function paramVals = getParamVal(obj,paramName) % Return the value for the parameters defined in the cell array % paramName of the sid object obj % % Fabian Bredemeier - IAV GmbH % License: GPL v3 % Get list of parameter names param_names = cell(length(obj.PARM.Name),1); for i=1:length(obj.PARM.Name) param_names{i,1} = deblank(obj.PARM.Name(i,1:16)); end % Translate parameter name to cell array if only one name is provided if ~iscell(paramName) desParamNames{1} = paramName; else desParamNames = paramName; end % Read parameter(s) with boolean indexing paramVals = single(zeros(numel(desParamNames),1)); for i = 1:length(desParamNames) paramIdx = strcmp(param_names, desParamNames{i}); paramVal = single(obj.PARM.Value(paramIdx)); if isempty(paramVal) warning('Parameter could not be found!'); paramVal = []; return; end paramVals(i,1) = paramVal(1); % Prevent nultidimensional parameters if isempty(paramVals) error(['Parameter ' desParam{i} ' could not be found.']); end end end