## ZeroOneX6 Flight Controller The ZeroOne X6 is a flight controller manufactured by ZeroOne, which is based on the open-source FMU v6X architecture and Pixhawk Autopilot Bus open source specifications. ![Uploading ZeroOneX6.jpg…]() ## Features: - Separate flight control core design. - MCU STM32H753IIK6 32-bit processor running at 480MHz 2MB Flash 1MB RAM - IO MCU STM32F103 - Sensors - IMU: Internal Vibration Isolation for IMUs IMU constant temperature heating(1 W heating power). With Triple Synced IMUs, BalancedGyro technology, low noise and more shock-resistant: IMU1-ICM45686(With vibration isolation) IMU2-BMI088(With vibration isolation) IMU3- ICM45686(No vibration isolation) - Baro: Two barometers:2 x ICP20100 Magnetometer: Builtin RM3100 magnetometer ## Pinout  ## UART Mapping The UARTs are marked Rn and Tn in the above pinouts. The Rn pin is the receive pin for UARTn. The Tn pin is the transmit pin for UARTn. | Name | Function | MCU PINS | DMA | | :-----: | :------: | :------: | :------:| | SERIAL0 | OTG1 | USB | | SERIAL1 | Telem1 | UART7 |DMA Enabled | | SERIAL2 | Telem2 | UART5 |DMA Enabled | | SERIAL3 | GPS1 | USART1 |DMA Enabled | | SERIAL4 | GPS2 | UART8 |DMA Enabled | | SERIAL5 | Telem3 | USART2 |DMA Enabled | | SERIAL6 | UART4 | UART4 |DMA Enabled | | SERIAL7 |FMU DEBUG | USART3 |DMA Enabled | | SERIAL8 | OTG-SLCAN| USB | ## RC Input The remote control signal should be connected to the SBUS RC IN port or DSM/PPM RC Port.It will support ALL unidirectional RC protocols. ## PWM Output The X6 flight controller supports up to 16 PWM outputs. First 8 outputs (labelled 1 to 8) are controlled by a dedicated STM32F103 IO controller. The remaining 8 outputs (labelled 9 to 16) are the "auxiliary" outputs. These are directly attached to the STM32H753 FMU controller . All 16 outputs support normal PWM output formats. All 16 outputs support DShot, except 15 and 16. The 8 IO PWM outputs are in 4 groups: - Outputs 1 and 2 in group1 - Outputs 3 and 4 in group2 - Outputs 5, 6, 7 and 8 in group3 The 8 FMU PWM outputs are in 4 groups: - Outputs 1, 2, 3 and 4 in group1 - Outputs 5 and 6 in group2 - Outputs 7 and 8 in group3 Channels within the same group need to use the same output rate. If any channel in a group uses DShot then all channels in the group need to use DShot. ## GPIO All PWM outputs can be used as GPIOs (relays, camera, RPM etc). To use them you need to set the output’s SERVOx_FUNCTION to -1. The numbering of the GPIOs for PIN variables in ArduPilot is:
IO Pins | FMU Pins | |||||
Name | Value | Option | Name | Value | Option | |
M1 | 101 | MainOut1 | M9 | 50 | AuxOut1 | |
M2 | 102 | MainOut2 | M10 | 51 | AuxOut2 | |
M3 | 103 | MainOut3 | M11 | 52 | AuxOut3 | |
M4 | 104 | MainOut4 | M12 | 53 | AuxOut4 | |
M5 | 105 | MainOut5 | M13 | 54 | AuxOut5 | |
M6 | 106 | MainOut6 | M14 | 55 | AuxOut6 | |
M7 | 107 | MainOut7 | M15 | 56 | ||
M8 | 108 | MainOut8 | M16 | 57 | BB Blue GPo pin 3 | |
FCU CAP | 58 |