common.xml Voltage and current sensor data Power board voltage sensor reading in volts Power board current sensor reading in amps Board current sensor 1 reading in amps Board current sensor 2 reading in amps Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT) sensor data for solar module power performance tracking MPPT last timestamp MPPT1 voltage MPPT1 current MPPT1 pwm MPPT1 status MPPT2 voltage MPPT2 current MPPT2 pwm MPPT2 status MPPT3 voltage MPPT3 current MPPT3 pwm MPPT3 status ASL-fixed-wing controller data Timestamp ASLCTRL control-mode (manual, stabilized, auto, etc...) See sourcecode for a description of these values... Pitch angle [deg] Pitch angle reference[deg] Airspeed reference [m/s] Yaw angle [deg] Yaw angle reference[deg] Roll angle [deg] Roll angle reference[deg] ASL-fixed-wing controller debug data Debug data Debug data Debug data Debug data Debug data Debug data Debug data Debug data Debug data Debug data Debug data Extended state information for ASLUAVs Status of the position-indicator LEDs Status of the IRIDIUM satellite communication system Status vector for up to 8 servos Motor RPM Extended EKF state estimates for ASLUAVs Time since system start [us] Magnitude of wind velocity (in lateral inertial plane) [m/s] Wind heading angle from North [rad] Z (Down) component of inertial wind velocity [m/s] Magnitude of air velocity [m/s] Sideslip angle [rad] Angle of attack [rad] Off-board controls/commands for ASLUAVs Time since system start [us] Elevator command [~] Throttle command [~] Throttle 2 command [~] Left aileron command [~] Right aileron command [~] Rudder command [~] Off-board computer status Atmospheric sensors (temperature, humidity, ...) Ambient temperature [degrees Celsius] Relative humidity [%]