/* driver for TI CC2500 radio Many thanks to the cleanflight and betaflight projects */ #include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h> // #pragma GCC optimize("O0") #if CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_CHIBIOS #if HAL_RCINPUT_WITH_AP_RADIO #include <AP_Math/AP_Math.h> #include "AP_Radio_cc2500.h" #include <utility> #include <stdio.h> #include <StorageManager/StorageManager.h> #include <AP_Notify/AP_Notify.h> #include <GCS_MAVLink/GCS_MAVLink.h> #include <AP_Math/crc.h> #include <AP_Param/AP_Param.h> #if CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_CHIBIOS #define TIMEOUT_PRIORITY 185 #define EVT_TIMEOUT EVENT_MASK(0) #define EVT_IRQ EVENT_MASK(1) #define EVT_BIND EVENT_MASK(2) #endif extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal; #define Debug(level, fmt, args...) do { if ((level) <= get_debug_level()) { gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, fmt, ##args); }} while (0) // object instance for trampoline AP_Radio_cc2500 *AP_Radio_cc2500::radio_singleton; #if CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_CHIBIOS thread_t *AP_Radio_cc2500::_irq_handler_ctx; virtual_timer_t AP_Radio_cc2500::timeout_vt; uint32_t AP_Radio_cc2500::irq_time_us; #endif #define USE_D16_FORMAT 0 /* we are setup for a channel spacing of 0.3MHz, with channel 0 being 2403.6MHz For D16 protocol we select 47 channels from a max of 235 channels For SRT protocol we select 23 channels from a max of 235 channels, and avoid channels near to the WiFi channel of the Sonix video board */ #if USE_D16_FORMAT #define NUM_CHANNELS 47 #define MAX_CHANNEL_NUMBER 0xEB #define INTER_PACKET_MS 9 #define INTER_PACKET_INITIAL_MS (INTER_PACKET_MS+2) #define PACKET_SENT_DELAY_US 3300 #else #define NUM_CHANNELS 23 #define MAX_CHANNEL_NUMBER 0xEB #define INTER_PACKET_MS 9 #define INTER_PACKET_INITIAL_MS (INTER_PACKET_MS+5) #define PACKET_SENT_DELAY_US 2800 #endif #define SEARCH_START_PKTS 40 #define AUTOBIND_CHANNEL 100 /* constructor */ AP_Radio_cc2500::AP_Radio_cc2500(AP_Radio &_radio) : AP_Radio_backend(_radio), cc2500(hal.spi->get_device("cc2500")) { // link to instance for irq_trampoline radio_singleton = this; } /* initialise radio */ bool AP_Radio_cc2500::init(void) { #if CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_CHIBIOS if (_irq_handler_ctx != nullptr) { AP_HAL::panic("AP_Radio_cc2500: double instantiation of irq_handler\n"); } chVTObjectInit(&timeout_vt); _irq_handler_ctx = chThdCreateFromHeap(NULL, THD_WORKING_AREA_SIZE(2048), "radio_cc2500", TIMEOUT_PRIORITY, irq_handler_thd, NULL); #endif return reset(); } /* reset radio */ bool AP_Radio_cc2500::reset(void) { if (!cc2500.lock_bus()) { return false; } radio_init(); cc2500.unlock_bus(); return true; } /* return statistics structure from radio */ const AP_Radio::stats &AP_Radio_cc2500::get_stats(void) { return stats; } /* read one pwm channel from radio */ uint16_t AP_Radio_cc2500::read(uint8_t chan) { if (chan >= CC2500_MAX_PWM_CHANNELS) { return 0; } return pwm_channels[chan]; } /* update status - called from main thread */ void AP_Radio_cc2500::update(void) { check_fw_ack(); } /* return number of active channels */ uint8_t AP_Radio_cc2500::num_channels(void) { uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis(); uint8_t chan = get_rssi_chan(); if (chan > 0) { pwm_channels[chan-1] = t_status.rssi; chan_count = MAX(chan_count, chan); } chan = get_pps_chan(); if (chan > 0) { pwm_channels[chan-1] = t_status.pps; chan_count = MAX(chan_count, chan); } chan = get_tx_rssi_chan(); if (chan > 0) { pwm_channels[chan-1] = tx_rssi; chan_count = MAX(chan_count, chan); } chan = get_tx_pps_chan(); if (chan > 0) { pwm_channels[chan-1] = tx_pps; chan_count = MAX(chan_count, chan); } pwm_channels[11] = (stats.recv_packets % 1000); chan_count = MAX(chan_count, 12); if (now - last_pps_ms > 1000) { last_pps_ms = now; t_status.pps = stats.recv_packets - last_stats.recv_packets; last_stats = stats; if (lost != 0 || timeouts != 0) { Debug(timeouts!=0?2:3,"lost=%u timeouts=%u TS=%u\n", unsigned(lost), unsigned(timeouts), sizeof(struct telem_packet_cc2500)); } lost=0; timeouts=0; } return chan_count; } /* return time of last receive in microseconds */ uint32_t AP_Radio_cc2500::last_recv_us(void) { return packet_timer; } /* send len bytes as a single packet */ bool AP_Radio_cc2500::send(const uint8_t *pkt, uint16_t len) { // disabled for now return false; } const AP_Radio_cc2500::config AP_Radio_cc2500::radio_config_GFSK[] = { /* radio config for GFSK with 57kHz deviation */ {CC2500_00_IOCFG2, 0x01}, // GD2 high on RXFIFO filled or end of packet {CC2500_17_MCSM1, 0x03}, // RX->IDLE, CCA always, TX -> IDLE {CC2500_18_MCSM0, 0x08}, // XOSC expire 64, cal never {CC2500_06_PKTLEN, 0x0D}, // packet length 13 {CC2500_07_PKTCTRL1, 0x0C}, // enable RSSI+LQI, no addr check, CRC autoflush, PQT=0 {CC2500_08_PKTCTRL0, 0x44}, // fixed length mode, CRC, FIFO enable, whitening {CC2500_3E_PATABLE, 0xFF}, // initially max power {CC2500_0B_FSCTRL1, 0x0A}, // IF=253.90625kHz assuming 26MHz crystal {CC2500_0C_FSCTRL0, 0x00}, // freqoffs = 0 {CC2500_0D_FREQ2, 0x5C}, // freq control high {CC2500_0E_FREQ1, 0x76}, // freq control middle {CC2500_0F_FREQ0, 0x27}, // freq control low {CC2500_10_MDMCFG4, 0x8C}, // filter bandwidth 203kHz {CC2500_11_MDMCFG3, 0x2F}, // data rate 120kbaud {CC2500_12_MDMCFG2, 0x13}, // 30/32 sync word bits, no manchester, GFSK, DC filter enabled {CC2500_13_MDMCFG1, 0xA3}, // chan spacing exponent 3, preamble 4 bytes, FEC enabled {CC2500_14_MDMCFG0, 0x7A}, // chan spacing 299.926757kHz for 26MHz crystal {CC2500_15_DEVIATN, 0x51}, // modem deviation 57kHz for 26MHz crystal {CC2500_19_FOCCFG, 0x16}, // frequency offset compensation {CC2500_1A_BSCFG, 0x6C}, // bit sync config {CC2500_1B_AGCCTRL2, 0x43}, // target amplitude 33dB {CC2500_1C_AGCCTRL1, 0x40}, // AGC control 2 {CC2500_1D_AGCCTRL0, 0x91}, // AGC control 0 {CC2500_21_FREND1, 0x56}, // frontend config1 {CC2500_22_FREND0, 0x10}, // frontend config0 {CC2500_23_FSCAL3, 0xA9}, // frequency synth cal3 {CC2500_24_FSCAL2, 0x0A}, // frequency synth cal2 {CC2500_25_FSCAL1, 0x00}, // frequency synth cal1 {CC2500_26_FSCAL0, 0x11}, // frequency synth cal0 {CC2500_29_FSTEST, 0x59}, // test bits {CC2500_2C_TEST2, 0x88}, // test settings {CC2500_2D_TEST1, 0x31}, // test settings {CC2500_2E_TEST0, 0x0B}, // test settings {CC2500_03_FIFOTHR, 0x07}, // TX fifo threashold 33, RX fifo threshold 32 {CC2500_09_ADDR, 0x00}, // device address 0 (broadcast) }; const AP_Radio_cc2500::config AP_Radio_cc2500::radio_config[] = { /* config for both TX and RX (from SmartRF Studio) setup for MSK at 120kbaud, FEC enabled, whitening enabled, base freq 2403.999756MHz channel spacing 299.926758, crystal 26MHz, RX filter bw 203.125kHz */ {CC2500_06_PKTLEN, 0x0D}, {CC2500_07_PKTCTRL1, 0x0C}, {CC2500_08_PKTCTRL0, 0x44}, {CC2500_0B_FSCTRL1, 0x0A}, {CC2500_0D_FREQ2, 0x5C}, {CC2500_0E_FREQ1, 0x76}, {CC2500_0F_FREQ0, 0x27}, {CC2500_11_MDMCFG3, 0x2F}, {CC2500_12_MDMCFG2, 0x73}, {CC2500_13_MDMCFG1, 0xA3}, {CC2500_14_MDMCFG0, 0x7A}, {CC2500_15_DEVIATN, 0x70}, {CC2500_17_MCSM1, 0x03}, {CC2500_18_MCSM0, 0x08}, {CC2500_19_FOCCFG, 0x16}, {CC2500_1B_AGCCTRL2, 0x43}, {CC2500_23_FSCAL3, 0xEA}, {CC2500_25_FSCAL1, 0x00}, {CC2500_26_FSCAL0, 0x11}, {CC2500_2B_AGCTEST, 0x3E}, {CC2500_03_FIFOTHR, 0x07}, // TX fifo threashold 33, RX fifo threshold 32 // config specific to RX {CC2500_00_IOCFG2, 0x01}, // GD2 high on RXFIFO filled or end of packet {CC2500_17_MCSM1, 0x03}, // RX->IDLE, CCA always, TX -> IDLE {CC2500_18_MCSM0, 0x08}, // XOSC expire 64, cal never {CC2500_3E_PATABLE, 0xFF}, // initially max power }; const uint16_t CRCTable[] = { 0x0000,0x1189,0x2312,0x329b,0x4624,0x57ad,0x6536,0x74bf, 0x8c48,0x9dc1,0xaf5a,0xbed3,0xca6c,0xdbe5,0xe97e,0xf8f7, 0x1081,0x0108,0x3393,0x221a,0x56a5,0x472c,0x75b7,0x643e, 0x9cc9,0x8d40,0xbfdb,0xae52,0xdaed,0xcb64,0xf9ff,0xe876, 0x2102,0x308b,0x0210,0x1399,0x6726,0x76af,0x4434,0x55bd, 0xad4a,0xbcc3,0x8e58,0x9fd1,0xeb6e,0xfae7,0xc87c,0xd9f5, 0x3183,0x200a,0x1291,0x0318,0x77a7,0x662e,0x54b5,0x453c, 0xbdcb,0xac42,0x9ed9,0x8f50,0xfbef,0xea66,0xd8fd,0xc974, 0x4204,0x538d,0x6116,0x709f,0x0420,0x15a9,0x2732,0x36bb, 0xce4c,0xdfc5,0xed5e,0xfcd7,0x8868,0x99e1,0xab7a,0xbaf3, 0x5285,0x430c,0x7197,0x601e,0x14a1,0x0528,0x37b3,0x263a, 0xdecd,0xcf44,0xfddf,0xec56,0x98e9,0x8960,0xbbfb,0xaa72, 0x6306,0x728f,0x4014,0x519d,0x2522,0x34ab,0x0630,0x17b9, 0xef4e,0xfec7,0xcc5c,0xddd5,0xa96a,0xb8e3,0x8a78,0x9bf1, 0x7387,0x620e,0x5095,0x411c,0x35a3,0x242a,0x16b1,0x0738, 0xffcf,0xee46,0xdcdd,0xcd54,0xb9eb,0xa862,0x9af9,0x8b70, 0x8408,0x9581,0xa71a,0xb693,0xc22c,0xd3a5,0xe13e,0xf0b7, 0x0840,0x19c9,0x2b52,0x3adb,0x4e64,0x5fed,0x6d76,0x7cff, 0x9489,0x8500,0xb79b,0xa612,0xd2ad,0xc324,0xf1bf,0xe036, 0x18c1,0x0948,0x3bd3,0x2a5a,0x5ee5,0x4f6c,0x7df7,0x6c7e, 0xa50a,0xb483,0x8618,0x9791,0xe32e,0xf2a7,0xc03c,0xd1b5, 0x2942,0x38cb,0x0a50,0x1bd9,0x6f66,0x7eef,0x4c74,0x5dfd, 0xb58b,0xa402,0x9699,0x8710,0xf3af,0xe226,0xd0bd,0xc134, 0x39c3,0x284a,0x1ad1,0x0b58,0x7fe7,0x6e6e,0x5cf5,0x4d7c, 0xc60c,0xd785,0xe51e,0xf497,0x8028,0x91a1,0xa33a,0xb2b3, 0x4a44,0x5bcd,0x6956,0x78df,0x0c60,0x1de9,0x2f72,0x3efb, 0xd68d,0xc704,0xf59f,0xe416,0x90a9,0x8120,0xb3bb,0xa232, 0x5ac5,0x4b4c,0x79d7,0x685e,0x1ce1,0x0d68,0x3ff3,0x2e7a, 0xe70e,0xf687,0xc41c,0xd595,0xa12a,0xb0a3,0x8238,0x93b1, 0x6b46,0x7acf,0x4854,0x59dd,0x2d62,0x3ceb,0x0e70,0x1ff9, 0xf78f,0xe606,0xd49d,0xc514,0xb1ab,0xa022,0x92b9,0x8330, 0x7bc7,0x6a4e,0x58d5,0x495c,0x3de3,0x2c6a,0x1ef1,0x0f78 }; /* static probe function for radio auto-detect */ bool AP_Radio_cc2500::probe(void) { auto dev = hal.spi->get_device("cc2500"); dev->get_semaphore()->take_blocking(); uint8_t r1=0, r2=0; if (!dev->read_registers(CC2500_30_PARTNUM | CC2500_READ_BURST | CC2500_READ_SINGLE, &r1, 1) || r1 != 0x80 || !dev->read_registers(CC2500_31_VERSION | CC2500_READ_BURST | CC2500_READ_SINGLE, &r2, 1) || r2 != 0x03) { dev->get_semaphore()->give(); return false; } dev->get_semaphore()->give(); return true; } /* initialise the radio */ void AP_Radio_cc2500::radio_init(void) { if (cc2500.ReadReg(CC2500_30_PARTNUM | CC2500_READ_BURST) != 0x80 || cc2500.ReadReg(CC2500_31_VERSION | CC2500_READ_BURST) != 0x03) { Debug(1, "cc2500: radio not found\n"); return; } Debug(1, "cc2500: radio_init starting\n"); cc2500.Reset(); hal.scheduler->delay_microseconds(100); if (get_protocol() == AP_Radio::PROTOCOL_CC2500_GFSK) { Debug(1,"Using GFSK configuration\n"); for (uint8_t i=0; i<ARRAY_SIZE(radio_config_GFSK); i++) { cc2500.WriteRegCheck(radio_config_GFSK[i].reg, radio_config_GFSK[i].value); } } else { for (uint8_t i=0; i<ARRAY_SIZE(radio_config); i++) { cc2500.WriteRegCheck(radio_config[i].reg, radio_config[i].value); } } cc2500.Strobe(CC2500_SIDLE); // Go to idle... hal.scheduler->delay_microseconds(10*1000); // setup handler for rising edge of IRQ pin hal.gpio->attach_interrupt(HAL_GPIO_RADIO_IRQ, trigger_irq_radio_event, AP_HAL::GPIO::INTERRUPT_RISING); // fill in rxid for use in double bind prevention char sysid[40] {}; hal.util->get_system_id(sysid); uint16_t sysid_crc = calc_crc((const uint8_t *)sysid, strnlen(sysid, sizeof(sysid))); if (sysid_crc == 0) { sysid_crc = 1; } t_status.rxid[0] = sysid_crc & 0xFF; t_status.rxid[1] = sysid_crc >> 8; initTuneRx(); if (load_bind_info()) { Debug(3,"Loaded bind info\n"); } else { listLength = NUM_CHANNELS; bindOffset = 0; setup_hopping_table_SRT(); } uint8_t factory_test = get_factory_test(); if (factory_test != 0) { bindTxId[0] = uint8_t(factory_test * 17); bindTxId[1] = uint8_t(~bindTxId[0]); setup_hopping_table_SRT(); } // we go straight into search, and rely on autobind initialiseData(0); protocolState = STATE_SEARCH; packet_timer = AP_HAL::micros(); chanskip = 1; nextChannel(1); // set default autobind power to suit the cc2500 AP_Param::set_default_by_name("BRD_RADIO_ABLVL", 90); chVTSet(&timeout_vt, chTimeMS2I(INTER_PACKET_INITIAL_MS), trigger_timeout_event, nullptr); } void AP_Radio_cc2500::trigger_irq_radio_event() { //we are called from ISR context chSysLockFromISR(); irq_time_us = AP_HAL::micros(); chEvtSignalI(_irq_handler_ctx, EVT_IRQ); chSysUnlockFromISR(); } void AP_Radio_cc2500::trigger_timeout_event(void *arg) { (void)arg; //we are called from ISR context chSysLockFromISR(); chVTSetI(&timeout_vt, chTimeMS2I(INTER_PACKET_INITIAL_MS), trigger_timeout_event, nullptr); chEvtSignalI(_irq_handler_ctx, EVT_TIMEOUT); chSysUnlockFromISR(); } void AP_Radio_cc2500::start_recv_bind(void) { chan_count = 0; packet_timer = AP_HAL::micros(); chEvtSignal(_irq_handler_ctx, EVT_BIND); Debug(1,"Starting bind\n"); } // handle a data96 mavlink packet for fw upload void AP_Radio_cc2500::handle_data_packet(mavlink_channel_t chan, const mavlink_data96_t &m) { uint32_t ofs=0; memcpy(&ofs, &m.data[0], 4); Debug(4, "got data96 of len %u from chan %u at offset %u\n", m.len, chan, unsigned(ofs)); if (sem.take_nonblocking()) { fwupload.chan = chan; fwupload.need_ack = false; fwupload.offset = ofs; fwupload.length = MIN(m.len-4, 92); fwupload.acked = 0; fwupload.sequence++; if (m.type == 43) { // sending a tune to play - for development testing fwupload.fw_type = TELEM_PLAY; fwupload.length = MIN(m.len, 90); fwupload.offset = 0; memcpy(&fwupload.pending_data[0], &m.data[0], fwupload.length); } else { // sending a chunk of firmware OTA upload fwupload.fw_type = TELEM_FW; memcpy(&fwupload.pending_data[0], &m.data[4], fwupload.length); } sem.give(); } } /* handle a FrSky D16 packet */ bool AP_Radio_cc2500::handle_D16_packet(const uint8_t *packet) { if (packet[0] != 0x1D) { return false; } if (packet[1] != bindTxId[0] || packet[2] != bindTxId[1]) { Debug(3, "p1=%02x p2=%02x p6=%02x\n", packet[1], packet[2], packet[6]); // not for us return false; } if (packet[7] == 0x00 || packet[7] == 0x20 || packet[7] == 0x10 || packet[7] == 0x12 || packet[7] == 0x14 || packet[7] == 0x16 || packet[7] == 0x18 || packet[7] == 0x1A || packet[7] == 0x1C || packet[7] == 0x1E) { // channel packet or range check packet parse_frSkyX(packet); packet3 = packet[3]; uint8_t hop_chan = packet[4] & 0x3F; uint8_t skip = (packet[4]>>6) | (packet[5]<<2); if (channr != hop_chan) { Debug(2, "channr=%u hop_chan=%u\n", channr, hop_chan); } channr = hop_chan; if (chanskip != skip) { Debug(2, "chanskip=%u skip=%u\n", chanskip, skip); } chanskip = skip; return true; } return false; } /* handle a SRT packet */ bool AP_Radio_cc2500::handle_SRT_packet(const uint8_t *packet) { const struct srt_packet *pkt = (const struct srt_packet *)packet; if (pkt->length != sizeof(struct srt_packet)-1 || pkt->txid[0] != bindTxId[0] || pkt->txid[1] != bindTxId[1]) { Debug(3, "len=%u p1=%02x p2=%02x\n", pkt->length, pkt->txid[0], pkt->txid[1]); // not for us return false; } if (pkt->version != 1) { // only support version 1 so far return false; } uint16_t chan_new[CC2500_MAX_PWM_CHANNELS]; memcpy(chan_new, pwm_channels, sizeof(pwm_channels)); chan_new[0] = pkt->chan1 + 1000 + ((pkt->chan_high&0xC0)<<2); chan_new[1] = pkt->chan2 + 1000 + ((pkt->chan_high&0x30)<<4); chan_new[2] = pkt->chan3 + 1000 + ((pkt->chan_high&0x0C)<<6); chan_new[3] = pkt->chan4 + 1000 + ((pkt->chan_high&0x03)<<8); // we map the buttons onto two PWM channels for ease of integration with ArduPilot chan_new[4] = 1000 + (pkt->buttons & 0x7) * 100; chan_new[5] = 1000 + (pkt->buttons >> 3) * 100; // cope with mode1/mode2 map_stick_mode(chan_new); memcpy(pwm_channels, chan_new, sizeof(pwm_channels)); uint8_t data = pkt->data; /* decode special data field */ switch (pkt->pkt_type) { case PKTYPE_VOLTAGE: // voltage from TX is in 0.025 volt units. Convert to 0.01 volt units for easier display pwm_channels[6] = data * 4; break; case PKTYPE_YEAR: tx_date.firmware_year = data; break; case PKTYPE_MONTH: tx_date.firmware_month = data; break; case PKTYPE_DAY: tx_date.firmware_day = data; break; case PKTYPE_TELEM_RSSI: tx_rssi = data; break; case PKTYPE_TELEM_PPS: tx_pps = data; if (!have_tx_pps) { check_double_bind(); } have_tx_pps = true; break; case PKTYPE_BL_VERSION: // unused so far for cc2500 break; case PKTYPE_RXID1: if (data != t_status.rxid[0]) { Debug(4, "Double bind1 - disconnecting\n"); start_recv_bind(); } break; case PKTYPE_RXID2: if (data != t_status.rxid[1]) { Debug(4, "Double bind2 - disconnecting\n"); start_recv_bind(); } break; case PKTYPE_FW_ACK: { // got an fw upload ack Debug(4, "ack %u seq=%u acked=%u length=%u len=%u\n", data, fwupload.sequence, unsigned(fwupload.acked), unsigned(fwupload.length), fwupload.len); if (fwupload.sequence == data && sem.take_nonblocking()) { fwupload.sequence++; fwupload.acked += fwupload.len; if (fwupload.acked == fwupload.length) { // trigger send of DATA16 ack to client fwupload.need_ack = true; } sem.give(); } break; } } if (chan_count < 7) { chan_count = 7; } if (pkt->channr != channr) { Debug(2, "channr=%u hop_chan=%u\n", channr, pkt->channr); channr = pkt->channr; } if (pkt->chanskip != chanskip) { Debug(2, "chanskip=%u skip=%u\n", chanskip, pkt->chanskip); chanskip = pkt->chanskip; } return true; } /* see if we have already assigned a channel */ bool AP_Radio_cc2500::have_channel(uint8_t channel, uint8_t count, uint8_t loop) { uint8_t i; for (i=0; i<count; i++) { if (bindHopData[i] == channel) { return true; } if (loop < 5) { int separation = ((int)bindHopData[i]) - (int)channel; if (separation < 0) { separation = -separation; } if (separation < 4) { // try if possible to stay at least 4 channels from existing channels return true; } } } return false; } /* mapping from WiFi channel number minus 1 to cc2500 channel number. WiFi channels are separated by 5MHz starting at 2412 MHz, except for channel 14, which has a 12MHz separation. We represent channel 14 as 255 as we want to keep this table 8 bit. */ static const uint8_t wifi_chan_map[14] = { 28, 44, 61, 78, 94, 111, 128, 144, 161, 178, 194, 211, 228, 255 }; /* create hopping table for SRT protocol */ void AP_Radio_cc2500::setup_hopping_table_SRT(void) { uint8_t val; uint8_t channel = bindTxId[0] % 127; uint8_t channel_spacing = bindTxId[1] % 127; uint8_t i; uint8_t wifi_chan = t_status.wifi_chan; uint8_t cc_wifi_mid, cc_wifi_low, cc_wifi_high; const uint8_t wifi_separation = 65; if (wifi_chan == 0 || wifi_chan > 14) { wifi_chan = 9; } cc_wifi_mid = wifi_chan_map[wifi_chan-1]; if (cc_wifi_mid < wifi_separation) { cc_wifi_low = 0; } else { cc_wifi_low = cc_wifi_mid - wifi_separation; } if (cc_wifi_mid > 225) { cc_wifi_high = 255; } else { cc_wifi_high = cc_wifi_mid + wifi_separation; } if (channel_spacing < 7) { channel_spacing += 7; } for (i=0; i<NUM_CHANNELS; i++) { // loop is to prevent any possibility of non-completion uint8_t loop = 0; do { channel = (channel+channel_spacing) % MAX_CHANNEL_NUMBER; if ((channel <= cc_wifi_low || channel >= cc_wifi_high) && !have_channel(channel, i, loop)) { // accept if not in wifi range and not already allocated break; } } while (loop++ < 100); val=channel; // channels to avoid from D16 code, not properly understood if ((val==0x00) || (val==0x5A) || (val==0xDC)) { val++; } bindHopData[i] = val; } if (get_protocol() != AP_Radio::PROTOCOL_CC2500_GFSK) { // additional loop to fix any close channels for (i=0; i<NUM_CHANNELS; i++) { // first loop only accepts channels that are outside wifi band if (have_channel(bindHopData[i], i, 0)) { uint8_t c; for (c = 0; c<MAX_CHANNEL_NUMBER; c++) { if ((channel <= cc_wifi_low || channel >= cc_wifi_high) && !have_channel(c, i, 0)) { bindHopData[i] = c; break; } } } // if that fails then accept channels within the wifi band if (have_channel(bindHopData[i], i, 0)) { uint8_t c; for (c = 0; c<MAX_CHANNEL_NUMBER; c++) { if (!have_channel(c, i, 0)) { bindHopData[i] = c; break; } } } } } for (i=0; i<NUM_CHANNELS; i++) { Debug(3, "%u ", bindHopData[i]); } Debug(3, "\n"); last_wifi_channel = t_status.wifi_chan; Debug(2, "Setup hopping for 0x%x:0x%0x WiFi %u %u-%u spc:%u\n", bindTxId[0], bindTxId[1], wifi_chan, cc_wifi_low, cc_wifi_high, channel_spacing); } /* handle a autobind packet */ bool AP_Radio_cc2500::handle_autobind_packet(const uint8_t *packet, uint8_t lqi) { if (get_factory_test() != 0) { // no autobind in factory test mode return false; } const struct autobind_packet_cc2500 *pkt = (const struct autobind_packet_cc2500 *)packet; if (stats.recv_packets != 0) { // don't process autobind packets once we're connected Debug(4,"autobind discard\n"); return false; } if (pkt->length != sizeof(struct autobind_packet_cc2500)-1 || pkt->magic1 != 0xC5 || pkt->magic2 != 0xA2 || pkt->txid[0] != uint8_t(~pkt->txid_inverse[0]) || pkt->txid[1] != uint8_t(~pkt->txid_inverse[1])) { Debug(3, "AB l=%u el=%u m1=%02x m2=%02x %02x:%02x %02x:%02x %02x:%02x\n", pkt->length, sizeof(struct autobind_packet_cc2500)-1, pkt->magic1, pkt->magic2, pkt->txid[0], pkt->txid[1], uint8_t(~pkt->txid_inverse[0]), uint8_t(~pkt->txid_inverse[1]), pkt->crc[0], pkt->crc[1]); // not a valid autobind packet return false; } for (uint8_t i=0; i<sizeof(pkt->pad); i++) { if (pkt->pad[i] != i+1) { Debug(3, "AB pad[%u]=%u\n", i, pkt->pad[i]); return false; } } uint16_t lcrc = calc_crc(packet,sizeof(*pkt)-2); if ((lcrc>>8)!=pkt->crc[0] || (lcrc&0x00FF)!=pkt->crc[1]) { Debug(3, "AB bad CRC\n"); return false; } uint8_t rssi_raw = packet[sizeof(struct autobind_packet_cc2500)]; uint8_t rssi_dbm = map_RSSI_to_dBm(rssi_raw); if (lqi >= 50) { Debug(3,"autobind bad LQI %u\n", lqi); return false; } if (rssi_dbm < get_autobind_rssi()) { Debug(1,"autobind RSSI %u needs %u\n", (unsigned)rssi_dbm, (unsigned)get_autobind_rssi()); return false; } Debug(1,"autobind RSSI %u above %u lqi=%u bofs=%d\n", (unsigned)rssi_dbm, (unsigned)get_autobind_rssi(), lqi, auto_bindOffset); bindOffset = auto_bindOffset; bindTxId[0] = pkt->txid[0]; bindTxId[1] = pkt->txid[1]; listLength = NUM_CHANNELS; t_status.wifi_chan = pkt->wifi_chan; setup_hopping_table_SRT(); Debug(1,"Saved bind data\n"); save_bind_info(); return true; } /* map a raw RSSI value to a dBm value */ uint8_t AP_Radio_cc2500::map_RSSI_to_dBm(uint8_t rssi_raw) { float rssi_dbm; if (rssi_raw >= 128) { rssi_dbm = ((((uint16_t)rssi_raw) * 18) >> 5) - 82; } else { rssi_dbm = ((((uint16_t)rssi_raw) * 18) >> 5) + 65; } return rssi_dbm; } // main IRQ handler void AP_Radio_cc2500::irq_handler(void) { uint8_t ccLen; bool matched = false; do { ccLen = cc2500.ReadReg(CC2500_3B_RXBYTES | CC2500_READ_BURST); hal.scheduler->delay_microseconds(20); uint8_t ccLen2 = cc2500.ReadReg(CC2500_3B_RXBYTES | CC2500_READ_BURST); matched = (ccLen == ccLen2); } while (!matched); if (ccLen & 0x80) { Debug(6,"Fifo overflow %02x\n", ccLen); // RX FIFO overflow cc2500.Strobe(CC2500_SFRX); cc2500.Strobe(CC2500_SRX); return; } uint8_t packet[ccLen]; cc2500.ReadFifo(packet, ccLen); if (get_fcc_test() != 0) { // don't process interrupts in FCCTEST mode return; } if (ccLen != 32 && ccLen != sizeof(srt_packet)+2 && ccLen != sizeof(autobind_packet_cc2500)+2) { cc2500.Strobe(CC2500_SFRX); cc2500.Strobe(CC2500_SRX); Debug(4, "bad len %u SRT=%u AB=%u\n", ccLen, sizeof(srt_packet)+2, sizeof(autobind_packet_cc2500)+2); return; } if (get_debug_level() > 6) { Debug(6, "CC2500 IRQ state=%u\n", unsigned(protocolState)); Debug(6,"len=%u\n", ccLen); for (uint8_t i=0; i<ccLen; i++) { Debug(6, "%02x:%02x ", i, packet[i]); if ((i+1) % 16 == 0) { Debug(6, "\n"); } } if (ccLen % 16 != 0) { Debug(6, "\n"); } } if (!check_crc(ccLen, packet)) { Debug(4, "bad CRC ccLen=%u\n", ccLen); return; } switch (protocolState) { case STATE_BIND_TUNING: tuneRx(ccLen, packet); break; case STATE_BIND_BINDING: if (getBindData(ccLen, packet)) { Debug(2,"Bind complete\n"); protocolState = STATE_BIND_COMPLETE; } break; case STATE_BIND_COMPLETE: protocolState = STATE_STARTING; save_bind_info(); Debug(3,"listLength=%u\n", listLength); Debug(3,"Saved bind info\n"); break; case STATE_STARTING: listLength = NUM_CHANNELS; initialiseData(0); protocolState = STATE_SEARCH; chanskip = 1; nextChannel(1); break; case STATE_SEARCH: protocolState = STATE_DATA; // fallthrough case STATE_DATA: { bool ok = false; if (ccLen == 32) { ok = handle_D16_packet(packet); } else if (ccLen == sizeof(srt_packet)+2) { ok = handle_SRT_packet(packet); if (!ok) { uint8_t Lqi = packet[ccLen - 1] & 0x7F; ok = handle_autobind_packet(packet, Lqi); } } if (ok) { // get RSSI value from status byte uint8_t rssi_raw = packet[ccLen-2]; float rssi_dbm = map_RSSI_to_dBm(rssi_raw); rssi_filtered = 0.95 * rssi_filtered + 0.05 * rssi_dbm; t_status.rssi = uint8_t(MAX(rssi_filtered, 1)); if (stats.recv_packets == 0) { Debug(3,"cc2500: got 1st packet\n"); } stats.recv_packets++; packet_timer = irq_time_us; chVTSet(&timeout_vt, chTimeMS2I(INTER_PACKET_INITIAL_MS), trigger_timeout_event, nullptr); cc2500.Strobe(CC2500_SIDLE); if (get_telem_enable()) { cc2500.SetPower(get_transmit_power()); if (ccLen == 32 || get_protocol() == AP_Radio::PROTOCOL_D16) { send_D16_telemetry(); } else { if (have_tx_pps) { /* we don't start sending telemetry until we have the tx_pps rate. This allows us to reliably detect double-bind, where one TX is bound to multiple RX */ send_SRT_telemetry(); } } // now we sleep for enough time for the packet to be // transmitted. We can safely sleep here as we have a // dedicated thread for radio processing. cc2500.unlock_bus(); hal.scheduler->delay_microseconds(PACKET_SENT_DELAY_US); cc2500.lock_bus(); } nextChannel(chanskip); } break; } case STATE_FCCTEST: // nothing to do, all done in timeout code Debug(3,"IRQ in FCCTEST state\n"); break; default: Debug(2,"state %u\n", (unsigned)protocolState); break; } } /* setup for the 6 possible FCC channel values (3 normal, 3 CW) */ void AP_Radio_cc2500::set_fcc_channel(void) { uint8_t chan = MAX_CHANNEL_NUMBER/2; switch (get_fcc_test()) { case 1: case 4: chan = 0; break; case 2: case 5: chan = MAX_CHANNEL_NUMBER/2; break; case 3: case 6: chan = MAX_CHANNEL_NUMBER-1; break; } setChannel(chan); } // handle timeout IRQ void AP_Radio_cc2500::irq_timeout(void) { if (get_fcc_test() != 0 && protocolState != STATE_FCCTEST) { protocolState = STATE_FCCTEST; last_fcc_chan = 0; set_fcc_channel(); send_SRT_telemetry(); } switch (protocolState) { case STATE_BIND_TUNING: { if (bindOffset >= 126) { if (check_best_LQI()) { return; } bindOffset = -126; } uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis(); if (now - timeTunedMs > 20) { timeTunedMs = now; bindOffset += 5; Debug(6,"bindOffset=%d\n", int(bindOffset)); cc2500.Strobe(CC2500_SIDLE); cc2500.WriteRegCheck(CC2500_0C_FSCTRL0, (uint8_t)bindOffset); cc2500.Strobe(CC2500_SFRX); cc2500.Strobe(CC2500_SRX); } break; } case STATE_DATA: { uint32_t now = AP_HAL::micros(); if (now - packet_timer > SEARCH_START_PKTS*INTER_PACKET_MS*1000UL) { Debug(3,"searching %u\n", unsigned(now - packet_timer)); cc2500.Strobe(CC2500_SIDLE); cc2500.Strobe(CC2500_SFRX); nextChannel(1); cc2500.Strobe(CC2500_SRX); timeouts++; protocolState = STATE_SEARCH; search_count = 0; } else { // to keep the timeouts a constant time behind the // expected time we need to set the timeout to the // inter-packet delay again now chVTSet(&timeout_vt, chTimeMS2I(INTER_PACKET_MS), trigger_timeout_event, nullptr); nextChannel(chanskip); lost++; } break; } case STATE_SEARCH: { uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis(); search_count++; if (stats.recv_packets == 0 && get_autobind_time() != 0 && get_factory_test() == 0 && (AP_HAL::micros() - packet_timer) > get_autobind_time() * 1000UL*1000UL && (search_count & 1) == 0) { // try for an autobind packet every 2nd packet, waiting 3 packet delays static uint32_t cc; auto_bindOffset += 5; if (auto_bindOffset >= 126) { auto_bindOffset = -126; } Debug(4,"ab recv %u boffset=%d", unsigned(cc), int(auto_bindOffset)); cc++; cc2500.WriteRegCheck(CC2500_0C_FSCTRL0, (uint8_t)auto_bindOffset); setChannelRX(AUTOBIND_CHANNEL); autobind_start_recv_ms = now; chVTSet(&timeout_vt, chTimeMS2I(60), trigger_timeout_event, nullptr); } else { // shift by one channel at a time when searching if (autobind_start_recv_ms == 0 || now - autobind_start_recv_ms > 50) { autobind_start_recv_ms = 0; cc2500.WriteRegCheck(CC2500_0C_FSCTRL0, (uint8_t)bindOffset); nextChannel(1); } } break; } case STATE_FCCTEST: { if (get_fcc_test() == 0) { protocolState = STATE_DATA; Debug(1,"Ending FCCTEST\n"); } // send every 9ms chVTSet(&timeout_vt, chTimeMS2I(INTER_PACKET_MS), trigger_timeout_event, nullptr); cc2500.SetPower(get_transmit_power()); if (get_fcc_test() < 4 || last_fcc_chan != get_fcc_test()) { set_fcc_channel(); send_SRT_telemetry(); } if (last_fcc_chan != get_fcc_test() && get_fcc_test() != 0) { Debug(1,"Starting FCCTEST %u at power %u\n", unsigned(get_fcc_test()), unsigned(get_transmit_power())); } last_fcc_chan = get_fcc_test(); break; } default: break; } } void AP_Radio_cc2500::irq_handler_thd(void *arg) { (void)arg; while (true) { eventmask_t evt = chEvtWaitAny(ALL_EVENTS); radio_singleton->cc2500.lock_bus(); switch (evt) { case EVT_IRQ: if (radio_singleton->protocolState == STATE_FCCTEST) { hal.console->printf("IRQ FCC\n"); } radio_singleton->irq_handler(); break; case EVT_TIMEOUT: if (radio_singleton->cc2500.ReadReg(CC2500_3B_RXBYTES | CC2500_READ_BURST) & 0x80) { irq_time_us = AP_HAL::micros(); radio_singleton->irq_handler(); } else { radio_singleton->irq_timeout(); } break; case EVT_BIND: // clear the current bind information radio_singleton->bindTxId[0] = 1; radio_singleton->bindTxId[1] = 1; radio_singleton->setup_hopping_table_SRT(); radio_singleton->protocolState = STATE_SEARCH; radio_singleton->packet_timer = AP_HAL::micros(); radio_singleton->stats.recv_packets = 0; radio_singleton->chanskip = 1; radio_singleton->nextChannel(1); radio_singleton->save_bind_info(); break; default: break; } radio_singleton->cc2500.unlock_bus(); } } void AP_Radio_cc2500::initTuneRx(void) { cc2500.WriteReg(CC2500_19_FOCCFG, 0x14); timeTunedMs = AP_HAL::millis(); bindOffset = -126; best_lqi = 255; best_bindOffset = bindOffset; cc2500.WriteReg(CC2500_0C_FSCTRL0, (uint8_t)bindOffset); //cc2500.WriteReg(CC2500_07_PKTCTRL1, 0x0C); //cc2500.WriteReg(CC2500_18_MCSM0, 0x8); setChannelRX(0); } void AP_Radio_cc2500::initialiseData(uint8_t adr) { cc2500.WriteRegCheck(CC2500_0C_FSCTRL0, bindOffset); //cc2500.WriteRegCheck(CC2500_18_MCSM0, 0x8); //cc2500.WriteRegCheck(CC2500_07_PKTCTRL1, 0x0D); // address check, no broadcast, autoflush, status enable cc2500.WriteRegCheck(CC2500_19_FOCCFG, 0x16); hal.scheduler->delay_microseconds(10*1000); } void AP_Radio_cc2500::initGetBind(void) { setChannelRX(0); hal.scheduler->delay_microseconds(20); // waiting flush FIFO cc2500.Strobe(CC2500_SRX); listLength = 0; } /* we've wrapped in the search for the best bind offset. Accept the best so far if its good enough */ bool AP_Radio_cc2500::check_best_LQI(void) { if (best_lqi >= 50) { return false; } bindOffset = best_bindOffset; initGetBind(); initialiseData(1); protocolState = STATE_BIND_BINDING; bind_mask = 0; listLength = 0; Debug(2,"Bind tuning %d with Lqi %u\n", best_bindOffset, best_lqi); return true; } /* check if we have received a packet with sufficiently good link quality to start binding */ bool AP_Radio_cc2500::tuneRx(uint8_t ccLen, uint8_t *packet) { if (bindOffset >= 126) { // we've scanned the whole range, if any were below 50 then // accept it if (check_best_LQI()) { return true; } bindOffset = -126; } if ((packet[ccLen - 1] & 0x80) && packet[2] == 0x01) { uint8_t Lqi = packet[ccLen - 1] & 0x7F; if (Lqi < best_lqi) { best_lqi = Lqi; best_bindOffset = bindOffset; } } return false; } /* get a block of hopping data from a bind packet */ bool AP_Radio_cc2500::getBindData(uint8_t ccLen, uint8_t *packet) { // parse a bind data packet */ if ((packet[ccLen - 1] & 0x80) && packet[2] == 0x01) { if (bind_mask == 0) { bindTxId[0] = packet[3]; bindTxId[1] = packet[4]; } else if (bindTxId[0] != packet[3] || bindTxId[1] != packet[4]) { Debug(2,"Bind restart\n"); bind_mask = 0; listLength = 0; } for (uint8_t n = 0; n < 5; n++) { uint8_t c = packet[5] + n; if (c < sizeof(bindHopData)) { bindHopData[c] = packet[6 + n]; bind_mask |= (uint64_t(1)<<c); listLength = MAX(listLength, c+1); } } // bind has finished when we have hopping data for all channels return (listLength == NUM_CHANNELS && bind_mask == ((uint64_t(1)<<NUM_CHANNELS)-1)); } return false; } void AP_Radio_cc2500::setChannel(uint8_t channel) { cc2500.Strobe(CC2500_SIDLE); cc2500.WriteReg(CC2500_0A_CHANNR, channel); // manually recalibrate the PLL for the new channel. This // allows for temperature change and voltage fluctuation on // the flight board cc2500.Strobe(CC2500_SCAL); hal.scheduler->delay_microseconds(730); } void AP_Radio_cc2500::setChannelRX(uint8_t channel) { setChannel(channel); cc2500.Strobe(CC2500_SFRX); cc2500.Strobe(CC2500_SRX); } void AP_Radio_cc2500::nextChannel(uint8_t skip) { channr = (channr + skip) % listLength; setChannelRX(bindHopData[channr]); } void AP_Radio_cc2500::parse_frSkyX(const uint8_t *packet) { uint16_t c[8]; c[0] = (uint16_t)((packet[10] <<8)& 0xF00) | packet[9]; c[1] = (uint16_t)((packet[11]<<4)&0xFF0) | (packet[10]>>4); c[2] = (uint16_t)((packet[13] <<8)& 0xF00) | packet[12]; c[3] = (uint16_t)((packet[14]<<4)&0xFF0) | (packet[13]>>4); c[4] = (uint16_t)((packet[16] <<8)& 0xF00) | packet[15]; c[5] = (uint16_t)((packet[17]<<4)&0xFF0) | (packet[16]>>4); c[6] = (uint16_t)((packet[19] <<8)& 0xF00) | packet[18]; c[7] = (uint16_t)((packet[20]<<4)&0xFF0) | (packet[19]>>4); uint8_t j; for (uint8_t i=0; i<8; i++) { if (c[i] > 2047) { j = 8; c[i] = c[i] - 2048; } else { j = 0; } if (c[i] == 0) { continue; } uint16_t word_temp = (((c[i]-64)<<1)/3+860); if ((word_temp > 800) && (word_temp < 2200)) { uint8_t chan = i+j; if (chan < CC2500_MAX_PWM_CHANNELS) { pwm_channels[chan] = word_temp; if (chan >= chan_count) { chan_count = chan+1; } } } } } uint16_t AP_Radio_cc2500::calc_crc(const uint8_t *data, uint8_t len) { uint16_t crc = 0; for (uint8_t i=0; i < len; i++) { crc = (crc<<8) ^ (CRCTable[((uint8_t)(crc>>8) ^ *data++) & 0xFF]); } return crc; } bool AP_Radio_cc2500::check_crc(uint8_t ccLen, uint8_t *packet) { if (ccLen == sizeof(srt_packet)+2 || ccLen == sizeof(autobind_packet_cc2500)+2) { // using hardware CRC return true; } else if (ccLen == 32) { // D16 packet uint16_t lcrc = calc_crc(&packet[3],(ccLen-7)); return ((lcrc >>8)==packet[ccLen-4] && (lcrc&0x00FF)==packet[ccLen-3]); } return false; } /* save bind info */ void AP_Radio_cc2500::save_bind_info(void) { // access to storage for bind information StorageAccess bind_storage(StorageManager::StorageBindInfo); struct bind_info info; info.magic = bind_magic; info.bindTxId[0] = bindTxId[0]; info.bindTxId[1] = bindTxId[1]; info.bindOffset = bindOffset; info.wifi_chan = t_status.wifi_chan; memcpy(info.bindHopData, bindHopData, sizeof(info.bindHopData)); bind_storage.write_block(0, &info, sizeof(info)); } /* load bind info */ bool AP_Radio_cc2500::load_bind_info(void) { // access to storage for bind information StorageAccess bind_storage(StorageManager::StorageBindInfo); struct bind_info info; if (!bind_storage.read_block(&info, 0, sizeof(info)) || info.magic != bind_magic) { return false; } bindTxId[0] = info.bindTxId[0]; bindTxId[1] = info.bindTxId[1]; bindOffset = info.bindOffset; listLength = NUM_CHANNELS; t_status.wifi_chan = info.wifi_chan; memcpy(bindHopData, info.bindHopData, sizeof(bindHopData)); setup_hopping_table_SRT(); return true; } /* send a D16 telemetry packet */ void AP_Radio_cc2500::send_D16_telemetry(void) { uint8_t frame[15]; memset(frame, 0, sizeof(frame)); frame[0] = sizeof(frame)-1; frame[1] = bindTxId[0]; frame[2] = bindTxId[1]; frame[3] = packet3; if (telem_send_rssi) { frame[4] = MAX(MIN(t_status.rssi, 0x7f),1) | 0x80; } else { frame[4] = uint8_t(hal.analogin->board_voltage() * 10) & 0x7F; } telem_send_rssi = !telem_send_rssi; uint16_t lcrc = calc_crc(&frame[3], 10); frame[13] = lcrc>>8; frame[14] = lcrc; cc2500.Strobe(CC2500_SIDLE); cc2500.Strobe(CC2500_SFTX); if (get_fcc_test() <= 3) { // in CW FCC test modes we don't write to the FIFO, which // gives continuous transmission cc2500.WriteFifo(frame, sizeof(frame)); } cc2500.Strobe(CC2500_STX); } /* send a SRT telemetry packet */ void AP_Radio_cc2500::send_SRT_telemetry(void) { struct telem_packet_cc2500 pkt {}; pkt.length = sizeof(pkt)-1; t_status.flags = 0; t_status.flags |= AP_Notify::flags.gps_status >= 3?TELEM_FLAG_GPS_OK:0; t_status.flags |= AP_Notify::flags.pre_arm_check?TELEM_FLAG_ARM_OK:0; t_status.flags |= AP_Notify::flags.failsafe_battery?0:TELEM_FLAG_BATT_OK; t_status.flags |= hal.util->get_soft_armed()?TELEM_FLAG_ARMED:0; t_status.flags |= AP_Notify::flags.have_pos_abs?TELEM_FLAG_POS_OK:0; t_status.flags |= AP_Notify::flags.video_recording?TELEM_FLAG_VIDEO:0; t_status.flight_mode = AP_Notify::flags.flight_mode; t_status.tx_max = get_tx_max_power(); t_status.note_adjust = get_tx_buzzer_adjust(); // send fw update packet for 7/8 of packets if any data pending if (fwupload.length != 0 && fwupload.length > fwupload.acked && ((fwupload.counter++ & 0x07) != 0) && sem.take_nonblocking()) { pkt.type = fwupload.fw_type; pkt.payload.fw.seq = fwupload.sequence; uint32_t len = fwupload.length>fwupload.acked?fwupload.length - fwupload.acked:0; const uint8_t maxlen = sizeof(pkt.payload.fw.data); pkt.payload.fw.len = len<=maxlen?len:maxlen; pkt.payload.fw.offset = fwupload.offset+fwupload.acked; memcpy(&pkt.payload.fw.data[0], &fwupload.pending_data[fwupload.acked], pkt.payload.fw.len); fwupload.len = pkt.payload.fw.len; Debug(4, "sent fw seq=%u offset=%u len=%u type=%u\n", pkt.payload.fw.seq, pkt.payload.fw.offset, pkt.payload.fw.len, pkt.type); sem.give(); } else { pkt.type = TELEM_STATUS; pkt.payload.status = t_status; } pkt.txid[0] = bindTxId[0]; pkt.txid[1] = bindTxId[1]; cc2500.Strobe(CC2500_SIDLE); cc2500.Strobe(CC2500_SFTX); if (get_fcc_test() <= 3) { // in CW FCC test modes we don't write to the FIFO, which gives // continuous transmission cc2500.WriteFifo((const uint8_t *)&pkt, sizeof(pkt)); } cc2500.Strobe(CC2500_STX); if (last_wifi_channel != t_status.wifi_chan) { setup_hopping_table_SRT(); save_bind_info(); } telem_send_count++; } /* send a fwupload ack if needed */ void AP_Radio_cc2500::check_fw_ack(void) { if (fwupload.need_ack && sem.take_nonblocking()) { // ack the send of a DATA96 fw packet to TX fwupload.need_ack = false; uint8_t data16[16] {}; uint32_t ack_to = fwupload.offset + fwupload.acked; memcpy(&data16[0], &ack_to, 4); mavlink_msg_data16_send(fwupload.chan, 42, 4, data16); Debug(4,"sent ack DATA16\n"); sem.give(); } } /* support all 4 rc input modes by swapping channels. */ void AP_Radio_cc2500::map_stick_mode(uint16_t *channels) { switch (get_stick_mode()) { case 1: { // mode1 uint16_t tmp = channels[1]; channels[1] = 3000 - channels[2]; channels[2] = 3000 - tmp; break; } case 3: { // mode3 uint16_t tmp = channels[1]; channels[1] = 3000 - channels[2]; channels[2] = 3000 - tmp; tmp = channels[0]; channels[0] = channels[3]; channels[3] = tmp; break; } case 4: { // mode4 uint16_t tmp = channels[0]; channels[0] = channels[3]; channels[3] = tmp; break; } case 2: default: // nothing to do, transmitter is natively mode2 break; } } /* check if we are the 2nd RX bound to this TX */ void AP_Radio_cc2500::check_double_bind(void) { if (tx_pps <= telem_send_count || get_autobind_time() == 0) { return; } // the TX has received more telemetry packets in the last second // than we have ever sent. There must be another RX sending // telemetry packets. We will reset our mfg_id and go back waiting // for a new bind packet, hopefully with the right TX Debug(1,"Double-bind detected\n"); // clear the current bind information radio_singleton->bindTxId[0] = 1; radio_singleton->bindTxId[1] = 1; radio_singleton->setup_hopping_table_SRT(); radio_singleton->protocolState = STATE_SEARCH; radio_singleton->packet_timer = AP_HAL::micros(); radio_singleton->stats.recv_packets = 0; radio_singleton->chanskip = 1; radio_singleton->nextChannel(1); } #endif // HAL_RCINPUT_WITH_AP_RADIO #endif // CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_CHIBIOS