# PixFlamingo-F767 Flight Controller The PixFlamingo-F767 is a flight controller produced by Dheeran Labs. Contact dheeranlabs@gmail.com for sales ## Features Processor STM32F767 32-bit processor Onboard Flash: 2048Mbits Sensors Two IMU : ICM42670, MPU6500/ICM20602 Acc/Gyro One Baro : Internal MS5611/BMP280/DPS310 SPI barometer Internal LIS3MDL Compass Power 5v input voltage with voltage monitoring Interfaces 10x PWM outputs 1x RC input 5x UARTs/serial for GPS and other peripherals 2x I2C ports for external compass, airspeed, etc. microSD card slot port Internal RGB LED Safety switch port Buzzer port USB-C port ## Connectors **POWER ADC** | Pin | Signal | Volt | | :--: | :-------------: | :---: | | 1 | VCC_IN | +5V | | 2 | VCC_IN | +5V | | 3 | BAT_CRRENT_ADC | +3.3V | | 4 | BAT_VOLTAGE_ADC | +3.3V | | 5 | GND | GND | | 6 | GND | GND | **TELEM1** | Pin | Signal | Volt | | :--: | :-----: | :---: | | 1 | VCC | +5V | | 2 | UART_TX3 | +3.3V | | 3 | UART_RX3 | +3.3V | | 4 | CTS | +3.3V | | 5 | RTS | +3.3V | | 6 | GND | GND | **TELEM2** | Pin | Signal | Volt | | :--: | :-----: | :---: | | 1 | VCC | +5V | | 2 | UART_TX6 | +3.3V | | 3 | UART_RX6 | +3.3V | | 4 | X | X | | 5 | X | X | | 6 | GND | GND | **GPS1** | Pin | Signal | Volt | | :--: | :-----: | :---: | | 1 | VCC | +5V | | 2 | UART_TX1 | +3.3V | | 3 | UART_RX1 | +3.3V | | 4 | I2C2_SCL | +3.3V | | 5 | I2C2_SDA | +3.3V | | 6 | GND | GND | **SERIAL5** | Pin | Signal | Volt | | :--: | :-----: | :---: | | 1 | VCC | +5V | | 2 | UART_TX7 | +3.3V | | 3 | UART_RX7 | +3.3V | | 4 | X | X | | 5 | GND | GND | **SERIAL6, GPIO** | Pin | Signal | Volt | | :--: | :-----: | :---: | | 1 | VCC | +5V | | 2 | USART_TX2| +3.3V | | 3 | USART_RX2| +3.3V | | 4 | GPIO | +3.3V | | 5 | GND | GND | **SAFETY** | Pin | Signal | Volt | | :--: | :-----------: | :---: | | 1 | SAFETY_SW | +3.3V | | 2 | SAFETY_SW_LED | +3.3V | | 3 | 3V3_OUT | +3.3V | | 4 | BUZZER+ | +3.3V | | 5 | BUZZER- | GND | ## UART Mapping The UARTs are marked Rn and Tn in the above pinouts. The Rn pin is the receive pin for UARTn. The Tn pin is the transmit pin for UARTn. - SERIAL0 -> USB (OTG1) - SERIAL1 -> UART3 (TELEM1) with CTS/RTS DMA Enabled - SERIAL2 -> UART6 (TELEM2) with DMA Enabled - SERIAL3 -> UART1 (GPS1) Tx(NODMA), Rx(DMA Enabled) - SERIAL4 -> EMPTY - SERIAL5 -> UART7 (User) NODMA - SERIAL6 -> USART2 (User) NODMA ## RC Input Supports I-Bus/S-bus Any UART can be used for RC system connections in ArduPilot also, and is compatible with all protocols except PPM. See Radio Control Systems for details. ## PWM Output The PixFlaminog-F767 supports up to 10 PWM outputs. The PWM is in 5 groups: - PWM 1-4 in group1 - PWM 5-8 in group2 - PWM 9 in group3 - PWM 10 in group4 ## GPIOs All 10 PWM channels can be used for GPIO functions (relays, buttons, RPM etc). The pin numbers for these PWM channels in ArduPilot are shown below: | PWM Channels | Pin | PWM Channels | Pin | | ------------ | ---- | ------------ | ---- | | PWM1 | 50 | PWM8 | 57 | | PWM2 | 51 | PWM9 | 58 | | PWM3 | 52 | PWM10 | 59 | | PWM4 | 53 | | | | PWM5 | 54 | | | | PWM6 | 55 | | | | PWM7 | 56 | | | ## Analog inputs The PixFlamingo-F767 flight controller has 4 analog inputs - ADC Pin10 -> Battery Current - ADC Pin11 -> Battery Voltage - ADC Pin14 -> ADC 3V3 Sense - ADC Pin15 -> ADC 6V6 Sense ## Battery Monitor Configuration The board has voltage and current sensor inputs on the POWER_ADC connector. The correct battery setting parameters are: Enable Battery monitor. BATT_MONITOR =4 Then reboot. BATT_VOLT_PIN 11 BATT_CURR_PIN 10 BATT_VOLT_MULT 10.1 (may need adjustment if supplied monitor is not used) BATT_AMP_PERVLT 17.0 (may need adjustment if supplied monitor is not used) ## Build the FC ./waf configure --board=PixFlamingo-F767 ./waf copter The compiled firmware is located in folder **"build/PixFlamingo-F767/bin/arducopter.apj"**. ## Loading Firmware The PixFlamingo-F767 flight controller comes pre-installed with an ArduPilot compatible bootloader, allowing the loading of *.apj firmware files with any ArduPilot compatible ground station.