Does nothing.
1 to arm, 0 to disarm
Return vehicle to base.
0: return to base, 1: track mobile base
Stops the vehicle from returning to base and resumes flight.
Turns the vehicle's visible or infrared lights on or off.
0: visible lights, 1: infrared lights
0: turn on, 1: turn off
Requests vehicle to send current mid-level commands to ground station.
Requests storage of mid-level commands.
Mid-level command storage: 0: read from flash/EEPROM, 1: write to flash/EEPROM
Slugs-specific navigation modes.
No change to SLUGS mode.
Vehicle is in liftoff mode.
Vehicle is in passthrough mode, being controlled by a pilot.
Vehicle is in waypoint mode, navigating to waypoints.
Vehicle is executing mid-level commands.
Vehicle is returning to the home location.
Vehicle is landing.
Lost connection with vehicle.
Vehicle is in selective passthrough mode, where selected surfaces are being manually controlled.
Vehicle is in ISR mode, performing reconaissance at a point specified by ISR_LOCATION message.
Vehicle is patrolling along lines between waypoints.
Vehicle is grounded or an error has occurred.
These flags encode the control surfaces for selective passthrough mode. If a bit is set then the pilot console
has control of the surface, and if not then the autopilot has control of the surface.
0b10000000 Throttle control passes through to pilot console.
0b01000000 Left aileron control passes through to pilot console.
0b00100000 Right aileron control passes through to pilot console.
0b00010000 Rudder control passes through to pilot console.
0b00001000 Left elevator control passes through to pilot console.
0b00000100 Right elevator control passes through to pilot console.
0b00000010 Left flap control passes through to pilot console.
0b00000001 Right flap control passes through to pilot console.
Sensor and DSC control loads.
Sensor DSC Load
Control DSC Load
Battery Voltage in millivolts
Accelerometer and gyro biases.
Accelerometer X bias (m/s)
Accelerometer Y bias (m/s)
Accelerometer Z bias (m/s)
Gyro X bias (rad/s)
Gyro Y bias (rad/s)
Gyro Z bias (rad/s)
Configurable diagnostic messages.
Diagnostic float 1
Diagnostic float 2
Diagnostic float 3
Diagnostic short 1
Diagnostic short 2
Diagnostic short 3
Data used in the navigation algorithm.
Measured Airspeed prior to the nav filter in m/s
Commanded Roll
Commanded Pitch
Commanded Turn rate
Y component of the body acceleration
Total Distance to Run on this leg of Navigation
Remaining distance to Run on this leg of Navigation
Origin WP
Destination WP
Commanded altitude in 0.1 m
Configurable data log probes to be used inside Simulink
Log value 1
Log value 2
Log value 3
Log value 4
Log value 5
Log value 6
Pilot console PWM messges.
Year reported by Gps
Month reported by Gps
Day reported by Gps
Hour reported by Gps
Min reported by Gps
Sec reported by Gps
Clock Status. See table 47 page 211 OEMStar Manual
Visible satellites reported by Gps
Used satellites in Solution
GPS+GLONASS satellites in Solution
GPS and GLONASS usage mask (bit 0 GPS_used? bit_4 GLONASS_used?)
Percent used GPS
Mid Level commands sent from the GS to the autopilot. These are only sent when being operated in mid-level commands mode from the ground.
The system setting the commands
Commanded Altitude in meters
Commanded Airspeed in m/s
Commanded Turnrate in rad/s
This message sets the control surfaces for selective passthrough mode.
The system setting the commands
Bitfield containing the passthrough configuration, see CONTROL_SURFACE_FLAG ENUM.
Orders generated to the SLUGS camera mount.
The system reporting the action
Order the mount to pan: -1 left, 0 No pan motion, +1 right
Order the mount to tilt: -1 down, 0 No tilt motion, +1 up
Order the zoom values 0 to 10
Orders the camera mount to move home. The other fields are ignored when this field is set. 1: move home, 0 ignored
Control for surface; pending and order to origin.
The system setting the commands
ID control surface send 0: throttle 1: aileron 2: elevator 3: rudder
Order to origin
Transmits the last known position of the mobile GS to the UAV. Very relevant when Track Mobile is enabled
The system reporting the action
Mobile Latitude
Mobile Longitude
Control for camara.
The system setting the commands
ID 0: brightness 1: aperture 2: iris 3: ICR 4: backlight
1: up/on 2: down/off 3: auto/reset/no action
Transmits the position of watch
The system reporting the action
ISR Latitude
ISR Longitude
ISR Height
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Transmits the readings from the voltage and current sensors
It is the value of reading 2: 0 - Current, 1 - Foreward Sonar, 2 - Back Sonar, 3 - RPM
Voltage in uS of PWM. 0 uS = 0V, 20 uS = 21.5V
Depends on the value of r2Type (0) Current consumption in uS of PWM, 20 uS = 90Amp (1) Distance in cm (2) Distance in cm (3) Absolute value
Transmits the actual Pan, Tilt and Zoom values of the camera unit
The actual Zoom Value
The Pan value in 10ths of degree
The Tilt value in 10ths of degree
Transmits the actual status values UAV in flight
The ID system reporting the action
Latitude UAV
Longitude UAV
Altitude UAV
Speed UAV
Course UAV
This contains the status of the GPS readings
Number of times checksum has failed
The quality indicator, 0=fix not available or invalid, 1=GPS fix, 2=C/A differential GPS, 6=Dead reckoning mode, 7=Manual input mode (fixed position), 8=Simulator mode, 9= WAAS a
Indicates if GN, GL or GP messages are being received
A = data valid, V = data invalid
Magnetic variation, degrees
Magnetic variation direction E/W. Easterly variation (E) subtracts from True course and Westerly variation (W) adds to True course
Positioning system mode indicator. A - Autonomous;D-Differential; E-Estimated (dead reckoning) mode;M-Manual input; N-Data not valid
Transmits the diagnostics data from the Novatel OEMStar GPS
The Time Status. See Table 8 page 27 Novatel OEMStar Manual
Status Bitfield. See table 69 page 350 Novatel OEMstar Manual
solution Status. See table 44 page 197
position type. See table 43 page 196
velocity type. See table 43 page 196
Age of the position solution in seconds
Times the CRC has failed since boot
Diagnostic data Sensor MCU
Float field 1
Float field 2
Int 16 field 1
Int 8 field 1
The boot message indicates that a system is starting. The onboard software version allows to keep track of onboard soft/firmware revisions. This message allows the sensor and control MCUs to communicate version numbers on startup.
The onboard software version