#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include "AR_PivotTurn.h" class AR_WPNav { public: // constructor AR_WPNav(AR_AttitudeControl& atc, AR_PosControl &pos_control); // initialise waypoint controller. speed_max should be set to the maximum speed in m/s (or left at zero to use the default speed) void init(float speed_max = 0); // update navigation virtual void update(float dt); // get or set maximum speed in m/s // if set_speed_max is called in rapid succession changes in speed may be delayed by up to 0.5sec float get_speed_max() const { return _base_speed_max; } bool set_speed_max(float speed_max); // set speed nudge in m/s. this will have no effect unless nudge_speed_max > speed_max // nudge_speed_max should always be positive regardless of whether the vehicle is travelling forward or reversing void set_nudge_speed_max(float nudge_speed_max); // execute the mission in reverse (i.e. drive backwards to destination) bool get_reversed() const { return _reversed; } void set_reversed(bool reversed) { _reversed = reversed; } // get navigation outputs for speed (in m/s) and turn rate (in rad/sec) float get_speed() const { return _desired_speed_limited; } float get_turn_rate_rads() const { return _desired_turn_rate_rads; } // get desired lateral acceleration (for reporting purposes only because will be zero during pivot turns) float get_lat_accel() const { return _desired_lat_accel; } // set desired location and (optionally) next_destination // next_destination should be provided if known to allow smooth cornering virtual bool set_desired_location(const Location &destination, Location next_destination = Location()) WARN_IF_UNUSED; // set desired location to a reasonable stopping point, return true on success bool set_desired_location_to_stopping_location() WARN_IF_UNUSED; // set desired location as offset from the EKF origin, return true on success bool set_desired_location_NED(const Vector3f& destination) WARN_IF_UNUSED; bool set_desired_location_NED(const Vector3f &destination, const Vector3f &next_destination) WARN_IF_UNUSED; // set desired location but expect the destination to be updated again in the near future // position controller input shaping will be used for navigation instead of scurves // Note: object avoidance is not supported if this method is used bool set_desired_location_expect_fast_update(const Location &destination) WARN_IF_UNUSED; // true if vehicle has reached desired location. defaults to true because this is normally used by missions and we do not want the mission to become stuck virtual bool reached_destination() const { return _reached_destination; } // return distance (in meters) to destination float get_distance_to_destination() const { return _distance_to_destination; } // return true if destination is valid bool is_destination_valid() const { return _orig_and_dest_valid; } // get current destination. Note: this is not guaranteed to be valid (i.e. _orig_and_dest_valid is not checked) const Location &get_destination() const { return _destination; } // return heading (in centi-degrees) and cross track error (in meters) for reporting to ground station (NAV_CONTROLLER_OUTPUT message) float wp_bearing_cd() const { return _wp_bearing_cd; } float nav_bearing_cd() const { return _desired_heading_cd; } float crosstrack_error() const { return _cross_track_error; } // get object avoidance adjusted origin. Note: this is not guaranteed to be valid (i.e. _orig_and_dest_valid is not checked) virtual const Location &get_oa_origin() const { return _origin; } // get object avoidance adjusted destination. Note: this is not guaranteed to be valid (i.e. _orig_and_dest_valid is not checked) virtual const Location &get_oa_destination() const { return get_destination(); } // return the heading (in centi-degrees) to the next waypoint accounting for OA, (used by sailboats) virtual float oa_wp_bearing_cd() const { return wp_bearing_cd(); } // settor to allow vehicle code to provide turn related param values to this library (should be updated regularly) void set_turn_params(float turn_radius, bool pivot_possible); // enable speeding up position target to catch-up with vehicles travelling faster than WP_SPEED // designed to support sailboats that do not have precise speed control // only supported when using SCurves and not when using position controller input shaping void enable_overspeed(bool enable) { _overspeed_enabled = enable; } // accessors for parameter values float get_default_speed() const { return _speed_max; } float get_default_accel() const { return _accel_max; } float get_default_jerk() const { return _jerk_max; } float get_radius() const { return _radius; } float get_pivot_rate() const { return _pivot.get_rate_max(); } // calculate stopping location using current position and attitude controller provided maximum deceleration // returns true on success, false on failure bool get_stopping_location(Location& stopping_loc) WARN_IF_UNUSED; // is_fast_waypoint returns true if vehicle will not stop at destination (e.g. set_desired_location provided a next_destination) bool is_fast_waypoint() const { return _fast_waypoint; } // parameter var table static const struct AP_Param::GroupInfo var_info[]; protected: // true if update has been called recently bool is_active() const; // move target location along track from origin to destination using SCurves navigation void advance_wp_target_along_track(const Location ¤t_loc, float dt); // update psc input shaping navigation controller void update_psc_input_shaping(float dt); // update distance and bearing from vehicle's current position to destination void update_distance_and_bearing_to_destination(); // calculate steering and speed to drive along line from origin to destination waypoint void update_steering_and_speed(const Location ¤t_loc, float dt); // calculate the crosstrack error (does not rely on L1 controller) float calc_crosstrack_error(const Location& current_loc) const; // calculate yaw change at next waypoint in degrees // returns zero if the angle cannot be calculated because some points are on top of others float get_corner_angle(const Location& loc1, const Location& loc2, const Location& loc3) const; // helper function to initialise position controller if it hasn't been called recently // this should be called before updating the position controller with new targets but after the EKF has a good position estimate void init_pos_control_if_necessary(); // set origin and destination to stopping point bool set_origin_and_destination_to_stopping_point(); // check for changes in _base_speed_max or _nudge_speed_max // updates position controller limits and recalculate scurve path if required void update_speed_max(); // parameters AP_Float _speed_max; // target speed between waypoints in m/s AP_Float _radius; // distance in meters from a waypoint when we consider the waypoint has been reached AR_PivotTurn _pivot; // pivot turn controller AP_Float _accel_max; // max acceleration. If zero then attitude controller's specified max accel is used AP_Float _jerk_max; // max jerk (change in acceleration). If zero then value is same as accel_max // references AR_AttitudeControl& _atc; // rover attitude control library AR_PosControl &_pos_control; // rover position control library // scurve SCurve _scurve_prev_leg; // previous scurve trajectory used to blend with current scurve trajectory SCurve _scurve_this_leg; // current scurve trajectory SCurve _scurve_next_leg; // next scurve trajectory used to blend with current scurve trajectory bool _fast_waypoint; // true if vehicle will stop at the next waypoint bool _pivot_at_next_wp; // true if vehicle should pivot at next waypoint bool _overspeed_enabled; // if true scurve's position target will speedup to catch vehicles travelling faster than WP_SPEED float _track_scalar_dt; // time scaler to ensure scurve target doesn't get too far ahead of vehicle // variables held in vehicle code (for now) float _turn_radius; // vehicle turn radius in meters // variables for navigation uint32_t _last_update_ms; // system time of last call to update Location _origin; // origin Location (vehicle will travel from the origin to the destination) Location _destination; // destination Location when in Guided_WP bool _orig_and_dest_valid; // true if the origin and destination have been set bool _reversed; // execute the mission by backing up enum class NavControllerType { NAV_SCURVE = 0, // scurves used for navigation NAV_PSC_INPUT_SHAPING // position controller input shaping used for navigation } _nav_control_type; // navigation controller that should be used to travel from _origin to _destination // speed_max handling float _base_speed_max; // speed max (in m/s) derived from parameters or passed into init float _nudge_speed_max; // "nudge" speed max (in m/s) normally from the pilot. has no effect if less than _base_speed_max. always positive. uint32_t _last_speed_update_ms; // system time that speed_max was last update. used to ensure speed_max is not update too quickly // main outputs from navigation library float _desired_speed_limited; // desired speed (above) but accel/decel limited float _desired_turn_rate_rads; // desired turn-rate in rad/sec (negative is counter clockwise, positive is clockwise) float _desired_lat_accel; // desired lateral acceleration (for reporting only) float _desired_heading_cd; // desired heading (back towards line between origin and destination) float _wp_bearing_cd; // heading to waypoint in centi-degrees float _cross_track_error; // cross track error (in meters). distance from current position to closest point on line between origin and destination // variables for reporting float _distance_to_destination; // distance from vehicle to final destination in meters bool _reached_destination; // true once the vehicle has reached the destination };