use this to prevent recursion during sensor init static bool in_mavlink_delay; // this costs us 51 bytes, but means that low priority // messages don't block the CPU static mavlink_statustext_t pending_status; // true when we have received at least 1 MAVLink packet static bool mavlink_active; // check if a message will fit in the payload space available #define CHECK_PAYLOAD_SIZE(id) if (payload_space < MAVLINK_MSG_ID_## id ##_LEN) return false /* !!NOTE!! the use of NOINLINE separate functions for each message type avoids a compiler bug in gcc that would cause it to use far more stack space than is needed. Without the NOINLINE we use the sum of the stack needed for each message type. Please be careful to follow the pattern below when adding any new messages */ static NOINLINE void send_heartbeat(mavlink_channel_t chan) { mavlink_msg_heartbeat_send( chan, mavlink_system.type, MAV_AUTOPILOT_ARDUPILOTMEGA); } static NOINLINE void send_attitude(mavlink_channel_t chan) { mavlink_msg_attitude_send( chan, micros(), dcm.roll, dcm.pitch, dcm.yaw, omega.x, omega.y, omega.z); } static NOINLINE void send_extended_status1(mavlink_channel_t chan, uint16_t packet_drops) { uint8_t mode = MAV_MODE_UNINIT; uint8_t nav_mode = MAV_NAV_VECTOR; switch(control_mode) { case LOITER: mode = MAV_MODE_AUTO; nav_mode = MAV_NAV_HOLD; break; case AUTO: mode = MAV_MODE_AUTO; nav_mode = MAV_NAV_WAYPOINT; break; case RTL: mode = MAV_MODE_AUTO; nav_mode = MAV_NAV_RETURNING; break; case GUIDED: mode = MAV_MODE_GUIDED; break; default: mode = control_mode + 100; } uint8_t status = MAV_STATE_ACTIVE; uint16_t battery_remaining = 1000.0 * (float)(g.pack_capacity - current_total)/(float)g.pack_capacity; //Mavlink scaling 100% = 1000 mavlink_msg_sys_status_send( chan, mode, nav_mode, status, 0, battery_voltage * 1000, battery_remaining, packet_drops); } static void NOINLINE send_meminfo(mavlink_channel_t chan) { extern unsigned __brkval; mavlink_msg_meminfo_send(chan, __brkval, memcheck_available_memory()); } static void NOINLINE send_location(mavlink_channel_t chan) { Matrix3f rot = dcm.get_dcm_matrix(); // neglecting angle of attack for now mavlink_msg_global_position_int_send( chan, current_loc.lat, current_loc.lng, current_loc.alt * 10, g_gps->ground_speed * rot.a.x, g_gps->ground_speed * rot.b.x, g_gps->ground_speed * rot.c.x); } static void NOINLINE send_nav_controller_output(mavlink_channel_t chan) { mavlink_msg_nav_controller_output_send( chan, nav_roll / 1.0e2, nav_pitch / 1.0e2, target_bearing / 1.0e2, target_bearing / 1.0e2, wp_distance, altitude_error / 1.0e2, 0, 0); } static void NOINLINE send_gps_raw(mavlink_channel_t chan) { mavlink_msg_gps_raw_send( chan, micros(), g_gps->status(), g_gps->latitude / 1.0e7, g_gps->longitude / 1.0e7, g_gps->altitude / 100.0, g_gps->hdop, 0.0, g_gps->ground_speed / 100.0, g_gps->ground_course / 100.0); } static void NOINLINE send_servo_out(mavlink_channel_t chan) { const uint8_t rssi = 1; // normalized values scaled to -10000 to 10000 // This is used for HIL. Do not change without discussing with HIL maintainers #if FRAME_CONFIG == HELI_FRAME mavlink_msg_rc_channels_scaled_send( chan, g.rc_1.servo_out, g.rc_2.servo_out, g.rc_3.radio_out, g.rc_4.servo_out, 0, 0, 0, 0, rssi); #else mavlink_msg_rc_channels_scaled_send( chan, g.rc_1.servo_out, g.rc_2.servo_out, g.rc_3.radio_out, g.rc_4.servo_out, 10000 * g.rc_1.norm_output(), 10000 * g.rc_2.norm_output(), 10000 * g.rc_3.norm_output(), 10000 * g.rc_4.norm_output(), rssi); #endif } static void NOINLINE send_radio_in(mavlink_channel_t chan) { const uint8_t rssi = 1; mavlink_msg_rc_channels_raw_send( chan, g.rc_1.radio_in, g.rc_2.radio_in, g.rc_3.radio_in, g.rc_4.radio_in, g.rc_5.radio_in, g.rc_6.radio_in, g.rc_7.radio_in, g.rc_8.radio_in, rssi); } static void NOINLINE send_radio_out(mavlink_channel_t chan) { mavlink_msg_servo_output_raw_send( chan, motor_out[0], motor_out[1], motor_out[2], motor_out[3], motor_out[4], motor_out[5], motor_out[6], motor_out[7]); } static void NOINLINE send_vfr_hud(mavlink_channel_t chan) { mavlink_msg_vfr_hud_send( chan, (float)airspeed / 100.0, (float)g_gps->ground_speed / 100.0, (dcm.yaw_sensor / 100) % 360, g.rc_3.servo_out/10, current_loc.alt / 100.0, climb_rate); } #if HIL_MODE != HIL_MODE_ATTITUDE static void NOINLINE send_raw_imu1(mavlink_channel_t chan) { Vector3f accel = imu.get_accel(); Vector3f gyro = imu.get_gyro(); mavlink_msg_raw_imu_send( chan, micros(), accel.x * 1000.0 / gravity, accel.y * 1000.0 / gravity, accel.z * 1000.0 / gravity, gyro.x * 1000.0, gyro.y * 1000.0, gyro.z * 1000.0, compass.mag_x, compass.mag_y, compass.mag_z); } static void NOINLINE send_raw_imu2(mavlink_channel_t chan) { mavlink_msg_scaled_pressure_send( chan, micros(), (float)barometer.Press/100.0, (float)(barometer.Press-ground_pressure)/100.0, (int)(barometer.Temp*10)); } static void NOINLINE send_raw_imu3(mavlink_channel_t chan) { Vector3f mag_offsets = compass.get_offsets(); mavlink_msg_sensor_offsets_send(chan, mag_offsets.x, mag_offsets.y, mag_offsets.z, compass.get_declination(), barometer.RawPress, barometer.RawTemp, imu.gx(), imu.gy(), imu.gz(), imu.ax(), imu.ay(), imu.az()); } #endif // HIL_MODE != HIL_MODE_ATTITUDE static void NOINLINE send_gps_status(mavlink_channel_t chan) { mavlink_msg_gps_status_send( chan, g_gps->num_sats, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } static void NOINLINE send_current_waypoint(mavlink_channel_t chan) { mavlink_msg_waypoint_current_send( chan, g.waypoint_index); } static void NOINLINE send_statustext(mavlink_channel_t chan) { mavlink_msg_statustext_send( chan, pending_status.severity, pending_status.text); } // try to send a message, return false if it won't fit in the serial tx buffer static bool mavlink_try_send_message(mavlink_channel_t chan, enum ap_message id, uint16_t packet_drops) { int payload_space = comm_get_txspace(chan) - MAVLINK_NUM_NON_PAYLOAD_BYTES; if (chan == MAVLINK_COMM_1 && millis() < MAVLINK_TELEMETRY_PORT_DELAY) { // defer any messages on the telemetry port for 1 second after // bootup, to try to prevent bricking of Xbees return false; } switch(id) { case MSG_HEARTBEAT: CHECK_PAYLOAD_SIZE(HEARTBEAT); send_heartbeat(chan); return true; case MSG_EXTENDED_STATUS1: CHECK_PAYLOAD_SIZE(SYS_STATUS); send_extended_status1(chan, packet_drops); break; case MSG_EXTENDED_STATUS2: CHECK_PAYLOAD_SIZE(MEMINFO); send_meminfo(chan); break; case MSG_ATTITUDE: CHECK_PAYLOAD_SIZE(ATTITUDE); send_attitude(chan); break; case MSG_LOCATION: CHECK_PAYLOAD_SIZE(GLOBAL_POSITION_INT); send_location(chan); break; case MSG_NAV_CONTROLLER_OUTPUT: CHECK_PAYLOAD_SIZE(NAV_CONTROLLER_OUTPUT); send_nav_controller_output(chan); break; case MSG_GPS_RAW: CHECK_PAYLOAD_SIZE(GPS_RAW); send_gps_raw(chan); break; case MSG_SERVO_OUT: CHECK_PAYLOAD_SIZE(RC_CHANNELS_SCALED); send_servo_out(chan); break; case MSG_RADIO_IN: CHECK_PAYLOAD_SIZE(RC_CHANNELS_RAW); send_radio_in(chan); break; case MSG_RADIO_OUT: CHECK_PAYLOAD_SIZE(SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW); send_radio_out(chan); break; case MSG_VFR_HUD: CHECK_PAYLOAD_SIZE(VFR_HUD); send_vfr_hud(chan); break; #if HIL_MODE != HIL_MODE_ATTITUDE case MSG_RAW_IMU1: CHECK_PAYLOAD_SIZE(RAW_IMU); send_raw_imu1(chan); break; case MSG_RAW_IMU2: CHECK_PAYLOAD_SIZE(SCALED_PRESSURE); send_raw_imu2(chan); break; case MSG_RAW_IMU3: CHECK_PAYLOAD_SIZE(SENSOR_OFFSETS); send_raw_imu3(chan); break; #endif // HIL_MODE != HIL_MODE_ATTITUDE case MSG_GPS_STATUS: CHECK_PAYLOAD_SIZE(GPS_STATUS); send_gps_status(chan); break; case MSG_CURRENT_WAYPOINT: CHECK_PAYLOAD_SIZE(WAYPOINT_CURRENT); send_current_waypoint(chan); break; case MSG_NEXT_PARAM: CHECK_PAYLOAD_SIZE(PARAM_VALUE); if (chan == MAVLINK_COMM_0) { gcs0.queued_param_send(); } else { gcs3.queued_param_send(); } break; case MSG_NEXT_WAYPOINT: CHECK_PAYLOAD_SIZE(WAYPOINT_REQUEST); if (chan == MAVLINK_COMM_0) { gcs0.queued_waypoint_send(); } else { gcs3.queued_waypoint_send(); } break; case MSG_STATUSTEXT: CHECK_PAYLOAD_SIZE(STATUSTEXT); send_statustext(chan); break; case MSG_RETRY_DEFERRED: break; // just here to prevent a warning } return true; } #define MAX_DEFERRED_MESSAGES MSG_RETRY_DEFERRED static struct mavlink_queue { enum ap_message deferred_messages[MAX_DEFERRED_MESSAGES]; uint8_t next_deferred_message; uint8_t num_deferred_messages; } mavlink_queue[2]; // send a message using mavlink static void mavlink_send_message(mavlink_channel_t chan, enum ap_message id, uint16_t packet_drops) { uint8_t i, nextid; struct mavlink_queue *q = &mavlink_queue[(uint8_t)chan]; // see if we can send the deferred messages, if any while (q->num_deferred_messages != 0) { if (!mavlink_try_send_message(chan, q->deferred_messages[q->next_deferred_message], packet_drops)) { break; } q->next_deferred_message++; if (q->next_deferred_message == MAX_DEFERRED_MESSAGES) { q->next_deferred_message = 0; } q->num_deferred_messages--; } if (id == MSG_RETRY_DEFERRED) { return; } // this message id might already be deferred for (i=0, nextid = q->next_deferred_message; i < q->num_deferred_messages; i++) { if (q->deferred_messages[nextid] == id) { // its already deferred, discard return; } nextid++; if (nextid == MAX_DEFERRED_MESSAGES) { nextid = 0; } } if (q->num_deferred_messages != 0 || !mavlink_try_send_message(chan, id, packet_drops)) { // can't send it now, so defer it if (q->num_deferred_messages == MAX_DEFERRED_MESSAGES) { // the defer buffer is full, discard return; } nextid = q->next_deferred_message + q->num_deferred_messages; if (nextid >= MAX_DEFERRED_MESSAGES) { nextid -= MAX_DEFERRED_MESSAGES; } q->deferred_messages[nextid] = id; q->num_deferred_messages++; } } void mavlink_send_text(mavlink_channel_t chan, gcs_severity severity, const char *str) { if (chan == MAVLINK_COMM_1 && millis() < MAVLINK_TELEMETRY_PORT_DELAY) { // don't send status MAVLink messages for 2 seconds after // bootup, to try to prevent Xbee bricking return; } if (severity == SEVERITY_LOW) { // send via the deferred queuing system pending_status.severity = (uint8_t)severity; strncpy((char *)pending_status.text, str, sizeof(pending_status.text)); mavlink_send_message(chan, MSG_STATUSTEXT, 0); } else { // send immediately mavlink_msg_statustext_send( chan, severity, (const int8_t*) str); } } GCS_MAVLINK::GCS_MAVLINK(AP_Var::Key key) : packet_drops(0), // parameters // note, all values not explicitly initialised here are zeroed waypoint_send_timeout(1000), // 1 second waypoint_receive_timeout(1000), // 1 second // stream rates _group (key, key == Parameters::k_param_streamrates_port0 ? PSTR("SR0_"): PSTR("SR3_")), // AP_VAR //ref //index, default, name streamRateRawSensors (&_group, 0, 0, PSTR("RAW_SENS")), streamRateExtendedStatus (&_group, 1, 0, PSTR("EXT_STAT")), streamRateRCChannels (&_group, 2, 0, PSTR("RC_CHAN")), streamRateRawController (&_group, 3, 0, PSTR("RAW_CTRL")), streamRatePosition (&_group, 4, 0, PSTR("POSITION")), streamRateExtra1 (&_group, 5, 0, PSTR("EXTRA1")), streamRateExtra2 (&_group, 6, 0, PSTR("EXTRA2")), streamRateExtra3 (&_group, 7, 0, PSTR("EXTRA3")) { } void GCS_MAVLINK::init(FastSerial * port) { GCS_Class::init(port); if (port == &Serial) { mavlink_comm_0_port = port; chan = MAVLINK_COMM_0; }else{ mavlink_comm_1_port = port; chan = MAVLINK_COMM_1; } _queued_parameter = NULL; } void GCS_MAVLINK::update(void) { // receive new packets mavlink_message_t msg; mavlink_status_t status; status.packet_rx_drop_count = 0; // process received bytes while(comm_get_available(chan)) { uint8_t c = comm_receive_ch(chan); #if CLI_ENABLED == ENABLED /* allow CLI to be started by hitting enter 3 times, if no heartbeat packets have been received */ if (mavlink_active == false) { if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') { crlf_count++; } else { crlf_count = 0; } if (crlf_count == 3) { run_cli(); } } #endif // Try to get a new message if (mavlink_parse_char(chan, c, &msg, &status)) { mavlink_active = true; handleMessage(&msg); } } // Update packet drops counter packet_drops += status.packet_rx_drop_count; // send out queued params/ waypoints if (NULL != _queued_parameter) { send_message(MSG_NEXT_PARAM); } if (!waypoint_receiving && !waypoint_sending) { return; } uint32_t tnow = millis(); if (waypoint_receiving && waypoint_request_i <= (unsigned)g.waypoint_total && tnow > waypoint_timelast_request + 500) { waypoint_timelast_request = tnow; send_message(MSG_NEXT_WAYPOINT); } // stop waypoint sending if timeout if (waypoint_sending && (tnow - waypoint_timelast_send) > waypoint_send_timeout){ waypoint_sending = false; } // stop waypoint receiving if timeout if (waypoint_receiving && (tnow - waypoint_timelast_receive) > waypoint_receive_timeout){ waypoint_receiving = false; } } void GCS_MAVLINK::data_stream_send(uint16_t freqMin, uint16_t freqMax) { if (waypoint_sending == false && waypoint_receiving == false && _queued_parameter == NULL) { if (freqLoopMatch(streamRateRawSensors, freqMin, freqMax)){ send_message(MSG_RAW_IMU1); send_message(MSG_RAW_IMU2); send_message(MSG_RAW_IMU3); //Serial.printf("mav1 %d\n", (int)streamRateRawSensors.get()); } if (freqLoopMatch(streamRateExtendedStatus, freqMin, freqMax)) { send_message(MSG_EXTENDED_STATUS1); send_message(MSG_EXTENDED_STATUS2); send_message(MSG_GPS_STATUS); send_message(MSG_CURRENT_WAYPOINT); send_message(MSG_GPS_RAW); // TODO - remove this message after location message is working send_message(MSG_NAV_CONTROLLER_OUTPUT); //Serial.printf("mav2 %d\n", (int)streamRateExtendedStatus.get()); } if (freqLoopMatch(streamRatePosition, freqMin, freqMax)) { // sent with GPS read #if HIL_MODE == HIL_MODE_ATTITUDE send_message(MSG_LOCATION); #endif //Serial.printf("mav3 %d\n", (int)streamRatePosition.get()); } if (freqLoopMatch(streamRateRawController, freqMin, freqMax)) { // This is used for HIL. Do not change without discussing with HIL maintainers send_message(MSG_SERVO_OUT); //Serial.printf("mav4 %d\n", (int)streamRateRawController.get()); } if (freqLoopMatch(streamRateRCChannels, freqMin, freqMax)) { send_message(MSG_RADIO_OUT); send_message(MSG_RADIO_IN); //Serial.printf("mav5 %d\n", (int)streamRateRCChannels.get()); } if (freqLoopMatch(streamRateExtra1, freqMin, freqMax)){ // Use Extra 1 for AHRS info send_message(MSG_ATTITUDE); //Serial.printf("mav6 %d\n", (int)streamRateExtra1.get()); } if (freqLoopMatch(streamRateExtra2, freqMin, freqMax)){ // Use Extra 2 for additional HIL info send_message(MSG_VFR_HUD); //Serial.printf("mav7 %d\n", (int)streamRateExtra2.get()); } if (freqLoopMatch(streamRateExtra3, freqMin, freqMax)){ // Available datastream //Serial.printf("mav8 %d\n", (int)streamRateExtra3.get()); } } } void GCS_MAVLINK::send_message(enum ap_message id) { mavlink_send_message(chan,id, packet_drops); } void GCS_MAVLINK::send_text(gcs_severity severity, const char *str) { mavlink_send_text(chan,severity,str); } void GCS_MAVLINK::send_text(gcs_severity severity, const prog_char_t *str) { mavlink_statustext_t m; uint8_t i; for (i=0; imsgid) { case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_REQUEST_DATA_STREAM: { // decode mavlink_request_data_stream_t packet; mavlink_msg_request_data_stream_decode(msg, &packet); if (mavlink_check_target(packet.target_system, packet.target_component)) break; int freq = 0; // packet frequency if (packet.start_stop == 0) freq = 0; // stop sending else if (packet.start_stop == 1) freq = packet.req_message_rate; // start sending else break; switch(packet.req_stream_id){ case MAV_DATA_STREAM_ALL: streamRateRawSensors = freq; streamRateExtendedStatus = freq; streamRateRCChannels = freq; streamRateRawController = freq; streamRatePosition = freq; streamRateExtra1 = freq; streamRateExtra2 = freq; //streamRateExtra3.set_and_save(freq); // We just do set and save on the last as it takes care of the whole group. streamRateExtra3 = freq; // Don't save!! break; case MAV_DATA_STREAM_RAW_SENSORS: streamRateRawSensors = freq; // We do not set and save this one so that if HIL is shut down incorrectly // we will not continue to broadcast raw sensor data at 50Hz. break; case MAV_DATA_STREAM_EXTENDED_STATUS: //streamRateExtendedStatus.set_and_save(freq); streamRateExtendedStatus = freq; break; case MAV_DATA_STREAM_RC_CHANNELS: streamRateRCChannels = freq; break; case MAV_DATA_STREAM_RAW_CONTROLLER: streamRateRawController = freq; break; //case MAV_DATA_STREAM_RAW_SENSOR_FUSION: // streamRateRawSensorFusion.set_and_save(freq); // break; case MAV_DATA_STREAM_POSITION: streamRatePosition = freq; break; case MAV_DATA_STREAM_EXTRA1: streamRateExtra1 = freq; break; case MAV_DATA_STREAM_EXTRA2: streamRateExtra2 = freq; break; case MAV_DATA_STREAM_EXTRA3: streamRateExtra3 = freq; break; default: break; } break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_ACTION: { // decode mavlink_action_t packet; mavlink_msg_action_decode(msg, &packet); if (mavlink_check_target(packet.target,packet.target_component)) break; if (in_mavlink_delay) { // don't execute action commands while in sensor // initialisation break; } uint8_t result = 0; // do action send_text(SEVERITY_LOW,PSTR("action received: ")); //Serial.println(packet.action); switch(packet.action){ case MAV_ACTION_LAUNCH: //set_mode(TAKEOFF); break; case MAV_ACTION_RETURN: set_mode(RTL); result=1; break; case MAV_ACTION_EMCY_LAND: //set_mode(LAND); break; case MAV_ACTION_HALT: do_loiter_at_location(); result=1; break; /* No mappable implementation in APM 2.0 case MAV_ACTION_MOTORS_START: case MAV_ACTION_CONFIRM_KILL: case MAV_ACTION_EMCY_KILL: case MAV_ACTION_MOTORS_STOP: case MAV_ACTION_SHUTDOWN: break; */ case MAV_ACTION_CONTINUE: process_next_command(); result=1; break; case MAV_ACTION_SET_MANUAL: set_mode(STABILIZE); result=1; break; case MAV_ACTION_SET_AUTO: set_mode(AUTO); result=1; break; case MAV_ACTION_STORAGE_READ: AP_Var::load_all(); result=1; break; case MAV_ACTION_STORAGE_WRITE: AP_Var::save_all(); result=1; break; case MAV_ACTION_CALIBRATE_RC: break; trim_radio(); result=1; break; case MAV_ACTION_CALIBRATE_GYRO: case MAV_ACTION_CALIBRATE_MAG: case MAV_ACTION_CALIBRATE_PRESSURE: break; case MAV_ACTION_CALIBRATE_ACC: imu.init_accel(mavlink_delay); result=1; break; //case MAV_ACTION_REBOOT: // this is a rough interpretation //startup_IMU_ground(); //result=1; // break; /* For future implemtation case MAV_ACTION_REC_START: break; case MAV_ACTION_REC_PAUSE: break; case MAV_ACTION_REC_STOP: break; */ /* Takeoff is not an implemented flight mode in APM 2.0 case MAV_ACTION_TAKEOFF: set_mode(TAKEOFF); break; */ case MAV_ACTION_NAVIGATE: set_mode(AUTO); result=1; break; /* Land is not an implemented flight mode in APM 2.0 case MAV_ACTION_LAND: set_mode(LAND); break; */ case MAV_ACTION_LOITER: set_mode(LOITER); result=1; break; default: break; } mavlink_msg_action_ack_send( chan, packet.action, result ); break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_SET_MODE: { // decode mavlink_set_mode_t packet; mavlink_msg_set_mode_decode(msg, &packet); switch(packet.mode){ case MAV_MODE_MANUAL: set_mode(STABILIZE); break; case MAV_MODE_GUIDED: set_mode(GUIDED); break; case MAV_MODE_AUTO: if(mav_nav == 255 || mav_nav == MAV_NAV_WAYPOINT) set_mode(AUTO); if(mav_nav == MAV_NAV_RETURNING) set_mode(RTL); if(mav_nav == MAV_NAV_LOITER) set_mode(LOITER); mav_nav = 255; break; case MAV_MODE_TEST1: set_mode(STABILIZE); break; } } /*case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_SET_NAV_MODE: { // decode mavlink_set_nav_mode_t packet; mavlink_msg_set_nav_mode_decode(msg, &packet); // To set some flight modes we must first receive a "set nav mode" message and then a "set mode" message mav_nav = packet.nav_mode; break; } */ case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_WAYPOINT_REQUEST_LIST: { //send_text_P(SEVERITY_LOW,PSTR("waypoint request list")); // decode mavlink_waypoint_request_list_t packet; mavlink_msg_waypoint_request_list_decode(msg, &packet); if (mavlink_check_target(packet.target_system, packet.target_component)) break; // Start sending waypoints mavlink_msg_waypoint_count_send( chan,msg->sysid, msg->compid, g.waypoint_total + 1); // + home waypoint_timelast_send = millis(); waypoint_sending = true; waypoint_receiving = false; waypoint_dest_sysid = msg->sysid; waypoint_dest_compid = msg->compid; break; } // XXX read a WP from EEPROM and send it to the GCS case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_WAYPOINT_REQUEST: { //send_text_P(SEVERITY_LOW,PSTR("waypoint request")); // Check if sending waypiont //if (!waypoint_sending) break; // 5/10/11 - We are trying out relaxing the requirement that we be in waypoint sending mode to respond to a waypoint request. DEW // decode mavlink_waypoint_request_t packet; mavlink_msg_waypoint_request_decode(msg, &packet); if (mavlink_check_target(packet.target_system, packet.target_component)) break; // send waypoint tell_command = get_command_with_index(packet.seq); // set frame of waypoint uint8_t frame; if (tell_command.options & WP_OPTION_ALT_RELATIVE) { frame = MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT; // reference frame } else { frame = MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL; // reference frame } float param1 = 0, param2 = 0 , param3 = 0, param4 = 0; // time that the mav should loiter in milliseconds uint8_t current = 0; // 1 (true), 0 (false) if (packet.seq == (uint16_t)g.waypoint_index) current = 1; uint8_t autocontinue = 1; // 1 (true), 0 (false) float x = 0, y = 0, z = 0; if (tell_command.id < MAV_CMD_NAV_LAST) { // command needs scaling x = tell_command.lat/1.0e7; // local (x), global (latitude) y = tell_command.lng/1.0e7; // local (y), global (longitude) // ACM is processing alt inside each command. so we save and load raw values. - this is diffrent to APM z = tell_command.alt/1.0e2; // local (z), global/relative (altitude) } switch (tell_command.id) { // Switch to map APM command fields inot MAVLink command fields case MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TURNS: case MAV_CMD_CONDITION_CHANGE_ALT: case MAV_CMD_DO_SET_HOME: param1 = tell_command.p1; break; case MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF: param1 = 0; break; case MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TIME: param1 = tell_command.p1; // ACM loiter time is in 1 second increments break; case MAV_CMD_CONDITION_DELAY: case MAV_CMD_CONDITION_DISTANCE: param1 = tell_command.lat; break; case MAV_CMD_DO_JUMP: param2 = tell_command.lat; param1 = tell_command.p1; break; case MAV_CMD_DO_REPEAT_SERVO: param4 = tell_command.lng; case MAV_CMD_DO_REPEAT_RELAY: case MAV_CMD_DO_CHANGE_SPEED: param3 = tell_command.lat; param2 = tell_command.alt; param1 = tell_command.p1; break; case MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT: param1 = tell_command.p1; break; case MAV_CMD_DO_SET_PARAMETER: case MAV_CMD_DO_SET_RELAY: case MAV_CMD_DO_SET_SERVO: param2 = tell_command.alt; param1 = tell_command.p1; break; } mavlink_msg_waypoint_send(chan,msg->sysid, msg->compid, packet.seq, frame, tell_command.id, current, autocontinue, param1, param2, param3, param4, x, y, z); // update last waypoint comm stamp waypoint_timelast_send = millis(); break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_WAYPOINT_ACK: { //send_text_P(SEVERITY_LOW,PSTR("waypoint ack")); // decode mavlink_waypoint_ack_t packet; mavlink_msg_waypoint_ack_decode(msg, &packet); if (mavlink_check_target(packet.target_system,packet.target_component)) break; // turn off waypoint send waypoint_sending = false; break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_PARAM_REQUEST_LIST: { //send_text_P(SEVERITY_LOW,PSTR("param request list")); // decode mavlink_param_request_list_t packet; mavlink_msg_param_request_list_decode(msg, &packet); if (mavlink_check_target(packet.target_system,packet.target_component)) break; // Start sending parameters - next call to ::update will kick the first one out _queued_parameter = AP_Var::first(); _queued_parameter_index = 0; _queued_parameter_count = _count_parameters(); break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_WAYPOINT_CLEAR_ALL: { //send_text_P(SEVERITY_LOW,PSTR("waypoint clear all")); // decode mavlink_waypoint_clear_all_t packet; mavlink_msg_waypoint_clear_all_decode(msg, &packet); if (mavlink_check_target(packet.target_system, packet.target_component)) break; // clear all waypoints uint8_t type = 0; // ok (0), error(1) g.waypoint_total.set_and_save(0); // send acknowledgement 3 times to makes sure it is received for (int i=0;i<3;i++) mavlink_msg_waypoint_ack_send(chan, msg->sysid, msg->compid, type); break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_WAYPOINT_SET_CURRENT: { //send_text_P(SEVERITY_LOW,PSTR("waypoint set current")); // decode mavlink_waypoint_set_current_t packet; mavlink_msg_waypoint_set_current_decode(msg, &packet); if (mavlink_check_target(packet.target_system,packet.target_component)) break; // set current command change_command(packet.seq); mavlink_msg_waypoint_current_send(chan, g.waypoint_index); break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_WAYPOINT_COUNT: { //send_text_P(SEVERITY_LOW,PSTR("waypoint count")); // decode mavlink_waypoint_count_t packet; mavlink_msg_waypoint_count_decode(msg, &packet); if (mavlink_check_target(packet.target_system,packet.target_component)) break; // start waypoint receiving if (packet.count > MAX_WAYPOINTS) { packet.count = MAX_WAYPOINTS; } g.waypoint_total.set_and_save(packet.count - 1); waypoint_timelast_receive = millis(); waypoint_receiving = true; waypoint_sending = false; waypoint_request_i = 0; waypoint_timelast_request = 0; break; } #ifdef MAVLINK_MSG_ID_SET_MAG_OFFSETS case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_SET_MAG_OFFSETS: { mavlink_set_mag_offsets_t packet; mavlink_msg_set_mag_offsets_decode(msg, &packet); if (mavlink_check_target(packet.target_system,packet.target_component)) break; compass.set_offsets(Vector3f(packet.mag_ofs_x, packet.mag_ofs_y, packet.mag_ofs_z)); break; } #endif // XXX receive a WP from GCS and store in EEPROM case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_WAYPOINT: { // decode mavlink_waypoint_t packet; mavlink_msg_waypoint_decode(msg, &packet); if (mavlink_check_target(packet.target_system,packet.target_component)) break; // defaults tell_command.id = packet.command; /* switch (packet.frame){ case MAV_FRAME_MISSION: case MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL: { tell_command.lat = 1.0e7*packet.x; // in as DD converted to * t7 tell_command.lng = 1.0e7*packet.y; // in as DD converted to * t7 tell_command.alt = packet.z*1.0e2; // in as m converted to cm tell_command.options = 0; // absolute altitude break; } case MAV_FRAME_LOCAL: // local (relative to home position) { tell_command.lat = 1.0e7*ToDeg(packet.x/ (radius_of_earth*cos(ToRad(home.lat/1.0e7)))) + home.lat; tell_command.lng = 1.0e7*ToDeg(packet.y/radius_of_earth) + home.lng; tell_command.alt = packet.z*1.0e2; tell_command.options = MASK_OPTIONS_RELATIVE_ALT; break; } //case MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT: // absolute lat/lng, relative altitude default: { tell_command.lat = 1.0e7 * packet.x; // in as DD converted to * t7 tell_command.lng = 1.0e7 * packet.y; // in as DD converted to * t7 tell_command.alt = packet.z * 1.0e2; tell_command.options = MASK_OPTIONS_RELATIVE_ALT; // store altitude relative!! Always!! break; } } */ // we only are supporting Abs position, relative Alt tell_command.lat = 1.0e7 * packet.x; // in as DD converted to * t7 tell_command.lng = 1.0e7 * packet.y; // in as DD converted to * t7 tell_command.alt = packet.z * 1.0e2; tell_command.options = 1; // store altitude relative!! Always!! switch (tell_command.id) { // Switch to map APM command fields inot MAVLink command fields case MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TURNS: case MAV_CMD_DO_SET_HOME: case MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI: tell_command.p1 = packet.param1; break; case MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF: tell_command.p1 = 0; break; case MAV_CMD_CONDITION_CHANGE_ALT: tell_command.p1 = packet.param1 * 100; break; case MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TIME: tell_command.p1 = packet.param1; // APM loiter time is in ten second increments break; case MAV_CMD_CONDITION_DELAY: case MAV_CMD_CONDITION_DISTANCE: tell_command.lat = packet.param1; break; case MAV_CMD_DO_JUMP: tell_command.lat = packet.param2; tell_command.p1 = packet.param1; break; case MAV_CMD_DO_REPEAT_SERVO: tell_command.lng = packet.param4; case MAV_CMD_DO_REPEAT_RELAY: case MAV_CMD_DO_CHANGE_SPEED: tell_command.lat = packet.param3; tell_command.alt = packet.param2; tell_command.p1 = packet.param1; break; case MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT: tell_command.p1 = packet.param1; break; case MAV_CMD_DO_SET_PARAMETER: case MAV_CMD_DO_SET_RELAY: case MAV_CMD_DO_SET_SERVO: tell_command.alt = packet.param2; tell_command.p1 = packet.param1; break; } if(packet.current == 2){ //current = 2 is a flag to tell us this is a "guided mode" waypoint and not for the mission guided_WP = tell_command; // add home alt if needed if (guided_WP.options & WP_OPTION_ALT_RELATIVE){ guided_WP.alt += home.alt; } set_mode(GUIDED); // make any new wp uploaded instant (in case we are already in Guided mode) set_next_WP(&guided_WP); // verify we recevied the command mavlink_msg_waypoint_ack_send( chan, msg->sysid, msg->compid, 0); } else { // Check if receiving waypoints (mission upload expected) if (!waypoint_receiving) break; // check if this is the requested waypoint if (packet.seq != waypoint_request_i) break; set_command_with_index(tell_command, packet.seq); // update waypoint receiving state machine waypoint_timelast_receive = millis(); waypoint_timelast_request = 0; waypoint_request_i++; if (waypoint_request_i > (uint16_t)g.waypoint_total){ uint8_t type = 0; // ok (0), error(1) mavlink_msg_waypoint_ack_send( chan, msg->sysid, msg->compid, type); send_text(SEVERITY_LOW,PSTR("flight plan received")); waypoint_receiving = false; // XXX ignores waypoint radius for individual waypoints, can // only set WP_RADIUS parameter } } break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_PARAM_SET: { AP_Var *vp; AP_Meta_class::Type_id var_type; // decode mavlink_param_set_t packet; mavlink_msg_param_set_decode(msg, &packet); if (mavlink_check_target(packet.target_system, packet.target_component)) break; // set parameter char key[ONBOARD_PARAM_NAME_LENGTH+1]; strncpy(key, (char *)packet.param_id, ONBOARD_PARAM_NAME_LENGTH); key[ONBOARD_PARAM_NAME_LENGTH] = 0; // find the requested parameter vp = AP_Var::find(key); if ((NULL != vp) && // exists !isnan(packet.param_value) && // not nan !isinf(packet.param_value)) { // not inf // add a small amount before casting parameter values // from float to integer to avoid truncating to the // next lower integer value. float rounding_addition = 0.01; // fetch the variable type ID var_type = vp->meta_type_id(); // handle variables with standard type IDs if (var_type == AP_Var::k_typeid_float) { ((AP_Float *)vp)->set_and_save(packet.param_value); } else if (var_type == AP_Var::k_typeid_float16) { ((AP_Float16 *)vp)->set_and_save(packet.param_value); } else if (var_type == AP_Var::k_typeid_int32) { if (packet.param_value < 0) rounding_addition = -rounding_addition; ((AP_Int32 *)vp)->set_and_save(packet.param_value+rounding_addition); } else if (var_type == AP_Var::k_typeid_int16) { if (packet.param_value < 0) rounding_addition = -rounding_addition; ((AP_Int16 *)vp)->set_and_save(packet.param_value+rounding_addition); } else if (var_type == AP_Var::k_typeid_int8) { if (packet.param_value < 0) rounding_addition = -rounding_addition; ((AP_Int8 *)vp)->set_and_save(packet.param_value+rounding_addition); } else { // we don't support mavlink set on this parameter break; } // Report back the new value if we accepted the change // we send the value we actually set, which could be // different from the value sent, in case someone sent // a fractional value to an integer type mavlink_msg_param_value_send( chan, (int8_t *)key, vp->cast_to_float(), _count_parameters(), -1); // XXX we don't actually know what its index is... } break; } // end case case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_RC_CHANNELS_OVERRIDE: { // allow override of RC channel values for HIL // or for complete GCS control of switch position // and RC PWM values. if(msg->sysid != g.sysid_my_gcs) break; // Only accept control from our gcs mavlink_rc_channels_override_t packet; int16_t v[8]; mavlink_msg_rc_channels_override_decode(msg, &packet); if (mavlink_check_target(packet.target_system,packet.target_component)) break; v[0] = packet.chan1_raw; v[1] = packet.chan2_raw; v[2] = packet.chan3_raw; v[3] = packet.chan4_raw; v[4] = packet.chan5_raw; v[5] = packet.chan6_raw; v[6] = packet.chan7_raw; v[7] = packet.chan8_raw; APM_RC.setHIL(v); break; } #if HIL_MODE != HIL_MODE_DISABLED // This is used both as a sensor and to pass the location // in HIL_ATTITUDE mode. case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_GPS_RAW: { // decode mavlink_gps_raw_t packet; mavlink_msg_gps_raw_decode(msg, &packet); // set gps hil sensor g_gps->setHIL(packet.usec/1000.0,packet.lat,packet.lon,packet.alt, packet.v,packet.hdg,0,0); if (gps_base_alt == 0) { gps_base_alt = packet.alt*100; } current_loc.lng = packet.lon * T7; current_loc.lat = packet.lat * T7; current_loc.alt = g_gps->altitude - gps_base_alt; if (!home_is_set) { init_home(); } break; } #if HIL_MODE == HIL_MODE_ATTITUDE case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_ATTITUDE: { // decode mavlink_attitude_t packet; mavlink_msg_attitude_decode(msg, &packet); // set dcm hil sensor dcm.setHil(packet.roll,packet.pitch,packet.yaw,packet.rollspeed, packet.pitchspeed,packet.yawspeed); break; } #endif #endif /* case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_HEARTBEAT: { // We keep track of the last time we received a heartbeat from our GCS for failsafe purposes if(msg->sysid != g.sysid_my_gcs) break; rc_override_fs_timer = millis(); //pmTest1++; break; } #if HIL_MODE != HIL_MODE_DISABLED // This is used both as a sensor and to pass the location // in HIL_ATTITUDE mode. case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_GPS_RAW: { // decode mavlink_gps_raw_t packet; mavlink_msg_gps_raw_decode(msg, &packet); // set gps hil sensor g_gps->setHIL(packet.usec/1000.0,packet.lat,packet.lon,packet.alt, packet.v,packet.hdg,0,0); break; } // Is this resolved? - MAVLink protocol change..... case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_VFR_HUD: { // decode mavlink_vfr_hud_t packet; mavlink_msg_vfr_hud_decode(msg, &packet); // set airspeed airspeed = 100*packet.airspeed; break; } #endif #if HIL_MODE == HIL_MODE_ATTITUDE case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_ATTITUDE: { // decode mavlink_attitude_t packet; mavlink_msg_attitude_decode(msg, &packet); // set dcm hil sensor dcm.setHil(packet.roll,packet.pitch,packet.yaw,packet.rollspeed, packet.pitchspeed,packet.yawspeed); break; } #endif */ #if HIL_MODE == HIL_MODE_SENSORS case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_RAW_IMU: { // decode mavlink_raw_imu_t packet; mavlink_msg_raw_imu_decode(msg, &packet); // set imu hil sensors // TODO: check scaling for temp/absPress float temp = 70; float absPress = 1; // Serial.printf_P(PSTR("accel:\t%d\t%d\t%d\n"), packet.xacc, packet.yacc, packet.zacc); // Serial.printf_P(PSTR("gyro:\t%d\t%d\t%d\n"), packet.xgyro, packet.ygyro, packet.zgyro); // rad/sec Vector3f gyros; gyros.x = (float)packet.xgyro / 1000.0; gyros.y = (float)packet.ygyro / 1000.0; gyros.z = (float)packet.zgyro / 1000.0; // m/s/s Vector3f accels; accels.x = (float)packet.xacc / 1000.0; accels.y = (float)packet.yacc / 1000.0; accels.z = (float)packet.zacc / 1000.0; imu.set_gyro(gyros); imu.set_accel(accels); compass.setHIL(packet.xmag,packet.ymag,packet.zmag); break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_RAW_PRESSURE: { // decode mavlink_raw_pressure_t packet; mavlink_msg_raw_pressure_decode(msg, &packet); // set pressure hil sensor // TODO: check scaling float temp = 70; barometer.setHIL(temp,packet.press_diff1); break; } #endif // HIL_MODE } // end switch } // end handle mavlink uint16_t GCS_MAVLINK::_count_parameters() { // if we haven't cached the parameter count yet... if (0 == _parameter_count) { AP_Var *vp; vp = AP_Var::first(); do { // if a parameter responds to cast_to_float then we are going to be able to report it if (!isnan(vp->cast_to_float())) { _parameter_count++; } } while (NULL != (vp = vp->next())); } return _parameter_count; } AP_Var * GCS_MAVLINK::_find_parameter(uint16_t index) { AP_Var *vp; vp = AP_Var::first(); while (NULL != vp) { // if the parameter is reportable if (!(isnan(vp->cast_to_float()))) { // if we have counted down to the index we want if (0 == index) { // return the parameter return vp; } // count off this parameter, as it is reportable but not // the one we want index--; } // and move to the next parameter vp = vp->next(); } return NULL; } /** * @brief Send the next pending parameter, called from deferred message * handling code */ void GCS_MAVLINK::queued_param_send() { // Check to see if we are sending parameters if (NULL == _queued_parameter) return; AP_Var *vp; float value; // copy the current parameter and prepare to move to the next vp = _queued_parameter; _queued_parameter = _queued_parameter->next(); // if the parameter can be cast to float, report it here and break out of the loop value = vp->cast_to_float(); if (!isnan(value)) { char param_name[ONBOARD_PARAM_NAME_LENGTH]; /// XXX HACK vp->copy_name(param_name, sizeof(param_name)); mavlink_msg_param_value_send( chan, (int8_t*)param_name, value, _queued_parameter_count, _queued_parameter_index); _queued_parameter_index++; } } /** * @brief Send the next pending waypoint, called from deferred message * handling code */ void GCS_MAVLINK::queued_waypoint_send() { if (waypoint_receiving && waypoint_request_i <= (unsigned)g.waypoint_total) { mavlink_msg_waypoint_request_send( chan, waypoint_dest_sysid, waypoint_dest_compid, waypoint_request_i); } } /* a delay() callback that processes MAVLink packets. We set this as the callback in long running library initialisation routines to allow MAVLink to process packets while waiting for the initialisation to complete */ static void mavlink_delay(unsigned long t) { unsigned long tstart; static unsigned long last_1hz, last_50hz; if (in_mavlink_delay) { // this should never happen, but let's not tempt fate by // letting the stack grow too much delay(t); return; } in_mavlink_delay = true; tstart = millis(); do { unsigned long tnow = millis(); if (tnow - last_1hz > 1000) { last_1hz = tnow; gcs_send_message(MSG_HEARTBEAT); gcs_send_message(MSG_EXTENDED_STATUS1); } if (tnow - last_50hz > 20) { last_50hz = tnow; gcs_update(); } delay(1); } while (millis() - tstart < t); in_mavlink_delay = false; } /* send a message on both GCS links */ static void gcs_send_message(enum ap_message id) { gcs0.send_message(id); gcs3.send_message(id); } /* send data streams in the given rate range on both links */ static void gcs_data_stream_send(uint16_t freqMin, uint16_t freqMax) { gcs0.data_stream_send(freqMin, freqMax); gcs3.data_stream_send(freqMin, freqMax); } /* look for incoming commands on the GCS links */ static void gcs_update(void) { gcs0.update(); gcs3.update(); } static void gcs_send_text(gcs_severity severity, const char *str) { gcs0.send_text(severity, str); gcs3.send_text(severity, str); } static void gcs_send_text_P(gcs_severity severity, const prog_char_t *str) { gcs0.send_text(severity, str); gcs3.send_text(severity, str); } /* send a low priority formatted message to the GCS only one fits in the queue, so if you send more than one before the last one gets into the serial buffer then the old one will be lost */ static void gcs_send_text_fmt(const prog_char_t *fmt, ...) { char fmtstr[40]; va_list ap; uint8_t i; for (i=0; i