#!/bin/bash set -e set -x # this should be install by default, but may as well: sudo apt install python3 # add $HOME/bin into the binary search path so we can force python-is-python3: mkdir $HOME/bin rm -f $HOME/bin/python ln -s /usr/bin/python3 $HOME/bin/python echo 'export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH' >>$HOME/.profile # apt Python packages (swiped from install-prereqs-ubuntu.sh): sudo apt install -y python3-wxgtk4.0 python3-opencv python3-matplotlib python3-pip # pip-install python packages (also swiped from install-prereqs-ubuntu.sh): pip3 install future lxml pymavlink MAVProxy pexpect flake8==3.7.9 requests==2.27.1 monotonic==1.6 geocoder empy==3.3.4 configparser==4.0.2 click==7.1.2 decorator==4.4.2 dronecan pygame intelhex empy